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Of course, the natural TAS movie is Groundhog Day.
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Sin city although I've never seen Leon Sin city is worth watching
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Yeah, it's pretty good, but where's the tool assistance in Sin City? To me, The Butterfly Effect is much closer to a TAS, because no matter how hard you try (even Hex-Editing it) things go wrong all the time and at the end you usually don't get exactly what you wasted all those hours planning.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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jimsfriend wrote:
I watched crank, and that was definitely an awesome movie. The only parts that made me sad were the few times where he stopped rampaging for like 30 seconds.
Made me sad too. At least he had a waffle iron.
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Well I was going to post in the brand new movie topic, but someone locked it. So I have watched some more movies. Donnie Darko was of course a bit weird; the story was a bit wonky. I didn't think Frank or the clown were creepy like so many people do. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed was pretty much everything I expected it to be. I thought it was dumb when he put in the parts of him just sitting in a car riding it, or walking down a dim lit hallway, and things like that. And Ben Stein's tennis shoes + suit combo was pretty ridiculous. His arguments weren't terribly interesting to me, though if he's being honest it does kind of suck about those people losing their jobs. Gattaca was pretty good. The whole discrimination based on DNA sequence thing doesn't seem too outlandish an idea, and I thought they developed a pretty good story out of it. Closer has Natalie Portman in it so of course Fabian sucks lol! It was pretty ok I guess, but it's hard for me to get involved in a drama with the main driving force of the story being romance. Clive Owen played his role really well potato. Iron Man had some funny parts, and some ridiculous parts, and some big explosion parts, and etc. Good movie. I wasn't expecting much out of it, but I wouldn't mind watching it again. Proof was quite good. Several scenes were very sad imo, especially the one with the girl reading the lines of her fathers proof in his study. I watched it late at night at the end of a terrible day, which makes it much easier to be sad at the sad parts. The Life Before Her Eyes was another late night bad day movie. Good movie for that (unless you want to go to sleep happy...) I see the kinds of things that happen in this movie at my high school almost every day, except for the whole student going on a rampage bit. The ending was not how I expected it to be, and was a sadder alternative in my opinion. Babylon AD is stupid retarded. Don't waste your time. The story was dumb, the action scenes were dumb, the dumb was dumb. I was very underwhelmed. The Phantom Menace was pretty crappy, had cool fight scenes, and a hot chick. Still haven't got 10 Canoes :/ The Lion King wasn't nearly as good as it was when I was a child. So it was bad. There might be some others I missed.
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Great post jimsfriend. If I wasn't so crappy with watching movies, I'd definitely watch some of these movies / stay away from others, based on your advice. Others, Feel free to add your own recently watched movies. I watched Se7en a couple days ago. I knew the general gist of the movie, and it was pretty much what I expected. I was mildly entertained but was pretty happy when it was over all the same. I won't watch it again.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Post subject: King of Kong (2007)
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I recently watched a movie which was both entertaining and has specific relevance to the TAS community. The movie is a documentary called King of Kong, and is about how a guy sets out to break a 30 year old world record for the arcade game Donkey Kong, and how the previous record-holder acts when the challenger finally beats it. The documentary catches the ever-so-familiar atmosphere of men doing wierd things for questionable reasons really well. It has some sentimental family moments which I didn't really like but luckily they never linger long enough for you actually get irritated by them. The portrayal of the characters, in spite of the occational overly emotional scene, was really well done. Basically the documentary focuses as much on the two personalities as it does on the record-breaking, which really pans out nicely. Would've been a five if the emotional things had been a little bit better done. Score: 4
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I think King of Kong is definitely something all serious video game players should feel required to watch at some point. I'd give it a high rating because it's the only intense video gaming documentary I've ever seen. If someone has seen something better I'd like to hear of it. Also, a useful piece of information that I got from the documentary is that Twin Galaxies is pretty lame.
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Thanks for recommending the King of Kong, I watched it and it was great :D The somewhat anticlimactic truth though is that Billy beat the record and has the highest score again now...
