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There's a big energy refill between b2 and b3? That seems like a must to get. Remember you can skip b3 with an ib, it's really easy and safe, then you could enter level 5 more energy/skip killing orbs. I'd really look into taking the top route up to b2, It's not hard to lose less than 1/4th health and it pretty easy to go fast, plus you can get the energy refill after the long tp. up+down/left+right, hmm ya I could see that doing something strange with tp. btw, how on earth do you change x-men right after beating a level and in the starting room, I've seen it done in some WIPs, didn't catch the input.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
btw, how on earth do you change x-men right after beating a level and in the starting room, I've seen it done in some WIPs, didn't catch the input.
The only way I know how is to duck down and press punch. There is a block that flashes blue, kind of, that you need to punch in order to switch. Good luck on the speedrun, I can't wait to see such a wonderful (and unbeaten by me) game dominated real-time!
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
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yeah you gotta punch the switch in the danger room to change players. There's also a computer console (kinda looks like a radiator on steroids) in the upper right corner of the room that will extend the amount of time to pickup health orbs. As for the "glitch" with the power orbs, you have to have a second controller plugged in. I might do this just to make healing faster, but I'll have to test it to see if it's viable. Basically if you punch the switch to change characters a ton of orbs will show up (but only in the time between lvl 4 and 5) and if you have a second controller plugged in, once you choose your character they'll stay due to the game waiting for player 2. If anybody knows how to make them appear like this before lvl 5 plz let me know. I'll have to check that energy pickup in lvl 4 again, but I thought it was a health pickup and not an energy pickup. If it's yellow then I can't use it, but if it's blue I'll definately try the route again.
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Ah, maybe it wasn't working because I had controller 2 plugged in and player 2 hadn't picked yet. For that trick to work you might have to have select someone with player 2 first, then activate the reselect swtich. Well it's only a small energy refill, but the main thing is that it's a fast route and you have to tp by b2 anyway. If there's a full energy refill between b2 and b3 then you'd only need enough energy at the start of lvl4 for 2 tps, that full energy refill would make the small one irrelevant unless it allowed for another tp between b2 and full energy refill, maybe that could be crucial, idk, energy usage needs more planning. About energy usage, I'd suggest start with must tps and obvious energy refills, define starting energy requirements for each level. Like from the lvl5 WIP, looks like you have to start lvl5 with full energy just about. Lvl4 requires you start with enough for 2 tps (minus a small regen up to b2). Lvl3 requires you start with enough for 1 tp (minus regen up to ele). Lvl2 requires you start with enough for 2 tps (might get 1 regen). Could you post a WIP for lvl4 and 6 please? Also, is there a chat a program we could communicate on? I prefer aim: SpiderWaffle
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Here's a really rough WIP for the 4th level. It's the likely candidate for my route since I don't have to rely on tp through the walls a lot. There is another route I'm debating where I start the level with full energy and use nothing but the topmost part of the level until the chasm to get past the barriers. The only problem with the route is the energy issue. Because I have to make 3 long teleports, it is required that I have a completely full energy meter by the time I get to the first long tp (at the iceman powerup). In order to do it this way, I have to drop down a few levels at the start of the level and smash a switch that will drop one of the barriers for me. This is another lovely example of energy management at it's finest. If I take the route in that video (with some minor tweaking of the actual platforms I hit, etc etc) I get to the chasm at roughly the same time as the other route, although this one is more dangerous. If I use the topmost route, I waste time with the start of level barrier, but have less of a chance of losing health along the way (aside from the planes) and with some good timing can make up the lost time with well placed air attack spamming. The downside is of course that I will be at the bare minimum to make the last tp in the level with nothing left over. The other thing to take into consideration is I need almost