Post subject: A hack (or GameShark/Action Replay code) of Pokemon Fire Red
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...that PREVENTS shiny pokemon from ever appearing? The reason I want this, is because I'll be playing on an emulator (I own the game, and most other pokemon games, don't start that >_> It's to make videos, anyway), and it'd REALLY suck if I got a shiny there, I can't even transfer it to one of my real games if I did find one.
Player (177)
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You do know that finding a Shiny Pokemon in an emulator won't affect your odds of finding it in another game, right?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Well aware. The thing is, I do NOT want to find one on an emulator. If I did find one, it's not like I could transfer it to my real games, and train it like a legit pokemon. I'd be left with something rare and completely, 100% useless.
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Well, then, EVERYTHING you do on the emulator is useless. I don't see how it hurts anything to have something rare just in your emulator playing. Or are you worried that someone you know will see your video with a Shiny in it and ask you why you never use it on your real life cartridge? Why don't you stop worrying about it and put your energy into finding a way to transfer emulator save files to your real game?
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DevilSpree wrote:
If I did find one, it's not like I could transfer it to my real games, and train it like a legit pokemon. I'd be left with something rare and completely, 100% useless.
I don't really understand why you are so worried about finding one when playing with an emulator. Is this some kind of thinking like "there's a 0.01% probability to find that type of pokemon, and if I happen to find it in the emulator, I wasted my probability there and I'll never find another one anymore in the real console"? You finding such a pokemon in the emulator has zero effect on the probability of finding one in the real console. :)
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There are devices with which you can copy a rom along with a save file from your pc onto a flash gba something cartridge. What do you want to do with the shiny anyway? Show your friends? Everybody is gonna assume it has been hacked, unless it sucks stats-wise which basically makes it useless anyway. >_> And the really rare Pokémon are those with high IVs or whatever-V it was called. If you wanna be competitive I'd rather go for those. If you want to test teams or strategies I recommend using [URL=]this[/URL] instead of levelling up your Pokémon and wasting your spare time. If wasting spare time is your intention to begin with, I recommend online RPGs, or browser games like OGame, tribalwars or mybrute. There's at least some interaction with other people involved in these. Which might not be what you're looking for, but oh well.
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I'm not as familiar with Fire Red as I am with the Game Boy games, but I'd assume that the game (being a remake) follows the same/similar rules as the games it copies. In GSC a pokemon is shiny if, when the encounter occurs, the RNG rolls DVs of 7777 at D0F5. So presumably you would need to find a code that fixes the DVs. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a code that says something like 'encounter pokemon with max DVs' as they are something of a holy grail amongst seasoned pokemon players.
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Kuwaga wrote:
There are devices with which you can copy a rom along with a save file from your pc onto a flash gba something cartridge. What do you want to do with the shiny anyway? Show your friends? Everybody is gonna assume it has been hacked, unless it sucks stats-wise which basically makes it useless anyway. >_> And the really rare Pokémon are those with high IVs or whatever-V it was called. If you wanna be competitive I'd rather go for those. If you want to test teams or strategies I recommend using [URL=]this[/URL] instead of levelling up your Pokémon and wasting your spare time. If wasting spare time is your intention to begin with, I recommend online RPGs, or browser games like OGame, tribalwars or mybrute. There's at least some interaction with other people involved in these. Which might not be what you're looking for, but oh well.
I really fail to see why you guys think it's pointless to prevent shiny pokemon. What purpose would it have on the emulator? Rotting away? I'd only use the emulator to make challenge videos, anyway. Also, I'd rather not spend 75$+ on a flash GBA cart (how do those even work, anyway...?)
Player (177)
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What's the point in preventing something pointless if it doesn't hurt anything else? You can make the same challenge videos with your Shiny Pokemon; they'll just be different colors.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Because it's like guessing lottery numbers on a blank sheet of paper and then avoiding with all power to get to know the actual results because you could have had the winning numbers, but haven't filled in a ticket, isn't it? Or is it more like being afraid of even guessing at all because you could be right without filling in a ticket? I don't know, I just don't get that kind of logic.
Player (177)
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Yeah, that's one way of putting it. Maybe DevilSpree is worried about finding a rare Pokemon, realizing how cool it is, and then feeling sad that it'll be very unlikely to find again. Or it could be a scientific test to compare the effects of finding Shinies versus not having any Shinies. But I have a feeling it's the first explanation, in which case a hack like what DevilSpree described doesn't really solve the problem; it just hides the problem so you don't feel bad. So DevilSpree, if you want to find more Shiny Pokemon in your real game, then don't play on an emulator at all so that you don't lose time you could have spent playing your real game! Or cheat. I see no shame in cheating in a game like Pokemon once you've mastered it.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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With games like this I always follow the golden rule that if I wouldn't be able to prove I haven't cheated after working my ass off, I am going to cheat instead or just not try at all.
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DevilSpree wrote:
I really fail to see why you guys think it's pointless to prevent shiny pokemon. What purpose would it have on the emulator? Rotting away? I'd only use the emulator to make challenge videos, anyway.
I fail to see how your logic about why you should prevent shininess can't also be used to allow them. If they have no impact on you, why go to the trouble of preventing them? Imagine, if you will, that there are three possible outcomes: You prevent shinies, you don't get them. You put in effort for no real benefit, which is a net loss of utility. You don't prevent shinies, you don't get them. Nothing has changed, so there is no net change in utility. You don't prevent shinies, and you randomly find one. Nothing has changed, since they serve no purpose, so no utility is lost or gained. So what was the point in putting in the effort to find out how/employ a means to prevent their appearance? You get no utility out of it. It's like gambling in Las Vegas at 17 and hacking the slots so that you can't ever win: you lose either way.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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You do technically want to avoid shinies, because it takes 6 frames to display the word "shiny ", right? :)
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Anyway it's very unlikely to happen. Many people play the game from beginning to end without ever meeting a shiny. It's less than 1 chance in 8000 IIRC...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 6/4/2009
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if you get a shiny pidgey, just watch out for your girlfriend...
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I don't understand the logic behind this either. Is there some special rules other than the pokemon being shiny ? Why is it useless ? Is a normal pokemon more useful than the same pokemon shiny ?
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Well, catching a shiny pokemon is useless no matter what. It's a hard to find (though not so rare that they are actively sought after) graphical swap that also wastes a bit of time whenever they sparkle. Actively looking for them is silly, but I'm sure some people really want to get replay value. Actively avoiding them is outright retarded, though, as there is no benefit in not finding them. This is assuming you aren't doing a speedrun and want to avoid the time lost from the sparkle.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine