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COMPLETE EDIT This is something I've wanted to see done. TASing is all about completing a game as fast as possible, so how fast can you TAS? I'm going to start this thread as a competition. Stuff that you need to know: -There are no signups, play for as many tasks as you like, if you don't like a game, skip that task -You don't have to complete the game, but it advantages you to complete more of the game. your rank will be determined by how far you get in the game, and secondarily, how fast the completion is. This isn't perfect because people could just use rerecords to undo major stuff-ups and complete the game and get a higher position, but it doesn't really matter. This tournament is supposed to be more fun than anything else. -hopefully the winner or each task might feel compelled to do an official TAS of that game for TASvideos. -There is no pressure, if you only have a couple of hours, try anyway to get as far as possible. Getting further is criteria 1 so it is in your best interests to complete as much of the game as possible. you can have the run as sub optimal as possible, you don't need to be a frame whore. I am putting in time limits so that the runs are not optimal. Basically, how fast can you make the video in the fewest rerecords Details: If you want to submit a task, post in this forum clearly that it is a submission, and have a link to the movie file If you want, post a Youtube link or whatever if you consider it worth watching. If you want to update a submission, clearly state that the older one is obsolete. Scoring: First place will get 100 points, last place, 10 points. Everyone else will get equally distributed somewhere in between. And I think that's it! upthorn and mmbossman raised a few good points, an I didn't actually think that anyone was going to complete sm64 with 120 stars in three weeks. But I didn't think that someone would just record themselves playing normally, and only use rerecords for major fuckups. The reason that I had done a very well known game was because it's the first task, and if I got a fair amount of people attempting it, enough hype, there would be enough people to give nominations and everyone could vote for games. both those reasons mean that sm64 120 stars is not a suitable candidate, also because it is advantaging people like AKA, Mr RobertZ and others. Heh, just realised rewriting this post is the equivalent of one rerecord to cover up a major fuckup. Now That that is over with I am going to ask for nominations for the first game starting now, the first five will be nominated and I will chose the one to use for task 1. Try to nominate games that do not have a run already on TASvideos. ORIGINAL POST: This is something I've wanted to see done. TASing is all about completing a game as fast as possible, so how fast can you TAS? I'm going to start this thread as a competition, This will be in a similar format as the SDA speedrunning tournament linked below. It's not about competitiveness, but more about experimenting with TASing. The games will all be ridiculously long, so that there is no possible way of making a fully optimised run in the timeframe. read the SDA tournament rules for more information. The scoring is first place will get 100 points and last place 10. All other scorers will be equally distributed in between. But the main thing is to participate, if you only have half an hour, get as much of the game done as you can, you don't have to complete the game. Even if you think you suck at TASing or have never TAS'd before, join in. the link to the SDA tournament is here: http://speeddemosarchive.com/forum/index.php/topic,9226.0.html[/url] The first task is a 120 star run of sm64 You will have until dec 22 to finish this run
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A little off topic, but holy shit your avatar is crazy... and welcome to the wonderful world of TASVideos (11 posts ago!)
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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I see a couple problems with your competition. 1) You should choose a game that hasn't had a TAS already published, or at least one that isn't as frame-whored as Mario 64, to avoid giving a subset of members an unfair advantage. 2) You should probably choose a run that is possible to complete in less time (20-25 minutes would probably be a good start). The way you have things described right now, I can see someone just playing through SM64 and loading a save-state now and then to redo major fuckups. That's not exactly showing super-human abilities, it's just making a bad TAS (or a "unacceptable" speedrun). It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but with the way you have it set up right now you probably won't have anyone actually participate.
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I saw this earlier and meant to post that 3D games seem like a pretty bad idea for this sort of thing, at least before the final rounds and that probably an NES game would be best to start with... but I guess I got distracted and forgot.
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His avatar is from MSPaintAdventures (.com) as far as I can tell. And yeah, 'I agree with Upthorn'
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I think a more interesting method would be to impose a time limit. Making it a shorter game and saying you can only spend 5-10 hours on the run (over the course of a week or two) would make it less of a "free time contest". I also agree that it should probably be a game that no one has done yet.
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All good points, I've edited the original post. I only had about 10 minutes yesterday, so I didn't really think about it much. Also my avatar is located at http://www.mspaintadventures.com/psicons/index.html
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I much prefer the MS-Paint pr0n website >_>
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Experienced player (622)
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you sick fuck! that's like watching hentai
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Wont this result in really sub-optimal TASes and rushed ugly TASes? : /
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andymac wrote:
you sick fuck! that's like watching hentai
Only the quality ones. I enjoy seeing the hilariously bad pictures some people make. The quality ones actually take away from my enjoyment of the site T_T
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Yeah, aren't the tenants of good TASing time, effort, and patience? So isn't the idea of creating a TAS in record time uh... an oxymoron? Also, most good TASers are probably involved in actual tases.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Yeah, aren't the tenants of good TASing time, effort, and patience? So isn't the idea of creating a TAS in record time uh... an oxymoron? Also, most good TASers are probably involved in actual tases.