a full charge at the start of mojo's level for all the tp's. Granted I haven't gotten the orb glitch to work perfectly for me yet, so it's looking like w/e route I can get done the fastest will be the one to use IF I can count on the orb glitch. Oh we're not done yet, there's yet ANOTHER level to revisit, lvl 3. Apparently I've been sleeping on the job, cause Spider-Waffle found a lovely little tp trick that can save on waiting for the elevator in the second half of the level. He also figured out how to take Apocalypse down in only 3 hits. Combine these two together and it's a savings of almost 20 seconds. After entering the second half of the level, I have to go up one floor, high jump then tp up through the floor. Then I have to get on a platform (w/o moving right otherwise I'll trigger the Juggernaut fight), switch to Cyclops, have him use his really high jump (he'll bump his head on the ceiling) and quickly switch to nightcrawler then tp up through the floor. Another way is to have nightcrawler do a high jump, then 2 small tp's straight up. For Apocalypse, Wolverine's spin attack will take him down in 3 hits (which rogue can be substituted for at least 1 hit if wolvy is too weak to take the shots). However these are the drawbacks. 1) Doing the ele skip requires using more tp's which means more energy usage which ultimately means more time needed to recharge for lvl 4 (where energy is a really big concern). 2) If I use Cyclops to make the really high jump first, it'll save some energy with Night, but it means I can't use Wolvy against Apocalypse, so I'm limited to a 4 hit minimum fight (and Apoc wastes 4 seconds total from the time he becomes invuln to when you can actually hit him). So I can either use all my energy gettin to Apoc an use Wolvy to take the level down a lot faster, or wait for the ele and play it safe for the next level.
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Location: Albany, NY;11564886;/fileinfo.html I deleted the old wip video an replaced it with this one. It has every level in it, showing the basic strats that I'm going to be using minus the new ones for lvl's 3 and 4. Magneto's stage took only 20 mins to figure out the best path. As for Magneto himself, I have a strat that will work, I just have to shake off the rust when I fight him. It basically involves using Wolverine the whole fight. Dodging the "balls of fury" at the start of the fight is what I have to work on. Funny thing is I was shooting for about 20 mins for the run, with a worst case scenario of around 30. Man was I off. Considering these segments alone, which are far from perfect, add up to just about 10 mins, and adding in 2:30 for the in between level fill ups (30 seconds is the default for each fill up, gotta smash the terminal to get more) that means my target time to beat for the entire run is 12:30.
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This was very cool to watch Honorablejay! I cant wait to see, how good it can get, while tool assisted. Does anyone know, for sure, if theres a newer version, of Gens, that will allow resets? I gave it a try with Gens10a and it did not seem to work
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Anyone know the memory addresses for health and energy? Would be very useful for testing. Or is there a version of gens with game genie input, what about frame advance.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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uh, Gens 9.5 has Game Genie support. Just goto File > Game Genie :) As for frame advance, I can't find an actual way to go frame by frame that you can control. However under the Tools menu there is a Slow Down mode, and the lowest speed you can set it to is 3% speed. Under the control pad menu you can set a hotkey to toggle slowdown mode on/off and a pause key. I guess if you really felt like it you could simply set the speed to 3% an keep pressing the pause key repeatedly to get your own version of frame advance. Oh, almost forgot you can actually set an auto-hold key under the joypads menu. I'm not entirely sure how this works (/me is a TAS dunce) but I assume you hold the key, then press w/e buttons you want it to hold and it will release them when you let go of the key. I'd say your best bet is to do a google search for all the advanced TAS tools for gens. As for how fast the game can be done in TAS, I wouldn't doubt that someone could easily chop off another 3 mins from w/e time I can get just because of all the bad hit detection for platforms/walls. This game seriously needed to be play tested more. It's really funny when you think about just how badly this game was programmed if in real time programming glitches can be abused this bad. That's the gens 10 feature listing. upthorn hasn't gotten the newer recording format with reset recording implemented yet.
