Player (71)
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Only three levels left to do now! Level 5 was kinda irritating since there are monks jumping around and turn into spiders that shoots everywhere. Took some manipulation to complete what I wanted. Some stuff might look unnecessary to people just watching the run. But they are there for a purpose. Like jumping etc. Anyways. To be continued. About to get working on level 6 now.
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I have done level 6 and 7 today. About to kick ass on level 7's boss. Seems tricky. But I think I have found a good tactic against him. Hehe. Or maby I should just use brute force. Hehe. After this only level 8 and final boss is left. To bad though. The game is NOT beatable in the 5min limmit it seems. Not unless someone knows stuff that I don't about this game. :D Current time stands at 6min and 3 seconds. Thats still impresive for this game. In level 6 I found that I somehow could jump through fire at some points. Seems weird. But I did sure abuse that to save some time. :) Also found some time saving moves in level 6 which shaved off a few centi-seconds. Another discovery I made is that when you charge the psycho (regular weapon), the character is able to jump higher for some reason. This was abused at some elavators in level 6 and without my direct knowledge in level 3 as well. :) Anyways.. I will try to get this run ready ASAP. I'm feeling kinda motivated now. Cheers fellas.
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Word. Waiting to see it as a submission. The furthest we ever got in this game when playing it on a console as a kid was the boss in the black outfit who shot flame and flew across the top of the screen. I assume that's the level 7 boss? I can't remember :)
Player (71)
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Yeah. Thats the level 7 boss. I don't think he will be that hard really. All you have to do is to stay under him. But that won't look so stylish in the run. So I will experiment a little and see if I can beat him faster and more impressive.
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Ok. Right now I'm batteling the FINAL boss for the run. Should be posted within perhaps an hour. :) Anyways. I menaged to do that backward shooting again. Think I'm getting control of it. When you charge the psycho to max, then fire it off, your character won't be able to shoote for some frames. If you hold down the B button he will fire as soon as he can. Right as you do this, turn the other way from where you want the fireball to go. This will make the fireball move the opposit direction. I've made a picture of this. As you can see in this case, I want to shoot against the boss, being to the right, just as the ball launches I turn to the left, away from the boss. The fireball now flies towards the boss, but backwards. :) Funny ain't it? =) Doesn't do anything special. It's just a graphical bug or what to call it. Perhaps someone else can explain this more in code or something to get a real understanding about it. On the link below I will include a save state which you can load to perform this glitch(?) on your own. All you have to do when you load it is to hold down the B button and hold the left direction as you hit the quick load button. If you didn't understand that, hold left+B-button and hit F8 in Gens to quick load. :) Not sure if it works at full speed. If not, slow down your emu to 10% to try this out. :)
Player (71)
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Ok people. The submission has been made. Go and check it out!
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Downloading now....
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Voting yes Find it amusing that the damsel in distress is NAKED Yeehaw! We would have been floored if we ever beat this game as kids ;)
Post subject: Mystic Defender V2
Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
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Location: Sweden
Well.. I finaly started this run again. This time with advance key only. Last run was made with 20%-6% speed. Not too good accuracy there. Now I really get to think how to do it all. Very nice. Anyways.. Let's get down to data. Title screen is now ONE entire frame faster than before. HORRAY FOR THAT!! :D I have only played up to first boss, just beat the second miniboss (carterpillar). So far I'm 28 frames faster than current run. Which I think is good. I will probably be able to shave off a coupld of seconds from the old run. I have put up the new run if you wanna watch. Just click the link Oh. Things you might wanna take notice on. I'm now using Rev00 because of it's having a better ending. :D I'm not using the japanese version because he has clothes that looks silly, plus the story is longer and I hate to wait for action. Alot more bullshit. :) Also take notice while watching the scene with the carterpilar. I have to wait because the carterpillar is not hitable until the time switch 0:21:00. So thats why I sorta wait for him to get out a bit from the right. But I time it very good so that I smoke him away just as he turns hitable. :) Thats all for now. I think. Oh well. Yeah. One more thing. Jumps are alot more precise now, and I use a diffrent rout. Nothing special about it since it's as fast as the current, but I get to smoke more enemies this way, plus it's technically harder the new way. Hehe.. YAY for that. Oh well.. Go ahead and look. Some comments would be nice as well.
Player (71)
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Ok. Finished first boss now. I'm 51 frames faster than the current run. This is starting to look great. :D But it takes alot more planning and routing etc.
Player (71)
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Hehe.. I redid the boss fight and guess what? For the entire level I shaved 1 second and 51 frames. Sounds good eh? =D Anyways. I don't think I will be doing any more today since I'm kinda drunk. Hehe. I beleive the sences needs to be sharp when making runs. Otherswise it will be "Hehe.. I just added one second and no one will ever notice. Bwahahah!". And I'm not too fond of that. Bwahahah. Cheers anyways.
Player (247)
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hey it indeed looks great, gj! - you are recording 3 buttons controllers, isnt it better to always record at 6 (so people dont have to reconfigure gens?), maybe its not a problem at all, i dont know... - one thing i couldnt figure out is why is it that sometimes you stop walking (it seems to be that you are charging a shot right after jumping). its a sudden stop, cant it be avoided? you seem to use a lot of shots without slowing down at all, but sometimes theres those sudden stops...
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About controller settings... I don't really know why I'm using 3 buttons instead of 6. About those sudden stops. At some points it's unavoidable. The character performs a small move with his hands. And since he's not that much of a hero he can't walk around and move his arms at the same time. It's that small animation for a few frames that causes those stops. I try to eleminate them when I can.
