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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I'm curious. If that's the case, then what's up with the "Disable CD Audio" box under "Options"?
Hah, you're right. I didn't notice that. After a quick Google search I found this:
In order to be able to have CD audio play on your sound card, they need to be connected directly to it. Most CD-ROM drives come with a thin, three-wire cable to enable this. If the cable is not connected, or is connected improperly, the CD-ROM drive and sound card will be isolated.
It looks like we don't have the CD-ROM drive properly connected to the sound card. :P
LagDotCom wrote:
Decent SPU plugins tend to work with anything you throw at them. I know Suikoden 2 / Alundra sound perfect with Eternal SPU Plugin, but all of the ones mz recommended (before, haven't kept up with the thread so well) butcher it.
Yeah, Eternal SPU Plugin is the only one decent, but it desyncs a lot and it can't be fixed because it is closed-source. That's why I can't recommend it for TASing.
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mz wrote:
LagDotCom wrote:
Decent SPU plugins tend to work with anything you throw at them. I know Suikoden 2 / Alundra sound perfect with Eternal SPU Plugin, but all of the ones mz recommended (before, haven't kept up with the thread so well) butcher it.
Yeah, Eternal SPU Plugin is the only one decent, but it desyncs a lot and it can't be fixed because it is closed-source. That's why I can't recommend it for TASing.
I've had eternal sync for me with some runs, but desync with others. Given that I'm not a programmer, I can't backup my random comments and thoughts on such things: If a savestate catches all possible (sound?) information related to the emulator at the moment that it is saved, wouldn't it sync with whatever plugin it was recorded with (making open or closed source irrelevant)? Sorry if it seems presumptious or insulting given what you've done already done for us, but I'm just kind of wondering.
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mz wrote:
Could you please try this test version?: test1.7z If that one still crashes, could you try this one too: test2.7z If both of them crash, could you see if at least you can use the command line in any of them? Also, if anyone else having this crash wants to try these builds, that would be very helpful too. Since I can't reproduce this bug, I'm only guessing for now. If these versions still crash, I'll have to make a special build with debug information. :/
Well, ok this is weird. I tried both of those test versions and simply went to file-movie-start playback, and they both crashed. Then I tried the command-line start (starting with test2 since it was the most recently used) and it worked! Well here's where it gets strange... I tried test1 afterwords, and it works, and so does the original pcsx-rr-v007 release. I know it didn't work before trying the test1 and test2... it must be some registry entry? Where are the registry keys located? I can delete them and start from scratch to tell you which one fixed it for me. Note that ALL of them still crash by using the menu... =/
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Atma wrote:
If a savestate catches all possible [...]
There are more causes for desyncs apart from just missing information in savestates. Just try recording a movie of Metal Gear Solid with Eternal SPU without using any savestates and you'll see what I mean. I'm not a real emulator programmer neither, so all of my findings were only through trial and error. What I found is that the SPU functions readRegister() and irqCallback() didn't return the same values every time they were called. I guess that with this plugin system, the SPU runs independently; so, when the main emulator calls these functions to ask for the current volume in channel x at that exact frame or if there's still a sound playing in channel x at that exact frame, those calls most probably won't always return the same values, because the SPU could have played a bit more or a bit less sound in that time period. That's why I needed to mostly disable the functions readRegister() and irqCallback(), this way the main emu could always work with the same values, even if the sound plugin is out of sync with it.
kooz wrote:
I tried both of those test versions [...]
Thanks for testing! Before, most probably, you were just trying to load a inexistent movie file, but this time you wrote the correct filename without spaces and without quotation marks. Settings shouldn't affect this, but you can find them in HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Pcsx.
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Okay, so it turns out I was having some issues updating plugins - but now when I try to record the game locks up on the first cutscene. I press the frame advance button ONCE and the movie just keeps running in infinitum.
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theenglishman wrote:
Okay, so it turns out I was having some issues updating plugins - but now when I try to record the game locks up on the first cutscene. I press the frame advance button ONCE and the movie just keeps running in infinitum.
It seems you never read my messages (or probably you just can't understand my english). Yes, I already said this game doesn't work in "Movie Sync Mode". You need to enable an emulation hack for it to run: 1. Set a hotkey for "SPU IRQ Enable/Disable". 2. Start recording a movie and press that key once before the screen where it hangs (You can even press it on the first movie frame, it doesn't matter.) 3. Done. Also, there was no need to "update" plugins, they should have been there from the beginning. And read the "instructions.txt" file too, it's useful if you want to prevent desyncs.
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mz wrote:
Atma wrote:
If a savestate catches all possible [...]
Fairly detailed reply...
When you put it in that perspective, it makes quite a lot of sense. Thanks for the explanation :)
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mz wrote:
Hah, you're right. I didn't notice that. After a quick Google search I found this:
In order to be able to have CD audio play on your sound card, they need to be connected directly to it. Most CD-ROM drives come with a thin, three-wire cable to enable this. If the cable is not connected, or is connected improperly, the CD-ROM drive and sound card will be isolated.
