Post subject: Local slang
Joined: 10/20/2006
Posts: 1248
Let's hear you say something in your local slang! x_x I tried my best to explain these examples as well as possible, I don't expect the same from others though. I'm sorry for any potential mistakes I made. I'm also sorry for the lameness of my audio samples. I don't sound very enthusiastic, but that's how I am. >_> So here are the examples, but first let me first introduce myself: Language: German Area of Birth: Austria - Carinthia Social Group: Student, grown up on the countryside Examples: 1) "Steckdosenbefruchter" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: ['ʃtɞkdosnbəfrʊxtɔɐ] The d and b in this word are generally unvoiced, but articulated with less air pressure and shorter than t and p. This is a specific feature of many German dialects. (also happens with g/k) The ɔɐ is a diphthong where, as with most German diphthongs, the stress lies on the first vocal (as opposed to French), so the last ɐ is non syllabic. The n in the middle of the word could be argued to be syllabic. Translation / Explanation: wall socket inseminator A male who supposedly has sexual intercourse with wall sockets. 2) "De Goschn" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [də'go:ʊʃn] o:ʊ should be some kind of prolonged diphthong The n is syllabic. Translation / Explanation: the mouth Short for "halt die Goschn", lit. "hold the mouth" Means "shut your mouth" "Goschn" should be somehow related to the English word "gosh" (oh my gosh; by guess and by gosh) 3) "'ts Gfrieß" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [t:s gfʀi:s] The initial t is prolounged (longer silence) to indicate that something has been ommitted. The g is unvoiced. Translation / Explanation: hold the mouth (again) Short for "halt es Gfrieß" "Gfrieß" could be related to the English word "face", but I'm not sure 4) "Jesas Mariana" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [jɛs:ɐs mɐʀiɐnɐ] Prolounged s, maybe to communicate that you need time to cope with the situation? I'm kind of unsure about the transcription of this one. Translation / Explanation: Some concatenation of "Jesus", "Maria" and "na" ("no" - to express denial) which means something like "In the names of Jesus and Maria, I can't believe this!" Similar to the English "For Christ's sake.."? [URL=] Link to the audio files [/URL] And now to tell the truth.. I must say I'm sorry but this topic is basically spam. In fact I need some audio samples of English native speakers from different regions using some 'slang' till about Friday. And because I'm an idiot I tried starting to collect these audio samples just today by skyping random people, just to realize they're not as talkative as I thought they'd be. :/ So, creating this topic is something like a pathetic attempt to gather material.. I'd perfectly understand if this topic gets deleted or no replies at all. I'm sorry for abusing these forums!
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You can skype me, if you like. I'm not the very best with slang, but better than nothing, I assume. /Actually, scratch that. I can only do a fake British accent. :/
Joined: 8/10/2006
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Location: Germany, Bayern
Yeah, Bavaria/Austria ftw :D
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So you consider Austria to be part of Germany? Interesting...
Joined: 10/20/2006
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You don't need to be best with slang or anything. I just need audio samples of people saying stuff that is typical for their specific regions and/or social groups.
ShinyDoofy wrote:
So you consider Austria to be part of Germany? Interesting...
Austria and Bavaria belong to the same family language vise. There are three large groups that German dialects can be categorized in. One of those three groups are the "Oberdeutsche Dialekte". Within that group, there are three noteworthy groups again, and one of them is the "Osteroberdeutsche" / "Bayrisch" / Bavarian group. Every major Austrian dialect basically falls into this group. [URL=] Link [/URL]
Joined: 8/10/2006
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Location: Germany, Bayern
ShinyDoofy wrote:
So you consider Austria to be part of Germany? Interesting...
I should have said "Austrian&Bavarian Slang", because the language is similar. Pretty much what Kuwaga said.
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Coincidentally, I just got my microphone to work with Skype, so if you want me to say something in Icelandic (edit: or something in English with a genuine Icelandic accent), you could call me.
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For all those looking to hear me have a Mainer accent, sorry! I don't have one. I don't eat "lobstah" every day, nor do I "take the cah to Bah Hah-bah". :p (By the way, that'd be "Bar Harbor", for those not in the know, one of Maine's more popular ocean coast towns. Pretty big for tourism.) I'll try and think of some Maine idioms when I'm not waking up.
Joined: 10/20/2006
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I'm not interested in getting those calls anymore. I failed the course. ^^ Thanks to those who tried to help, bad luck for me.
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How much you want to hear my slang?
Joined: 5/3/2008
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Once upon one time dere waz one young boy named Michael. Michael waz 32 years old and stay living in O'ahu, Hawai'i. One day wen we been leave school, one orange cat wen jump out from behind one house an wen trow Michael to da ground. But just when he almost wen scream for help, Michael had reka notice dat da orange cat stay only licking his face, not going bite em off. An den, Michael wen figurah fo keep da orange cat fo one pet. Nevah have one name so he had go name his pet orange cat ''Edward.'' Wen Michael an his da kine pet had go home already, who you tink was ovah dere on do lanai? Az right, was Michael's Muddah, Evelyn. An waaped her jaw fo see da orange cat in da back of Michael right inside da yard! ''Wat iz dat?'' shouted Evelyn. ''It's one orange cat,'' answered Michael. ''No dah, I can see dat, Michael, but wat it stay doing heah?'' said Evelyn. ''Dis iz my da kine new pet!'' answered Michael. ''Hoo, dats wat you tink?'' remarked Evelyn. No get your hopes up. You know Daddy no like orange cats. But, well, I guess, no mattah if you keep him until you Faddah come home.'' So den Michael wen grab Edward by the ear an wen take his new pet inside da house--even wen he had know dat his faddah no like. Inside da house, Michael and Edward had good fun, until Michael's favorite TV show, ''Dog the Bounty Hunter,'' had start. By dis time Michael had forget all about Edward stay running all ovah da house. Until half way true ''Dog the Bounty Hunter,'' wen Michael wen come back to reality he wen heah his faddah yelling, ''GO!! Michael! Get you rump in da kitchen...NOW!!'' An den Michael had rushed insi da kitchen fo see waz up. Wen he had go in da kitchen, dere waz his Faddah, Stephen, pointing toward da chair. Somebody going tell me waz going on?'' asked his Faddah. Den, wen Michael had follow his Faddah's fingah where stay pointing, he already know why his Faddah stay so upset. Dere, right in da middle of da chair, was da biggest pile of cat doo-doo he eveah seen! ''I no EVEN like know how dat had got dere,'' said Stephen. ''But you bettah go clean em right now! And you bettah get rid of whateveah wen did dis!'' Well, knowing how his Faddah going aack Michael already had know, no sense even ask his Faddah fo keep Edward fo one pet. So den, right away Michael wen fo go look where Edward stay hiding. Afteah looking around, Michael had find Edward undah da table dat Michael did his heraldry on. ''Come, Edward, time fo find you one new home. Eh, no look at me li-dat, you da one had make doo doo on da chair! scolded Michael. Tanks eh, cuz of you I neveah going get my own pet cat!! So den Michael wen take Edward out-si da house and down to da local Aldi. Dey had one pet section and Michael had know da ownah would try find Edward one good home. So aftah dey wen say good-bye to each uddah, an say tanks to da owner of Aldi, Michael wen walk back home an try fo dround his sorrows by slamming down a half dozen mangosteen juices. But Michael's time fo feel sorry fo hisself pau wen his Faddah had remind him about da doo doos he nevah did clean up. An den, right in da middle of da clean-up, Michael came tankful dat somebody else going do da clean up from now on. DA END.
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