Post subject: Haunting: Starring Poltuguy
Joined: 6/4/2004
Posts: 284
Here's an interesting concept for a run; you play the ghost of a kid who was killed by this industrial corporation, and out of simpleminded revenge you haunt the president and his family as they move in and out of different houses, inhabiting their possessions and causing them to behave in "spooktacular" ways in order to scare them outside the house, either by the front or side doors. It can be a bit of a strategy challenge, as you need to ultimately "herd" these four people towards the outside doors using nearby items, while keeping an eye on your health (and on the dog in the later levels, which can lower their fear level--and your health--by barking.) So, any interest?
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*whistles* A run would be tough for Haunting. Why? The family tends to run back and forth between the same rooms. Luck would really need a good bit of manipulation. Not only to steer them in the right direction, but also to steer them out with as few scares as possible. Preferrably scares where you control them or they auto-activate. In other words - only green and orange haunt-spots. Blue require you to dive in and back out to activate and THEN wait for the family member to notice and walk over. You'd have to monitor your ecto levels, too. A trip into the underworld to collect more isn't wise. Even for scare gifts. With only four houses plus the final annoying boss, I doubt it would take more than 20 minutes to fully beat the game. Providing everything went your way with the right amount of manipulation. I actually own Haunting. One of the few Genesis games I ever really treasured. Oh, and there's a naked woman in house...3? 4? One of the later two. It's in the back bathroom somewhere.
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I can honestly say I've never even heard of this game. Interesting concept though.
Post subject: A Genesis game i dont know the name of PLEASE HELP !
Joined: 8/7/2004
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Yeah, my problem is that when i was younger, me and my friend, we played a game on his Sega "Genesis" 16bit console we played a game, of which name i dont know, and i cant figure it out :( I think u were some kind of a ghost,? or maybe a zombie " he remembered, that the "thing" we played as was green but im not sure about that, anyways, u went around in a house, and could jump into things like a painting , and the main object of the game was that u were supposed to "Scare" peoples out of their homes Like Level 1 Family "Andersson" Mission Scare Little Sister , Mom , Dad, etc etc and they were on different places in the house, like the dad in the garage, and the mom in the kitchen vice versa, and u could like steer a chainsaw and scare away or ehm " IF it was in the garage, u could jump into the chainsaw, and scare the dad, and stuff like that, sorry for the "blurry" explanation. i hope someone can help me .. /Cordax
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I don't know, but if Aqfaq isn't right, you could try try asking at What Was That Game.
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Aqfaq is right, it's gotta be Haunting: Starring Polterguy
Joined: 8/7/2004
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Omg* thank you so very much, it is this bloody game ;).. thank you thank you and once again thank you .. this is got to be one of the coolest game ever on Sega:P i dont really know why, but it brings back memories, nostalgic* Thanks m8ies
Joined: 5/9/2006
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I owned this game when I was a boy... it would be nice to see a time attack of this.. I never knew what were the most scary things to do to scare the folks around the house, and their running-away-from-home always seemed kinda random to me I think it can be done really quickly knowing exacly what to do and when to do it...
Joined: 12/15/2005
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Yeah....but then there were the EVIL combat stages that rivaled....if not exceeded...the Cool Spot 3/4 perpective games. It would be cathartic to see somebody take that infernal dog to school though.
Post subject: 1 game that i forgot...
Joined: 2/2/2007
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There is a game for sega about a green ghost who must haunt the family in the house and to get energy he must go to some kind of underworld. Does anybody know this game? I forgot the name of it...
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I think it's The Haunting: Starring Polterguy.
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How odd. You're the second person who couldn't remember the name of that game.
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Post subject: Haunting Starring Polterguy TAS
Joined: 11/9/2008
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I was able to unearth a brief discussion re: Haunting Starring Polterguy in the backlogs of the forum, wondering if there was ever any actual consideration for a TAS of this game. From what I remember from ten years ago this game could be pretty interesting to watch. Any thoughts?
Reviewer, Active player (286)
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The thread already exists, so this discussion should be moved to the old thread. I personally don't see this being an interesting TAS unless we can glitch the game somehow. While the game is quirky, I don't see much room for a show of skill, and from what I remember, all the scares are kinda "blah".
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Lookie here, I'm reviving another old game thread from back in '04 :p This is pretty much a "proof of concept" test-run WIP that completes the 1st home in a bit over 5 1/2 minutes. Provided there's no major strategy changes, an optimized effort could certainly get that time down to about 5. I've got some more detailed insights in the userfile link, but what's notable about this game is that each family member appears to require a minimum number of rooms to be scared out of, until the game lets them completely flee the property. So basically, spending time scaring the daylights out of them in a single room is a time waster. It's faster to just quickly herd them out of the minimum required rooms (green traps work best here) before chaining together enough traps to make them head for the hills in utter horror. I've been wanting to look into this one for a while. I think it will turn out to be pretty entertaining once all is said and done! edit: I appreciate the encode, god of destruction :)
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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MOD EDIT: scrubbed deleted encode
What power need more strength, the power of creation or the power of destruction?
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Did I say about 30 secs. could be saved on House #1? Shave another minute off of that! I optimized the 1st House in 13,905 frames. I used a much different strategy on the Dad that I saw being used on an RTA run on YouTube. In the beginning, if you head straight into the garage and wait for about 12 seconds Mr. Sardini will make his way in there. I use this extra time to set up a 'Super Scare' trap and detonate it as soon as I exit into the hallway. I also herded Mrs. Sardini into this same hallway, instead of the foyer on the other side of the house, saving more time. Also, I found out that you can leave a room as soon as one of the Sardini's are about to flee the home. That is, you don't have to wait around inside a room until they completely leave through the open doorway. This saves even more time, while causing a side-effect of disabling the BGM until you scare another family member out of a room. Minor bug, overall. This also works on scaring out the very last family member, as entering another room automatically clears the stage. Now time to route and optimize House #2!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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MOD EDIT: scrubbed deleted encode If you want, I'll be encoding and publishing all the WIPs.
What power need more strength, the power of creation or the power of destruction?
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god of destruction wrote:
If you want, I'll be encoding and publishing all the WIPs.
I don't mind, at all :) It definitely allows people to view the WIPs without having to run BizHawk. I can already tell that these houses are going to take some serious routing. Working around that dog is going to be important, while the 'Super Scare' should be used on a key family member (probably Vito or Tony) in order to quickly scare them out. Mimi starts with Polterguy in the first room, and she can be herded out almost immediately into the adjacent hallway by using the rocking chair. From there, it looks like she could then be lured into Tony's bedroom. Hmm... Okay, here's a basic "battle plan" for House #2: 1) Herd Mimi into the south hallway. 2) Scare her into Tony's bedroom. Set up the 'Super Scare' in the hallway. 3) Hopefully, Mimi is scared out of the house in Tony's room, while Tony (or Vito) wanders into the hallway. From here, I detonate the 'Super Scare' and lure them into either the bedroom again or the foyer on the left side. 4) Tony (or Vito) should still be within the area the lure back into one of these exits, also. From here, Flo will be the remaining family member left in the home. 5) Make Flo head for the hills. Now to see if this theory works!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Can anyone tell me why the encode was deleted?
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netwizard wrote:
Can anyone tell me why the encode was deleted?
The encode itself was deleted by the uploader, and the uploader is permabanned from the forums. As far as I can tell, "god of destruction" just took down his entire Youtube account once we banned him for being Felipe evading his permaban for the 6th or 7th time. I just scrubbed it so we wouldn't have a deleted Youtube video sitting there.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family.
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.