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Ok, funny story. I'm in Ganon's lair, nearing the end of the quest. I go up 2 rooms, and clear the room for the first key. I now have 2 keys (I came in with 1). Now I bomb left, take the stairs, go right through 1 locked door, go up through another locked door, and left to the second set of stairs. Now, I'm in a room with 5 zols and 3 locked doors, so I check the key guide: Edit 2: Here's the new key plan: Level 3: 2-1=1 Level 4: 1+2-2=1 Level 1: 1+4-4=1 (key glitch not used) Level 5: 1+2-3=0 (skip the 2 keys in the rooms with 5 gibdos) Level 8: 0+1-1=0 (skip the key before the boss) Level 2: 0+3-0=3 Level 6: 3+3-2=4 Level 7: 4+0-3=1 Level 9: 1+2-3=0 Looks like I'm missing one key. So I check the map, and it looks like the last key that I need to unlock the last door is actually BEHIND the last door. And looking at the map again, I see no other keys in sight. Michael, where am I going to get this last key from?
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Ok, problem solved. I decided to get the extra key in L7 by bombing to the right of the first Digdogger. This takes a second or two longer than getting the key in L1, but I can also get bomb refills from the enemies there instead of killing the Dodongo later on. So it all works out. The video will be finished in a few hours.
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The video will be finished in a few hours.
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Looks like I'm missing one key. So I check the map, and it looks like the last key that I need to unlock the last door is actually BEHIND the last door. Oops, sorry about that, I guess I should have been more careful. It's a good thing you got bombs in that room because now you have an excuse not to go all the way back to level 5 to kill 5 gibdos for a key. By the way, what's wrong with having negative keys for a few rooms? Actually this reminds me of a joke I once heard, in which 2 people walk into a house and 3 people walk out. I don't remember the whole joke, but the punchline was that a mathematician who was watching the house says that if exactly one person walks back into the house it'll be empty again.
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A philosopher, a biologist, and a mathimatician are watching a house, they see two people go in, and a few minutes later three people come out. The philosopher explains that a third person was already in the house, and left just now with the other two. The biologist explains that they procreated. The mathimatician says that if we now stick someone into the house, he will disappear.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Arc wrote:
Nope, now he's got the 2nd quest to do, the story isn't over yet.
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Ouch. The new L7 = 2:30, 13 seconds slower. But lets see: (13 sec) - (2sec for whistle switch) = 11 sec - (2sec for bombs) = 9 sec detour for key I guess not too bad since the L1 key or key glitch takes about 6-8? I guess even sub-26:30 is out now. Might even be a struggle for a sub-27. Almost done L9.
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The key glitch would take 6.35 seconds, but I think the fastest key would be killing 5 gibdos in level 5. By the way, I have a question. Between levels 5 and 8, you need to burn a tree to get the 100 rupees. I guess it's not really that important, but I was just wondering exactly when you switched to the candle.
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LOL, I touch Zelda at 26:56. I promised sub-27 didn't I? Talk about close. This is run was about 30 seconds longer than I expected. Im gonna look over L9 again then send it to you Michael and see if you give it the thumbs up. Btw, the trick with hitting Ganon over and over again only works after the 2nd hit. It wont work on the first hit.
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I just thought of an idea. When you start hitting Ganon over and over, see if you're able to get him to be at the top of the room when you do that. If you're somehow able to do that, you would have a shorter walk to the triforce and save another second or two. Edit: LOL, I touch Zelda at 26:56. What happened to all that time? I thought I remembered you calculating that it would be under 26:30. I know you lost some time in level 7 because the game doesn't allow you to have negative keys for a few rooms, but it didn't waste that much. Did you lose a lot of time in level 9?
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Sleepz wrote:
Im gonna look over L9 again then send it to you Michael and see if you give it the thumbs up.
Are you going to send it to me soon? I really want to see it, but it's getting kind of late, so I want to know if I should go to bed now or stay up a little longer and wait for you to send it to me so I can watch it today. If you don't think you'll be able to send it within about half an hour, I'll probably just go to bed.
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L9 Time = 4:18, which is 20 seconds slower than yours. I'm uncertain if this is a good time or not, also factoring in the one room cleared for the key. I think it is though, considering that a total of 10 rooms had to be cleared with a lesser sword. I just thought of an idea. When you start hitting Ganon over and over, see if you're able to get him to be at the top of the room when you do that. If you're somehow able to do that, you would have a shorter walk to the triforce and save another second or two. Already tried it. More time is wasted waiting for Ganon to teleport closer to the door than going straight at him. Edit: It's sent. Edit: Sorry, forgot to hit send. Its sent now.
