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Firstly, I am a Chinese, please forgive my poor English.
One day, I was tired of normally playing games and wanted to make a TAS video. So I began when the summer vacation began. Just for fun ... I am not really strict with the time. I learned many things while I was making it. I once lost my determination and put it away for almost 1 month. But finally I finished it. Please just see this movie as a interesting cartoon...
Here is what the movie features:
  • Aim for fastest time (maybe)
  • Take hits to save time
  • No Death
  • Manipulate Luck (with bosses,but not very well)
Recorded with VBA 1.7.2 re-recording v10.
I chose this game because I think this game is easy. I didn't have to think about many things (such as route planning). But I have to say it's hard to perfect it. I didn't do well in many places. Although there are many small problems, I'm satisfied because this game is so long but I finally finished it.
Some details:
Movement: I think my way for moving is fast. But I found I can use A instead of LR when cancelling dashing to falling down the platform at almost the end of the game and that will be faster in some conditions ... what a pity.
Randomness: that's what I do the worst in the movie. When many small enemies came from left and right, I don't know what to do. I just let them go. Maybe 4 enemies in a group is the fastest way, but I don't know how to control the randomness. The boss fight is also random but I think it is a lot easier to control.
Buy things: thanks to the game, I didn't collect the chips on purpose but I still got 263 chips after finishing the stage 4-2. I realized I had to buy the battery until I almost got to the end of stage 5-1 so I had to go back to play this stage again ... the battery makes the HP double and running into the bombs is so cool.
Start drilling and stop drilling at a certain time: this game's attack system is strange. Sometimes, starting drilling early and stopping drilling early can benefit a lot. I found this after finishing stage 2-2...
So you can see, there's much space to improve (maybe even a few minutes). But this game is so long and I think no one would like to improve it...

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Oh! I also corrected the ROM name.
  • You indicated 2154 - Screw Breaker - Goushin Dorirurero (J)
  • I updated it to Screw Breaker - Goushin Dorirurero (J) [T+Chi(Simp)_Angel].gba

mmbossman: Canceling, at the request of the author.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2069: turtle's GBA Drill Dozer in 1:54:27.92
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I forgive you a lot! ;) But if you knew you could improve it, why didn't you just do that? EDIT 1: I haven't watched it, though. EDIT 2: What is different in this game from that in the USA game named Drill Dozer? You should use the USA version if they are identical (except for the text). EDIT 3: Read EDIT 1 for details.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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My comment's style is so strange...I don't know how to make it correct.Sorry for that. I used Japanese version just because I can't find the USA version... I'm a student and my time is I don't want to improve it. To be honest,I'm a lazy person and I'm amazed to see my rerecord count...
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The trouble with your comments is that you're using spaces before each of your paragraphs to indent. Remove those spaces and your text will be fine.
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Anything that is missed from the story by using the Japanese version is made up for by the adorable sound clips when she finds the gear pieces. An English version can be saved for a 100% run (there are bonus treasures to collect) I've been anticipating a Drill Dozer run for a while, and this one doesn't disappoint. Yes vote from me!
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According to NesVideoAgent, you have used a Chinese translated hack version, not the original version. However, because of shortcomings in the VBM movie format, it is impossible to verify the ROM version with 100% certainty ― this means that it is possible that NesVideoAgent hit the short straw again and you did in fact use a proper ROM.
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I used a Japanese version. The Chinese version can't play the movie correctly.
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While there were a few spots here and there that could be improved, this was a great submission. Voting Yes on this. Good job.
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Almost missed this because I didn't know the Japanese name. Although of course I thought "wow, another GBA drilling game?" and clicked on it. Watching later.
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Well, I watched most of it. I got to the missle level before my computer crashed. I can't turn it on, so I'm currently on my mom's laptop. It was indeed impressive, but I still vote no. It was really cool, but there were lots of flaws. Most noticeable was you didn't do this trick that I showed in the Drill Dozer thread. Did you check the DrillDozer thread before making this? I posted lots of neat shortcuts there. So I vote no. I just thought it could be improved too much. And not only because of the shortcuts I posted. Even though nobody may be willing to improve it, it's still not a good idea to accept a flawed run. Particularilly when the author admits it isn't as good as it should be. I am pleased that you also knew about the strange damage systm though. I never understood why it works like that.
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Does anyone else have opinions on this run? I have only watched a quarter of the movie, and haven't found it particularly entertaining. I'll attempt to watch through the last hour and a half soon, but in the mean time.... Is the technical quality really as bad as Pekopon describes? I've never seen this game before, and although I have been able to spot some small mistatkes, I haven't seen anything glaringly horrible (while keeping in mind that I have yet to watch the last 3/4 of the movie). If anyone else with some knowledge of the game could comment on the technical side of things, I'd really appreciate it. Also, the Rules say to use the (U) version of a game, unless there is a good reason not to. Not being able to find the (U) version (which is apparently readily available), is not a good reason in my mind. I would also like to hear some opinions about whether this run should have an exception be made for it to override the rules violation. Also, any other opinions are always welcome.
