Umihara Kawase is simply great, I have to say I enjoy this movie - great work, Blechy and Bob! It's one of these games I only play for the sake of playing, not winning. So, I'm trying to go to as many fields as possible, and play around with the fishing line.
However, there's two doors I just CAN'T get to. I don't know if this is the right thread to ask in, but does anyone know how the hell to get to these two doors?
First, this one:

The ring is where I believe you should stand, and the X where I think the hook should be placed. The red line on the platform how you should walk to charge up, and the arrow... how I imagine the jump should go if you do it right. But I just can't seem to grab onto that upper platform! I've been close, but it just feels impossible, I've been trying for eternities.
Then... this annoying one:

Same here withr the symbols... well, my theory is that you first go to one side to lure the boss over there, then quickly going over to the other side and follow the arrow... but it's hard. The REAL pain is the smoke clouds and the small seahorses the boss fires (both displayed as red symbols on the pic). You get paralyzed... well, it is possible to stay on the platform, but when you recover, the boss is... well, there. In the way. Going over him isn't at option since he'll just paralyze you and you'll fall onto him.
Any tips? I want to see more fields.
And nitsuja, you need to fix a rerecording PlayStation emulator so we can get Umihara Kawase Shun. :P