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Rridgway wrote:
Guys, how exactly does this thread keep attracting religion talk?
Do you remember why Bisqwit wants to leave this site?
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Rridgway wrote:
Guys, how exactly does this thread keep attracting religion talk?
Whenever someone is openly religious (and I'm not using the word in its derogatory sense here), there will always be people who cannot resist the urge to argue back. It doesn't help if the person in question is always willing to answer all "questions" presented to him. That only fuels the phenomenon.
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Warp wrote:
Rridgway wrote:
Guys, how exactly does this thread keep attracting religion talk?
Whenever someone is openly religious (and I'm not using the word in its derogatory sense here), there will always be people who cannot resist the urge to argue back. It doesn't help if the person in question is always willing to answer all "questions" presented to him. That only fuels the phenomenon.
People debate for the wrong reasons. I only debate to get information out to people. Rarely if ever do I consider the person I am debating with. Its not about them, its about the people who are on the sidelines watching the debate. Those are the people you want to see the information. Its good to answer questions [infact its an intergral part of spreading information] you have to be able to defend yourself. But you also have to realize that you need an exit plan. Most other people are debating simply to argue with you, so basicly they aren't going to stop.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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This post somehow ended up being really self-reflective. Stuff that is about me and not about this thread is marked with a spoiler tag: I generally take part in debates most of the time because I think something I know may benefit others in the long run. Hardly ever does anybody change their opinion during a debate, so that's a kind of a hard to achieve goal. Often people discuss because they are insecure about their own opinions. Debating then acts kind of like a reality check if their point of view can be defended easily. I also often express my thoughts out of boredom (bad habit). I hardly ever care if I turn out to be right because I don't believe in the concept of universal truths at all. Often I can seem a bit crazy because I use very uncontroversial views when arguing. I do that because I think they are too important to be totally ignored, even if the prize is making a fool out of myself. My main goal is thus getting people to think about their opinions. This makes them feel uncomfortable and that's how people often interpret bad intents into my words.
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FODA wrote:
Bisqwit, do you think God prefers you to spend your time learning to adore him or that He prefers you to spend your time working to help build a better society?
Yours is a trick question because 1) these options are not mutually exclusive and 2) there are other options.
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eternaljwh wrote:
To divert the religious talk, mundanity- To what [nonhuman] animal would you claim you are simiilar in personality?
I am fond of cats, and being percentually in the vicinity of cats for most of my life, I can best relate to them -- as in, empathise with whatever way they happen to be thinking. But as for my personality -- I don't know. I am not aware of any animal that, as species, exhibits comparably similar personality traits as I. I cannot answer that question.
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JXQ wrote:
1) What is your favorite thing that resulted from creating this site? 2) What is your least favorite thing that resulted from creating this site? Good luck in your future, Bisqwit.
Thank you, JXQ. Personally: 1) Getting to meet and talk with so many different people. I thank everyone who has so much as shared a word with me at the IRC channel. 2) Heated debates. Objectively: 1) Successful spreading of the TAS phenomenon to the world in the positive light. 2) People leaving the community unhappy. Spiritually: 1) Getting to talk about God once in a while, showing that the combination of a logically thinking mind and a believer in the God of Israel is not a myth. 2) Years of my life wasted. But then again, if it wasn't this, it would have been something else.
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You say that you like cats because they're "understandable" (this I interpret as "intelligent"), and I've heard you say before that dogs are disgusting and unpleasant. However, I think that cats are not intelligent, they only seem to be since they aren't pack animals and therefore can live independently. This is the reason I can't fathom why you would keep a cat as a pet - you buy pets because you need company, but why buy one that doesn't need company itself? Also, dogs can be disgusting but I have never found them unpleasant. In any case, my dog greeting me when I come home (which cats don't do as far as I know) makes up for anything else he does. To sum it up: Dogs are awesome. Cats? Not so much.
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Dogs cannot be trained to use a box as a bathroom.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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My cat always greeted every family member when they were coming home.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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It is an error to think that cats don't need company. Cats can get very lonely, too. In fact my cat misses me if I'm away from home for 3-5 hours or more -- even if it has everything else it needs, and it very much greets me when I come home. Also, it tends to follow me around, lounging in whatever room I'm in at that moment, and observing whatever I carry, begging to taste it if it's edible, etc.
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sixofour wrote:
Dogs cannot be trained to use a box as a bathroom.
Untrue. My parents have done it before. [edit] Also, a friend of mine has a cat that follows her like a shadow everywhere she goes, in constant need of attention and affection.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Just as other animals, different cats have different personalities. My cat is afraid of anything and switches randomly from angrily wanting attention and sleeping on top of the fridge.
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Bisqwit wrote:
But as for my personality -- I don't know. I am not aware of any animal that, as species, exhibits comparably similar personality traits as I. I cannot answer that question.
If you want to know what animal that is similar to you, just ask yourself what your horoscope is. Most horoscopes are animals.
Swedishmartin wrote:
You say that you like cats because they're "understandable" (this I interpret as "intelligent"), and I've heard you say before that dogs are disgusting and unpleasant.