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Here's what I've got so far. You'll probably need gens 10a to watch that without desync since that's what I recorded with. It's nowhere near a real TAS at all, more of a demonstration of how my final real time run should look like. The first movie file has the run up until I smash the computer in mojo's lair. The second movie has to be played back with the included save state to see Magneto's stage. The only strat I'm thinking of getting rid of is the ele skip on lvl 3 (which I put in this movie) just because of the extreme energy usage it requires. If I do keep it in, I'll have to find a quicker way to smash the orbs so I have just enough to pass the first few barriers before I get to the full energy pickup. Yes all the bosses are that easy. The only ones that generally give me a problem are the ones at the end of lvl 1 and 2 because of the attack patterns (the former has access to a ton of platforms to jump to if you get to close, latter can only be hit in a tiny window before landing if you're not using backup AND has annoying help).
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Oh, just a few more pieces of info, will definately help when this game can finally have it's own TAS run. The game runs at 60fps, but only accepts user input (generally) at 30fps. While it appears that game game renders at 30fps, events can occur on any frame. Most of the time you'll see the game render the same screen twice and, like me, assume that changes will only occur on the render frame but not on the user input frame. Unfortunately, this isn't the case and is the main reason why the controls can feel really spotty (usually when you need responsive controls). A good example is falling off the map and waiting for Jean to bring you back from the abyss. Normally the game renders a frame, and then let's you input a button (which is why that frame is usually doubled and looks the same). But if Jean brings you back from the abyss, she can drop you on your user input frame, which means you lose the chance to input anything (since you don't have control over your character on the previous frame) and have to wait 2 more frames before your input is accepted. There are other times (though I'm not sure what causes this) where the game will stop accepting user input for 2-3 extra frames. A good example is the beginning to the 2nd level in my movie (check previous post). If you seek to frame 7300, start using frame advance and watch the frames. Under Options > General, make sure at the bottom you have Show Frame Counter and Show Lag Frame Count checked. Under Options > Input you can setup what key you want to use for Frame Advance. Around 7330, right before I teleport through the wall, you'll notice that as I hit the enemy and land at almost the same time, there's an extra 3-4 frames added where I can't do anything (input frame on 7332, next one isn't avail until I think 7336/7337) and immediately after I start/end the teleport I get the same thing. The only thing I can think of is the game thinking I'm still in an animation that I can't interrupt and therefore stops accepting user input until that animation is finished. So up until that point in my movie almost all user input was accepted on the even frame number, and after that spot it's now on the odd frame number. Not sure if or how this can be abused in a TAS, but it's definately something to keep in mind. Now if only I could see my bounding box it would make ledges so much easier to land........
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Nice new WIP. Where can I get gens 10, though, I don't think the lvl6 WIP works with 9.5. For a non-TA run your probably right about not doing the ele skip. Preventing that orb hunting would be worth it. I'd try to get faster at negotiating certain areas. Like in lvl1, being sure you don't waste time getting up top by the eles/spikes, I'd recommend going under that tunnel waterfall just because you'll be up top much easier. Lvl2, after getting the energy, you could tp up+right, and then it's a fast track to get to the end; and to save a TP you can do an icebridge skip to get past the gate from underneath. I have a movie for it, but how do you upload to this site's FTP? That way you'd have more energy regenerated after the gate and don't have to worry about falling off the ele like you did. I think the extra energy regened would mean not having to kill the 3rd orb, big time saver. And if you could keep wolv at 80% health and energy that'd make the apoc fight faster, not having to use rouge. lvl4, I think you should do an ice beam skip on the last barrier, it takes an extra 3 seconds, is really safe and easy, would mean having to kill 3 less orbs, thus you wouldn't have to do that orb pile up trick. Lvl5, at the first part with the fire columns, after waiting on the first one, you can get on the first platform, then do an aa to go down a lower platform in the middle and skip having to wait on the second column, then just jump up on the 3rd column of platforms. It works really easily. You really should find a way not to have to kill that flying thing before mojo. And get consistent at passing the last flying thing smoothly. Basically wherever there's a part that gives you problems or slows you down try and find better ways of negotiating it, and practice them a lot so you get really consistent with it.