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It's not every frame, but it is near it. Somewhat like how Pokemon's works.
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sometime I get the same items while 50 frame, sometime 20 and other time only 1 frame(actually I got the "Pointed Hat" on 1 frame... on the next 4 other frame; nothing, then after 5 frame I got the "Pointed Hat", while 2 other frame again, then nothing while 300-800frame, then this is kinda the same thing(but still different)... sometime I can get it on 3 successive frame I feel like they program the game differently, while advancing on the game... they also some memory address from the battle dommage that move on other address, this is kinda weird. At this point, I feel like this can be totally random, or we need to reach a determinent level(or this story-line, I.m actually waiting some frame to get kinisson) to unlock some "very rare items"(see this list).
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BadPotato wrote:
I probably avoid to get my party killed to dont bypass the limit break XP
what is this "limit break XP" thing?
Yesterday I tryed more than 1500frame one by one to get one(reload after each end battle to check the item drop)...
it might be easier and faster to test all those frames if you use some kind of makro program so that you only have to press one key to test each frame. that's what i did on a phantasy star TAS where i had to test each frame to get the fastest kill. but if you can understand the RNG, that's probably much better of course. however, you probably don't really need those cotlets anyway. this game is not so hard, i doubt you will die without the cotlets.
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I explain XP problem sometime... but here there are: ==> so... if an characther (low level like 20) is the only one on the party he should get all the XP from the battle(6 monsters level ~40-50), as I understand, if an characther get more than ~350,000...xp... he should level ridisculus fast and better than an normal caracther level ~40-50 in the same condition. So, if am going to avoid this glitch... I mainly have to don't get any charachter uncouncious at the end battle. This seem ridiculous, but looks like this is how this works. So cotlets can be good and I have some frame to spare while waiting for kinisson. After this I wont need any Items drop from enemy I think..(or for a long time) Macro, seem to be a very good idea, I'll check for this. If I found some clue about the RNG while the run, I'll probably restart it...
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next part :) ==> (stream) ==> (flv download ~120mo) .pxm (longer than the video stream and may desynch after have securing pilika) ==> if someone can confirm me that this wont desync before the video end point, with the same setting than my actual config(see post before), could be nice :D ok, so I think that I made 2 big error. -At the mist boss, I should waiting for kill him in his "femal form". There a special loot of 15K potch instead of some healing scroll.. -Then too many battle in sparrow pass: The escape talisment in the chest could be bought in muse city and the fight with killer bee to get the flaming arrow scroll is useless and can be bought in store. To spare time while waiting for kinisson show up, I get 3 killer rune.. I that the fury are usless, while our hero can give the beserk status to the party with some luck... but it's still almost impossible to deal many critical hit in 1 fight sequence. Then I know to recruit stallion, we have to "run away" 50time for our training... So avoiding random battle is somewhat useless, thought, I'll try to manipulate the random battle to get everytime, some different monster for entertainment.. Sometime, while skipping the whole text, it's useless to press on X. When lucas blight ask to the villager to act like a pig... she have to do 1 complete turn, so this may help the viewer to read some text!! I was surprise that we can't skip the FLV video cutscene... and I should say that the music sucks a lots. I've test many other "frame confirm" in ryube forest to get the crean cotlet with the super macro software... and I never got it with my actual party versus 3 boar, while waiting for kinisson. Sometime, my characther seem to walk in some object/wall, like a non-tas speedrun... this is not. Actually to avoid some random battle(or get specific battle), knock hiself on a wall seem to "reset" some RNG... very weird On next part, I recruit hanna meet nanami and doing the Sindar quest. I'll recruit templeton when I'll got the blink mirror, probably in same time of Tomo recruitement(the Tsai son)
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Woah! Of course you can skip the scene where Nanami is escaping with A and Jowy from Kyaro, but I thought we can get through the game without her. I guess the game has to find some way to bring her in, in the later run. So now we know that it's "A", leader of the "A" Army - and maybe when he reaches North Window, he'll call his home the "A" Castle! :-P
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If you're going for 120 star recruitment wouldn't it be faster to nab Mukumuku from Genkaku's place before you talk to Nanami?