A dog is a man's best friend and cats are women's best friend. But I don't really like dogs because they start licking you everywhere and they jump on me and behave crazy. But of course, there are many different kinds of dogs with different behaviour. I like cats because they are so cute. I've never had a pet, but I often see cats when I'm walking outside. Today I saw two rabbits. I wish I was a rabbit or some other animal because animals are not as conscious as humans. It sucks to be conscious of thoughts. Wild animals don't think about anything.
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nfq wrote:
If you want to know what animal that is similar to you, just ask yourself what your horoscope is. Most horoscopes are animals.
Do you believe in horoscopes? I thought only crackpot characters do. Well, if it's any insight to you, my horoscope (or zodiac symbol) is also a feline.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Do you believe in horoscopes?
Astrology has much truth in it, but not much today anymore, because almost nobody understands the science of astrology anymore. Astrology was an ancient science superior to astronomy. Ancient myths like the Bible teach a lot about astrology. The Bible is full of astrological references (for example the 12 disciples/constellations). The New Testament and Jesus life is an allegorical story about man's life through the constellations of the Zodiac towards enlightenment. We all have to go through these signs, and learn to become the sign that we are, and eventually we evolve into God, so that we can express all these twelve personality traits. According to Ezekiel 1 in the Bible, the Zodiac is the throne of God and God is at the center of it. Humans only have one horoscope, but God expresses and radiates all the signs of the Zodiac from itself. Jesus was a fish sign; he was the personification of the age of pisces, that's why there are so many references to fish in the New Testament. For example when Jesus said to the unbelievers: 'You ask for signs, but you will see no sign, except the sign of Jonah' (whale/fish/pisces). Today we are leaving behind the age of pisces and entering the new age of aquarius, that's why Christianity is starting to die/change. Some people think that something 'magical' will happen when we enter a new age ('2012'), but the fact is that it's no more different than when clock moves from 5 o'clock to 6 o'clock, except on a larger scale.
I thought only crackpot characters do.
You don't think I'm a crackpot? :) Yeah, I don't smoke crack, but I have similar beliefs that crackpots (hippies) have.
Well, if it's any insight to you, my horoscope is also a feline.
Feline? I guess that's a lion. Lions have great courage and they are proud animals. I'm cancer (crab), so I'm very shy, but I will evolve into a lion later in my life, or in my next life. Crabs live in a shell and are afraid to come out. The shell is hard, but it breaks easily. Metaphorically, this means that I often act like I'm hard and arrogant, but I break easily and I'm fragile.
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nfq wrote:
If you want to know what animal that is similar to you, just ask yourself what your horoscope is. Most horoscopes are animals.
Keeping scorpions seems like a bad idea. And to the cat people: Yeah, it seems I was wrong. If cats are as good as you say, they are absolutely better than dogs. Nevermind animals though. Let's get to the real discussion: religion. (THIS IS A JOKE DON'T TALK MORE ABOUT RELIGION MAYBE GOD EXISTS MAYBE HE DOESN'T BUT ANYWAY YOU WON'T CONVERT THE OTHER SIDE IN ANY CASE SO JUST DROP IT)
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nfq. You are the best member.
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This has probably been asked before, but how long do you reckon this topic will go on?
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Untill the forums reach their limit. Though, I know a forum with a topic that has 4523 pages with 20 posts on yeah....
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Bisqwit wrote:
It is an error to think that cats don't need company. Cats can get very lonely, too. In fact my cat misses me if I'm away from home for 3-5 hours or more -- even if it has everything else it needs, and it very much greets me when I come home. Also, it tends to follow me around, lounging in whatever room I'm in at that moment, and observing whatever I carry, begging to taste it if it's edible, etc.
Exactly like my cat. The difference is that the cat doesn't fisically show affection like a dog does, but that's instinct talking, not "personality". I dislike the fact that cats eat meat though, I think all carnivore animals should be sterilized.
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I eat horse, dolphin and whale :P Meat is good. Without it humanity would die out. There is no such thing as a healthy vegatarian.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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sixofour wrote:
Meat is good. Without it humanity would die out. There is no such thing as a healthy vegatarian.
far from the truth IRL, it is possible to live a healthy life without animal products, although some nutrients, like iron and B12, will be harder to come by. IMO when I finally make a lot of money, I will work up the courage to go vegan.
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I'm allergic to carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onions, spinach, paprika, leek, cabbage, vinegar and lots of other vegetables. I like eggs, milk and meat, beans, rice, fruit and corn (except for rye, I'm allergic to that) and nuts except walnuts and peanuts (allergic to both, peanuts aren't really nuts though). I don't know if I could live from just fruit, corn, beans and nuts and I don't even want to try. I'm glad there are animal products, they make nutrition a lot less complicated. I still often feel malnutritioned though. Edit: I know a very healthy vegan by my definition of health btw. >_>
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Well, I guess everyones view on healthy is different. Ive never seen a healthy vegetarian. Meat taste great.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*