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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lvl1: I assume you meant not go under the waterfall to stay up top? (considering I do go basically underneath it heh) From what I know of this game you move at the same horizontal speed if you're walking or jumping, and since at that point most of the ledges are too small to do really accurate kick dives in real time I can climb the ledges to get up top and keep my forward speed the same. As for falling off and landing on the stupid elevators, I blame that on the twitchy/laggy controls (as explained in my last post) since it's a toss up sometimes as to whether I'm going to jump or just flat out fall (don't even get me started on the high jumps as they're just as twitchy sometimes). lvl2: You'll have to take a screenshot of that icebridge skip because I've looked the entire level over and I can't find a single gate that I can skip with one. lvl3: I don't know what you're doing to make Wolverine take 3 hits from Apoc and survive, but everytime I've done it (even if he has full health) he can only sustain 2 hits and still live. As for using Rogue, she can hit him just as fast as anyone else, just make sure she's called in early enough and she'll hit him as soon as he is vulnerable. lvl4: To do an icebridge skip over a barrier I assume would require me to be at the top of the level, which my route doesn't dictate. However, if you're talking about the last barrier just before the blue beam, then you'll have to demonstrate exactly how I'm supposed to do it. I know I can put an icebridge at the top of the map and go over barriers that way, but if there's a way to simply walk right through them then I'd love to know how. lvl5: I really really hate this level when it comes to avoiding damage sometimes. If I arrive at the flame pillars at the right time, I can keep moving pretty easy. But if I get there a hair too late I have to deal with them burning my blue butt as I jump the platforms. Most of the time when I tried to do a kick dive to get past the first one the second pillar is already on it's way up and I get burned (I believe the next pillar comes up once the first is out of the screen, NOT once the first one gets back to the bottom of the pit). As for the flying guys, if you can find a way to avoid their punches better than what I'm doing, please put up a movie demonstrating it. The problem isn't that I can't bypass them, it's that they have insane reach with their punch, AND it will interrupt my kick dives, even if I hit them square on the head. However there is a delay as to how often they will use them, so the trick I'm using is to make him use it, kick dive an back away to make him punch again, an repeating until he's dead. I've even tried using a tele kill but most of the time I either have to hover in the air until he walks into it or I get punched just before the A button is registered. The other tactic I usually use against ppl (kick dive + tele kill on impact) also doesn't work against them because of the massive arm reach. I'll have to test it out, but the basic problem is once you're hit you immediately drop like a stone and lose complete control over your character. Combine that with high up platforms, low health when getting there, and backtracking if I mess up, an that's why I take that scene so slow. I really wish this game had better controls, cause the constant delay for input is what's killing my consistency in this. Normal play is perfectly fine, but trying to do this fast is making me wanna throw my ps3 controller :)
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Here's a lvl6 WIP: I can do a run like that about 50% of the time, and didn't spend much time practicing at all, which is a totally acceptable success rate. If all 6 lvls were like that, (1/2)^6= 1/64, could probably get it up to 70% with some more practice. I think the key to consistent double jumps is just doing the tap and then press and hold as fast as you can. Works for me nearly every time.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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honorableJay wrote:
lvl3: I don't know what you're doing to make Wolverine take 3 hits from Apoc and survive, but everytime I've done it (even if he has full health) he can only sustain 2 hits and still live.
Wolverine has a healing factor that periodically charges his HP back up. It is done in extremely small steps, but it can actually recover your character to full HP. Maybe the healing factor ticked in between the two hits, giving him just the little hp boost to survive that extra hit.
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oh yeah, heh, forgot about that healing thing (mainly because of how useless it is for an actual run).
