I've created a FCEUX batch file creator. Why? I'm not really sure.
Version 0.1:

(Program Requires Java 1.5 or greater)
Windows-Only Download (exe)
Cross-Platform Download (jar) -
Linux users: please see below.
- Creates batch files that run fceux with certain options
- Allows every option fceux's command line supports
- Supports making of batch files for background input + multiple fceux instances (for multi-game TASing)
Known Problems:
- Batch path does nothing. Right now it stores every batch file in the same directory the program resides in.
- Limited/No Linux support. This is because the command line options are different and I don't know them.
Next Version:
Cross platform support
- Proper batch paths
- Autorun/Open notepad on batch after creation
- Stores preferred "Other options" to cfg
Linux users note: While the program will create files on Linux perfectly, the command line options aren't supported by fceux yet. Bug them to update the Linux command line options to match the Win32 ones and it'll work perfectly :P
I require testers! Please test it out and let me know what you think.
Edit: Anyone having "main class" errors try re-downloading.