Joined: 2/1/2008
Posts: 347
Hmm... apparently AngerFist forgot to post any of the discussion that went on between him and people on the Dolphin IRC today or, at least, the link to the new TAS feature request on Google Code. So here's the link to the feature request that AngerFist wrote requesting TAS features for Dolphin (it's already been accepted too!): Some quotes from AngerFist in the TASVideos IRC (in chronological order; unnecessary dialog removed):
AngerFist wrote:
oh my god guys! I have huge news regarding dolphin :D they plan to implement frame advance and most importantly, RE-RECORDING!!! they are asking me tons of questions what shocked me was that 1 head developer immediately began asking what tas is and said oh right, that shouldnt be too difficult :D <nakee> AngerFist: wee I'm not sure that's possible <JPeterson> AngerFist: Well, okay, I think the frame stepping and input recording may be fairly easy to fix <nakee> AngerFist: not unless you do it in single core <nakee> we can't even make a perfect save state <nakee> which I think is elemetry for them sorry for the spam but that basically summons the entire discussion once they figure a way to make savestates bulletproof, it should be easier for them to add rerecording features. <nakee> AngerFist: if you open an issue about it, explaining exactly what need to be done in small steps there is a good chance people will write the code
Of course, who knows when these features will be implemented. As AngerFist noted, it may not be looked at much until the save state system is established and proven to be solid. Anyway, this feature request is currently ranked as low priority, but they may notice if a lot of people star the issue ticket :) Once again:
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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I'm trying to play animal crossing on the SVN 1943 32-bit build. It says that it should work perfectly on the compatibility list, I've even checked the id's, but it wont boot on my computer. With the openGL plugin the screen stays blank. With the directX plugin it will show the nintendo logo. On both plugins it will start this continuous waring error. The error says: Tried to get pointer for unknown address 042d92a0 Anyone know how to fix it?
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Bisqwit wrote:
A reminder to developers... real-time play support is not a required objective to start TASing. Accurate emulation is far more important than real-time play. Because TASes are usually made in slow motion (frame advance) anyway; AVI/MKV constructed from the playback can be made to play at full (normal) speed even if the emulator ran at miniscule FPS rate when it was recorded.
This video shows a good example of that idea (it's about rendering a video of Crysis):
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
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blahmoomoo wrote:
It would be nice if you could post your computer's specifications. i.e. processor (speed, cores, AND model), RAM (speed and amount), graphics card, etc.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 3.2GHz (overclocked) 2GB 800MHz RAM ATI HD 4850 512MB SSBM constant 60 fps. The new SVN versions have really improved save/load support (ie, the emulator doesnt crash when you save or load)
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Still not running...
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I went ahead and merged the duplicate threads…
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I can't get the damn thing to work. Apparently the configuration is incorrect, and reinstalling may fix the problem. Which is BS, I never installed it. I was just using the unofficial builds for convenience sake. Trying to build it myself was even worse; I now have about a GB of useless software on my hard-drive. You have no idea how this pains me. Everyone else gets everything working first shot. It's like being urinated on from a skyscraper.
Measure once. Cut twice.
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That happened to me too with SVN build 1855. Try a different build, it fixed it for me.
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I recommend version 1965 svn build
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antd wrote:
I recommend version 1965 svn build
Don't you have to compile that yourself? I can't figure out how to get the whole source code of it for a certain SVN. How do you compile it on windows?
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Just tried SSBM, I noticed several emulation inaccuracies (mostly to do with sound). In-game doesn't run at full speed for some reason either. I couldn't get OpenGL to work for some reason, so here's some links to in-game, 16x AA, 16xAF pics using the DX9 plugin. Pic 1 Pic 2 30-40fps ingame, 60fps in menus. Specs available on request. Edit: Tried Windwaker last night but TASvideos went down. 12-30fps intro, 30fps menus, 25fps (full speed) ingame. Since the emulator seems to bottleneck at the CPU, I punched my graphics settings up a bit for everyone's enjoyment :) Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Try this fix for openGL on vista: there seems to be a problem of aeroglass and transpanrency activated under vista64 theme. I wish I could get melee to run at 30 fps...I get 5 on my computer...
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dartht33bagger wrote:
Try this fix for openGL on vista: there seems to be a problem of aeroglass and transpanrency activated under vista64 theme.
I'm not sure why disabling Aero would do anything for OpenGL, but I tried it anyway and it didn't work. Apparently I'm missing something; perhaps my graphics card isn't recognised by the emulator yet. Edit: tried turning off extension limit in my drivers, but now the opengl plugin crashes Dolphin on load..
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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What graphics card do you have?
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GTX 295. It's only been out a couple of weeks, so the drivers are a bit.. unfinished.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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I think the first Metroid Prime movie should be a 100% TAS. xD But that's just me. But I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me, a 100% Metroid TAS, is way more entertaining. >:3
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Have you guys seen this yet?
Post subject: No true drive emulation...?
Joined: 4/30/2008
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There's something missing... something that one unique Commodore 64 emulator has that should be applied here -- "True Drive Emulation". Since images may be stored on a hard disk it could cause unrealistic lag reduction from reduced load times. This speed isn't true to the spirit of the GameCube.
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Kitsune wrote [quote="Kitsune"]I think the first Metroid Prime movie should be a 100% TAS. xD But that's just me. But I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me, a 100% Metroid TAS, is way more entertaining. >3[/quote] Technically speaking, most of the games could turn out better as a 100% run, seems to me everybody else thinks so. Take Wind Waker, wait...will that make a good 100% TAS?
Post subject: Re: No true drive emulation...?
Player (121)
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GuidMorrow wrote:
There's something missing... something that one unique Commodore 64 emulator has that should be applied here -- "True Drive Emulation". Since images may be stored on a hard disk it could cause unrealistic lag reduction from reduced load times. This speed isn't true to the spirit of the GameCube.
Let's complain about inaccurate emulation before making a useful emulator! You stupid coders! Edit: No more posts will be made until this emulator is 100% accurate!
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: Re: No true drive emulation...?
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GuidMorrow wrote:
Since images may be stored on a hard disk it could cause unrealistic lag reduction from reduced load times. This speed isn't true to the spirit of the GameCube.
Oh yeah, I still can't forgive MAME coders for adding artificial input lag in order to simulate arcade cab button strokes more accurately. So now we have your control device of choice input speed summed with that artificial lag to produce something nonsensical as a result. You know, fuck this idea.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: No true drive emulation...?
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alden wrote:
Edit: No more posts will be made until this emulator is 100% accurate!
Oh god, that was hilarious. Some guy on IRC 'alden' is making suggestive comments about my 'coding ability'
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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oh no that means some little t*** hacked my irc account would anyone be willing to host my irc account (what is t*** supposed to be anyways, twat? tits? tunt?)
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs