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I redid Donut Secret House a, reaching the 1. door and the p-block in the exact same time as in DSHb. Switching back to cape didn't cost any time (except for the 26 frames that the transformation animation needs), and I could reach the blue door a few frames faster because I took away more coins. So, overall this "switch-to-fireflower-jump-through-stairs-and-switch-back-to-cape" trick resulted in an improvement of 112 frames, almost 2 seconds :) And even more if you look at the ingame time units (as the transformation animations don't consume time units) Donut Secret 2 could be hexed into the movie without any needed desynch-fixing, hooray! 1 frame was somehow lost in the fadeout sequence, but I can live with that... I then added Vanilla Dome 1b. In the small block maze I couldn't make use of the "bump-shell-against-block-and-slide-through-it" trick, because then Mario would automatically switch into normal flying and thereby lose the running speed. So instead I bumped against the ceiling and did a spin-jump flight, and then could fly up to the key without any delay. Right now I'm stuck in Vanilla Secret 1. I'd like to fly up all the way, without using any jumping platforms or vines. It was already pretty hard to reach the green pipe (I kinda land IN the pipe...), but now I can't get up to the next level in one go :( And landing on the small platform below the second vine also doesn't help, because the space is too short... I'm too tired now to try out more, so I'll just let you view my Work in progress and will continue with it tomorrow (maybe somebody else has an idea?)
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Did you try a wall jump?
Player (36)
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Here's a map of VS1, pixel perfect, if that'll help with planning. I couldn't get it to work either though.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Did you try a wall jump?
I don't know if that's possible. The spin jump flight (and the regular flight?) both jump up in very discrete amounts, I don't know if you could hit a 16 pixel point with one of them. I'll try to find one and mark the rest on the map though.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 7/14/2004
Posts: 89
I know it's basic nitpicking over something as minor as an image, but it'd look a lot cleaner if you removed the background layer, the sprites and the information at the top of the screen. Great run so far Viper, keep it up.
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Just in case you didn't know, you can find a map of every level in the game on this site (scroll way, way down): Here's Vanilla Secret 1, for example:
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Thanx a lot OmnipotentEntity and Blublu for those maps, but I've already been using Lunar Magic to look at the maps. In case you don't know, that's a level editor for SMW, which also allows you to look at all the original levels. The official LM homepage is down at the moment, but maybe you can find it somewhere else if you google for it. (btw all those maps on were also created with LM :P)
Michael Fried wrote:
Did you try a wall jump?
I did one little try, but didn't test all 16 pixels yet. TNSe also suggested throwing up the shell and jump off it (like in Donut Plains 2), I'll try that as well.
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Okay, here's another update (I was a bit inactive over the christmas days) I spent like 2 or 3 hours trying to perform a walljump, hitting the wall at every pixel, but without success. I had been able to do a walljump somewhere else in the level, but not at this spot where I needed it. So in the end I just used the vine (unlocking it with the koopa shell, which saved some time), and it looks quite fluent now. In Vanilla Secret 1b I did the very same, but then had some problems getting through those 6 red koopas. No matter when I lifted off, they always spawned in a position that made it impossible to fly through them. So now I had to land and lift off on the platform below, and then could fly through the hole (*) In the last passage with those green jump-things I couldn't fly all the way up, so I had to land and jump from the second last. This was still faster than landing and lifting off another time (from the highest platform). Before the goal I lift off to a very short flight, which saved another 2 frames, hooray! :P You can download the video from Donut Secret 1b up to Vanilla Secret 1a here I also started a new video in Vanilla Secret 2. A pretty boring level, those jumping koopas were really annoying. I always had just 2-3 frames time to press backward, otherwise I'd either fly over them or get hit. They also were in bad positions to each other, so sometimes I got pushed into another koopa after bumping on the first one, or I'd fly over a whole row of them without getting a chance to hit them. So, despite the amount of enemies in this level, I was not able to collect 1UP :( (but therefore I'll collect a LOT of those in Butter Bridge 1 & 2, I promise!!! :)) The new video can be downloaded here (*) I just found a probably faster way to get through this passage, namely by carrying the mario head with me and then throwing it against the red koopas. This would mean losing a few frames at the vine, but probably still be faster in the end. But I'll go to bed now, and test that out tomorrow.
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I know this is kinda off-topic, but Viper, do you still have a copy of "Demo World: The Legend Continues" you could upload? It looks like the Lunar Magic site is down. BTW, I've been following your run and I have to agree it is superb. I check the board every day to watch your progress.
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kooz wrote:
I know this is kinda off-topic, but Viper, do you still have a copy of "Demo World: The Legend Continues" you could upload? It looks like the Lunar Magic site is down. These files contain IPS files - patches which are applied to the SMW (U) ROM.