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Thank you, now I'll start clicking the receive email button every 5 seconds and then I'll watch it. Edit: This is strange, I still didn't get it. I thought emails don't usually take more than a few seconds to get sent. Edit 2: Are you sure you got my email address right? I can't imagine why it's taking so long for me to receive it. I'll just wait a few more minutes and if I still don't get it I'll go to bed and check my email again tomorrow. Edit 3: Never mind, I just received it.
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This time I'm not commenting on any quarter second mistakes, but I just thought of a way that you could have saved about 2 seconds. After level 5 when you paused the game, you should have switched to the blue candle before pressing Up+A, and that way you wouldn't have needed to switch later. Edit: So far nothing else that's more than a second. I noticed you didn't do Up+A after level 7. I assume you tested this already, so I'm curious, in that situation how much faster is walking down a screen than doing Up+A?
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Ok. You're right there. Anything else? Edit: Besides the candle switch, do you think its good enough to be submitted? On another note, even though the run took somewhat longer than expected, I think it sort of looks neat that its just barely under that 27 min mark. 26:56. It stresses the fact that its under 27 min. As for a sub 26:30, I dont know where I can make up 26 whole seconds, and sub-26 is just out of the question. Edit: Up+A after 7 would actually be a hair faster, but the thing is, I need full health for L9. Up+A takes that away.
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I'm done watching the video, and it was very good. Good fighting, good route and planning, and good key choices (except for that one that was my fault). It's probably very close to the fastest possible time. However, I do have two things I want to say. I'm not sure because I was watching it at full speed so it was hard to tell, but I think you could have stopped recording a few frames sooner, so if that's the case you should fix it before you submit it. As I said in the last paragraph, I was watching it at full speed so there's a good chance that I'm wrong, but it looked like the Ganon fight could have been slightly faster (maybe by a quarter of a second). I don't have time to try it out now since it's so late, but tomorrow I'll try redoing the Ganon fight to see if I can get a faster time. Edit: do you think its good enough to be submitted? Yeah, it's good enough, but make sure you stopped recording as soon as possible. It was hard to tell exactly at the speed I was watching, but it looked like it could have been stopped 3-6 frames sooner. As for my comment about the Ganon fight, don't worry about it. I don't even know for sure that it can be done faster, and if it can be, then only by a tiny amount, and even if I am able to improve it you'll always just be able to just submit it again.
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Alright, Ill quickly redo the Ganon fight and try to stop the video a few frames sooner before I submit it.
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I'm gonna post about your Zelda video on the ZHQ forums, I hope you don't mind (though if you do mind just let me know).
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Michael Fried wrote:
I'm gonna post about your Zelda video on the ZHQ forums, I hope you don't mind (though if you do mind just let me know).
Dont mind at all :) . I want everyone to see the results of all the planning and work that went into this.
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I'm also going to post about it on GameFAQs, but I'll wait until tomorrow for that. I'm so tired that I can't stay up one more minute, so I'm going to sleep now.
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Well, I redid the Ganon fight twice and it ended up being the same as my first fight (have to move a bit to land the last hit), so I just kept in the first fight. Tried getting him closer to the door again, but its still slower. Ganon starts off in the top left, then teleports to points in the lower half of the screen before up again. I also end the video 3 frames faster, but it still ends up as 26:56. Submitting now.
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Thanks. Congratulations on your 100th post btw :) I'll process this movie tonight - will be 11-14 hours from now (because of work and other things I have to attend to)
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That. Was. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Great job, Sleepz!
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Sleepz, I have another question that I forgot to ask yesterday. I noticed you didn't blow the whistle an extra time, but when you warped to 3 after 1 or 1 after 3, you skipped passed 2. Do you know why that happened? I stopped the movie just before you blew the whistle and tried blowing it myself, and I just went to 2.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Sleepz, I have another question that I forgot to ask yesterday. I noticed you didn't blow the whistle an extra time, but when you warped to 3 after 1 or 1 after 3, you skipped passed 2. Do you know why that happened? I stopped the movie just before you blew the whistle and tried blowing it myself, and I just went to 2.
He blows the whistle twice both times he needs to skip a location. At least, I think it was twice..
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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