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Is this project dead?
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
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maybe not. I thought about doing it; I was redirected here. I also thought about BOF 1 a few questions/tips - does lcuk manipulation (avoid battles, have first strike) work ehre? I found a very detailed FAQ that gives an approx. of when a battle is likely to occur, and it's quite often! The times I tried, everything happened at the exact same place - how can i make one continous movie?. When I record again, it either starts from reset or erase when I start ''from now''
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Don't know the specific details of this game, but this should answer your second question: http://tasvideos.org/EmulatorResources/Using.html#ResumingRecording
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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it doesn't, unfortunately. I follow more or less these instructions, and I erase the movie I just made :(
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Um, make sure the savestate you load is from the end of your movie? You can even play the movie until the end, create a new savestate then load it again, rather than relying on previously made savestates. If it still doesn't work please describe in detail what you are doing so we can troubleshoot with you...
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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I remember having the same questions when I started my FFV TAS run (I accidentally overwrote 15 minutes of a test run XD). I would recommend you playing around with the rerecords & frame advance but not while starting a TAS, that way if you mess it up, nothing important will be lost. Also, make a backup each time you want to resume or hex edit the run, that way you'll have somewhere to go back if something went wrong. As for manipulating the battles, is been a long since I played this game, but I remember that if you pause walking a little, you could change when will as fight take over. (I think this applies for both world map & dungeons).
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ok, here's my problem - when the movie is over, I stop it with frame advance. Then, I do record from now, but for some reason, it back up one frame. When I do record it, EVRYTHING i recorded so far is erased
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"Record from now" starts an entire new movie file. What you should be doing in that particular case is: - Create a save state instead of stopping the movie - Go to File -> Movie Play... - Click Browse and then double click your movie - Uncheck the Open Read-Only box - Load that same save state You should be able to resume recording. Edie: Wowie alden
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You don't want to do "Record from Now", that creates a new movie. Play your old movie, but don't let it get to the very end. Just before it ends, but while it's still playing, stop it with frame advance. Now save a state, and reload the same state. As long as you are in read write mode you should then be recording. EDIT: ElectroSpecter beat me, and was more clear :D
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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:D finally, clear instructions. thanks guys!
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the game is going well. Manipulating luck for battles is hard : when the ''monster indicator'' is hectic, monsters appear everywhere :( FOrtunately, rolling rand keeps away monsters. And luck manipulation IN battle is fairly easy I am up to getting Nina in my team after 50min of play - Should I pick the 100$ in hometown and the tree pole in gate? It does give some money for herbs and equipment... - Are there treasures (notwithstanding weapons) I must get? I didn't get the fire rock from mount fubi, and I ahrdly loooks at dressers
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I started a 3rd time already... but this time, I might have found the way for less battles! I'm at the end of Mount Fubi, and i didn't need nerbs!
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Would you believe that I never actually noticed that there were more posts in this thread? I haven't really made any progress past my last post in this thread, partially out of annoyance for things not going my way in the game, and partially due to the existing reason of "it's 5 and a fucking half hours long".
Janus wrote:
I started a 3rd time already... but this time, I might have found the way for less battles! I'm at the end of Mount Fubi, and i didn't need nerbs!
I'm going to assume you mean you don't need herbs by that. If you haven't already, I would suggest watching the run I did a couple of years ago, as I'm of the opinion that apart from maybe a couple of points, it'd provide a good reference point. I'd say outside of a few situations, healing isn't something you should be concerning yourself with, rather you should be working more on not getting hit. A prime example of this would be the baba fight. If you aren't over leveled or manipulating the fight, you would end up just wasting a huge amount of turns healing until he just kills you with two crits in a row. Anyway, I'm interested to see how this will turn out, although personally I'd rather see Breath of Fire 1 done simply because I've already seen (done) a tas of Breath of Fire 2 :P
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Atma wrote:
I'd say outside of a few situations, healing isn't something you should be concerning yourself with, rather you should be working more on not getting hit. A prime example of this would be the baba fight. If you aren't over leveled or manipulating the fight, you would end up just wasting a huge amount of turns healing until he just kills you with two crits in a row. Anyway, I'm interested to see how this will turn out, although personally I'd rather see Breath of Fire 1 done simply because I've already seen (done) a tas of Breath of Fire 2 :P
there is only so much manipulation i can do. the harpies in Fubi only attack ryu; he can only dodge so much. But i only needed one healing and survived with 1hp. the fights I had with baba needed at most one healing; none with katt
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janus wrote:
there is only so much manipulation i can do. the harpies in Fubi only attack ryu; he can only dodge so much.
