Chapter 20 can be done with much less killing and enemy movement.
First, remove everyone except Vanessa, Syrene, Eirika, and Tethys. On turn 1, move them to unreachable locations so no ground enemies will move and waste time. This is, in fact, the only thing Syrene is used for in this strategy. Vanessa will be attacked by 4 gargoyles and 2 mogalls, and will kill 3 of the gargoyles with a Vidofnir counter.

On turn 2, simply drop Eirika on a forest, move Vanessa so Eirika won't get blocked, and manipulate a miss. Vanessa will be attacked by 3 wights and kill them all. Eirika will be attacked by Riev and the ranged attackers who went after Vanessa on turn 1. (The third mogall that appears to have attacked Eirika in the screenshot is actually a reinforcement.)

Turn 3 should be obvious.
Also, I should note that with this strategy, trading the Vidofnir to Vanessa can be done during the chapter itself instead of the preparations screen.