to answer that, yes, "A TAS in record time" is not an oxymoron, but I know what you mean and finally: yeah they probably are. There is no real point to this, I just wanted to see who could make a TAS fastest. Also imposing a time limit will make rushed (and ugly) TASes, that's half the point. This means that none of the TASes are similar and can be easily judged. If the task for the first week was to create a SMB1 speedrun, all entries would probably be in a range of about 5 seconds, and all of them would be similar and boring. SpeedTASing will hopefully encourage non-TASers to TAS because it's a kind of no pressure thing. They only have to sit on one game for a week or so, TASing is generally seen as a tedious and monotonous process from the outside. There is no real point but if you want to see how much TASing you can do, then go ahead and join the competition.
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I recommend asking a bunch of freerunners on YouTube to found their own community and host speed-TASes. Yes, "TAS" is so popular that it now refers to any tool-assisted run, even where speed is not a concern.
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This thread is turning into a large pile of fail. Next time I start a competition, all TASes involved will have enough time to be properly completed. I am no longer going to post on this thread
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Eh, this was a perfectly healthy initiative. Rushed and not completely thought out, sure, but it definitely didn't need to be shot down. I'd like this to be carried out in some way in the foreseeable future.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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So would I. Non-TASers could just try and get as far as they could if they couldn't finish. Perhaps members who try but can't complete a normal TAS (such as myself) should use thissort of thing as a sort of tutorial for a normal TAS? P.S. I beat andymac to the first mspaint avatar.
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I find this idea intriguing too. I too have thought about what it would be like to "speedrun a speedrun". Especially if the competition was for a game not TASed before, even a TAS made in a few days will probably provide a good basis to make an optimized TAS in the future. I might consider joining in on one of these competitions in the future, if it's for a simple enough game.
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A week is too long, I say make it like 3 hours :P
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This is what I was trying to get at with this forum, sloppy TASes like this one, that can obvoiusly be improved, but aren't because of time limits, I was trying to see people's judgement in major route planning compared to their frame whorage, which it seem is what TASing is all about. Link: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1178444371/aaa.m64
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arflech wrote:
I recommend asking a bunch of freerunners on YouTube to found their own community and host speed-TASes. Yes, "TAS" is so popular that it now refers to any tool-assisted run, even where speed is not a concern.
I guess you're another one of those people that never looked at the forum banner, but it meant (at one time), "tool-assisted superplay." I only say "meant" because these days it feels like the only TASes are for speed, none of them using inhuman reflexes to primarily focus on having fun with the game :(
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Possibly because such playarounds have a hard time fitting within the infrastructure of the site which is built around obsoleting old runs. The culture ended up being built around mostly objective measures, which is why the Rivercity Ransom playaround had to fight to get onto the site. In that regard, thank goodness for Youtube. In regards to the topic at hand, it is reminiscent of those speed-creation contests I keep hearing about. Film a short movie in a day, write a novel in a month, etc., etc. I don't really see too much wrong with the idea. I would say announce the game right when the competition starts so no one would be able to prepare for that specific title. Would reduce cheating.
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moozooh wrote:
Eh, this was a perfectly healthy initiative. Rushed and not completely thought out, sure, but it definitely didn't need to be shot down. I'd like this to be carried out in some way in the foreseeable future.
I agree, I just think it should use simpler games so the TASes can still look impressive compared to normal play.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Possibly because such playarounds have a hard time fitting within the infrastructure of the site which is built around obsoleting old runs. The culture ended up being built around mostly objective measures, which is why the Rivercity Ransom playaround had to fight to get onto the site.
Thank you for explaining this trend that Xkeeper is ALWAYS whining about. I feel insulted having to be told "The S stands for Superplay!" repeatedly.
Ferret Warlord wrote:
In regards to the topic at hand, it is reminiscent of those speed-creation contests I keep hearing about. Film a short movie in a day, write a novel in a month, etc., etc.
Hey, I tried a few of those "Make a ZZT game in one day" contests before! And don't forget about what happened with Super Mario Land 2. I believe we need to completely rethink what would make a good contest for this website.
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andymac wrote:
major route planning compared to their frame whorage, which it seem is what TASing is all about.
Seeing that both route planning and frame whorage are: 1) YES, what this site is about, and 2) Take a long amount of time to do correctly/thoroughly Then you can see why rushing TASes, whether it's supposed to be entertaining (making fun of the game) or for perfect technical demonstration (what a perfect playthrough be like) is a bad idea. TASing at its very core is a hobby that shouldn't be rushed, not a profession. There is a huge difference. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to spend a meticulous amount of time and effort into optimizing this TAS I'm working on to make it frame perfect.
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