Something that just came to me: if he can only dodge so much (and you can't get something that works out), try for a manipulation that get him killed and has him self-revive.
the fights I had with baba needed at most one healing; none with katt
Given these 2 fights are 1v1, I am of the opinion that the need for healing is out of the question, as it simply wastes a round. I would suggest, with the katt fight at least, to try and make ever action a critical, as each critical is roughly equivilant to 2 rounds of combat.
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just wondering: has your TAS for BOF 2 been rejected? I just switched to BOF 1. Right now, I'M trying without marble 3. Luck manipulation for avoiding battle looks easy. Whenever changing screen, you have to move at a certain frame to delay it quite a bit. SOme short dungeons sequences can be done without battles
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Atma wrote:
Given these 2 fights are 1v1, I am of the opinion that the need for healing is out of the question, as it simply wastes a round. I would suggest, with the katt fight at least, to try and make ever action a critical, as each critical is roughly equivilant to 2 rounds of combat.
i do give some critical, but I can dodge a few attacks I restarted the whole game, since I figured I can greatly reduce the number of fights (4 so far, and I'm up to Augus)
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janus wrote:
just wondering: has your TAS for BOF 2 been rejected?
No, it was never submitted to begin with. at 5 and a half hours long, even though it was pretty well optimized, I decided it would just be somewhat of a waste of time.
I just switched to BOF 1. Right now, I'M trying without marble 3. Luck manipulation for avoiding battle looks easy. Whenever changing screen, you have to move at a certain frame to delay it quite a bit. Some short dungeons sequences can be done without battles.
Got a smv of any progress you made on that? I'd be semi-interested in watching to see how it'd turn out.
I do give some critical, but I can dodge a few attacks
The more criticals you can get the better, but dodging is still important. if you can't get a crit, at the very least try for a dodge or non-fatal damage to a single party member.
I restarted the whole game, since I figured I can greatly reduce the number of fights (4 so far, and I'm up to Augus)
How does it compare timewise to the smv that I made ages ago? At only 4 random fights at Augus, you'd most likely be infront by at least 800 frames unless your battle strategies were poor. Either way, keep up the progress :)
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Ok, I just finished watching it now. I found a fair few points of questionable actions, so I'll outline those: 1) Given that the text is so slow and readable, even at its fastest speed, was there any real point to naming Ryu "A"? 2) In the village while walking to the mountain, you get blocked by a man and stand there until he moves. Had you moved to the right one tile, which you did anyway once you had passed the man, you wouldn't have wasted time waiting for him to move. 3) Is it faster to not attack yourself during the beak fight? 4) Why did you auto against the two zombies that you had a lead off attack on? It would've certainly been faster to use "shot" against them, as you wouldn't have had ryu attacking twice and not killing them. 5) Against Augus and the Frog kinda guy (and possibly the harpy sisters), why didn't you take advantage of the scramble formation? It increases damage dealt by Katt and Ryu by an amount I would consider significant enough to warrant it. 6) Someone gets poisoned in the cave, as is expected. But you healed them with an antidote, and later used a helpbl on ryu in the fight with 4 hoods. I'm assuming that you've got a possibly better use for the FireRock planned than using it there? After that fight you get fully healed and status ailments removed, so I can't see a reason not to use it there vs lots of enemy and character attack animations wasting far more time. And that's about it. Sorry if it seems a bit critical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what I mean.
