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Post subject: Super Mario 64 DS
Player (63)
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The only 21st Centuary Mario handheld remake that seems cool to watch unlike: Super Mario Advance (SMA) 2: Added Luigi with different stats compare to Mario. SMA3: Added 6 new levels but down graded the sound, graphics and resolution. SMA4: Many bugfixes, loads of small level design changes and annoying voices. You start as Yoshi and you can only play as Mario after getting 8 Stars, get the Mario Key and then unlocking the Mario Door. There is a Out of Bounds based glitch that can enable you to complete the game with 50 stars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTQeMqUuVhE It's a really tough to perform in real time. TAS can use save state abuse and achieve this Out of Bounds in no time. Because it's 50 and not the standard 80 there should be a route on the fastest 50 stars but remember you can't get the stars from Rainbow Cruise, Tick Tock Clock, Toad nor the 2 from Mario Wing's to the Sky because they are blocked by the 50 star door.
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You just like to mention DS games don't ya?
Player (63)
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Captain Forehead wrote:
You just like to mention DS games don't ya?
I do mention other games.... basically I'm making the DS wishlist of good games to TAS around with. Since DS emulators are at the basic stage at this time. Me and DSG3002 are the only ones that can record DS games in great quality for SDA. With speedrunning experience and for me TAS experience (yes I did an ESWAT TAS run in late 2006 and I am not Neofix) I just thought some ideas of DS games to TAS when Re-recording and Frame Advance has been added. Basically I'm giving an headstart with the titles and talk about tough precision based tricks which could be used on the TAS run... before the special emulators exists.
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I can't wait for TASing of this game. SM64DS is the game I like the most. About glitches : I discorved on my onw the HP glitch who can enable me to complete the game with 50 stars. The following links are my glitches video -I don't think they could be usuful for a speedrun, but enjoy :)- : Glitch video PART 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZCy9AJThIg&feature=channel_page Glitch video PART 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReZ4BATqAy8&feature=channel HP outside the castle : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDg5WiZ6aKE&feature=channel New way to freeze the game in LLL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9xK3_76kNU&feature=channel
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French/English...I like it!
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Here is a TAS of behind chain chomp's gate, using a similar route to the one Greenalink used in his speedrun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJwrz67G5NA Only bit I really tried to get perfect were the ground pounds, but it's still decent imo.
Player (63)
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Pretty cool, was it done with Record from Savestate or did you do a movie from scratch and gone through the Cutscene and Rabbit key in the movie file (just wondering since if they did do Start from Savestate I would be making some TAS ILs by now). I can only see 1 notable improvement, unless it was to manipulate the Chain Chomp: At 0:16 of the video, it's usually faster to press B and Yoshi does a quick climb. I also did that route in my SDA run because going up on the ramp and LJing to the Chain Chomp caused problems such as an unfortunate hit when performing the 3rd Ground Pound.
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I don't think there is record from state, so I just played in real time up to the painting, and TASed from there. I didn't bother doing any manipulation, and I tried going to the right and to the left of the chain chop, and the left was quicker so I stuck with that.
Joined: 8/22/2009
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I know you guys haven't reached this point yet, but in Tick Tock Clock there is an acute angle(near the 12) that you can use(maybe) to get the 3rd star(I think) with a long jump. Just sayin! EDIT: Ignore what I said about the star, but you can use it for a route skip. EDIT: Ignore this post.
Joined: 10/25/2009
Posts: 59
Ok i am starting a full tas of super mario 64 ds all (150 stars). If you want to help just email me at bzb95@aim.com. Most of the stars will be hex edited in to the run. So if you want to help please send your runs in to me. Many stars will have to be redone after the fact though do to the new routes and glitches that will be found while i(hopefully we) am making this.
Player (118)
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If you are going to Hex stars or work that is not yours, make sure you give Credit to ALL the authors who's work you take. Also you should make sure you get their permission first. Otherwise that I wish you the best of luck, and I'll be watching your works in progress!
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Joined: 10/25/2009
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Yeah they get the same amount of credit as me and im assuming if they send me their run it means i have permission to use it.
Player (118)
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Awesome. I would love to watch your progress, if you need any help, I would gladly look into the game, though I don't know it as well as many others. But a little research wont hurt!
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Joined: 10/25/2009
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Ok if you know of a free place that i can host a website i'll make a website to keep you updated. The hardest part about this run is going to be choose the order to get the stars and im going to have to test every move on every character and get the max speed to see who is the quickest, while also taking into consideration the time it takes to switch between characters. P.S.I know this game real good i got it on christmas eve and beat it before the end of christmas day.
Player (118)
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You dont need a website, uploading them on a site like youtube or viddler is fine. I'll also get a ROM so if you want to send me the movie file as well, that would be nice.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Joined: 10/25/2009
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Well i was talking a about a website to just publish all the .dsm on. I have a youtube already. I guess i can also just host the .dsm on mediafire though. Also the video on my profile of sm64 ds wasn't tas it was played normal. www.youtube.com/user/bzb95
Player (118)
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if you use http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php you can put in the .dsm, and it will have it there. just send me the link, and thats all you'll need to do! And if you get on the IRC, you can talk to people, not just me, who can also help!
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Joined: 10/25/2009
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Whats the IRC channel?
Player (118)
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Location: suffern, ny
Ok, so according to my friend you cant use microstorage for .dsm, so speedy share or mediafire will work just fine. Also, for the IRC look at the top of the page for the link. It is located under right where it says, "If you have a question, please read the FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered." where it says username, put in this username, the channel is #TASvideos
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Editor, Expert player (2354)
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Some videos haven't been posted here yet. I don't know if they are of any help, but here goes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxnFNBEf7ZM (WaddleDX' testrun/WIP) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS2ZU7-ZGaw (Koopa The Quick 25"94) hmm, can't find more atm.
Experienced player (644)
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Is it just me, or does no-one use the touch pad for movement? it seems more accurate to me.
Measure once. Cut twice.
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For a website, Googlesite might do the job.
Joined: 10/25/2009
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Ok and who said i wasn't going to use the touch screen andymac or was that just a general comment.
Experienced player (644)
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That was a general comment, not a personal attack
Measure once. Cut twice.
Joined: 9/6/2009
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I've created a new page with useful RAM addresses for Super Mario 64 DS: http://tasvideos.org/SuperMario64DSTricks.html (If any of you have more information/tricks/etc., please edit the page and add it!)
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