Surprise ;D Finally is took over 2,5 years to complete =) It was very fun project, I enjoyed much to making it. Sometimes was little lack of motivation but this wasn't never on pause =)
  • Emulator: mupen64-rerecording
  • Aims for the fastest time possible in 100% completion
  • Length of movie: 2 hours and 24.5 minutes (520358)
  • Re-records: 144568
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death to save time
  • Abuses glitches
Gruntilda's Lair 25.58
Spiral Mountain 2.03
Mumbo's Mountain 5.08
Treasure Trove Cove 7.01
Clanker's Cavern 8.45
Bubblegloop Swamp 12.23
Freezeezy Peak 12.04
Gobi's Valley 10.03
Mad Monster Mansion 9.22
Rusty Bucket Bay 9.37
Click Clock Wood 18.04
Game Total 2.00.28
Yes 100% Banjo-Kazooie, I collect All Jiggies, Honeycombs and Notes + opened every note door.
First something about the glitches and tricks:

Tickers tower without termit:

Its quite easy trick, all you have to do is timed right your jumps and Banjo won't fall down of the slopes.

Fast sliding:

In TTC, after lighthouse, I use this trick. You need stop for a littlewhile in that steep cliff and Kazooie starts to falling down quickly.

Deep diving trick:

In edge of the diving point, let go all of the buttons which you press in that moment (you need use Z+C< to get that work)

Big Boom Box quick kill:

You need to shoot eggs before the animation and after that use the wonderwing to kill Box in a one shot. (can't used in Grunty's Furnace Fun Because animation starts right away.

Through thin objects:

I use this in RRB and route to the CCW. Do A+Z move in right frame and Banjo goes through the object.

Through the window:

You need to jump against the window in right pixel line to get the other side.

A+Z move glitch

Use move in high places and when you falling down, Banjo won't take any damage. It works on anything because in end of the movement, Banjo is invincible for little while. You can use it on Grunty's spells, enemies...

Level explonations:

Mumbo's Mountain:

I skip whole termit part including Jiggy which in above Mumbo's Mountain. Nothing more special here.

Treasure Trove Cove

I collect much Jiggies as possible by using flying. That treasure chest Jiggy was pain in the as to collect because in some reason game freezes alot after that, specially when blue sky was in my view :o

Clanker's Cavern

Inside Clanker, I use those rings to get more distance to my jumps. In right angle, its possible to take that Jiggy behind blades without wonderwing. Killing those mutant crabs with eggs was much faster than any other way. When eggs was bouncing towards the crabs I was already in place where Jiggy appears.

Bubblegloop Swamp

I skip most of the huts to get upper faster. Crocodile is quite slow so I use death trick to get starting point lot faster.

Freezeezy Peak

Routeplanning was a nightmare :D When I was taking that snowman's hat Jiggy, I need fly away from the Jiggy first to get the right spot. During the sled races, I collect all notes as possible.

Gobi's Valley

Nothing very special here :P I used that Mummy hand to get that Honeycomb fast and with sprint shoes, those burning sand Notes was really fast to collect. And again, I collect much Jiggies as possible by using flying.

Mad Monster Mansion

I love this level =) Because mansion Jiggy was on flyingpad, I can collect that without victorydance. Inside the church i won't use A+Z glitch when I coming down in the sealing because it won't work in long distance. Damn I hate 2D sprites in 3D game...really hard to get eggs in flower jars quickly.

Rusty Bucket Bay

I managed to get through other fan without taking a damage when its spinning full speed but that other one...I spend a full day to get through without taking a damage but I didin't make it :P maybe in V2...after that, I get through the window and saving lot of time to get back of the boat fast. In the end I use "through the thin objects" glitch in that grill.

Click Clock Wood

Man this level is huge...take a while to complete it. I used A+Z trick to get down quickly and without taking a damage. In other seasons those plants was small and you can step on them and collect stuff really easily...but in autumn....I need to use A+Z glitch to collect those notes because lowest note is so close to the plants eyes so it can't collect other way without taking a damage. When Banjo is a bee, pressing B and ^, bee goes lot faster.

Grunty's Furnace Fun

You can't use any movements in the board so thats why i walking all the time. Question depends which part of the square you are. I manipulated questions so its always the first or second answer (first and second answer can push in same frame so it does matter which one is it). I collect 2 joker cards to get rid off two timelimit squares. I choose the Box fight in the remaining timelimit square because its fast to kill with wonderwings.