It looks like we don't have the CD-ROM drive properly connected to the sound card. :P
All I've got is the power cord and the bus cable to hook it into the motherboard. :/ I wonder how much such a cable costs... Again, thank you.
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hmm... I thought only old drives needed that cable.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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You can still use that on brand new drives that just came out IIRC. There are two types: 3 pin and 2 pin. The 3 pin one is for analog audio output (left channel, right channel, ground) and the 2 pin one is digital audio output. Both cables basically do the same thing. Most programs, for example Windows Media Player, digitally rip the music off of the cd while you listen to it, so in that scenario you don't need that cable. However, if you try to listen to any cd track with a program that doesn't support ripping while listening, the cable is needed since it simply passes the audio data to the soundcard for direct output. From what I remember ePSXe (and apparently PCSX) was never designed to digitally rip the audio and output to the speakers since it was assumed the only time you'd need that is if you used the PSX Bios menus to play a cd. They must've forgotten how many games use cd tracks for the music. The only way I know of to get around this issue without getting the cable is to make an ISO of the game to your hd, then mount it with a virtual drive program that will automatically do digital ripping for cd tracks. The latest version of Daemon Tools Lite (4.30.3) seems to do the trick for me.
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mz : any new version coming out, hum, in the next week? I wonder because i would do my nemesis run on new release eventually and hold it a few days
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I got a problem. Not the sound/video recording anymore, but I recorded a video, check the resolution. Any solves to that? Not sound problems anymore, already solved that
Solved ;)
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arukAdo wrote:
mz : any new version coming out, hum, in the next week?
Probably not. And when I release it, it would be only with minor bug fixes (your movie will work the same as in v0.0.7). I'm currently working on another big project in my free time. The only time I've touched PCSX in the last few days was to compile it under Visual Studio (with PGO enabled), which caused it to be almost 20% faster. :P
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Well, thanks to you mz I'm currently working on a test (read: unoptimized and improvised) run of MGS1! However, due to predefined save rules I will playing the game on Hard, not Extreme (which has to be unlocked). There are a few instances where the game crashes for no good reason but those instances are rare, and usually fixed by creating a different savestate just before the crash and rerecording from there. And the goon-shoot-em-up with Meryl is...painful >:(
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mz wrote:
arukAdo wrote:
mz : any new version coming out, hum, in the next week?
Probably not. And when I release it, it would be only with minor bug fixes (your movie will work the same as in v0.0.7).
Thanks! Still no answer from bisqwit for hacks in PCSX .... Well it will end up with a submition then, free to him to reject it edit: is there any way to use some gameshark codes? id like to be able to give me all weapons to test stuff on nemesis and see what weapon is the fastest way, i tryed to look to cheat editor but hum, im kinda too noob to figure out how to do it
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arukAdo wrote:
edit: is there any way to use some gameshark codes? id like to be able to give me all weapons to test stuff on nemesis and see what weapon is the fastest way, i tryed to look to cheat editor but hum, im kinda too noob to figure out how to do it
yeah, PEC plug-in. go to http://www.ngemu.com/psx/epsxe.php?action=tools and scroll down to cheating section. Once you download it, unzip it, set it up as graphic plugin. Then set PEC plug-in to use another graphic plugin. I don't remember how to use it, been a long time. But it does work, at least for ePSXe.
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I pretty impressed with this. I made a ten minute movie only to catch a huge bungle made within the first minute. After managing some hex edit magic, it only desynched once due to something unrelated, and that was easily fixed with some more hex edit magic! This is a complete subversion of all my expectations regarding TASing a disc based system; I'm even recording from a CD I burned using the image I downloaded. I just find this cool. Now for some more bugs, mainly with movie playback. Pause the emulator and load up a movie. If you load a savestate to get to some part of the movie before unpausing, the emulator will load the state that is not bound to the movie and stop playback (feature request: the ability to bind/unbind savestates). I suspect this may be the cause of some desynchs if Open Read Only is unchecked. I've had a movies somehow get corrupted between sessions. It will miss button presses or go down some other track that I don't remember putting in. I'm not sure if it's related to the previous issue or something else, but it's often fixed by loading a state that's towards the end of the movie. Such was the desynch I had mentioned in the first paragraph, except I didn't have a savestate to fix it. And another question: I try to use kkapture to record an AVI, but it brings up a message that says, "Could Not Load GPU Plugin C:\pcsx\plugin\gpuPeopsSoft.dll". I've checked and the file is there. After clicking OK, it pulls up the plugin list, and there's nothing under the Graphics plugin when there would be if I loaded the emulator itself up. What's up with this? (keep in mind that the only plugins I have came with the recent build, so the only thing that appears when loading the emulator is the TAS Graphics plugin; may be related) This wouldn't be a problem, except the built in recorder doesn't seem to capture sound. Thanks in advance.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Pause the emulator and load up a movie. If you load a savestate to get to some part of the movie before unpausing, the emulator will load the state that is not bound to the movie and stop playback (feature request: the ability to bind/unbind savestates). I suspect this may be the cause of some desynchs if Open Read Only is unchecked.