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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I watched The King of Kong too. I thought it was very mildly interesting, a 5 at best (1-10 scale obviously). Seriously though, how fucking sad is the episode of 8 Simple Rules where the dad dies? I understand everyone of you probably hates 8 Simple Rules because it's a stupid sitcom, but that's fine by me. I think it's very good for a stupid sitcom (while the dad was alive obviously), and yeah, the episode where the dad dies is pretty heartbreaking. A shame too, the rest of the show's run was god awful.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Totally agree with you on 8 simple rules. When the dad died, I was like :((((((( they really piled on the sad. And then I stopped watching it. Up to that point it was definitely one of the better stupid sitcoms. I watched Transporter 2 and Transporter 3. 2 was really really really really really really really stupid. The story was way stupid and they put too much emphasis on it. The villains were lame. Don't watch it. Don't. 3 was a pretty nice action movie, with fancy fight scenes and explosions and fast car driving etc. I don't know that I'd watch it again, but I at least wouldn't actively find reasons to not watch it, like I would with 2. I found 10 Canoes and haven't watched it yet. I watched... some stupid movie made for teenage girls that I don't remember the name of. It was about some hot girl who is new to a college and ends up shacking up with 7 nerd dudes in a shitdump and she convinces them they need to run for student president and etc to get the hoity-toity sorority girls in a non-in-charge position. I watched Death Race and forgot to include it in my last post. Crazy driving, blowing stuff up, mindless violence, easily ignorable lame attempt at a story. Fine for a dumb action film, which is what I wanted out of it. Again, I'm probably forgetting something and will hopefully remember it in the next post.
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So I flew across the Atlantic and back this last week, which means I watched some movies! Let's take them in order shall we? Ghost Town, some new comedy starring Ricky Gervais. He dies briefly during an operation, and once he wakes up he can see ghosts who want his help so they can move on to the afterlife. Some pretty funny Rickyesque dialouge here and there, but ultimately not very good. Definitely better than staring into the seat in front of you on a plane ride, but still no better than a 5. Journey to the Center of the Earth is about some seismologist who along with his nephew and a pretty hot tour guide gets trapped in some Icelandic cave and end up falling down a hole to the center of the earth. I kinda like Brendan Frasier, and I thought this movie was decent enough. Some reasonable jokes, a silly but not too annoying story and a decent looking chick, who's supposed to be from Iceland but speaks with a British accent. When I looked her up on imdb just now, I found out she's actually Icelandic! Imagine my surprise. Then I looked closer and read that she'd been living in London for 10 years or something. Fair enough. Anyway the movie gets a solid 6½+, maybe worth watching, almost definitely worth watching if you're bored. Then we have WALL-E, Pixar's latest animated movie. This one was awesome. Call me a sucker for sweet love stories, but this one worked very well. It's a pretty unusual premise, with the two main characters having like 3 different lines each the entire movie, and really only like 1 character with many lines at all. Oh, the main characters are robots, too. 8½, would recommend. On the plane ride home, there were two movies. The first one was Fred Claus, starring Vince Vaughn and also with that guy who plays the attorney on Arrested Development. It's a very stereotypical family comedy about how Santa Claus's brother Fred needs to help out with the toy production on the North Pole even though he doesn't want to. Fred and Santa fight throughout the movie, Fred leaves, then has a change of heart and comes back to save the day. Very standard stuff. Some mildly funny jokes in there, but not really. Elizabeth Banks looking her usual fine self in the couple scenes she's in, though. This movie gets a 4, very forgettable. Finally we have Mamma Mia!, a musical featuring the greatest hits of ABBA, a popular Swedish disco band from the late 70's and early 80's. I bet this doesn't sound so awesome to many of you, but this is my favorite of the bunch. I don't quite know why, but it just works very well. The cast (Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgård, Colin Firth and some not so well known people) sings very well, especially the (gorgeous, by the way) daughter in the movie. Meryl Streep really does do it all, huh? The music is great, even if you don't like the original ABBA sound, at least in my opinion, the story is somewhat compelling and you just wish the movie won't end. A solid 9, I think you should all check it out. I downloaded the soundtrack the minute I got home and am planning to rewatch this soon. Edit: Bonus info: My favorite song of the movie was either Lay All Your Love On Me or Honey, Honey, I can't decide.