Gruntilda Fight

Finally =) If you guys wondering why I don't shoot 3 eggs in the statue when the animation is on the answer is: its not possible. There is not enough time to shoot 3 eggs before the animation :( after that its possible to get that green Jinjo activated in same time as purpe one but there is a "freezes" if I do runs but I can't do anything...Banjo just stands still no matter which button I push...even start won't work...and Gruntilda can't do anything either :D she tries to shoot fireballs but they vanished get activate green Jinjo right, I need to shoot one egg separately.
Well I was hoping the completion time goes under 2 hours (gameclock time) but 2.00.28 good anyway =) In V2 version its going under that for sure!
Thanks to all who helped and cheer me up on this project.
Special thanks to Jsmith who found nice tricks and stuff, bkDJ who encoded my WIPs and found some new timesavers, nitsuja who helped me with that FIRST jump in the game :D
also thanks to Kowbrainz, andymac, Swordless Link, ShinyDoofy, AirmanRWP, Randil, and everybody who I forgot to thank for =)
I hope you enjoy =) and you guys can find a killer screenshot for this :D

DeHackEd: Semi-claim for encoding. I'm heading out of town, but if nobody else claims this video for themselves I'll do so around midnight on Monday morning GMT.
Bisqwit: Looks long and pointless, yet not less entertaining than 120-star Mario or the DK64 equivalent. *Stamp of approval*. Congratulations Sami on finishing this long movie and thank you for submitting it here.
DeHackEd: Bisqwit, is that a claim for encoding? (I'm starting pass 0 anyways)

