For any PC Gamer out there that uses Steam:
Steam is now having a sale! Stuff is cheap and the sale lasts until January 2nd, so.. I'm passing the savings onto youuuuu!
In all seriousness though, Bioshock for $5 is a steal.
A decent video card which can run Bioshock is not so expensive anymore. (For example I have a Radeon 3850, which is nowadays quite affordable, and runs Bioshock just fine.)
Of course if you have a Pentium2 with 256MB of RAM, then that's a completely different issue.
Joined: 3/13/2004
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Location: Kansai, JAPAN
BioShock is way out of my PC's reach, but I bought it on PS3 so I'll enjoy it on my TV.
I was really taken aback by Doom and Doom 2 being sold for 99 cents apiece. I spent more money wrapping my Christmas presents than that, so I bought both of them in an instant.
Really looking at Audiosurf now, as it's down to $5. Seems like a great idea, although so far I am lousy as hell at the actual game.
Dumb as it is, I really enjoy Audiosurf. I get a fair few emails per day of people beating my scores, and I don't exactly listen to popular music. :)
After this glowing review I bought this and it's worth every penny (all 499 of them). Great dumb zone out game, especially since I usually mute games and listen to my own music anyways ... plus it's fun trying to find good songs for it.
woo hoo "viral marketing"
Joined: 5/1/2004
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I liked it a lot for a week, but then the gameplay got me disapointed because it didn't feel like having a lot of replay value, as impressive as that may seem for the concept of the game. But for its price, it's really good.
Joined: 11/18/2006
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Warp wrote:
feitclub wrote:
BioShock is way out of my PC's reach, but I bought it on PS3 so I'll enjoy it on my TV.
I wouldn't call playing an FPS game on a console much of an "enjoyment". "Nightmare" might be a better term.
Oh you and your silly bias.
I personally enjoy sitting on a couch when I play video games, not sitting at a desk, or trying to balance a keyboard on my lap with one hand while trying to avoid carpal tunnel with the other.
Carpal tunnel only makes me stronger. I also think FPSs suck on consoles, and that's through experience rather than prejudice. Try playing the Playstation Descent port, hee hee hee :)
OMG Yuo guys dont know what you are talkin about HALO is soooo much better because it rocks and you have shiuelds and pc games are a buch of crap so stop bieng a bunch fo lamers and n00bs cuz ("MOM! STOP YELLING AT ME! I DID MY CHORES! YES! NOOOO! MOM LEAVE ME ALONE I'M TALKING TO PEOPLE ON THE INTEEERRRNNNNEEEET") where was i oh yeh yuo all are tarded freaks wiho think pc games is better.
Seriously? Some people like console shooters, other like PC shooters. One is not better or worse than the other. Its called an opinion. Like arseholes, everyone's got one, and they all stink.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Goldeneye begs to differ, as does it's much improved sequel-in-spirit, Perfect Dark.
Yeah... I've played them both and they aren't good counterexamples. The only console FPS I've ever played that comes anywhere close to having good controls is Metroid Prime (well, and it's sequel, obviously), and the only reason it manages to accomplish this without the use of a mouse is because it has target-locking so you don't have to spend 5 minutes fiddling with an finicky thumbstick any time you want to aim at anything. Again, this problem also plagues FPS games on pretty much any laptop ever, unless you've got a USB mouse plugged into it.
It's not a subjective statement that mouse (and the wii pointer) provide much greater flexibility for pointing purposes than the analog thumbsticks of any console controller that has been created to date.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Faceball 2000 was fun with merely a control pad. 'twas aggravating that it took fore'er to turn around to get at the vampires though.
I would rather have Goldeneye's (alternate) control scheme than Prime's. It feels too much like an artificial difficulty step-down, and having no innate ability to strafe is just ugh.
But the ability to turn backwards with the spin of the ball or pressing [BACKSPACE] (DN3d, I look at you. Oh, the days of BUILD engine..) is useful to the point where any specified limit on turn/aim speed cramps.
So, yes- mouse beats stick for aiming, since you ha'e potential accuracy o'er a range that you ne'er bump into- though it then turns into a dexterity check whether you can still be accurate with large motions.
Calling goldeneye/PD's controls "nowhere close to good" is an overstatement, though. /2¢