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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I believe he is encouraged to aim for fastest time.
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Nope, get mukumuku there is a bad idea, actually we meet nanami at muse city front door... if we don't rescue her at kyaro, mukumuku will be with her and we are forced to have him in our team for the sindar quest... and he'snt a valuable character. He's attack sucks, he'snt the stonger of the squirrel squad and I prefer shiro :) yes on fastest time(without the glitch like the kindness rune, matilda border, infinite money...etc) for the best ending, that require only 108 star.
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you had to wait a pretty long time for shiro and kinnison. it would have probably been better to skip rikimaru before and take him while you're waiting for them to appear.
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If that is possible, then Millie's points of location would concern me. Before Rikimaru is recruited, Millie would walk around the southeast section of Ryube. After Rikimaru joins, Millie would re-locate herself to the northeast section of Ryube before entering the woods. On the other hand, if it's possible to go straight into the woods to reset the fallen bird's nest; take action to recruit Rikimaru; and then recruit Millie after beating her pet-boss; then maybe that will be enough time for Shiro and Kinnison to show up. But no matter how that part of the game is planned, there can be a little concern. I understand.
nfq wrote:
you had to wait a pretty long time for shiro and kinnison. it would have probably been better to skip rikimaru before and take him while you're waiting for them to appear.
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I should say that the the "fleeing random battle" could probably have a better optimization, so the time to travel and get back to ryube could be longer than have fleeing a lot... to have less fleeing battle to bother after for the stallion recruit. Thought your statement make probably more sens. I know that the item shop in ryube sold some flamings arrows in the rare item. If have some business in south, this might be interresting. I know that the double head sneak in sindar is particuliary weak against fire... So I'm going to test if the flaming arrow are good with my low level characther against him, or it's better to just keep attacking him, while he is knockdown.
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wip, wip, wip... hoora!! part5: (download ~170mb) (pxm) First, this time I tried to kkapture this with 56fps(that is how the game should run 95% in emulator), either than 60 to see if some sound problem may become more "synchronized"... I din't have time to compare with the previous one.. so if this sound more comfortable, tell me. This new fps make the game many minute slower thought. Also, it seem that I possibly choice the wrong iso.. I'm actually using the NTSC (US) one, but this thread said that the PAL English iso could be better on many things and particularly the sound problem fix. In either way, when I'm not playing with the "sound synchronization" option checked the music still very good/perfect. Anyway, now this TAS become very hard to do... in fact, to see if there no synchronization problem, I have always to playback from the starts of the game... and wait ~20-30minutes in fast foward to see if all is going correctly and Muse city... is sometime hard with lag!!! Does replaying the whole game is the only to check unsynchronized issue? Is it possible to load an earlier savestate and then.. starts the pxm files at the same frame?? I din't think that this game could be so long to replay.. those other people tasing RPG with ~4hours are replay for the start too? I would like some advice about this, thanks. -- So about this runs: I get the true rune... meet nanami. She said: "this is a very big adventure" to explain why she's appear behind our party :D I decided to use my double beat rune on rikimaru, shiro and nanami, in the Inn.. bought 3 fire rune, that I would like to embed on some weapon I've also made a little mistake, when selling the sacrifice jizo at muse city the first time, that I go there... so I bought it there as well. Then in sindar ruins... I have to fight some salamanders to get jowy at level13 to unlock the third sword rune ability.. that deal ~700dmg on the double head snake. These monster can rarely drop some "fire lizard" rune... actually I thought that this was easier to just get this item in the chest that manipulate luck for this... (this might be longer to wait for the correct frame too!!) After this, going back to muse.. meet flicktor again and accept a job to sneaks how are the food in highlander garrison nearby. I meet clive and elza, I like how elza take us to flee!!! Then, I talk for first time to Anita(need to talk to her, and quit the aera and talk to her again 3 time to be able to recruit this star). In highlander garnison, I get the fire sealing rune(void any fire dmg)... I