I'm afraid I don't understand this. Savestates are saved as movieFilename.pxm.000/1/2/etc, so it shouldn't be possible to load a savestate that is not bound to a movie (but it might still be remotely possible to load a savestate from another movie, which in that case this is the expected behavior if you're loading a savestate from a longer movie in read-only mode).
Ferret Warlord wrote:
I've had a movies somehow get corrupted between sessions. It will miss button presses or go down some other track that I don't remember putting in. I'm not sure if it's related to the previous issue or something else, but it's often fixed by loading a state that's towards the end of the movie. Such was the desynch I had mentioned in the first paragraph, except I didn't have a savestate to fix it.
I thought I had fixed this bug in v0.0.7. Are you sure you're using that version and not v0.0.6? :/
Ferret Warlord wrote:
And another question: I try to use kkapture to record an AVI, but it brings up a message that says, "Could Not Load GPU Plugin C:\pcsx\plugin\gpuPeopsSoft.dll". I've checked and the file is there. After clicking OK, it pulls up the plugin list, and there's nothing under the Graphics plugin when there would be if I loaded the emulator itself up.
Sometimes gpuPeopsSoft.dll is not detected by PCSX (this also happens with the official versions). This seems to be random, but I still never had any issue with .kkapture... You may want to try recording an AVI with other video plugins if that bug always happens for you.
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mz wrote:
I'm afraid I don't understand this. Savestates are saved as movieFilename.pxm.000/1/2/etc, so it shouldn't be possible to load a savestate that is not bound to a movie (but it might still be remotely possible to load a savestate from another movie, which in that case this is the expected behaviour if you're loading a savestate from a longer movie in read-only mode).
I believe what he means is that there's a small window of oppurtunity (I'd estimate about one second, tops) before the movie is actually "loaded" in which you can load a regular non-movie bound savestate. I haven't had any ill experiences with this apart from having to go back and reload the movie file again.
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mz wrote:
I'm afraid I don't understand this. Savestates are saved as movieFilename.pxm.000/1/2/etc, so it shouldn't be possible to load a savestate that is not bound to a movie (but it might still be remotely possible to load a savestate from another movie, which in that case this is the expected behavior if you're loading a savestate from a longer movie in read-only mode).
What Atma said. You have to let the movie run for a bit before it will load bound states.
mz wrote:
I thought I had fixed this bug in v0.0.7. Are you sure you're using that version and not v0.0.6? :/
It's v0.0.7 alright.
mz wrote:
You may want to try recording an AVI with other video plugins if that bug always happens for you.
Hm, now the emulator seems to crash or lock up whenever it's about to start the game. :/ I also decided to download the recent test build. We'll see how this works.
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Am I the only one, but does the other video plugins than Soft 1.18 work (on AVI recording)? The other plugins always crash when the game is about to start, thanks beforehand ;)
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Someone mentioned something similar before but I'll clarify: It seems that if the path to the plugin folder plus the plugin name has more than 31 or 32 characters (don't nitpick on the exact number), the plugin doesn't show up. This applies to v0.0.7 test4 as well. I had the problem when running from a folder on the Desktop (where the path has many characters), but when I put it on the C: drive, it worked. In addition, selecting play movie or record movie while using old plugin settings (carried over from v0.0.5) will result in a crash. You must use the new plugins. Edit: Don't know which old plugins cause the problem. There is no problem with running ISO without playing a movie.
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Tuppenfall wrote:
Am I the only one, but does the other video plugins than Soft 1.18 work (on AVI recording)? The other plugins always crash when the game is about to start, thanks beforehand ;)
Ferret Warlord wrote:
mz wrote:
You may want to try recording an AVI with other video plugins if that bug always happens for you.
Hm, now the emulator seems to crash or lock up whenever it's about to start the game. :/
Er... They don't crash for me. I can even make AVIs with them using .kkapture. I'll have to take a look into that. And, thanks Ferret Warlord (and Atma) for reporting that movie bug. I think it's one of the shortcomings of this PSEmu Pro based system, which was never meant to be paused. I'll see if I can find a workaround for this one.
FractalFusion wrote:
In addition, selecting play movie or record movie while using old plugin settings (carried over from v0.0.5) will result in a crash. You must use the new plugins.
Wow, so many crashes. It really sucks to make programs for computers different than yours. :D I should read more programming books before I release more stuff to the public...
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FractalFusion wrote:
In addition, selecting play movie or record movie while using old plugin settings (carried over from v0.0.5) will result in a crash. You must use the new plugins.
I'm not sure if you're trying to answer my concern, but if so, let me clarify: I'm not having issues playing and recording input files, and all my plugins are up to date. The emulator crashes whenever I use kkapture to try and record an AVI. Either that or it locks up. Hm... Got it working somehow just now. I eliminated the space in the PXM file and checked New Startup Interception in kkapture. It's running really slow, but we'll see if it works.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Hm... Got it working somehow just now. I eliminated the space in the PXM file and checked New Startup Interception in kkapture. It's running really slow, but we'll see if it works.
Ah, yes. I wrote in the instructions file (which probably no one reads :P) that you can't use spaces in the command line. I already fixed that crash in the test versions.
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