Here we go ;) After lots of hard work Im finally finished with my full run of Rygar.
First of all, im not that happy to "steal" other peoples work. But Warp can defend his run with the fact that he didn ´t used any glitches. With that said, here´s my full run ; )
Hmm where to start.. This game is truely one of the most awesome games I've ever played. I loved it as a kid and now when I have learned about the game even more I still love it ;)
It contains so many great glitches. I think I used all of the useful ones in this run. Unfortunately I didn´t find any new ones for this run. Air walk is used where I could save time from it and so on..
One big part of this game is the tone points you gain from killing monsters. This is like experience but it makes you stronger. So I have to kill loads of monsters along my way for the bosses. I think I did this pretty good without backtracking too much. Almost every enemy I kill is tried out several times so I could kill it faster.
Hmm. Something that might look weird is that I don´t jump over some holes which I jumped over in my warping run. This is because there are .. uhm.. trees there where I can use the rope. Those sticks/logs/trees/whatever doesn´t allow me to pass when I have that... thing from the first boss.
Also I thought about the route. Basically with all those cool glitches you can take on any boss from the start. But this would take an awful lot of time since Rygar is pretty weak from the start. So without wasting time obviously collecting tone points this is the fastest (and also the correct) route.
As fast as possible
Takes damage to save time
ABUSES programming errors in the game
Enjoy ;)
/Walker Boh

Bisqwit: サーブミション タインフィックスの術
Bisqwit: Processing, publishing, done.

Post subject: #345: Walker Boh's NES Rygar in 21:07
Joined: 8/3/2004
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?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?a?n? ?a?u?t?o?m?a?t?i?c?a?l?l?y? ?p?o?s?t?e?d? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?r? ?d?i?s?c?u?s?s?i?n?g? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n?:? ?<?b?>?#?3?4?5?:? ?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h?'?s? ?N?E?S? ?R?y?g?a?r? ?i?n? ?2?1?:?0?7?<?/?b?>? ? ?S?e?e? ?d?e?t?a?i?l?s? ?a?t?:? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?4?5?"?>?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?4?5?<?/?a?>? ? ?S?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?s?t?a?t?u?s?:? ?<?b?>?a?c?c?e?p?t?e?d?<?/?b?>? ?L?a?s?t? ?e?d?i?t?e?d? ?b?y?:? ?<?b?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?b?>? ?<?h?r?>? ?T?h?e? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?l?l?o?w?s?:? ?<?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e? ?c?l?a?s?s?=?q?u?o?t?e?>?H?e?r?e? ?w?e? ?g?o? ?;?)? ?A?f?t?e?r? ?l?o?t?s? ?o?f? ?h?a?r?d? ?w?o?r?k? ?I?m? ?f?i?n?a?l?l?y? ?f?i?n?i?s?h?e?d? ?w?i?t?h? ?m?y? ?f?u?l?l? ?r?u?n? ?o?f? ?R?y?g?a?r?.? ?<?p?>?F?i?r?s?t? ?o?f? ?a?l?l?,? ?i?m? ?n?o?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?h?a?p?p?y? ?t?o? ?&?q?u?o?t?;?s?t?e?a?l?&?q?u?o?t?;? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?p?e?o?p?l?e?s? ?w?o?r?k?.? ?B?u?t? ?W?a?r?p? ?c?a?n? ?d?e?f?e?n?d? ?h?i?s? ?r?u?n? ?w?i?t?h? ?t?h?e? ?f?a?c?