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but even still, at full health wolv should live because I was only starting at 80% Just tested and full health wolv lives with 3/4 bars left.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I finally got to do some real test runs of the game, and yer right Wolv can take 3 hits with no problems. I think what happened with me was he wasn't at full health during my emulated test runs since I used him for lvl 2. Now that I'm not using him in lvl 2 (I can take down the boss there in about the same amount of time) he can easily take the hits. Also, the Gambit trick with holding the A button DOES work on the real system but for some reason locks up emulators. It's probably something the dev guys left in there for testing but forgot to take out. I'll be able to get 2 separate category runs for this since I can use the glitch to bypass the first two levels of the game for one run an do them all in the other run.
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honorableJay wrote:
the Gambit trick with holding the A button DOES work on the real system but for some reason locks up emulators. It's probably something the dev guys left in there for testing but forgot to take out.
Maybe this trick works with the (E) version or some other.
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Okay, got a decent test run. From the sega logo until the final hit on Magneto it's about 10:35, which shouldn't be super super hard to beat so long as I have some good luck. I ripped the run off the dvd and uploaded it for all to see. Just don't mind the blurriness, I didn't bother to deinterlace it since I doubt this will be the submitted video.
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Please, please, please don't hate me. I went through and made notes about things I liked/could be improved in my eyes. I got lazy and stopped adding times after the first level. I would like to say I loved the whole thing, and only made mention of things that were REALLY AWESOME when writing. I also realize how difficult playing in real-time is, so don't take the critique too harsh; just a few ideas about where you may want to improve, take it or leave it :D (FYI: I have never beaten this game real-time, so you, sir, are a God to me.) Savage lands: :28 seconds, shouldnt get hit :42 Missed jump? Nice recovery, though. :48 Hesitation for the elevator things :54 Trying to get onto that cliff, was that a double jump? It seemed like you may be able to make that, but it IS a big ass gap you jumped over. ~1:00 Ouch. 1:14-1:16 Not as bad as I thought. Those were, in all honesty, the biggest pain in the ass to get across. I would say practice landing and then jumping, but the animation takes so long that you would likely get knocked off before you were able to jump again. 1:23 Try to press the punch button only the amount of times needed 1:47 I think a jump-kick may be faster than the crouch and kick for the 2nd energy ball Shi-rah fortress (Don't remember nor care the real name) throughout: Make longer jump kicks! If you do them too close to the ground and too close together you lose momentum and the animation delays are more frequent! (See my WIP, where I sucked balls in those caves) Liking the Jean Grey ride to the shuttle. DeathBird: Try moving closer to her for that last archangel shot. You SHOULD be able to hit that. Excalibur's Lighthouse I hate that antenna thing. Wait a bit before changing into Wolverine, the elevator should then pick you up on the way up. Of course, you didn't lose any time the way you did it. VERY impressive apocalypse fight! He was a douche bag. Is that the fastest way for you to get life pods there? Future level A little shy with those douchey air-things. WTF? That purple guy is the worst attacker ever. Seems Ahab caught you off guard ;P Nice life orb trick. Mojo's Crunch Try getting closer to the edge before jumping, and you may be able to hit that silver dog that nailed you. Would the 2nd silver dog have fucked you up if you didn't kill him? It looks like you would be unable to miss those little fire towers, so I guess just miss as many as possible? Excellent control of the teleportation After the Mojo skip, you do the jump kick thing into ~3 walls (they are supposed to be big ass stairs). This kills the momentum you have, and makes you land BEFORE you can actually jump up the stair. My suggestion is to just run up to the stairs, and then jump. The final thing with a bunch of little fire towers and TVs, why not use Iceman to form a bridge over the fires? May look a bit cleaner. Ah, the reset. Astroid X Why did you jump at that wall so many times? Really unlucky break with that random guard and the three moving spike-wall things. I have always hated Nightcrawler and Wolverine's double jump. They both such balls. Another bit of unlucky for that next guard. Magneto was excellent. <Edit> Jesus Christ! I wrote a fucking book! </edit>