think that I'll attach this one to nanami with the embed fire lizard(x1.5dmg)... she'll become totally badass! When, fighting some highlander... I'm somewhat surprise to reach level 30 with nanami. Looks like that I definitly can't abuse any error in the game... in the worse case, I could fix the purpose of this run simply as "low glitch" while I'm definitely disagree to using the major glitch with the kindness rune. As I said in a previous post... I might do all the whole run without being in unconscious status to don't abuse more XP problem. However I'll have to test my theory agin to be sure at 100%. Anyways on the next part... I should finish everything in muse city, there is a tactical war to manipulate to get gilbert, without have to heal him :) Then meet the circus group again, travel to kurkus.. meet flicktor at south windows again... and maybe kick some neclord ass!! I've also get thiekreis on DS... all I have to say about is: "boah... I hate more the hero than the 'enemy' ". Also, I din't even play on suiko III, IV, V and tacticals... but why the gameplay have to be so bad !!! Thought, I agree that many other DS game aren't even better. At least... I success to get the Godspeeds talisman in a hided chest.... seriously common.. Edith: looks like that megavideos still a limit videos watch, if you guys are stuck on this, you should be able to stream the videos with some smplayer/vlc videos players thought... I might upload some high quality part on youtube, if you want.
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"Does replaying the whole game is the only to check unsynchronized issue? Is it possible to load an earlier savestate and then.. starts the pxm files at the same frame?? I din't think that this game could be so long to replay.. those other people tasing RPG with ~4hours are replay for the start too? I would like some advice about this, thanks. " I'm fairly certain that you can load an earlier save state made at a point that you know you have no desynch to and look from there. I would still watch from the beginning once a while though. Let's wait for someone more experienced in making TASes answer though, to be certain. Will watch soon, one of my favorite games. *Edit : Or not. I can't get the emulator to work and downloading the megavideo video, I can't watch it even though I can usually watch flv files. Watching it on megavideo would cut in the middle because it's too long. Ah well, eventually you'll be done and it will be encoded lol
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Didn't you know that Jowy can have a LV4 magic spell that does over 1200 damage pts. to all enemies (i think)
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suikosource mp guide wrote:
Level 2: 2/0/0/0 30 mag: 3/1/0/0 45 mag: 4/1/0/0 55 mag: 4/2/0/0 60 mag: 5/2/1/0 75 mag: 6/3/1/0 95 mag: 7/3/1/0 100 mag: 7/4/2/1 115 mag: 8/4/2/1 125 mag: 8/5/2/1 135 mag: 9/5/2/1 140 mag: 9/5/3/1 150 mag: 9/6/3/1 160 mag: 9/6/3/2 175 mag: 9/7/4/2 200 mag: 9/8/5/3 220 mag: 9/9/6/4 240 mag: 9/9/7/4 250 mag: 9/9/7/5
I made an extra fight with the salamander(sindar) to get jowy lvl13 with 60mag(this increment number at each level can be manipulate)... I suppose with only one fight on other side of matilda, I can get jowy at 100. Or make 3-4 manipulate training for some valuable characther(riou, millie, nanami...) and reach level +50(Mt. Rakutei) could be nice... but if am going to do something like this, I would prefer to use the kindness rune glitch, definitly faster. Thought, the double sneak battle could be faster... the nanami attack are too weak without shapen and would be better to use jowy a flaming arrow at the end, than choose "auto".
Mlandry wrote:
Watching it on megavideo would cut in the middle because it's too longl
Ok, I'll try to get some skill with MEncoder and post some high quality videos part.
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hmmm, I forget to mention that yesterday I had something very weird, while playing a test game(to see if I could recruit all people in gregminster in one time, to avoid a second travel there...) I somehow forget to save and take a screenshot of this. I think I got a lag exactly at the same time, that I quit "the load zone" from our castle lvl3 main entrance at south.. and I was able to move my charachter "outside of the castle aera" and after some experiment of this I finally success to reappear by the west road(to go to the library, dojo, lake, etc...) I don't know if I explain correctly this... I'll try to reproduce this glitch next week and get a screenshot... This discovery may become interssant for a glitchy run!! :D
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Interesting, I haven't heard of that before. There is something else though: the 'event scripting' that Suikoden II uses can often be subtly broken; this is usually a bad thing, causing conversation dialogues to never appear but still halt character movement, rendering the game unplayable. I guess there could be some positive aspects to it. Maybe to skip some otherwise quite lengthy cutscenes?