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?h?e? ?d?i?d?n? ??t? ?u?s?e?d? ?a?n?y? ?g?l?i?t?c?h?e?s?.? ?W?i?t?h? ?t?h?a?t? ?s?a?i?d?,? ?h?e?r?e??s? ?m?y? ?f?u?l?l? ?r?u?n? ?;? ?)? ?<?p?>?H?m?m? ?w?h?e?r?e? ?t?o? ?s?t?a?r?t?.?.? ?T?h?i?s? ?g?a?m?e? ?i?s? ?t?r?u?e?l?y? ?o?n?e? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?m?o?s?t? ?a?w?e?s?o?m?e? ?g?a?m?e?s? ?I?'?v?e? ?e?v?e?r? ?p?l?a?y?e?d?.? ?I? ?l?o?v?e?d? ?i?t? ?a?s? ?a? ?k?i?d? ?a?n?d? ?n?o?w? ?w?h?e?n? ?I? ?h?a?v?e? ?l?e?a?r?n?e?d? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e? ?e?v?e?n? ?m?o?r?e? ?I? ?s?t?i?l?l? ?l?o?v?e? ?i?t? ?;?)? ? ? ?I?t? ?c?o?n?t?a?i?n?s? ?s?o? ?m?a?n?y? ?g?r?e?a?t? ?g?l?i?t?c?h?e?s?.? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?I? ?u?s?e?d? ?a?l?l? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?u?s?e?f?u?l? ?o?n?e?s? ?i?n? ?t?h?i?s? ?r?u?n?.? ?U?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y? ?I? ?d?i?d?n??t? ?f?i?n?d? ?a?n?y? ?n?e?w? ?o?n?e?s? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?i?s? ?r?u?n?.? ?A?i?r? ?w?a?l?k? ?i?s? ?u?s?e?d? ?w?h?e?r?e? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?s?a?v?e? ?t?i?m?e? ?f?r?o?m? ?i?t? ?a?n?d? ?s?o? ?o?n?.?.? ?<?p?>?O?n?e? ?b?i?g? ?p?a?r?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?g?a?m?e? ?i?s? ?t?h?e? ?t?o?n?e? ?p?o?i?n?t?s? ?y?o?u? ?g?a?i?n? ?f?r?o?m? ?k?i?l?l?i?n?g? ?m?o?n?s?t?e?r?s?.? ?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?l?i?k?e? ?e?x?p?e?r?i?e?n?c?e? ?b?u?t? ?i?t? ?m?a?k?e?s? ?y?o?u? ?s?t?r?o?n?g?e?r?.? ?S?o? ?I? ?h?a?v?e? ?t?o? ?k?i?l?l? ?l?o?a?d?s? ?o?f? ?m?o?n?s?t?e?r?s? ?a?l?o?n?g? ?m?y? ?w?a?y? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?b?o?s?s?e?s?.? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?I? ?d?i?d? ?t?h?i?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?g?o?o?d? ?w?i?t?h?o?u?t? ?b?a?c?k?t?r?a?c?k?i?n?g? ?t?o?o? ?m?u?c?h?.? ?A?l?m?o?s?t? ?e?v?e?r?y? ?e?n?e?m?y? ?I? ?k?i?l?l? ?i?s? ?t?r?i?e?d? ?o?u?t? ?s?e?v?e?r?a?l? ?t?i?m?e?s? ?s?o? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?k?i?l?l? ?i?t? ?f?a?s?t?e?r?.? ?<?p?>?H?m?m?.? ?S?o?m?e?t?h?i?n?g? ?t?h?a?t? ?m?i?g?h?t? ?l?o?o?k? ?w?e?i?r?d? ?i?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?j?u?m?p? ?o?v?e?r? ?s?o?m?e? ?h?o?l?e?s? ?w?h?i?c?h? ?I? ?j?u?m?p?e?d? ?o?v?e?r? ?i?n? ?m?y? ?w?a?r?p?i?n?g? ?r?u?n?.? ?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?t?h?e?r?e? ?a?r?e? ?.?.? ?u?h?m?.?.? ?t?r?e?e?s? ?t?h?e?r?e? ?w?h?e?r?e? ?I? ?c?a?n? ?u?s?e? ?t?h?e? ?r?o?p?e?.? ?T?h?o?s?e? ?s?t?i?c?k?s?/?l?o?g?s?/?t?r?e?e?s?/?w?h?a?t?e?v?e?r? ?d?o?e?s?n??t? ?a?l?l?o?w? ?m?e? ?t?o? ?p?a?s?s? ?w?h?e?n? ?I? ?h?a?v?e? ?t?h?a?t?.?.?.? ?t?h?i?n?g? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?r?s?t? ?b?o?s?s?.? ?<?p?>?A?l?s?o? ?I? ?t?h?o?u?g?h?t? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?t?h?e? ?r?o?u?t?e?.? ?B?a?s?i?c?a?l?l?y? ?w?i?t?h? ?a?l?l? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?c?o?o?l? ?g?l?i?t?c?h?e?s? ?y?o?u? ?c?a?n? ?t?a?k?e? ?o?n? ?a?n?y? ?b?o?s?s? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?h?e? ?s?t?a?r?t?.? ?B?u?t? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?t?a?k?e? ?a?n? ?a?w?f?u?l? ?l?o?t? ?o?f? ?t?i?m?e? ?s?i?n?c?e? ?R?y?g?a?r? ?i?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?w?e?a?k? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?h?e? ?s?t?a?r?t?.? ?S?o? ?w?i?t?h?o?u?t? ?w?a?s?t?i?n?g? ?t?i?m?e? ?o?b?v?i?o?u?s?l?y? ?c?o?l?l?e?c?t?i?n?g? ?t?o?n?e? ?p?o?i?n?t?s? ?t?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?t?h?e? ?f?a?s?t?e?s?t? ?(?a?n?d? ?a?l?s?o? ?t?h?e? ?c?o?r?r?e?c?t?)? ?r?o?u?t?e?.? ?<?p?>?A?s? ?f?a?s?t? ?a?s? ?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?e? ? ?T?a?k?e?s? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ?t?o? ?s?a?v?e? ?t?i?m?e? ? ?A?B?U?S?E?S? ?p?r?o?g?r?a?m?m?i?n?g? ?e?r?r?o?r?s? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e? ?<?p?>?E?n?j?o?y? ?;?)? ?<?p?>?/?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h? ? ?<?p?>?<?h?r?>? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?h?t?m?l?"?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?a?>?:? ?? ?? ?<?p?>?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?h?t?m?l?"?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?a?>?:? ?P?r?o?c?e?s?s?i?n?g?,? ?p?u?b?l?i?s?h?i?n?g?,? ?d?o?n?e?.? ?<?/?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e?>? ?<?s?m?a?l?l?>?
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I don't think walkerboh is a single entity. I think he's a conglomerate of about 50 different people cooperating together who were placed on this earth for one reason and one reason alone: time attacks.
Post subject: Re: #345: Walker Boh's NES Rygar in 21:07
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?9?6?a?c?4?8?8?3?e?2?=?"?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?"?]?? ??[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?9?6?a?c?4?8?8?3?e?2?]? ? ?? ?? ??
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?0?3?1?3?7?a?0?0?0?f?=?"?f?e?i?t?c?l?u?b?"?]??A?c?c?e?p?t?!?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?0?3?1?3?7?a?0?0?0?f?]? ? ?? ? ? ? ?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?0?3?1?3?7?a?0?0?0?f?=?"?B?o?c?o?"?]?? ?? ??[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?0?3?1?3?7?a?0?0?0?f?]? ? ?P?r?o?b?a?b?l?y?.? ?B?u?t? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?a?s? ?w?h?a?t? ?[?u?r?l?=?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?s?o?u?r?c?e?/?d?e?e?n?g?.?h?t?m?l?]?d?e?e?n?g?[?/?u?r?l?]? ?t?h?o?u?g?h?t?.? ?M?a?y?b?e? ?o?r? ?m?a?y?b?e? ?n?o?t? ?c?l?o?s?e?r? ?t?o? ?p?r?o?n?o?u?n?c?i?a?t?i?o?n?.?
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?H?e?h?e? ?B?l?e?c?h?y? ?;?)? ?I? ?c?a?n? ?a?s?s?u?r?e? ?y?o?u? ?t?h?a?t? ?I?m? ?o?n?l?y? ?1? ?p?e?r?s?o?n?.? ?M?a?y?b?e? ?a? ?b?i?t? ?t?o?o? ?e?n?t?h?u?s?i?a?s?t?i?c? ?(?s?p?e?l?l?e?d? ?r?i?g?h?t???)? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k?i?n?g?.? ?B?a?s?i?c?a?l?l?y? ?I? ?l?o?v?e? ?g?a?m?e?s?.?.? ?a?n?d? ?m?o?s?t?l?y? ?o?l?d? ?o?n?e?s?.?.? ?S?o? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k?i?n?g? ?i?s? ?p?e?r?f?e?c?t? ?f?o?r? ?m?e? ?;?)? ? ? ? ?A?n?d?.?.?.? ?w?h?a?t? ?d?o?e?s? ?a?l?l? ?t?h?e? ?s?q?u?a?r?e?s? ?(?j?a?p?a?n?e?s?e? ?I? ?s?u?p?p?o?s?e?)? ?m?e?a?n??? ?I? ?c?a?n??t? ?r?e?a?d? ?i?t? ?=?/?