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Don't worry, no matter how badly you criticize the run, I'm 10x worse than you ;) You basically nailed every part that I'm trying to improve. All the stupid little mistakes aggravated me when I was running it. The only reason I even bothered to keep it is that's the only run out of about 20-ish that I was actually able to finish the game with a decent time. At least this way I have a time to beat instead of just guessing how fast I have to do it in. What annoys me even more though is that I've had runs that come close to breaking the 10 min mark, only to have something really stupid go horribly wrong near the end. Half of the problem with playing this in real time is the shoddy controls, which I've mentioned before. So basically any place you see me either do something stupid (like stand+punch, hesitation, etc) is just the controls not responding the way I want them to. I've missed way more double jumps just because of that (my fingers go too fast sometimes). Savage Land: Normally that spear dude doesn't hit me at the first TP spot, but I came down from too high that time. Usually I kill him with the kick dive, tp through barrier, then kick dive an kill the other guy. The jumps unfortunately I missed since the double jumps didn't register. The hesitation came from me thinking I got too close to the edge and was gonna fall over, kinda shocking when it didn't happen. The waterfall elevators unfortunately are completely luck dependant. I can either get there with them in a good position or in a bad one, so it's hard to time that spot. Right now I'm just shootin for the moon and hoping I land there. The most annoying part is they're not that hard to land on from normal jumps, but if you're not lined up almost perfectly in the center you wind up landing then immediately falling off. The boss fight I'm working on manipulating the screen so Archangel hits her 3 times to speed up the fight. Shi-ar Fortress: At the beginning I can't help but use the smaller kick dives since the ceiling is so low along with the higher ground you can walk on. Once I get out of there, I have so much stuff to dodge it's near impossible to think about how high/far my kick dives are. Also, I hesitate near the holes in the wall (I use one of them to get some health/energy) because every so often you'll have the chance to jump near it, then go through it to the background. Also, if I can kick dive one of the foot soldiers as they're exiting the door I can kill them instantly, which saves me from getting shot. The deathbird fight didn't go as planned. I didn't manipulate the screen properly and Arch missed that last shot. Normally it doesn't happen, so I had to improvise at the end. The normal strat that I've been using is to hit her 3 times with Arch, then call Storm and make a mad dash to the elevator so it all happens off-screen (no lag that way). Excalibur's Lighthouse: This level usually doesn't go too bad. The sword I have to hit normally goes a little smoother than that (not getting hit is my goal). It should be said that doing a double jump + long tp + kick dive is faster than using Iceman's bridge to skip Sabertooth, but in real-time it's not as reliable and since I'm saving as much energy as possible for lvl 4 I'm gonna stick with the Iceman route. Once inside the lighthouse the only problem I have to deal with is whether or not the game is gonna let me TP to the elevator or not. What's weird is if I'm standing right next to the wall as I TP, I'll be in the elevator shaft in the wall and I'm fine. However if I stand back a step from the wall and make it so the TP will place me in the center of the shaft, the game thinks I'm in the wall and winds up moving me down and to the left, which yanks me out of the elevator shaft. I'm assuming you meant that the elevator would get me on it's way down when I change to Wolverine. Since the elevator starts out all the way at the top and doesn't start coming down until you to get to the elevator shaft (there's another trigger somewhere in the level, just can't remember where it is) there's no way for me to catch the elevator on it's way up. If I could that would save me a ton of time (along with not having to listen to elevator music so long). Ahab's Future: Yes those planes suck ass. Unfortunately I didn't get to the rifts quick enough to dispatch them, so I had to play the Blue Ballerina to avoid them. Apparently the only way for me to kill them with a standard attack is from the backside since the front of em is considered an attack zone or something like that. Hopefully the final run won't have me falling from the top level like an idiot. :) That purple guy at the end has to have at least 2 movement spaces