Former player
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Posts: 425
Brilliant run. I'd encode if I didn't have to obey TASVideos' silly limitations.
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I'm actually capturing it right now so that more people can see this greatness before it's judged. Won't be of any good or even publishable quality, but watchable.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
I'm actually capturing it right now so that more people can see this greatness before it's judged. Won't be of any good or even publishable quality, but watchable.
Use CRF at 20-23 with settings like subme, ref, etc. maxed in roozhou's x264 cli build with deldup + MKV output. For resizing, use Spline36Resize(640,480) through avisynth. For audio, use OggEnc with Q5. Then mux them together and post the resulting file here for viewing pleasure. Later you can make one with crappy video and audio quality to fit TASVideos' file size limit. *wonders why I wasted my time writing this text you'll most likely ignore*
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I'm capturing it at 320x240, so no need to resize (-> just watchable, not good). I'll also have to see about mkv and deldup. If mplayer and VLC (yeah, yeah, piece of crap, I know; still it's a very common unfortunately) play it back fine, I might actually go with it and give it a shot. My encode won't be for publication purposes, anyway, as I can't seem to get the settings right with those "dissolving" puzzle pieces when changing the level.
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Go video options -> advanced and put "Copy framebuffer to RDRAM" on.
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Ironically, I activated that option and it still looked that way. Eh, whatever. Encoding right now, some 12 hours left.
Active player (355)
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Oh man I can't wait to see it :x unfortunately it desynchs for me at the yellow jinjo in MMM (with Mupen64 reset recording v2, same plugins, 1 controller, win Vista 'run as admin')
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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Finally watched it and I found it to be really great. Imaginary yes vote.
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Workbench: "This stupid TAS you should stop, you'll never meet me at the top!" Sami: "No." Wow, it's really here? I'll give it a look once I finish the single-player campaign of Duke Nukem Forever and pick up that brand-new Pink Floyd album from HMV. Okay, I'm back. ;) This is my kind of run! I have a sort of in-between viewpoint when it comes to this run, So my analysis here is going to be mostly from an entertainment standpoint. While I'm familiar with the series and its characters, I haven't actually played any games in the series. Even after seeing how humourously broken Mumbo's Mountain was in an old WIP, I wasn't wholly convinced that a Rare collectathon could make a good TAS. I was anticipating this run because I wanted to be proven wrong about that, and you didn't disappoint. So I'm gonna be taking that ever-so-rare "I like this TAS because it's good" stance as opposed to "I like this TAS because it's Banjo Kazooie". Thoughts related to the game that crossed my mind while watching this run: - The pickings must be few and far between around Spiral Mountain if Gruntilda's the second-prettiest female in town ;) - Kazooie has to be the strongest fucking bird in history. Seriously, she's able to carry a bear on her back for ridiculously long stretches, not to mention being able to somehow maintain her aerodynamic abilities whilst half her body is stuffed in a rucksack and said bear putting quite a load on her back. Let's see Charles Atlas do THAT! - Does anyone else find it unnerving that all the NPCs speak in third-person? I mean it makes sense for characters like Mumbo who are stereotypically tribal, but come on, I was half-expecting you to enter a children's-TV level to the triumphant cry of "This is Elmo's world!" - Notes on the run itself: - This was a much better game choice to TAS than I thought. The art style, soundtrack and varied gameplay are virtually ADD-proof. I mean really, who can get bored with a mission that has you protecting Christmas lights? - The route and tactics are always interesting and surprising, like running past a jiggy only to pick it up while flying and skip the collection animation. - When you sequence broke, it actually LOOKED like it was breaking the game. This is especially welcoming for the morons like me who haven't played Banjo Kazooie yet. I found myself laughing in astonishment, wonder and general amusement at some of the glitches you pulled off. - The pepper-eating contest could get a bit boring when you stopped going for dicking-around-ery and ended up trying to get maximum peppers instead. Maybe there should have been an overall theme to the entertainment? Eh, who am I kidding, I'm just nitpicking now. This is run is excellent, Sami! Voting 9.8 for entertainment, abstaining on tech since I don't know the game well enough.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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Sorry for being a bit off topic here, but sami I think it's time for you to change your sig ;)
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Oh yeah :D I forgot to do that
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I was in my first semester of college when I saw your first WIP. I was late into 18, now I just turned 21. I feel like I've been growing up with this run. I'd slap down a 9-10/9-10 right now but I think it'd be more proper for me to watch the whole thing when it gets encoded.
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Done watching it, that was so cool, I don't know how you did that Sami, now if we can just get an any% run... 9/9
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I feel like I've been following this forever :) No brainer for me; one of my favorite games of all time, and you certainly did it justice. Lots of surprises, lots of speed, and entertainment enough to keep me glued to the screen the whole way through. Great job!
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 91
I rarely vote on submissions, but this is one I've followed (lurking) for a while, and I'm very happy with its quality.
Emulator Coder
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This played at least as well as Glover does in an emulator. It's not nearly as picky as the Zelda submissions I tried to play before. I decided to just watch the movie and be surprised about what happened, and I certainly was. Having used save-states in the Mr. Vile game, and comparing that to what happened when he was playing, practically begging to lose, I have to admit that I saw the technical prowess, and I also saw more of the specific areas of unique technical achievement than I usually do in a TAS, as I actually played this game to 100% completion previously. The route logistics were quite good, and sort of freaked me out about possible desynchs a few times. The only real problem I had was with error messages about graphics processing popping up, requiring that I save a state in the movie, reload the emulator and movie, then load the state to continue on without the errors. That this is going to end up on the site is a no-brainer. Feel free to watch it in an emulator if you've done so with other N64 movies. It shouldn't be too terrible, even if it is a CPU hog of a game.
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Lucky for everyone, I recorded a humorous commentary for this run, same as with Bloobliebla's OoT. Fortunately I didn't have to take bathroom breaks (which unfortunately means I can't include the humorous anecdote about the speedrunner needing to pee), but there might be some slight desynching, from when the emulator paused ever so briefly every now and then. Does anyone have a site to upload a 138 MB file (other than megaupload, which is giving me trouble)?
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A 138 Mb .mp3?
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Couldn't you compress it to a smaller bitrate? I recall the Earthbound commentary being 35.7 MB, which is is 3.5 hours. However, I suggest trying 64kbps and see how big it is. 64kbps is enough to retain most of the speaking vocal range (unlike 16kbps that the EB commentary uses), though 32kbps may also be good enough. 128kbps (even 92) is a bit over the top for simple voice. (and obviously, mono helps, but I'm guessing it's already saved that way)
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Congrats to you, the run is done, Now go out and have some fun. As for me, it'd be a crime If I rated this run below a 9!
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Comicalflop wrote:
A 138 Mb .mp3? is what you need. Good speed too.
Joined: 7/27/2007
Posts: 38
Wow. I've been waiting for the full movie for quite some time, watching every WIP that came out. I'm very impressed. What's next, Banjo Tooie? MWAH HA HA!
TAS: to beat a game faster than Sonic can blink.
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wazkatango wrote:
Wow. I've been waiting for the full movie for quite some time, watching every WIP that came out. I'm very impressed. What's next, Banjo Tooie? MWAH HA HA!
Huh...Banjo-Tooie :D Im just playing it normally =) Long game and really hard to make routeplannings :D but well if that switch thing can be fixed in some way...maybe :o
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Comicalflop wrote:
A 138 Mb .mp3?
Rapidshare should work fine.