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Perfect. Thanks!
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Actually... um, for some reason it's not working. Strange, because I just checked with goodsnes, and the rom I have is correctly named as Super Mario World (U) [!].smc. If I patch it with smw-usa-into-sdw-1.00-patch.ips, it starts, but the graphics are all garbled. If I patch with smw-usa-into-sdw-cont-patch.ips, it wont start at all, with a SPC700 stall error.
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These IPS files grow the ROM from 512k to 2M and 6M. If your IPS patcher can't grow files, it's a problem.
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Hmm... okay. I've searched a number of sites (zophar, romhacking) but couldn't manage to find an IPS patcher that will let the rom "grow". Can you suggest one?
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Check Zophar's for Lunar Expand, that's what SDWTLC used in the first place to expand it to 6 megs.
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I'm sure all this is explained on the Lunar Magic site or something... but this seems to be way harder than it should be. I managed to find Lunar Expand. I expanded my rom to 6mb and used Lunar IPS to patch the newly expanded rom. And now it just acts like it's never been patched before. Can someone who's done this before please explain specifically how they did it? Maybe it's because i've been up for like 36 hours, but usually I don't have trouble doing this kind of stuff.
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I spent the last days of the year at my father's home and therefore couldn't continue with the run (he only has a very old computer without internet :P) Today I redid Vanilla Secret 1a and could improve my old time by 64 frames by using a better strategy (carrying the koopa shell / mario head up and throwing it against the other koopas). It also looks more fluently now, as I don't have to jump on those green "trampolines". I then tried to hex my old Vanilla Secret 2 run into the video, but it desynched, so instead of adjusting the enter-the-level-frame, I just gave it another try. And this was worth it, the koopas were in slightly different positions, which allowed me to hit one more koopa in the first passage. And I also hit this flying bomb that comes down from the sky later on, so in the end I collected 2 1UPs :) Afterwards I hexed this last video (Donut Secret 2b - Vanilla Secret 2) into the whole movie, so you can now download either this short movie, or get the whole movie of the first 55 levels (43 minutes long) Next level was Vanilla Secret 3, a pretty easy level. Only thing I had to pay attention to was to not accidentally land on one of the dolphins. I collected as many coins as a I could, 128 total, including all 5 dragon coins. In the 2nd screen with the goal I noticed that the bar was quite high when I passed it (and I could easily jump to it), so after some tries I could get a 50-star finish with only 32 frames delay. I did some more investigations and found out that the bar gets to the "50-spot" every 248 frames (you have only 1 frame time to get a 50). But then Nrg pointed out in the IRC chat that the situation is quite similar in the ghost house goal screens, and there I could get a 50 with only 25 frames delay. So, in the end I finished Vanilla Secret 3 as fast as possible (no, the jump for the dragon coin didn't slow me down). And if I don't have any luck regarding the goal bar in any of the upcoming levels, I'll probably sacrifice those 25 frames delay in the last Valley Ghost House :) The new Vanilla Secret 3 video can be downloaded here Vanilla Fortress is going to be interesting... I'm almost sure that the upper way is faster, because I *think* both routes are equally long, both require at least one slow-down because of the Whoomp (or however this evil stone is called), but the lower way would require taking damage to get below the spikes, and transforming back takes lots of time. I also wonder what will be the fastest way to beat the Reznors, and how to control the randomness when and in which direction they shoot their fireballs. I already have to say that I'll probably stop working on this movie in a few days (although not for good! ;)). On January 5th the last 4 weeks of this semester start, ending in 2 exams in the first February week. I was really lazy so far (because I spent so much time with this run :P), so now I really have to put in some effort if I want to pass these exams. But then in February I'll have 2 months holidays, so then I can finish the run. Hopefully I can finish the Butter Bridge levels and castle #4 in the next 2 days, as these will be really cool levels with loads of 1UPs!