in order to hit me. As you saw, I was too close and he went through me. I can take damage from the laser beam and fall through it, but that deals twice as much damage and I'd rather not do that on the off chance that Ahab doesn't play nice and teleports all over the room. I'm gonna try altering my strat for Ahab and see if Wolverine's spin attack can deal more damage than what I'm doing. I'll probably only get 1 attack (2 if I'm lucky) since I won't be recharging him after the Apoc fight. Mojo's Crunch: I took this level a little bit too conservative, so hopefully next time it won't look so bad. The dog I kill at the first ledge has a tendency to knock me over the edge, which can lead to an instant death if I'm not lucky (and if I survive it usually I can sustain maybe 1 more hit safely). Next time I'll just use a TP state to kill him faster. I'm assuming I didn't lose much time since I had to wait for the fire column anyway, but ya never know. The mini fire sprays are near impossible to avoid and still have a fast time, so I'm sacrificing beauty for sheer speed, especially at the last dash to the computer terminal. While it is cleaner to use Iceman, I'm pretty sure it's not as fast since I have to bring up the menu, select Iceman, jump and deploy him, then jump back up and start the kick dives. If I have enough energy next time I'll try to do a high jump + tp + kick dive to get across it a little cleaner. For a TAS though I'd suggest doing the Iceman route since you can get more height for the kick dives, but in real time it's a bit harder to do fast. Final Level: I jumped too many times at that wall because of unresponsive controls. The first jump I tried to teleport but it didn't register, the second jump wasn't high enough (chance to get sent back out of the wall). The guards are a pain in my ass in this level, either they play nice or I get hit by every single one of em I come across. I was given a lovely playthrough of the last level by Spider Waffle, and I'm definitely gonna have to use his strats since they are by far faster than my own. What I need to work on are the platforms I jump to, getting through the acid tunnel cleaner, and knocking Magneto in the right direction (which I goofed on when he was on the middle platform, I hit him left, should've been right).
Joined: 8/18/2008
Posts: 104
Location: Albany, NY
New time of 9:59 Same timing as before, going from the Sega logo until the final blow on Magneto. A few lovely mistakes makes this not worthy for submitting to SDA, but it's getting closer.
Joined: 8/18/2008
Posts: 104
Location: Albany, NY
Quickie update on the run I got going on SDA: I've changed my timing methods, so now I'm timing from the frame I gain control over Nightcrawler until the screen fades to black after I deal the death blow to Magneto (it's a little more of an accurate timing). My current best is 9:11, however that can be dropped by about 5 seconds due to various errors I made during that run through. I doubt I'll be able to get anything lower than that unless I get really really lucky. Once I'm finished I'll post a link to the video here so you guys can get a jump-start on doing a TAS of this once the newer recording format is implemented. I did also find two lovely glitches with the shuttle ride on lvl 2 (no clue if anybody here has found these yet). There is a way to get into the shuttle room w/o starting the ride sequence. By doing this you can get to the other side and to the start of the second section of the level, however the screen will not scroll far enough for you to trigger the deathbird fight unless the shuttle sequence is completed. What I did was grabbed the key to open the door to the shuttle, then with the door opened used iceman so I could walk out as far as possible. From the edge I did a teleport up/right and landed on the tail of the shuttle. However this doesn't have to be done the same way. When I originally found it (on the real genesis, completely by accident) I wound up teleporting straight through the door and apparently I ended the teleport with something under me (otherwise the game wouldn't have dropped me) and found myself in no-man's land. The other glitch I found is more of a funny thing. I'm not sure how I did it, but on the frame that the trooper exited the shuttle (either the frame the door started opening or the frame he became visible) I did a teleport and watched him get sucked out of the door into the abyss. Unfortunately it didn't kill him, and he was too low for me to kill so I was stuck there until I died, but it was still kinda funny to watch.
Joined: 3/11/2008
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I don't suppose you could try dying in the 'after-shuttle' area to get it loaded properly? [/clueless] Been a while since there was a genuine "death as shortcut" than death-warping backwards.