orz is just part of online slang. Just take it off of any word you see it on. For example "suxorz" would become "sux" which means "sucks".
I didn't see any recent usage in this thread so I can't clarify in any specific usage.
May I ask a stupid question ? It has confused me long time.
What is 'orz' and 'btw' ? I saw it very often.
I think (perhaps) Jecy saw "orz" in Japanese-web-site.
(If not a JP-site,sorry.)
"orz" expresses "a posture of droop-she's(his)-head hopelessly".
'o' -> head
'r' -> body (and arm)
'z' -> foot(knee)
:I lost my purse. orz
:Whoops, I have forgotten a promised time. orz
:OH! suddenly, my Hard-Disk-Drive was broken. orz
Hm,Can you imagine ,like these situation?(^_^;)
:Sample - Need Japanese-Fonts.
○| ̄|_ (Large version, same meaning)
_| ̄|○ (Large and reverse version, same meaning)
First,People use "Large version".
But, Large-Version is troublesome(tiresome) to type keyboard.
So, people use "orz". It is easy to type keyboard.
(Sorry about my mistake..)
>I didn't know English wasn't your first language.
Now I can understand, so ,don't worry.(^_^)
>is a 100% Super Metroid run in the works at all?
Hm, I can say only this...
I'm not working about "100%-run",sorry.
Zer0 wrote
>btw is "by the way"
Blechy wrote
>orz is just part of online slang. Just take it off of any word you see it on. For example "suxorz" would become "sux" which means "sucks".
I didn't see any recent usage in this thread so I can't clarify in any specific usage.
Grateful, thank you Zer0 and Blechy.
I understood.
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord:
Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
Hi,Are anyone making a movie of 100%-Run,now?
I have one-idea(maybe useful;),about 100%-Run.
If anyone want to know it,tell me so.
Don't worry about my poor English,I'll be able to make a short-smv-file.
Joined: 3/13/2004
Posts: 1118
Location: Kansai, JAPAN
Alright, this is getting weird. I'm in my father's apartment in New York City for break. I logged on to check the board, but I've noticed that on his computer, I can access Teri-kun's webspace.
The only difference I can see is that Dad still uses Internet Explorer while I'm using Firefox at school. But I'm assuming some of you are also using Firefox yet my problem with Teri-kun's webspace seems to be unique? >_<
The only difference I can see is that Dad still uses Internet Explorer while I'm using Firefox at school. But I'm assuming some of you are also using Firefox yet my problem with Teri-kun's webspace seems to be unique? >_<
I think that your school-network-adminstrator regulates to accsess to *.xrea.com.(maybe)
I can accsess my web-site,by using Firefox...
Can you contact your school network adminstrator?
Or try to see web-site by Firefox, in your Father's PC.
Then,If you can see it, the problem is your school-PC.
If you can't see it, the problem is Firefox.(or my web-site.)
And, have a nice break.(^^
That's a fine translation :)
But please don't embed images from servers you're not responsible of. People don't like bandwidth stealers. You may find your image suddenly replaced with something else without your consent (because you linked to it without the image owner's consent).
Edit: For those who don't understand the joke - this picture is from game "Star Control 2", representing the fishy (pun intended) race of Orz.
Joined: 5/17/2004
Posts: 106
Location: Göteborg, Sweden
This is my *house*. Do you want to know a *secret*? Do not *think* it too *not campers*.
You are so many *lonely* *juicy* *bubbles*. It is so sad.
Now that you are *campers* you will have more *parties*
and no more *sad* *lonely* *bubbles*.
This is the *secret*.
... now, if we're done with the Star Control nostalgia, can we get back to Metroid? :p
(それに、惨烈な日本語を失礼いたしました) (-.-);
Edit: *laugh* ... my japanese is bad, I admit, but babelfish is definitely much worse :)
To Xerophyte
To -Tempest
>Star Control nostalgia
Hm,sorry I don't know, and I can't know these games or names.(^_^;)
But maybe I understood. And ok, back to Metroid topic...
To -Tempest
I understood, thanks.
(I searched "babelfish", then, a porn picture appeared.(^_^;))
i dont think you could jump to reach ridley's lair without suit, why bother if theres 14% run vid?
Is this a question?(I can't find "vid".)
(If it is not a question, please forget this sentence.)
In my 14%, I can't act Red.S's action.
Because, "Jump to reach ridley's-lair by kick-climb" must need HiJumpBoots.
By the way,I have a other question.
In No-Suits-Run, can Samus defeat 2nd-Ridley...?
Using many 'Crystal Flash' manuvers one can survive long enough todefeat Ridley suitless. (it requires many {super}missiles and power bombs though.)
Also, 'vid' is short for video.
Using many 'Crystal Flash' manuvers one can survive long enough todefeat Ridley suitless. (it requires many {super}missiles and power bombs though.)
Oh,sorry my bad question...
I wonder that {Super}Missiles and PowerBombs are enough?
In Red.S's-video , she didn't come to 2nd-Ridley's room,but she's items reached the limit.
I know Red.S's run is not Tool-assisted-video.
Have you ever seen successful video...?
>Also, 'vid' is short for video.
Thanks :)
There is a irl run by Red Scarlet, but it is far from perfect, but still a very good run. He don't get one item though. But he tries for 5 minutes then gives up.I don't know if that run is a console or emulator but it isn't a savestate or slo-mo run anyway.
Anyway, I would like to see a perfect emulator run on that. =)