/Walker Boh
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?a?4?6?2?b?f?f?5?a?6?=?"?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h?"?]?A?n?d?.?.?.? ?w?h?a?t? ?d?o?e?s? ?a?l?l? ?t?h?e? ?s?q?u?a?r?e?s? ?(?j?a?p?a?n?e?s?e? ?I? ?s?u?p?p?o?s?e?)? ?m?e?a?n??? ?I? ?c?a?n??t? ?r?e?a?d? ?i?t? ?=?/?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?a?4?6?2?b?f?f?5?a?6?]? ? ?T?u?r?n? ?o?n? ?U?T?F?-?8?.? ? ? ? ?H?e?r?e?'?s? ?a? ?t?r?a?n?s?l?a?t?i?o?n?.? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?S?a?r?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?T?i?n?e?f?i?x? ?n?o? ?j?y?u?t?s?u? ?(?~?~? ?n?o? ?j?y?u?t?s?u? ?m?e?a?n?s? ?i?t?'?s? ?a? ?n?i?n?j?a? ?t?e?c?h?n?i?q?u?e? ?o?r? ?a?r?t?)? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?I?s?n?'?t? ?i?t? ?"?S?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?T?i?m?e?f?i?x?"??? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h? ?i?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?t?a?l?e?n?t?e?d?,? ?e?h??? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?Y?e?a?h?,? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?s?o? ?t?o?o?.?
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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?O?h?.? ?T?h?a?n?k?s? ?B?o?c?o? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?a?t?!? ? ? ? ?A?n?d? ?t?h?a?n?k?s? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?"?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h? ?i?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?t?a?l?e?n?t?e?d?,? ?e?h???"? ?F?e?i?t?c?l?u?b?!?!? ?T?h?a?n?k?s? ?;?)? ? ? ? ?A?n?d? ?f?i?n?a?l?l?y?.?.? ?I?f? ?i? ?f?i?x? ?w?h?a?t?e?v?e?r? ?n?e?e?d?s? ?t?o? ?b?e? ?f?i?x?e?d? ?t?o? ?n?o?t? ?s?e?e? ?s?q?u?a?r?e?s?,? ?w?o?u?l?d?n??t? ?i?t? ?b?e? ?i?n? ?j?a?p?a?n?e?s?e? ?a?n?y?w?a?y?s??? ?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?u?n?d?e?r?s?t?a?n?d? ?j?a?p?a?n?e?s?e? ?y?e?t? ?u?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y?.? ?S?o?m?e? ?d?a?y? ?I? ?w?a?n?n?a? ?l?e?a?r?n? ?b?u?t? ?n?o?w? ?I? ?c?a?n??t? ?=?/?
/Walker Boh
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Yeah, you probably need to install a Japanese font somehow.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Oh yes, this truely is one of my favorite movies on the site. Really well done Walker! *hugs*
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Thanks a bunch ;)
/Walker Boh
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?E?s? ?u?n?a? ?p?e?l??c?u?l?a? ?m?a?r?a?v?i?l?l?o?s?a?.?
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?P?l?e?a?s?e? ?n?o? ?m?o?r?e? ?l?a?n?g?u?a?g?e?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?u?n?d?e?r?s?t?a?n?d? ?;?)? ?I?f? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?a?s? ?p?o?i?n?t?e?d? ?s?o?m?e?h?o?w? ?t?o? ?m?e? ?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?r?u?n? ?t?h?a?t? ?i?s?.? ?I?'?d? ?r?e?a?l?l?y? ?l?i?k?e? ?t?o? ?h?e?a?r? ?c?o?m?m?e?n?t?s? ?o?r? ?c?i?r?i?t?i?c?s?.?
/Walker Boh
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It's a marvolous movie. Stupid spanish :/
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [203] NES Rygar "no warp glitch" by Walker_Boh in 21:07.04