Player (71)
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Due to I kill the first boss faster it takes a bit longer to walk out of the screen. This was barley 21 frames faster than old version. How ever. In level 2 I decided to take damage. Comparing to the old run I'm 47 frames faster after the first set of stairs. At some times one can get lucky so that the "take damage animation" only takes up one frame. This is not easily manipulated though. Took me like 50 retries to get it right. I'm a bit unmotivated to work on speed runs right now though. I just got nothing else to do. My friend is sleeping in my sofa and he's snoring really loud. And I'm not that tired right now anyways.
Player (71)
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Just completed level 2. About to bully the boss around. So far I'm 4.7 seconds faster than current version. This is due alot of damage taking again. I can't take any more damage as it is right now. One more hit and I'll die!! :( Anyways.. The biggest deal today was that I got around to manipulate the damage taking better. The damage animation only takes up one frame before I'm free to move again. Jumping takes about 2-3 frames before the jumping animation kicks in. This means that I can input commands before I take the hit so that the character moves instantly when he can. Because the damage animation is so short, people won't notice this at all, besides the life bars are reducing. Cool huh? =) For those of you that wanna watch the progress I've put the gmv up on my FTP. My apache is acting weird. :/ Anyways. Here's the info: Login: Use your own nickname Password: mystic defender Adress: Port: 666
Player (71)
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Just finished second boss. Was able to shave off another 1.1 seconds from the old time! Not bad eh? =) Damn I love frame advance key. I hope this trend keeps going on for me. Wonder if I could shave off another 33 seconds? =) Would come down to 6min blank if thats so. That is not bad for this game. Also.. I'm trying to figure wether I should use death in order to get more health. I think it would be such a great time shaver that it'd be worth it.
Player (71)
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Hmm.. There's an issue with using death as a life restoration in this game. I will loose all powerups and thus charge the psycho alot slower. This could lead to alot of waiting at some points which won't look that good, even though it should be faster. Powerups can be regained later on though. Some of the powerups needs minor detours or slowdowns though. Any thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated if posted. I could go about and just collect health instead. But this would require minor detours and slowdowns as well. And I would probably not earn as much time as with completley refilled health. The question is remaining though how much more damage I need to take in order to finish the game. As far as I can see I only need to take damage in level three and six to shave off greater ammounts of time. But the charging speed means alot when it comes to bosses. Especially the twin snake boss in level four since that already have about the best result possible in the current run.
Player (71)
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Hmm.. I should probably keep my eyes open when making speed runs. Health is regenerated after a boss is cleared. So it doesn't seem like an issue anymore. I will just go on and make this when I get time. Right now I'm trying to plan a slightly diffrent rout of level 3. So far they have only ment slowdowns. But they look alot cooler. But I will go for speed anyways. :) Cheers!
Player (71)
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Ok. So I decided I would go on abit more with this. Still on level 3. Shaved off half a second already after half level. To bad I haven't found virtually any place where I could take damage to save time so far in this level. I continued until I finished level 3. Hehe. This is pretty good if you ask me. Shaved another 3 seconds! :D So far I'm 9,1 seconds faster than current version. I don't think I can save that much time in level 4 as it is right now. But I proved my self wrong earlier as well. Oh. One great time saver in level 3 is that when standing on an elavator you can sorta spring from it, pulling of a jump that is higher than usualy. I use that trick twice.
Player (71)
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Did level 4 today. Gee.. I didn't think I could save any time there at all. Turned out that I saved another 1.1 second. So far I'm 10.2 seconds faster since V1. This is getting exciting. Let's see what the upcoming level can give me. :)
Player (71)
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First part of level 5 is now completed. Kicked the miniboss without problems. This just amazes me more and more. Compared to the old version this first part of level 5 shaved off 2.3 seconds! This means I'm 12.5 seconds ahead. I'm just sooooo eager to continue right now. Just had to post the progress. :) Compared to the old version I don't kill all enemies in my way. I rather jump over them and focus on walking towards the miniboss. There were some major hard situations where I really had to try out every way possible when jumping. The missed shots so far are ment to be there to charge the psycho. I tried to do it while hitting enemies, but it just get's too complicated some times, and it would look more stupid to walk around with a full charged psycho. Besides the psycho fully charged takes a whole lot of time to fire. There for I choose to "miss" some shots.
Player (71)
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Second part of level 5 is now complete. Hehe. I'm feeling good at posting in this thread. Used a diffrent rout compared to the old version. This includes missing a powerup. But it seems that I don't need any more powerups. I didn't know the max before so I did try it out. Turned out the total of this level saved me another 2.3 seconds. So this comes to 14.8 seconds faster. Great huh? =) There will perhaps be some questions when I submit this new movie. In level 5 where I choose another rout. It seems slower. But I tried this out carefully and it turns out that the lower rout is about half a second faster. It does include more jumping and fiering though, which seems pretty dumb. But as I mentioned, I tried both ways and the lower way gave best result no matter how I did it. Cheers! Let's see what level 6 can give us. :D
Player (71)
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Might as well add the link to the new run. Please give me comments and critics. That will have to be it for today. Now I'm about to head out. Take care for today people! Hope you enjoy my new work.
Joined: 12/20/2004
Posts: 226
I was going to watch this and give you comments, (though I don't know much about this game) but the link you gave timed out. Sorry, but I can't give you comments if your link doesn't work.
Player (71)
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Hmm.. Computer had in a mysterious way rebooted. The link is working again. :)