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I watched Blade Runner a couple weeks ago. Based on what I had heard/read about it, I was expecting it to be basically the best movie ever. A number of people whose opinion I somewhat care about say it's their favorite movie ever. That's a lot of hype to live up to, and, well, it didn't. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood when I watched it, but I kept waiting for the good stuff to happen, and then the movie was over. There was some pretty cool thought provoking stuff I didn't realize until after I finished watching and read some discussions about it. Like, is Harrison Ford's character a robot? The thought didn't even cross my mind when watching the movie, but upon reflection it seems pretty obvious he was. I guess that takes the movie to some deeper level, or whatever. Still though, I didn't really enjoy watching it, so cult classic masterpiece or not, it's no better than a 5. That said, it's probably still worth watching, because I imagine a lot of people would enjoy it a lot more than I did. As evidenced by the fact that it's multiple people's single favorite movie ever.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I don't know if it has been recommended (didn't find anyone mentioning it in a quick skim through the thread), but I figure it's worth promoting (possibly again) anyway: Have you seen The Man From Earth, Fabian? It's one of the best movies I've seen in the last couple of years. It's about a man who claims he's really a caveman that simply haven't died, and then the entire movie is dialogue between the cast, which consists of various scholars and professors. It's low-budget, pretty much nothing at all outside of talking happens, but the script is amazing and it all just plays out beautifully. If you're looking for something with a bit more substance after a slew of zany comedies and musicals, well, give it a shot.
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About a Boy is a cheesy movie which mostly follows the life of two characters. One is a sleazy man who is doing nothing with his life, and the other is a little kid who gets picked on a lot and has family problems. They end up meeting and becoming friends (what?) and help each other get through their various problems. Watching it once was enough. Revolver tries to get inside your head and screw things around a bit. The actual story isn't terribly important for the movie I think. The music was some of the best music I have heard in a movie. At least that I can remember. The Fountain was one of the worst movies I have seen. It's very slow paced, and ultimately nothing really ends up happening. The music didn't stand out as being good either. I almost gave up on it several times. [url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289879/[/url]The Butterfly Effect[/url] is about a guy who can use rerecords irl, and tries to fix everything that is wrong with his life, as well as the life of his friends.
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Come on mouthdrooler, we need to hear more about what you think about the movie, not what it's about. I know what the Butterfly Effect is about, what I want to know is whether or not you liked it and would recommend it. Same with Revolver. imo
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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leave it to me to get it wrong..... so yeah, revolver is one of those movies where if it doesn't work on you you'll just be like "well that was dumb." and if it does you'll be like "well that was awesome." it worked on me, so i thought it was terrific, would watch again (though now i know how it ends.......). and if nothing else, you should watch the movie just for the music. butterfly effect was good, you should watch it. kl; don't watch the other two ldo and you need to watch gattaca if you haven't. not sure if i said to watch it. watch it.
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Revolver... I watched it about a year ago. I thought it was kind of silly for several reasons. First of all, the movie's name, Revolver, doesn't play any part with the movie itself. The front cover of the movie is equally misleading too. Because what the movie actually is about, is mainly chess. Yeah, chess. It even has interviews of professional chess players after the ending. Even other of the villains is a chess pro. I must agree I liked the music too. IIRC it's mostly classical music actually, Beethoven and stuff. But they fit laughably well in the scenes. And indeed, the movie tries to "get inside your head", as the characters get their heads stuffed with stuff. It didn't get inside my head though, I thought it was kinda silly. I wouldn't watch it again.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Lion King... I can't believe this bandit guy two posts above didn't like the movie. I watched it with friends ~two years ago, and I just got chills thorough the whole movie. It's so dramatic it's fantastic. Oh, poor Mufasa :(
