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Plus on the Ganon fight in Guanobowl's run, he sticked with the tail so he could hit him immediately.
Post subject: Re: OoT Any% RBA WIP
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Swordless Link wrote:
EDIT: Here's the YouTube link:
I thought you guys were just being pedantic asses when you talked about how unoptimized all the previous RBA runs were. Clearly, I was wrong. Even though I don't know much about OoT, I can see the quality. Most of the time you are out running the camera! One request: Please, please, please, explain every trick when you finally submit. I know the Deku stick is to pass the owl... but the rest? Why did you play a song for the scarecrow? Why did you have to go the owl? Why didn't you just go straight to the castle? Why did you fall down a well to collect chickens? Why did you glitch into that building near the lake? This run is cool, but ultra confusing.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Why did you play a song for the scarecrow? Why did you have to go the owl? Why didn't you just go straight to the castle? Why did you fall down a well to collect chickens? Why did you glitch into that building near the lake? This run is cool, but ultra confusing.
I'll give some unqualified answers to kill time. :D The scarecrow song is played so a scarecrow can be 'summoned' in the adult segment to get to the fishing pond. A potential scarecrow skip is being worked on currently. Went to the owl because they are at the lake anyway for the scarecrow and the bug and it's faster to go to the market that way. Falling into the well resets the chicken that was used to fly over the fence to its starting position. They glitched into the building because they had to wait until morning before talking to the owl to skip the scene where the bridge comes down anyway. (quoting the post below me)
Kirkq wrote:
EDIT: Beaten by 2 seconds. Oh well, there's a bit of extra information.
Well, not if I edit my post to contain all of that extra info too. ;) j/k of course ^^
Post subject: Re: OoT Any% RBA WIP
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DarkKobold wrote:
Why did you play a song for the scarecrow? Why did you have to go the owl? Why didn't you just go straight to the castle? Why did you fall down a well to collect chickens? Why did you glitch into that building near the lake? This run is cool, but ultra confusing.
Most of this has been mentioned in the past, but I'll clarify for anyone else wondering. The scarecrow's song is currently necessary to get to the fishing pond as adult link. You play the song and hookshot up (I think?). If I recall correctly, part of the bottle adventuring requires you to get the fishing pole on the B button which requires you to glitch outside the fishing pond with the fishing pole. The scarecrows song will not be necessary if someone can pull off the tektite hover being attempted in Bloobiebla's post above. The owl takes you to outside hyrule castle and is faster than walking. The castle drawbridge is up until morning. If the owl is taken before it becomes morning you have to wait for the drawbridge to lower. The owl is taken the instant it becomes morning, when you get there the drawbridge is fully down instead of starting to lower. Falling into the well respawns one of the chickens (I believe the one you brought over the wall) back on the other side of the wall, so that he can be gathered faster. As previously mentioned the owl cannot be taken from Lake Hylia until it is morning or else the drawbridge will not be lowered so there is a bit of time to waste before that point. That is why suboptimal camera angles are used (forward sidehopping), and a bit of fun inside the house. I think I hit everything, feel free to correct me. EDIT: Beaten by 2 seconds. Oh well, there's a bit of extra information.
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I don't suppose it would have been any faster to go to the castle from Lake Hylia without taking the owl? You lose the drawbridge lowering time, but you gain the owl dialogue and flying cutscene. Of course, getting the the Castle is not exactly a short process, so the time lost going that way may more than make up for it.
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petrie911 wrote:
I don't suppose it would have been any faster to go to the castle from Lake Hylia without taking the owl? You lose the drawbridge lowering time, but you gain the owl dialogue and flying cutscene. Of course, getting the the Castle is not exactly a short process, so the time lost going that way may more than make up for it.
There's a good suggestion. I'm sure one of us will be testing that shortly. If it's faster that will an aggravatingly long trip of sidehopping o.O On another note: So... so... close >_<
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Do Link's contortions make his base at a higher vertical position? I mean, is that really as close as it appears, or is Link only as high as if link was in a standing position? Is that pixels short, or the length of Link's legs short? (if that makes sense.)
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Due to past experiences with superflipping onto platforms (as child Link, though), once Link's legs are clearly above of the platform, even if Link is in a horizontal position as shown in the picture, he should clip on. The real answer to that question though can be found out by seeing if Link doesn't clip on even if his legs are above the platform, which I'm hoping I'll find out pretty soon.
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So if you manage to skip the scarecrow that should save almost 2 minutes assuming you can get a bug from somewhere relatively close to the path you're taking. Where would this be? Is there one in the Kakariko cave that you're jumping in to reset cuccoo's? (Can unfortunately not check myself at this moment). Also, the WIP gave me a raging boner. 90k rerecords already? Awesome work and insane dedication! Looking forward to the end result!
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EDIT: accidental double-post.
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That was really, really impressive. My jaw hit the floor when I saw how accurate the sliding down to the lake was. My understanding is that you can't change direction in that form of the sliding glitch, so is there some trick to hitting that ladder? or was that just a whole lot of work? or both? Either way. awesome.
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The TAS Input Plugin is magical. It shows the exact angle degree by the analogue, so it allows you to get angles as precise as possible.