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Wow! Great so far mate! Sad to hear that you put this on hold for a while though. But I don't want you to screw up your life and miss your exams etc. :) So I guess we'll hear from you in february again then? Good luck with what ever projects your dealing with. ;)
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I'm not yet gone ;) And I was quite busy today! First the Vanilla Fortress. It seems like the upper and lower route are equally long, only the pipes are in a bit better position in the lower route (vertical vs. horizontal). Therefore the transformation into small Mario cost some time, and there was one needed slowdown in the lower route because of the Whoomp (this could be avoided in the upper route). The red boss door could be entered a bit faster in the lower route because Mario could swim over the !-block instead of swimming under it and having to walk a few meters. In the end the red door could be entered 18 frames faster taking the upper route, and the lower route would also have meant that I needed to get back Fireflower and Feather, which would have cost even more time. So, I now took the upper route, trying to swim as close as possible to the skellet-fish and the chainballs without getting hit or slowing down. I also destroyed some skeletons, if this didn't force me to slow down. Concerning the Reznor battle: There are 128 different positions in which the 4 Reznors start, depending on the frame in which I enter the red door. You'll understand that I did not try out all those 128 frames, and just tried to finish the battle as fast as possible (I tried out several strategies, and this was the fastest result). It also includes a little glitch, the 4th reznor doesn't drop into the lava but gets stuck in the middle. This does not affect the fade-out sequence at all (and neither does it matter what Mario does after the last Reznor has been hit). I'll meet the Reznors again another 3 times. If I happen to find a much faster way to beat them then (entering the battle at a different position), I can still hex edit it into this as well. The next level was Butter Bridge 1. An autoscrolling level, so I could take my time and hit some Koopas :). BoltR can also be happy, as I used his switch-directions-during-flight trick a few times. Overall I collected 17 1UPs in this level (and some coins as well, resulting in another extra life :P). (btw I had done a first version of this level with 13 1UPs, and redid almost everything again thanks to TNSe ;)) Butter Bridge 2 was quite nice as well. Unlike in most other levels, the enemies were in good positions to each other, which allowed me to hit a lot of them while flying. Resulting in 10 1UPs :). Just before the goal I did a nice quadruple kill - unfortunately I couldn't hit the 5th super koopa (I tried out several possibilities...), so I just smashed him with the feather :P (I still reached the goal in the fastest time possible) Enjoy!
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Up to this post, how long time is elapsed from start to whereever you will continue the next time?
/Walker Boh
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So far the whole movie is about 47 1/2 minutes long (after 59 of 97 levels) I estimate the full run will probably be somewhere between 75 and 85 minutes.
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97? Is that counting the top secret zone?
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It's including Bowser's house.
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Bladegash is right, I want to end the run with beating Bowser (I think that every Mario run should end there), and therefore I count Bowser's Backdoor as level 97. Today I did Castle#4. In the first room, there are these 2 Ball-n-Chains before the door. I saw 2 possibilities to get past them: Either duck below the first one and then jump over the second one, or fly against the first one, which causes Mario to become invincible for a short time. Both methods were equally fast, but after talking about it in the IRC chat I chose the first one, because this is a lot harder (if not impossible...) to do in normal speed (I duck for only 5 frames), while the invincibility can be done quite easily. In the second room I just flew over everything; hitting the Bony Beetles (yes I looked up the enemy names :P) would have pushed Mario into the spikes or flames... In the third room I spent most of the time just jumping up; I only pressed UP for 1 frame each to climb on the fences, except at the beginning, where I needed some more height to jump over the edge. In the fight against Ludwig I noticed something strange; when Ludwig does the following movement: this causes Mario to stop abruptly for a few frames. I found no way how to prevent this, so I thought why not use this time to switch from feather to fireflower :) (as TNSe put it: Ludwig never knew what hit him) Unfortunately switching back to feather in mid-air would have caused Mario to fall down a bit slower (4 frames), that would have looked even cooler. But it's still my favourite boss fight so far :) After I was done with Castle#4, Mazzic asked me to have another look at Vanilla Fortress, because I bumped into the ceiling quite often, which looked (and sounded!) quite ugly. I must admit I hadn't noticed this before, because I usually play without sound. He also told me about the A+DOWN trick, which causes Mario to just float in the water horizontally and not rise up too high (this is usefull to swim under enemies even in very narrow passages). So, I redid Vanilla Fortress, entering the first pipe in the exact same time and entering the red door 7 frames faster (making use of the trick). Now the Reznors were in a bit different positions, and I could hit the first and the second one a few frames faster. Unfortunately the second Reznor had spit out a flame before dying, and avoiding that flame slowed me down a bit, so in the end this fight was only 1 frame faster than the old one (so overall I was 8 frames faster than the old version at this point, and also needed 1 timeunit less). Hexing Butter Bridge 1 into the new movie worked without problems, and I even won 1 frame in the fade-out sequence :). Butter Bridge 2 also worked without problems (after deleting this 1 frame), and then in the fade-in sequence to castle#4 I won another frame! (and then the castle also worked without problems) So in the end redoing Vanilla Fortress gained me 10 frames :) You can download the video from Vanilla Secret 2 to Castle#4 here If nobody has any other objections to this, I'll hex it into the full movie tomorrow, and then stop working on this for a month.
Joined: 7/22/2004
Posts: 35
Heh, the Donut Secret water board has that annoying bumping sound too. :D Great job so far, I hate to see you go, but I suppose school is more important than Super Mario. Can't wait til you return.