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Megavideo cut me off at 72 minutes and forces me to wait an hour. Damn...
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looks like that my dowload link from video cache refresh sometime and you can't download it... anyway, when megavideos block you you can dowload something like firebug plugin and then look out the networks tranfers links... you should be able to find the flv videos. After you can copy/paste the links in smplayer to this stream. Or you can view the flv in your cache folder. Anyway, yes this megavideo watching limits sucks.
Mlandry wrote:
"I'm fairly certain that you can load an earlier save state made at a point that you know you have no desynch to and look from there. I would still watch from the beginning once a while though.
yup, I finally understand the read-only mode concept... why, I din't test this feature before? Also, the glitch that I talk in my previous post is not a frame skipping issue... here is some videos test: (in this one the game crash at the end) there's also a ways to go in the map world A nice way to experiment if there a way to skip some storyline could be using a gameshark warp code(I've try directly in memory watch, but there no way to freeze the coordonate).. I'll doing some research about this. edit: looks like that something similar was already found:
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BadPotato wrote:
(I've try directly in memory watch, but there no way to freeze the coordonate)
Ram watch is just to .... watch If you wish to change values, try cheat codes, theres a key to activate cheats (check your keys mapping)
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I did that glitch before!
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arukAdo wrote:
BadPotato wrote:
(I've try directly in memory watch, but there no way to freeze the coordonate)
Ram watch is just to .... watch If you wish to change values, try cheat codes, theres a key to activate cheats (check your keys mapping)
oops, yeah.. in fact I change the value in ram search and he came back everytime at previous value... well anyway, now im using ctrl+c for cheat editor, thanks. I've also found out an another useless glitch: ==> I think this happen because amada was too far for he could enter "in ourself" and let the game continue...
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I did find an advantage of doing the Matilda glitch and leveling up earlier in the game. If you complete the storyline of Futch and Humphrey's quest to take down Harpy at Rakutei Mtn., putting the hero at LV 35 or higher, that will give him a more decent duel against Amada once he gets to the dam at Radat. But if the Hero is underleveled and too weak, there is no telling he he'll stand up to Amada, and it will only take luck manipulation to do two things: beat the guy to pull the switch on the dam, and to gain him as a recruit.
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doing Matilda glitch: I should be able to levelup near 60-80, without problem with luck manipulation... and then doing the whole game without any problem. But, as I said I prefer to keep this run with no glitch.. there already many trick to play the game very fast: here there are... actually it's pretty fast, nanami get level 30 from a fight with highlander and she own the the neclord abomination pretty fast :) ==> (part6) Now, here is how I should set the purpose of this run: -Best Ending -Do not abuse error in the game -Use luck Manipulation -No unconscious status/Do use dead as shorcuts, etc.. -Aim for fastest with the other purpose of the runs Why no unconscious status? First, this make the run more challenging(just think about lucas blight... I'll have to set up some strategy to beat him quickly). Also, I have no evidence to say that the kindness rune is a glitch or a hided feature of the game, so this new feature should back me up... and well, does this make the game more realistic? nanami could be killed 10000 time by some zombies, neclord magic, fairy, golem, pest rats, dragon bones... but in fact this simple arrow that would kill her??????? Anyway, also I think that the suikoden "glitchy run" deserve to be done while using some "wall thought glitch" and try to discover a way to skip some story PS: I started to use mencoder a bit... and success to post some part in HD ==> but this a very big pain to found out how to cut the videos correctly.. here's the actual .bat Beside, when I'm upscale to 1280x720(with 56fps) for HD... I keep getting over 300-400mo for 10minute, this is pretty huge, I'll try to experiment how to use pass=3, this stuff is a little bit complex.