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adeny wrote:
So if you manage to skip the scarecrow that should save almost 2 minutes assuming you can get a bug from somewhere relatively close to the path you're taking. Where would this be? Is there one in the Kakariko cave that you're jumping in to reset cuccoo's? (Can unfortunately not check myself at this moment).
There is, but we don't have a bottle at that point. There are some under a rock behind the Skulltula house, though, which should be just as good. BTW, if we skip the scarecrow's song, do we also skip the Hookshot?
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petrie911 wrote:
adeny wrote:
So if you manage to skip the scarecrow that should save almost 2 minutes assuming you can get a bug from somewhere relatively close to the path you're taking. Where would this be? Is there one in the Kakariko cave that you're jumping in to reset cuccoo's? (Can unfortunately not check myself at this moment).
There is, but we don't have a bottle at that point. There are some under a rock behind the Skulltula house, though, which should be just as good. BTW, if we skip the scarecrow's song, do we also skip the Hookshot?
I found this in the process of trying to skip Hover Boots completely for a low% run a while ago. This would allow us to skip hookshot completely, if we find a way to reach the fishing pond early: if somebody cares, the hover boots are skipable now for low%. It became the most interesting category because of all the new tricks, so it would be really cool, if somebody started a low% TAS. a real time run with hover boots skip is pretty much a TAS only because of all the ultra hard tricks. however, somebody has to test, if we can reach the bridge without infinitive sword ;) if it doesn't work, we could use this: simply activate ISG with deku stick on B ;) did somebody try forwards mega flip yet in order to see, if link grab ledges while backflipping?
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MrGrunz wrote:
simply activate ISG with deku stick on B ;)
That can only be done in the 1.2 version and it would also involve using death or a save warp.
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I know, but it would be definately worth if we find a way to reach the pond early and if it isn't possible to get past the bridge without ISG mega flip
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Actually I've tried many a time to flip across the bridge with out Nayru's Love and I haven't yet been able to, but that's something being worked on along with the Scarecrow skip. It seems that it might be possible with a really precise sideroll followed by a regular superflip
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SwordlessLink (3 days ago) wrote:
It's sick because who the fuck uses Linux other than pretentious people who want a reason to hate on the majority.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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Oh, SL, never change. <3
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In my personal experience, that's true for the most part. >_>
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It -is- a pity that so many people who use Linux are elitist. But as a whole, the operating system is becoming a lot more accessible.
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SwordlessLink wrote:
It's sick because who the fuck uses Linux other than pretentious people who want a reason to hate on the majority.
programmers are not responsible for the stupidness put into the windows software architecture. some reasons to use a linux distribution (first that come to mind, random order): - don't care about viruses and spyware - operating system doesn't crash when running more than 2 applications - free operating system - easier to use when used to it - no secret surprises like wpa - operating system doesn't eat up 15 Gigabytes of Disk Space - operating system doesn't need 2 Gigs of RAM to run smooth - software for everything you need, but free (legally) - open source software with less bugs than software maintained by a company who is the market leader and should be able to provide software which is worth its money. it is not hate on the majority. it's logical. other than that most of the internet servers are linux servers because it's easier to maintain them and the network architecture is more stable. my advice: the runners put hours and hours of dedication into the run. so in my opinion it'd be no big deal at all to sacrifice one hour of your time to set up an easy to use linux distribution like ubuntu (, spend another hour to get used to it and then go on with the run. sorry for the off-topicness. i have been waiting for that run since the DoT skip was discovered. really great so far. keep up the good work.
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Foetzli wrote:
SwordlessLink wrote:
It's sick because who the fuck uses Linux other than pretentious people who want a reason to hate on the majority.
blah blah blah.
I hate to turn this into a Linux vs Windows, but some of your statements are outright false. - don't care about viruses and spyware So get a virus scanner or firewall? - operating system doesn't crash when running more than 2 applications That depends on your system specs, doesn't it? I could run ten times that with my 1,6 Ghz CPU and 512 MB RAM. I guess yours sucks then. - free operating system Ever heard of pirating? - easier to use when used to it That's VERY subjective though. - operating system doesn't eat up 15 Gigabytes of Disk Space The price ratio is around 0.8$/GB if I'm not mistaken, so I guess you can afford that. - operating system doesn't need 2 Gigs of RAM to run smooth FYI Vista needs 1 GB, XP needs MUCH less. I could run it smoothly with my 512 MB rig as stated above. - software for everything you need, but free (legally) I have software for everything I need, legally.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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Soulrivers wrote:
- free operating system Ever heard of pirating? [...] - software for everything you need, but free (legally) I have software for everything I need, legally.
n/c Besides, there's a difference between free speech and free beer.
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Foetzli wrote:
my advice: the runners put hours and hours of dedication into the run. so in my opinion it'd be no big deal at all to sacrifice one hour of your time to set up an easy to use linux distribution like ubuntu (, spend another hour to get used to it and then go on with the run.
I think you may have misunderstood what the issue is. Recorded reset works on Windows, but not Linux. Thus, Linux users would have to get Windows to watch the run, not the other way around. That or go into Mupen and fix the problem, of course. As for the rest of this discussion, I'm going to have to concur with the preceding n/c.