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1) let's save as many characters as possible :p 2) if i remember well, i tried moving around, and it used more frames... 3) death is usually a good shortcut. other suggestion? 4) lead-off attacks use up to 50 frames before taking any action. don't forget that ryu is faster 5). Mmm... by what factor would it change? i don't want to start again :( :P 6) I want to keep the rock for the monkey fight (where I have to kill turobu in 3 rounds).
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1) let's save as many characters as possible :p
I wouldn't consider the trade-off worthwhile myself.
2) if i remember well, i tried moving around, and it used more frames...
That's highly unusual, given it would take exactly the same amount of frames to move from one tile to another.
3) death is usually a good shortcut. other suggestion?
You did something I would've intended to do in a second run, which was save at the church and deathwarp back. That was a good idea. Upon checking through comparison, it is faster to attack (and crit) yourself during the beak fight.
4) lead-off attacks use up to 50 frames before taking any action. don't forget that ryu is faster
It doesn't matter that ryu is faster or not in this case. If bow is going to act anyway, you might as well have him OHKO the enemy instead.
5). Mmm... by what factor would it change? i don't want to start again :( :P
Given something I just checked, it would be unwise to not start again. the initial run I did is 505 frames faster than yours by the time you get to the adult phase. In regards to the actual question: against Augus, somewhere between 8-15 for normal hits, somewhere between 20-40 for criticals.
6) I want to keep the rock for the monkey fight (where I have to kill turobu in 3 rounds).
I doubt that's worthwhile, he only has 110 HP according to the highly detailed faq, which you could probably do off with a KmikzeBL instead (you get one in the cave where you get the second dragon transformations). I'd recommend giving my run another watch over, and possibly copying the initial input through hexing. It'd save you near 10 minutes of gameplay, and it's definitely faster through means that I don't really understand (I gained almost 300 frames between the beak fight and the barubary fight). Also, for text, instead of holding A, just turbo between 2 buttons. All buttons advance input, and having a button pressed makes it move faster. That's all for this post.
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after checking, I did save 41 frames for the harpy fight. Might as well start again. i've got nothing to lose :P For the zombie fight: would you suggest putting bow in front with the scrambled formation? For the times I tried, je couldn't kill an enemy in one hit with his critical attack. I would lose frames to put ryu back in front... and for the turbo : i'm not sure I get it. Would it be faster than
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janus wrote:
after checking, I did save 41 frames for the harpy fight. Might as well start again. i've got nothing to lose :P For the zombie fight: would you suggest putting bow in front with the scrambled formation? For the times I tried, je couldn't kill an enemy in one hit with his critical attack. I would lose frames to put ryu back in front... and for the turbo : i'm not sure I get it. Would it be faster than
I don't mean with bow's critical, he has an ability called "shot", it's under his attack command. it has a "chance" of instantly killing an enemy that you can fairly easily manipulate. I did it in my run. on that note however, can you kill them in a single critical in scramble formation with ryu at the front? if you can, it'd probably be best to manipulate a killing critical and a successful "shot" attack. As for the turbo thing, I'm almost certain it'd be equally as fast as normal, and removes any effort in regards to finding the first frame you can advance text.
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Atma wrote:
I don't mean with bow's critical, he has an ability called "shot", it's under his attack command. it has a "chance" of instantly killing an enemy that you can fairly easily manipulate. I did it in my run. on that note however, can you kill them in a single critical in scramble formation with ryu at the front? if you can, it'd probably be best to manipulate a killing critical and a successful "shot" attack.
really? I thought it only dealt critical damage, not instant killing... .
As for the turbo thing, I'm almost certain it'd be equally as fast as normal, and removes any effort in regards to finding the first frame you can advance text
meh. it only uses more recording :P. I usually stop pressing A at the second last character. I move one frame and then press A again, one frame before the arrow indicating more text. would turbo move even faster?
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