The above link to part 1 of a quick run of Oregon Trail as a Teacher. My time was about 16:30, but YouTube limited me, so this is the first 8 minutes of it. The other is still uploading as fast as possible.
- Uses no tool-assists
- Plays at hardest level
- Genre: Strategy
- Genre: Adventure
- Mac OS version: 7.5.2
- System ROM: Quadra 650
- Emulator: Basilisk II
This starts with what I call a "move-and-hunt" strategy. It's begins with the wagon moving on one day while hunting the day after. One goal is to keep up with the remaining pounds of food for the whole game, so this strategy of mine works quite well, I must say. And of course to be prepared for unexpected turning points in the game ranging from loss of goods to drowning members of your party. Food is my main source of the game, where I can keep the party fed and to exchange for extra money if needed.
Moving and hunting back-and-forth alternates until I reach Fort Boise. From there, I can finish the journey with little to no problem. If Basilisk II did have tool-assists, I might cut my own time in half!