1:24 - Monastery Steps. I remember this clearly. First, this screen lags horribly. It might be the emulator, it might be the trees in the foreground, but something isn't right and it made my backhops take 13-14 frames each. You can't backhop up slopes. Shanoa will go a few pixels and stop. However, I did try backhopping anyway, and I found it to be faster than sliding (which works fine on slopes), but slower than what I did in the movie. But again, I just tested it now, and it was 7 frames slower. So my testing was wrong. Another point for Atma. However, assuming I choose jump, then the jump is optimal because it gives me the shortest path to the floor in the next room. So it's not exactly 20 frames.
1:25 - Dropping Down from Doorways. Taking the shortest path to the floor like this is always fastest if you end your previous backhop in the right place. However, it is not worth it to delay your backhop such that you can drop straight down to resume backhopping sooner. Basically, because I can't jump during the 10 frames I'm in the air during a backhop, and the length of a backhop is approximately equal to that of a doorway, I might find it to be faster or just as fast to 'float' off a doorway. Especially if I'm manipulating enemies. (2:56)
1:28 - Killing skeletons. These guys take lots of time to either kill or dodge. And I know I have to kill a certain number of them to reach level 2. So I chose to kill the first ones I saw for entertainment.
1:37 - wtf. I dodge and kill this skeleton. This is horrifyingly stupid and I can't remember why. I'd like to blame the zombies but I can't be sure. It's possible that this was what it took for me to pass through the second zombie. It's also possible that this skeleton had the 'quickdraw' and was going to bone me regardless. This I'll rewind for if it's fixable. (FUCK.) I'm sure Atma noticed, but I'm surprised he missed the chance to call me sloppy.
1:45 - sliding into a bat. Reversing direction while backhopping costs frames. Drawing out the rapier costs even more frames. Sliding is a huge delay, but I could not dodge the bat without stopping. So I positively had to either slide our use my rapier. And sliding was faster. It's also funny, because I do 1 damage to everything in the game with my foot.
1:47 - what Atma said about 6448. I jump high because I do not backdash. It seems very unlikely that either the skeleton or the bats would have caught me if I had backdashed. If it was a mistake, it's less than 5 frames. If I rewind to 1:37 then I'll have to redo everything anyway. (No major hexing the movie in this game. The work is lost.) One point for Atma.
Yes, this game really does call for paragraphs every 10 seconds. Every screen is unique. Later levels I'll be able to say 'like in the Monastery', at least.
1:53 - BOOM. I love this part. This is what I'd like to do to the tutorial in Ecclesia.
2:02 - Magnes. The third Magnes probably looks sub-optimal. But you can't direct Magnes until after it sucks you into the center. And if you're going too fast it holds you there a bit. You can't just tap 'R' as you pass over it. So I fling myself quickly into the next room.
2:09 - low cieling. Already mentioned. At 2:10 the entrance to the secret room is definitely optimal.
2:23 - falling again from a great height. When the height is high enough, it's worth holding left right in midair to move a few extra pixels even though it delays backhopping. I skip the Book of Secrets because it's not something you can open and walk from. It causes one of those annoying boxes that holds you up a few seconds. I also figured I could use subtitles to do the same thing if someone was offended. And sure enough, first comment from Atma, was that I missed the Book.
2:31 - bastard skeleton. This jerk *has* to hit me. Seriously. Nothing I could do could dodge him without stopping for longer than it would take to start backhopping again. (I hope this is why I acted the way I did at 1:37.) The horizontal displacement is meaningless since I get it back for free in the next few vertical jumps. I'd wobble there anyway.
2:33 - again. Another instance of 1:47. Which proves it was intentional. But being intentional doesn't mean it wasn't dumb or wrong. And i see no bats here.
2:50 - Magnes up to the boss door. Shooting myself left could be done on the first earliest frame I could reach the magnet point. It was faster to shoot myself up and left, then backhop right, than it was to move around and shoot myself in the correct direction. I'm sure that looks wrong.
The boss was surprisingly straightforward compared to the platforming parts. He always starts by rolling at you. So I can get in, at most, 1 "magic bar" and 3 unions. Sneaking in the third union requires doing it last as I use Magnes to save myself. Because I land as early as possible, the boss is still moving, and thus I couldn't combo him even if I had MP. So I use the 4th and final union now to maximize my MP usage for the rest of the fight.
EDIT: Sneaky, klmz. :) This link is only good ten times. So no one download it before klmz gets a chance to.