
Now that I have your attention, this is my run of the GBA game Spider-man 3, completed in 15 minutes and 39 seconds. It is a game that loosely follows the plot of the hit 2007 movie, and I play through it really, really fast.
This is part 1 of 3 of my Spider-man three-peat, ménage à trois, triple play, etc. The other two parts can be found here and here
Uses VBA 19.3, because last I heard, 20 still has sync problems.


  • Aims for fastest time
  • Entertainment added to boss battles at the expense of some lag

Game objectives

This game has a pretty simple plot. Save people from danger, disable bombs, collect keys to go through doors, and throw some beatdown on bosses. Since the movie ‘’only’’ had three villains (Green Goblin, Sandman, and Venom), two new bosses are added into the game. Electro makes an appearance, as does some Ted Kazinski wannabe named the Mad Bomber.

Game Mechanics

Spider-man is able to achieve very quick speed using his web like a grappling hook. When spider-man gets launched to the left or right, he is in midair for a short amount of time. If an attack (arm swipe or leg sweep) is used during that time, he slides just above the ground, with the same velocity as before. He is then able to jump again, maintaining his momentum. Repeat this ‘bunny hop’ as needed. This is the main technique used to give this run its speed. Other movements, such as dashing, are available when there isn’t a wall (or enemy) regularly available to grapple off of, but all other movements are much slower, so they are used less often.
Another trick I discovered is a rather spastic way of maintaining high vertical velocity even when there isn’t a ceiling handy. By pressing ‘away’ and ‘jump’ one frame after latching onto a wall, Spider-man will jump upwards at a speed that is even greater than grappling. However, this speed quickly diminishes (within 3 or 4 frames it is slower than grappling). This loss of velocity is avoided by shooting a diagonal web almost immediately after losing contact with the wall.


A lot of the plot of the game is left out of this TAS, due to the ability to skip the cutscenes (thank you programmers!). However, I decided to do something never before seen here at, and recreate the cutscenes in a manner very similar to a comic book. Since the submission form does not support thumbnails, I have provided a list of levels, with a link to each comic book "page" where the corresponding cut scenes occurred. I recommend watching the run through once without pausing, and then again if you want to see why so many people seem to get trapped in burning buildings, and why bombs seem to be more prevalent than ATMs.

Special Thanks

  • Comicalflop, for working on a WIP up to level 6, which provided me a great framework.
  • PJBoy, for velocity RAM addresses for each level
  • Stickyman05, adelikat, and the above two mentioned for being WIP watchers.

The comics!

  • Not embedded in consideration of those with slow connections

  1. Search and Rescue
  2. Goblin Hunt
  3. Spidey Saves
  4. Sandstorm
  5. The Dark Side
  6. Court Disorder
  7. Follow That Limo
  8. Kingpin’s Mansion
  9. Totally Amped
  10. Subway Rumble
  11. Toxic Shock
  12. Bombs Away
  13. Copter Chase
  14. Sand Hassles
  15. Quicksand
  16. Final Fight
  17. The End?
To see what a run looks like when it’s played normally, check out these links:


NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. I'm not sure I got the right ROM though. (I tried Spider-Man 2 (U).gba, which was the closest match to what you wrote.) Well, here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

mmbossman: Sorry, NVA, but you chose Spider-Man 2, and this is Spider-Man 3. We learned in school that 3 is one more than 2 (or, more constructively, it's time to upgrade to GoodGBA 3.12).

Truncated: Everyone seems to agree with me that this is a cool run. Accepting.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2062: mmbossman's GBA Spider-Man 3 in 15:38.73
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Look out Sonic, you have a new competitor in the field of fast! "Spiderman, Spiderman, goes faster than Sonic can... Can he sling, from a web? Yes he can, and very fast. Loooooooooooookout, here comes the Spiderman...." Glad to see this blisteringly fast run submitted. The occasional lag is a bit of a letdown, but Spiderman is just zipping along at such a fast rate that seeing it laggy is sometimes helpful to see what he looks like in a slowed down matter. You crush bosses and enemies with ease, and show off what I always envision Spiderman to look like in action from the comic books. Thwip! Thwip! THWIPTHWIPTHWIPTHWIPTHWIPTHWIP! Well done, Bossy. well done. Yes vote, and THIS should be in contention to bring back those shiny stars.
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HIGHLY entertaining movie. This is the epitome of what a good platforming TAS should be. It also portrays how I imagine such a superhero would look like. If/when published this movie will get a 9 in entertainment from me.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Very, very nice... good job on this :)
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Whatever it was that was going on in this movie, it was fast and action-packed. Yes vote. Well done.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Looks at how crazy spider-man moves Wow, man... just wow. This whole run was one funny bit. You also handled this game all too well, in every aspect. Yes vote.
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Damn it mmbossman, I said I wanted to be on IRC when you submitted it! and it's Speed, not Velocity
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This was one velocitied TAS!
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Wow, that was really, really fast! Easy yes vote, great job and great game choise.
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P.JBoy wrote:
it's Speed, not Velocity
It has both a magnitude (usually 1792) and direction (right or left, up or down, or any combination thereof), so I continue to think it's velocity. But it really doesn't matter. Glad everyone has liked the run.
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Bossy made me say this! I swear!
PM to mmbossman wrote:
I never said this, but this game is crazier than any Batman game on this site.
Voted in the positive region and am currently searching for the balls that have been blown away by awesome...
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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........Holy crap... that was sexy A definite yes vote from me for being the most entertaining run I've seen, despite never seeing this game in my life
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In recent times I feel this run is genuinely special compared to other submissions. I'm sure that if starred runs still existed or if someone was just about to make a video showing off TASes then excerts from this run would be used.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1182] GBA Spider-Man 3 by mmbossman in 15:38.73
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Why do all GBA games look the same? This game looks amazingly identical in style to a bunch of other GBA games for which TASes have been published recently. One would think that the more advanced a game platform is, the more variation there could be to the games, but apparently this is not so.
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Why did you grapple up to grab the dark spidey powerup at end of Court Disorder? It looked strictly bad there, and you lose the effect a few seconds later at end of level. And, since I can't seem to locate a FAQ on the game, what do those powerups do (aside from the ones that max out your ragemeter and turn you to dark spidey, that's obvious)? edit: Golden spidey action all the way. fist and web damage boosts? and you do more damage when dark-spidey?
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eternaljwh wrote:
Why did you grapple up to grab the dark spidey powerup at end of Court Disorder? It looked strictly bad there, and you lose the effect a few seconds later at end of level. And, since I can't seem to locate a FAQ on the game, what do those powerups do (aside from the ones that max out your ragemeter and turn you to dark spidey, that's obvious)?
It is impossible to break through walls that have yellow and black stripes on them without being Dark Spidey. Most of the other instances of this in the run are nearly unnoticeable, but I'm glad you caught it, good eye. As for the power-ups, the one with the first increases your attack power by 50% per powerup (max of 3). As for the web powerup, I'm really not sure. At first I thought it increased max web length, but my tests don't seem to back that up. If you find out, let me know.
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Hey guys, I think the current encode has the wrong aspect ratio... Can someone please fix this?
Here, my YouTube channel: