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A speedrun of Snow Bros for the Sega Genesis

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Gens v2.11 Movie 9Z 9.5c
  • Never die
  • Kill all the enemies with a single move (wherever possible, in some level it's not possible)
  • <And so on>


<Put here a longer explanation of your submission> Snow Bros is my favorite game ever. In this video I beat all the levels without dying, trying to achieve a very high score while also being as fast as I could. I like how it turned out in the end.

Other comments

<Explain here things the audience would probably like to see> Some of the combos are awesome. Snow Bros by itself is an awesome game. <Explain also things that could be improved in your movie> This is the first time I try to do a TAS. I think it can be much better and/or use better goals. <You may also suggest screenshots.> I can't think of a good screenshot.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2041: nineko's Genesis Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom in 34:24.75
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According to the wikipedia page, this version of the game has "additional levels" when compared to the NES version, as well as cutscenes. If I could vote, it would be based on whether or not the number of extra levels outnumber the default levels by a ratio of 1:1 or more. Since I assume this is not the case, I doubt it will be accepted. (I have not watched the movie) This site already has a version of the NES Snow Bros which is more than twice as fast.
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The Genesis version of Snow Bros. far surpasses the NES version in quality and fidelity to the original arcade version. In fact, save for a few added things here and there, the Genesis version of Snow Bros. is an almost pixel-perfect recreation of the original arcade game. The NES version just pales in comparison to it, in all respects. That said, I can't vote yes in this particular case for the following reasons: 1) It hardly qualifies as a TAS. The game is being played way, way sub-optimally. And I can't stress that enough. In fact, it just looks like a regular, unassisted play with turbo-firing. 2) A game like Snow Bros. just has to be TASed in 2-player mode. Anything less would hardly cut it. So, yeah. I vote NO.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
In fact, it just looks like a regular, unassisted play with turbo-firing.
I didn't use turbo fire, I'm just pressing A and C very quickly.
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WarioMCP wrote:
This site already has a version of the NES Snow Bros which is more than twice as fast.
Game objectives Kill all the enemies with a single move (wherever possible, in some level it's not possible)
I haven't watched the NES TAS, but I assume it goes purely for time. Other goals are interesting. The only thing I have against this TAS is that nineko didn't skip the cutscenes, but if the game's RNG (if it has one, I know little about this game) wants to cooperate those should be hex-editable out. So, yes.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
The Genesis version of Snow Bros. far surpasses the NES version in quality and fidelity to the original arcade version. In fact, save for a few added things here and there, the Genesis version of Snow Bros. is an almost pixel-perfect recreation of the original arcade game. The NES version just pales in comparison to it, in all respects.
I did not know about any of that, very enlightening
bobxp wrote:
Game objectives Kill all the enemies with a single move (wherever possible, in some level it's not possible)
I know this goal seems loftier, but remember, the site has already decided numerous times to not publish a warp run for many reasons. One such reason declares
adelikat wrote:
Due to the lack of popularity/entertainment value of this game, it is likely that we will not have both a warped and warpless movies
I know this quote isn't completely relevant, but entertainment is one of the founding reasons for doing a TAS over a conventional speedrun. Regardless of goals, if it isn't entertaining to enough people, it shouldn't be published.
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nineko wrote:
GeminiSaint wrote:
In fact, it just looks like a regular, unassisted play with turbo-firing.
I didn't use turbo fire, I'm just pressing A and C very quickly.
Yes, sure, I was just stating what it looked like. There's no problem with using turbo firing. It's, after all, another tool that might or might not be useful for TASes, depending on the game and stuff. The problem is that your movie is way too unoptimized. I'm very familiar with this game, so I can tell these things: - You didn't press start in the first available frame at game start and then again when choosing 1P mode. - You didn't skip the looong intro cutscene (it's skippable). - You take too long (for TAS standards) in clearing stages, and I could see several missed opportunities in clearing them faster, while still keeping the clear-stages-in-a-single-move objective. - Even in the first stage, you could have easily manipulated an item drop to get the red potion much earlier, but you didn't. - Normal human gameplay errors are everywhere, and are very easy to spot. All in all, I think this movie could have been around 20 minutes long if it was fully optimized. I fully recommend you watching the NES Snow Bros. TAS here: It will give you a more complete idea about how an optimized Snow Bros. TAS should look like.
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Well, thank you so much for the time you spent looking at my video, and for your very detailed post, apparently I still have a long way to go before I can produce a good TAS...
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First of all, I'm glad that someone has finally made a TAS of the Genesis version of Snow Bros. I agree with everything that GeminiSaint said about this game's superiority to the NES version. I've been saying as much in the NES version threads for... years? This was one of my favorite arcade games when I was young, and I still enjoy playing the arcade game today. That said, you wrote right in your submission text that this run is improvable. That's a no no right off the bat. I could have guessed that it was improvable just from reading the 34 minute completion time in the topic title. I'll watch the run anyway before voting, but it's late and I don't have half an hour to spare right now. It doesn't look like this is going to be published, but thanks for trying, and please try again. Edit: Okay, I just watched the first 20 levels, and I agree that it doesn't look very TAS-like. For one thing, you could freeze bad guys and kill the first boss much faster if you manipulated the game into giving you the blue power-up sooner, instead of getting the red one every time. You didn't have the more powerful snowball power until the end of Floor 13!
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Okay, I've seen the whole thing now. The self-imposed "kill everyone simultaneously" goal is a really bad idea in a one player game. Getting everything set up to make that happen takes forever and is incredibly boring. That's something that should never be said about Snow Bros. When two reasonably skilled players play this game, it can be enormous fun to watch! Some of these stages drag on and on. It's not entertaining, so I vote No. The music in the last level (Floors 41-49) is actually one of my favorite pieces of video game music, but it actually sounds a lot better in the NES version than the Genesis version. That's the only thing I prefer about the NES version of this game.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Ok I got it, this speedrun sucks, should I cancel it by myself or is it better if I wait for a judge to reject it? This is my first submission here, I'm not very used to the procedures.
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Canceling a run yourself is always preferable to having it rejected. Good luck on your next project! If you have questions about a run, or want to get feedback on a work in progress, be sure to check out the related forums (but be sure to try to search for a specific game before making a new thread).
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Thanks, I just cancelled this.
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I forgot to mention that you took a lot of shots at the boss on the right in Floor 50 after it was already dead. That probably cost about a minute and, being at the end, it would have been easy to fix. Nevertheless, you should start over using two players, and skip the cutscene at the beginning. This is a really entertaining game, and no one else has seemed interested in making a TAS of the Genesis version. If you can redo this run with no obvious errors, it's guaranteed to be published.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Sorry to post again in this topic, especially because the forum says "If you plan to redo a movie, don't discuss it in this forum". Does this mean that I have to post a thread in the Genesis forum? Don't get your hopes too high, though, as I don't really know how to do a 2P movie or use any of the advanced TAS features in Gens 9.5, in this video I only used the rerecording feature (with F5 and F8).
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Yes. Search for a snow bros. topic, and, if none surface, create a new topic in the Genesis forum.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!