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I think the run shows poor planning in addition to some poor precision. Also, I do not personally think the game is fully entertaining (although I think it's entertaining enough for the site) because it's long, has many pauses in the action from cutscenes, transitions, and wastes time making you learn the game. The speed is nothing impressive, the jumping isn't particularly note worthy, and the only 2 things that seem cool are: spamming the level 1 drill to cut through things faster, and the bouncing sequence breaks Pekopon has demonstrated (which were obviously not here.) More problems: -Uses the J ROM because couldn't find the U ROM; this is inexcusable. Many cutscenes and stopping during the action to get information on how to play the game sucks even more when you can't even read it. No time is saved by using the J ROM, not even because texts scroll faster. IF the run was of high quality, I could see the rule being overridden so that it could be published, but since it's so improvable I think not (I don't think it should be rejected just because of ROM choice, same reason why it shouldn't be rejected because of ROM choice if it was a good run.) A new run made with the U ROM is the best scenario. -Misses MANY shortcuts that Pekopon has been posting about publicly in the thread and youtube account. I got the feeling that no research was done into the game's routes/sequence breaks, and was completed blindly. This is most evident by: "Buy things:Thanks to the game,I didn't collect the chips on purpose but I still got 263 chips after finishing the stage 4-2.I realized I had to buy the bettery until I almost got to the end of stage 5-1 so I had to go back to play this stage again...The battery makes the HP double and running into the bombs is so cool." Replaying an entire stage because of poor route planning is not what this site is about. That may be acceptable in a long run in SDA where you make a route mistake, but most definitely not acceptable here. You should make a test run first to structure the fastest route, then work on the movie that will be submitted. That way, you don't have mistakes like that. -Poor luck manipulation with enemies, as you mentioned. -Boss fights were ok and seemed to show some understanding of boss fight techniques (such as getting hit to be invulnerable and get the next hit on the boss quickly), but again not bothering with luck manipulation could make the bosses faster if their actions are controlled more. -The fact that you found a new trick at the end for faster movement I sympathize with, since it's something many of us have to deal with, but it's a trick that would save a lot of time as you mention and I'm sure that an entire redo of this run should be made, using the U ROM, being more precise, testing different routes, searching for the most optimal way to progress past enemies/obstacles, and using Pekopon's shortcuts. -The general precision, i.e. when you're playing/boosting along and such, at face value seemed ok. I didn't see blatant use of turbo for movement, only for dialogue, and the actions did kind of blend together as a TAS should in that you didn't miss the first frame to move and such. But, as you mentioned you didn't do the fastest methods of traveling, nor I bet test different routes/strategies per room. I'm guessing, a run this long made with so few rerecords, you kept the first result you got, not bothering to beat the result. A TAS should be about systematically beating your own (or someone else's) progress until potential perfection is achieved. Pekopon is right in that this can be improved, and I think by a lot based on how many shortcuts were missed and in playing one stage twice. I don't think on a playing precision level this was atrocious; as a first timer, I think you did pretty well for general movement, and especially with spam drilling. I highly recommend you redo, because accepting this movie as it is would be against the site's goals. As it stands, I vote no. I would vote yes on on a new run if all of the problems were addressed. If the task of redoing the whole thing is daunting turtle, I recommend asking around the forums to see if anyone with some experience wants to do the run with you. Many people have requested seeing this, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone offered to help. The forums are also a great place for showing WIPs (works in progress), where we can judge the movie every time you release progress so that we can point out mistakes or make suggestions so that you can fix them there, then proceed to the next point, rather than have us all point out the flaws when it's submitted.
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Comicalflop wrote:
-Misses MANY shortcuts that Derakon has been posting about publicly in the thread and youtube account.
I just want to note that you probably meant Pekopon here again; if I've been posting tips for Drill Dozer, then I really need to re-examine my life to figure out where the missing hours are... :)
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Then I became to know I did a poor job...ToT But the school term started,and I don't have time to improve it... And this game seems not popular,and it is slow-paced,so it is not a good game to TAS. Please reject it...
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turtle wrote:
Please reject it...
You can cancel it by going here: And clicking "edit" at the bottom of the screen. Then click the "cancelled" button, and save.
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However, before you do that, just know: -the game is not unknown, many people have requested it, it's just that not everyone has finished watching it because it's a long run and there's 3+ very popular runs in the workbench it's competing with. -it has some fast paced actions. It might not be sonic advance 2, but if pace was the only factor, we wouldn't have as many NES runs. -2 members, Zurreco and Pekopon, worked on the game. Both of them have a good sense of choosing good games to pick. This wasn't a bad game to pick at all, you just made many errors that would have been solved if you had posted WIPs in the threads and got feedback. -As a first TAS, you've only gotten 2 no votes (from people experienced enough to notice the major mistakes) and 7 yes votes from people who overlooked the precision and liked the run. While it stands that the precision of the movie is nowhere near acceptable, you made 77% of viewers appreciate the movie. I'm sorry I'm always throwing lengthy posts your way. In the end, yes canceling it rather than it getting rejected is better. No judge wants to have to make the call of rejecting a movie that most people are enjoying despite its apparent flaws.
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