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I like the no commenting idea. People will think whatever they will. Let them. If nobody can (directly) comment on these vids then what's the problem? It's only one step easier opposed to downloading them here (encoded versions of runs).
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I still say it should be Google Video, and be only viewable by link.
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Link from where? What if I want to link other people to a video because torrents/emulation are too hard for them?
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Link to a page which links to the video
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The whole object of this thing was to use it on a board to show wips anyways. Of course you can post complete runs as well, but the main thing here was to easily see a trick when somebody is talking about it by pressing a link, not downloading a keyfile and loading it into an emu and all that. So link only would be fine. You could even list the processed links on a page of the site that posts those wips to <whatever>. That's the least difficult when all of the other stuff is done :p
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Oh yeah, the origin of this topic comes from an almost 500 pages zelda topic on SDA I'm keeping up with. Even though real progress is only really discussed on 100 of those pages, checking out the small videos of (useless) tricks is fun. Wouldn't read it anymore if I had to use an emulator to see it.
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I see the way of thinking of both sides and well, the weight of the 2 sides leads one to believe that posting them on Youtube or some other video site would be for the best. Side 1: For Uploading 1. Gives it out to the world 2. Immortilises the TAS on a "back up" server for the AVI. Side 2: Against Uploading 1. Negative comments. 2. Idiots who dont know otherwise post bad things. TASing is technically a form of art no? And, dont artists almost always have to suffer from the general public for the "Enlightened" minority to understand and appreciate the work of art for what it is.
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I think publicity is better than no publicity. You know - I started becoming interested in TAS videos when the "SMB 3 in 11 minutes"-craze was going on. The majority of people will always be idiots, but some people might actually like the videos. You can always disable comment posting on youtube.
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I think you'll find that most videos on youtube have negative comments on them. As long as it's labelled as TAS or tool-assisted in the title, then i don't see the problem. Sure you might have the odd CHEATER!!11 comment but honestly, who cares? I hope this idea goes ahead. Besides, it was watching the SM64 1star TAS on youtube that made me interested in TASing inthe first place :P
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Putting WIP on Youtube may make more people interested in TAS. Besides, not everyone has the respective emulator on their computer, y'know.
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Aside from many "cheater!"-comments, I also came across many "you're quite skilled"-comments as well. Many people don't know what tool-assisted speedruns or superplays actually are and the pointer to this page (if there is one) is mostly overlooked. Since the video descriptions are ignored as well, I think videos need more descriptions in them that explain how they are actually made. (Like what are savestates, what is actually meant by slowing down the game etc) On the other hand, it can get quite complicated...
Post subject: THIS IS A PRIDE POST
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ManitsJorge (4 months ago) 0 Reply Alden S. - you are god.
Yes, I think youtubers are a little deluded :D
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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What about closing the comments if the comments are problematic ?
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I have another idea. Why not put a big annotation in the beginning of each video that links to a video that explains what TASes are?
What about closing the comments if the comments are problematic ?
People wouldn't stop thinking that TASes are cheat or console-videos.
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Guybrush wrote:
qFox wrote:
I don't see the problem with youtube though.
Then you must be blind. TASes on Youtube, people always post negative comments.
Comments can be disabled. Video can be described and prefixed with explanations. I think this would be useful. In the case of published movies, a referral can be made to the location of the high-quality video. Problems are technical. I don't know if Youtube has any API for automatically uploading movies there.
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Hm I've started this one, haven't I. I still stand by it, it would be hella cool! Yes, hella. Wish I had the linux skillz to set up autocreating a movie.
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I don't know what that means but it sounds cool.