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PSX Metal Gear Solid Extreme Difficulty TAS As of October 5th 2011, this thread officially has over 20,000 views! IMPORTANT NOTICE: This memory card MUST be assigned to Slot A if you want the Extreme WIPs to sync. Goals - No alerts (except for the four scripted alert phases; a fifth bad-ending alert can be skipped, see below) - No damage - Played on Extreme difficulty (thus using predefined saves) Tricks/Glitches/Hindrances Reload cancel: It's been common knowledge for a while amongst console runners of this game to skip Snake's reload animation with any weapon by tapping R1 twice; however, for rapid fire, R2 should be pressed (even though it freezes ingame action for two frames) because there is less lag time between last shot and next shot than pressing R1. In boss fights (where the bosses have armour frames), R1 should be used instead. Throw cancel: R1 can be used to cancel a judo throw three frames after initiating it. This will allow Snake to continue moving almost without pause while the enemy goes through his "being thrown" animation. Instant Stinger: equipping a first-person weapon (like the stinger or PSG1) one frame before activating a cutscene results in the weapon being equipped and ready to fire on the exact frame gameplay resumes. This is helpful in areas such as the fight against Sniper Wolf, and allows the player to get an otherwise impossible instant first hit on the Hind D. Wall Collision: The game keeps you at a specific distance away from a wall if you are not seeking cover. If you attempt to cross into a second wall hitbox while pressing more than one direction on the D-pad at once, the game will eject you and send you further away from the wall than before. This is remedied by pressing, for example, up, and then left at the opportune moment without ejection (this may delay turning by a few frames). Luck Manipulation: I'm still not 100% sure how luck manipulation works in this game, but I do know that enemy soldiers can be manipulated to drop one of three specific outcomes: nothing, a ration, SOCOM bullets and FAMAS bullets (if you have the FAMAS which I definitely do in this run). Which item an enemy drops depends on where you kill them from and, oddly, how many bullets it takes to kill them. R1 Turbo movement: Turboing the R1 button allows Snake to move forward without making any noise. While not very useful early on, it becomes critical during the double-backtrack for the PAL Card.
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Oh you're kidding me, I just decided to run this game like a few hours ago. I wonder if Dino Crisis 2 works, that was my plan B.
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Heliport finished, the movie ends as I crawl towards the first airduct. I ended up fixing the crash by...doing the exact same thing from a different savestate. Weird. I kinda feel sorry for that poor security camera :P
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I doubt this run will be anywhere near a problem for you blaise, he dont use extreme, and its not optimized Dino2 was MY plan B ;)
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ArukAdo, that's uncalled for. I'm not doing it on extreme because I haven't received word on whether or not I can use a memory card for a cleargame run (on Extreme as well). I'm basically experimenting here. I plan to test out a few ideas I've had for a while about the heliport (though it's safe to say I'm not going to collect chaff just then) and also remember that I'm going for a no-alert run, which makes it look cooler imo even if I have to detour a bit.
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Hum, i think the memory card is not an issue, but you might have to make a first run for this, in order to have a clear game (see rules page) But the problem is it seem that to make this first run, i think you need to aim for fastest time, apparently if you dont beat any records your movie will be rejected anyway, regardless the entertainement I have kinda same problem for memory card tough, since in RE3 there is also the mercenary mode, witch is probably the most entertaining part of the game, and can be tased as well To work on mercenary minigame, regarding the rules page, if i submit my speedrun and its accepted, then im able to use it for making the memcard and unlock merc. mod (pxm have embeded memcards for that purpose)
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Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition but I think I'll let you have the raptors and englishman can have snake. With PSX's massive library we only need 1 person per game at the moment. I'll look for a plan C, I'm thinking Ape Escape for now if dual shock games work. Tombraider is another possibility. Btw I'm all for a no alerts run. It's not an arbitrary goal since the game acknowledges it by giving you a rank at the end (Big Boss for finishing Extreme with 0 alerts, low (or none, I only remember MGS2 requirements) rations, and a speed requirement we'll get automatically. I'm not sure what the no alert reward is for hard but I'm pretty sure there's one. Plus it'll just be appropriate to stealth on a stealth game. If anybody ever does Tenchu 1/2 for instance, that should totally be no alerts and maybe even GrandMaster Ninja only (10 stealth kills, 0 spotted).
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I dont remember details of dino2, but if theres a mini-game like in resident evil, it can be a 2 man job and ill be more than happy to have some help What i think would be fruitless is to compet on same run at this time been, but, working together on making completitive run (1 do the hard mode while second do unlocked extreme one... ect...) can be usefull and will provide more content for the same game (witch is good i think)
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I want to see this TAS so bad! :D[/i][/color]
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So do I.
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arukAdo wrote:
What i think would be fruitless is to compet on same run at this time been, but, working together on making completitive run (1 do the hard mode while second do unlocked extreme one... ect...) can be usefull and will provide more content for the same game (witch is good i think)
That wouldn't make sense, because as far as I know things like weapon placement are the same on both Hard and Extreme. There are certain differences between Hard and Extreme (enemies hit harder, no health refill after boss fights, you can carry only one ration instead of 2), along with Big Boss Emblem only obtainable on Extreme. I think that there should be a separate New Game+ big boss emblem run under concept demos. My new-game run will be done on hard. And since I'm now determined to make this run as optimized as possible, I'm going to seek out all possible routes for the Heliport (afaik going around the landing pad is still fastest, but I need to test that). And optimizing the air vents is going to be both boring and frustrating :(
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And even though it may look 3-D'ish, it is still able to keep up with Snake's every move. And with frame advance, he should have no problem having a clear shot of defeating Sniper Wolf and MG-Rex.
Post subject: You know, just a WIP. No big deal right?