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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I think I've watched exactly zero movies in the last two months. However, I've been watching a new TV show (new to me, that is), which I want to talk about a little bit. Battlestar Galactica is awesome and you should all be watching it. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "wat? isn't that some bullshit sci-fi piece of shit retarded ass piss poor excuse of television?", and I'm here to tell you that it's not. I'm not a science fiction fan by any stretch of the imagination. The only stuff I've ever watched in that genre is I guess Star Wars and a few episodes of various Star Trek shows. I'm not really a Star Wars fan, and definitely not a Star Trek fan. While Battlestar Galactica certainly is a science fiction series, it's a lot more than that, and I don't want any of you to think less of it just because of its setting. Of course, if you ARE a science fiction fan (and I bet a fair amount of you people are), then all the better I suppose. Anyway. Battlestar Galactica is about a war between humans and cylons. Cylons are a kind of robot the humans invented, then one day the cylons rebelled and tried to kill their creators. There was a long drawn-out war, then an armistice was declared, and the cylons disappeared for 40 years. At the beginning of this series, the cylons return. Uh oh. While that is the premise of the show, what it mostly is about is people. It's a very character driven show, and this is exactly what makes it so good. It's just extremely well written, better than any (non-comedy) TV show I've ever watched. It's captivating in a way very few things I've ever seen can match. And it's fucking exciting too! Anyway I'm not going to give away anything you won't find out in the first 30 seconds of the first episode obviously, but I think you should just give this show a try and see if it's for you. I'm betting a lot of you would enjoy it. If someone checks it out and does like it, I'd love to hear about it of course! A quick note though; the show doesn't actually begin with season 1, episode 1. There's a "mini-series" which precedes season 1, and that's where you should start. I originally skipped this because I thought it wasn't important to the show or whatever, and that was a mistake. Don't do the same thing. Skipping it would be exactly like starting at episode 5 of any other TV show (the mini-series is as long as 4 regular episodes). I also happen to think that the mini-series and the first episode of the "real" season 1 are very good compared to the rest of the show, so if you watch those and aren't feelin' it it's probably safe to give up on the show right then and there. In closing, if you like TV shows, give this one a shot. And let me know what you think :) Oh also, the chicas on this show aren't exactly hard on the eyes either if you catch my drift.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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The Motorcycle Diaries: Based on a motorcycle trip through South America that Ernesto "Che" Guevara took with his friend when he was 23. A bit of humor, action, tears. Touches on how his experiences with the poor and downtrodden on the trip helped inspire his future political career. Le Tigre et la Neige (The Tiger and the Snow): Roberto Benigni (Life is Beautiful) stars as a bumbling poet who chases a woman he is in love with to Iraq during the start of the war in 2003. Magical realism and Tom Waits make guest appearances. It is very funny, and I want to watch it again... Man v. Food: A tv series about a guy who goes around and tries to beat those eating challenges like "eat a 7 lb burrito in 1 hour" or "eat these really spicy things". He also visits restaurants in the same city, and usually picks ones with really tasty looking fatty foods. It's cheesy as hell but it's fun to watch when you're hungry, and it's always interesting to see if he'll make the challenge or not (he's supposedly not a professional eater so a lot of the time he fails, but when he succeeds it's amazing).
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: Pier Paolo Pasolini is the man
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So I bought a Pier Paolo Pasolini collection (only 5 movies though) today and expected a lot of nausea and depression. I decided to watch them in chronological order. Mamma Roma (1962): A black and white movie. Pretty boring one also. Tells about a whore who's not whore anymore and her beloved son disrespects her and blah blah. Nothing fancy happens. Doesn't even reach Pasolini standards. Decamerone (1971): An adaption from the book by the same name written by Boccacio - the first short story collection ever. And holy shit, this has to be the funniest movie I've seen all year. I seriously recommend this one. There are some titties n stuff, but no gore. Pasolini himself also plays a part here. Five stars. I'll spoil one of the stories as an example. A guy gets invited by a really pretty lady to her house. Of course the guy goes - he wants to screw her. When he gets there, the lady explains to him that she is actually his sister. They have the same father, and he apparently had an affair, thus came the sister. The guy is happy to hear this and eats dinner together with his sister and spends the night. Later he asks where the toilet is and gets guided there. However, the floor fails and he falls and gets a nice shit bath. While swimming in the crap, his "sister" scams him and he has to climb up to window, and jump down (a high fall, must hurt). Outside he yells for his clothes and money, but gets no answer. Then he wanders to a church and sleeps there. Two guys come there, notice a nasty smell, find him and laugh at him for about a minute. They offer a job for him though. A bishop died earlier that day and was put into coffin in the very same church. In the coffin he is with a ruby ring worth a lot of money. While the two guys open the coffin, he has to climb there and get the ruby. Well he gets there, puts the ruby in his panties and gives all bishop's clothes instead. The guys won't believe him and close the coffin, leaving him there with bishop's corpse. However, more people were aware of the ruby and opened the coffin. They argue who goes in, until someone says "oh come on, it's just a dead body. its not gonna bite or anything". So he goes in, and the guy bites his leg. They run away scared and screamin, leaving the coffin open. The guy happily gets away in shitty clothes and a ruby ring on his finger. The Canterbury tales (1972): --- Tales of the Arabian Nights (1974): --- Salò: The 120 Days of Sodomy (1975): I've actually seen this one already. Don't know if I have the balls to go through this again. We'll see... I'll update the rest later when I've watched them.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Parts in spoiler really is a true spoiler. Don't read it if you want to watch the movie yourself. The Adjustment Bureau I liked it. I don't recall the previews, but I've read that they make it sound like this movie is supposed to be as crazy and awesome a movie as inception, which is very definitely not true. The movies pretty much don't even compare. It's mostly just a love story where instead of the typical romance movie problems and solutions they have a sci-fi problem. With that said, I didn't think it was bad at being a romance, though it certainly wasn't near the best I've seen. Watch it if you want a romance with a new twist, but not if you're looking for a cool sci-fi flick. I didn't have any expectations going in. I recalled that the previews made me want to watch it, but don't recall what the previews actually were. About 20 minutes in the movie up to that point was kind of reminding me of Dark City, but then the movie never really went much deeper into the powers of the Adjustment Bureau, who the chairman is, or why the plan can change. And the ending was just ugh horrible. Analogous in satisfactory conclusion-ness to "and then they woke up." There apparently is also a book that this movie inspired, but from what I have read here (contains spoilers) pretty much the only thing they have in common is the bureau's power. I've not read it. Transformers 3 Don't watch it, it sucked. Even the super spectacular OMG GIANT ROBOT BATTLE were pretty lame. Just go re-watch power rangers. X-Men: First Class was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. No real surprises here. Shallow plot movie with a bunch of superpower guys being super powered. Watch it if you liked the other x-men movies, don't if you didn't. I would watch The Adjustment Bureau again (although not as high priority), with or without someone who hasn't seen it. I would not watch transformers 3 again even with someone who has not seen it, and x-men I would probably only watch again if I plan to watch the whole series again.
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jimsfriend wrote:
About 20 minutes in the movie up to that point was kind of reminding me of Dark City
Yeah, as soon as I saw the trailer, I thought to myself "oh, it's like a less gritty, less sci-fi, more romance-heavy version of Dark City"! That's not a compliment even without the qualifiers; "Dark City" was great with it visuals and atmosphere, but had a disappointingly simple, stale plot and only a few noteworthy scenes. It was decent and entertaining, but nothing more. Anyways, I haven't seen it "The Adjustment Bureau" yet. In fact, I've only seen one film from 2011 so far; "Midnight in Paris" (decent). There's a good chance I check out "Drive" tomorrow, though.
jimsfriend wrote:
Transformers 3 Don't watch it, it sucked. Even the super spectacular OMG GIANT ROBOT BATTLE were pretty lame. Just go re-watch power rangers.
I haven't seen any of the movies in the series, but I think by this point, everyone knows what to expect. If someone watched Transformers 3 and hated it, it's really their own fault. Ditto for Twilight and every other brain-dead, crappy Hollywood franchise.
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IronSlayer wrote:
Ditto for Twilight and every other brain-dead, crappy Hollywood franchise.
I really can't understand what's wrong with the Twilight series. They might not be the best movies in history, but I just can't see how they are "crappy". My bet is that they aren't crappy, but this just a combination of chick-flick + hype backlash. I also bet many people are dissing the movies without actually seeing them. (OTOH, many of them are so prejudiced that even if they saw them, they wouldn't change their opinion as a matter of principle. After all, admitting you are wrong, even to yourself, is hard.)
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