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symbolic X wrote:
And even though it may look 3-D'ish, it is still able to keep up with Snake's every move. And with frame advance, he should have no problem having a clear shot of defeating Sniper Wolf and MG-Rex.
And the Hind D, etc. I plan to lock several bosses into attack animations while I spam Stingers (Raven w/ Gatling, Hind D and MGRex come to mind) Yeah, and Sniper Wolf without diazepam is gonna be....interesting :P I managed to save four more frames in the heliport. I'll post a WIP once Donald Anderson dies. EDIT: here's the WIP. Frame count is 25,266 (7m0.41s) and the rerecord count is 1,510 and as promised it ends after the codec where Snake/Campbell/Hunter discuss Anderson's death. And I don't care WHAT you guys say, I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS MOTHERFUCKING SNAKE IN THESE MOTHERFUCKING AIR VENTS. I've optimized them as much as I can without falling asleep whilst pulling my hair out in frustration. Also, I save a chaff by walking around the first camera's COV in the first-floor elevator room. I nominate that guard in front of the elevator for Retard of the Year (TM)
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Hey if you get bored, heres something you can do for fun. Beat the ninja just using the pistol :D
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Blaise wrote:
Hey if you get bored, heres something you can do for fun. Beat the ninja just using the pistol :D
Hehe - yeah, I don't think you can beat Gray Fox with the pistol, at least at first. Anyway, I am finally past the optimization torture room that is the goon fight alongside Meryl, so here's my latest WIP which ends after blowing up the first wall with C4 (two rooms before the fight with Ocelot). Here it is! Also, I'd to actually here some feedback :/
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Another thing to look at: Snake depends on Diazepam to make sure he gets a better aim with a sniper rifle; maybe even the Stinger. Would TAS'ing be the only "medicine" that Snake can easily get without a prescription? What do you guys believe?!!
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theenglishman wrote:
Anyway, I am finally past the optimization torture room that is the goon fight alongside Meryl, so here's my latest WIP which ends after blowing up the first wall with C4 (two rooms before the fight with Ocelot). Here it is!
I encoded the movie for those who can't run PCSX or don't have the game: mgs-tas-tem-wip.avi. I hope you don't mind. I'm really enjoying the run a lot so far. There are many funny moments and watching a TAS of a MGS game is like a dream come true to me. Everything looks very optimized (except for a few movements here and there that look weird) and creative. I can't wait to see the first boss fight, I hope you keep working on this. ;)
You're just fucking stupid, everyone hates you, sorry to tell you the truth. no one likes you, you're someone pretentious and TASes only to be on speed game, but don't have any hope, you won't get there.
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look good so far, just one thing, how come you have only 8 bullet left after the shooting practice? theres no way to avoid picking up those bullets in the basement?
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arukAdo wrote:
look good so far, just one thing, how come you have only 8 bullet left after the shooting practice? theres no way to avoid picking up those bullets in the basement?
I need those bullets (plus the ones I pick up in B2) to defeat Ocelot. I didn't pick up the stun grenades in B2 because I think I can devise a way to defeat Ocelot and get him into his attack animation quickly without using them. Otherwise I'll simply redo that particular section.
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I love it. Such a great game. I always forget about it. Looking forward to this run!
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Ocelot's mom: "I'm telling you, boy, one of thee days some idiot with a SOCOM is going to rape your ass if you keep reloading like that in a battle!" Ocelot: "I only listen to Mother Russia." (or something equally lame) The Ocelot battle, wherein the poor bastard never even gets to reload as Snake takes down without a scratch. The pxm ends when I call Meryl as soon as I'm back in the C4 room. I've been getting some weird desyncs around this point and I'm trying to fix those. Next up I'm going to grab the FAMAS (no thermal goggles obviously :P). I'm not grabbing the stun grenades because it takes a large amount of time to set up and detonate the C4 and then grab them. It's actually faster to just beat up Meryl in the Mantis fight rather than do it. Even if it was faster I would have had to have done it before the Ocelot fight as the noise of the C4 always alerts the guards that spawn after killing Ocelot. Saving the C4 might be useful in replacing some claymores (which I'm not getting) during the Raven Tank fight.
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He may not of hit you but he still took 20 bullets to the face without dieing and that should count for something. I am not sure why genetically altering a soldier makes them blind to anything over 20 feet from them. I guess it just helps them stand in one place for months at a time.
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You guys may need the chaff grenades for one of the communication towers since it has 1 to 4 gun-cameras. I would like to know how many frames it takes for Snake to throw the chaff grenade, explode, run its effects, and fade. The moment that the jamming effects fade, the "ding" sound and the radar comes back up.
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How do you plan on doing the stair climb in Communications Tower A?
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LazyKenny wrote:
How do you plan on doing the stair climb in Communications Tower A?
I was thinking about getting stun grenades in the B1 offices just before rescuing Otacon/fighting the Ninja, but then I realized I need more than just 3 for the staircase. I'm redoing from the Meryl/Snake fight. Snake needs 11 SOCOM shots to kill Ocelot, and from then on I'm going to be using the FAMAS because of its mobility. I'll manipulate Meryl into killing a few goons on her own so I end up with exactly 11 SOCOM shots. - Grab the 4 C4 packs (only three will be used but you can only pick up four) and 8 grenades (primarily for Vulcan Tank). I will not pick up extra SOCOM ammo. - Plant and activate the C4 on the south wall on the way to getting the stun grenades - Use C4 on the north wall to get the stun grenades - head to the south room and fight Ocelot, same deal as before. Also, on the way back from killing Ocelot I will pick up an additional 25 FAMAS ammo. (on hard, getting to the room where the FAMAS is needs a Level 2 card which I can only get from Baker once I FOXDIE his sorry ass)
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