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Terimakasih's words translated wrote:
If i remember correctly, if you perform a high jump, the fall speed increases. However, there are two problems with this, I think: 1: distance Compare the red and the orange paths. The orange line is long, in other words, the distance I must move is long. Therefore, I would guess that it takes longer time. 2: the jump behaviour If/when Samus jumps, naturally, she comes to the highest position. (?) (After that, she drops down.) If you happen to make a high jump, the time that she remains in the air is long, I think. Therefore, I would guess that it takes longer time.
My thoughts: If the horizontal speed is the same for walking and running, you will get to the edge of the platform at the same time. But if you jumped, you would have more vertical speed and fall faster. In that case, jumping is better. The length of the path isn't important. If your horizontal speed is faster for walking than jumping, then walking is better. Translation: 歩くこととジャンプの水平方向の速度は同じなら、同時にプラットホームの端に着く。 しかし、ジャンプすれば、垂直方向の速度はもっと高い。そんな場合は、ジャンプした方がいい。 線の長さは大切じゃない。(関連がない?) 歩くことの水平方向の速度はジャンプのより高ければ、歩いた方がいい。 Attempt at picture:
If horizontal speed is equal:

w w w w w  **
********   **
********w  **
       w   **
      w    **

    j      **
  j   j    **
j       j  **
********   **
********   **
        j  **
       j   ** 
Jump (j) gets to the goal in less turns (meaning: less time) than walking (w). But only if horizontal speed is equal for jumping and walking. If not you will have to test.
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Highness: >I ment if you could place the powerbomb as soon as you enter the room. Like switch to powerbomb while jumping in the other room -> Mockball -> continue to roll to the left -> As soon as possible, place the power bomb and roll to the hole in the floor. Depends... if Samus travels faster than the powerbomb explosion, it's better to place the bomb as late as possible. If it's impossible to not lose speed, you should place it when you no longer travel faster than the explosion. (There's a delay too which makes things complicated.) Testing a few different frames is probably a good idea. >Seems like you slow down before you reach the hole. I know that the mpg file you made is just a showoff. Nothing finals yet eh? =) This doesn't matter. He still has to wait for the bomb to clear the way. If he gets there faster, it just means he has to wait longer. >Also you could combine it to what you other guys are talking about. To jump while the bomb explodes to be falling faster down the hole in the floor. Good idea. Jump before the bomb destroys the blocks, and reach them when they disappear so you have more vertical speed.
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Mazzic wrote:
Thanks for your explanation,'fire'. Most of these cases, I use 'Google'(Search Engine). For example, I could't understand 'sugestion',so I searched this word in Google. Then, Google said 'Did you mean: suggestion'. (Andthen, I can use dictionary;) So, most of missed-spell has no problem.^^;
Mazzic wrote:
Check this out
. Oh,this movie has only 2 seconds; Is this file broken? Or is My computer bad?;
Mazzic wrote:
Don't know about Japan.
Thanks! In fact,I don't know this enemy's name in Japanese,too; I know the Boss-Characters-Names only. (Phantoon,Kraid,Ridley,Mother-Brain,etc) (Of course,in Japanese,too.)
Mazzic wrote:
Oh,Thank you! I try to do faster than Mr.Frenom's new record; But, Is this movie have any improvement points?
Mazzic wrote:
Great movie aswell ;
Mazzic wrote:
Umm, This time , you could enjoy my action,accidentally; I think, this is a problem. OK, If I try to take a movie, I try to do more entertaining-action.; (Now, I must reply to Movie-Thread,sorry.) (I will reply to this Metroid-Thread,later.)
Post subject: Google as a spelling helper
Editor, Player (91)
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Terimakasih wrote:
Most of these cases, I use 'Google'(Search Engine). For example, I could't understand 'sugestion',so I searched this word in Google.
Google is often a good judge in spelling questions. For example, if you're wondering whether the word is "excelerate" or "accelerate", just do a google search on both words and compare them. excelerate: 47600 hits accelerate: 5390000 hits Clearly, accelerate is the correct way. If there are more choices, search them all. (And remember to unselect the "search for pages in <language x> only" option.)
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Highness wrote:
I ment if you could place the powerbomb as soon as you enter the room. Like switch to powerbomb while jumping in the other room -> Mockball -> continue to roll to the left -> As soon as possible, place the power bomb and roll to the hole in the floor.
Yes, I can do this advies..(and you can.)
Highness wrote:
Seems like you slow down before you reach the hole. I know that the mpg file you made is just a showoff. Nothing finals yet eh? =)
You said ,'you are boaster!', did't you? (My dictionary said 'showoff' means 'boaster';) I thought, I just want to cooperate for you... 'I could't understand all of your paragraph.' I said. This paragraph means 'I can't understand how to use my P-bombs.' 'Why I need to use P-bomb?', I thought or 'How I use P-bomb?', I thought. (So, I used P-bobm,in my hesitation) (I think that in this case, 'beam' is best way, isn't it?)
Highness wrote:
Also you could combine it to what you other guys are talking about. To jump while the bomb explodes to be falling faster down the hole in the floor.
Yes, you are right. and I already understood.>faster down. This movie is not my new movie. In a hurry ,I took this movie , just for you.(or others) I wanted to tell you only this. 'I(or you) can use Mockball this plice.' Sorry, If I make you in irritation... And now, I want to tell you another thing; In Japan, most of people can't see SMV-movie. (A few people have Emulator & Roms.) So, always I prepared MPG file;
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Oh, sorry my mistake. I forget to reply to Mr.Truncated;
Truncated wrote:
Thanks for your translation! And nice picture! Yes, I understood. Ok, I'll try to jump or walk-down.(case by case,isn't it?)
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Terimakasih wrote:
You said ,'you are boaster!', did't you? (My dictionary said 'showoff' means 'boaster';) I thought, I just want to cooperate for you...
I was meaning that your skills are great and that mpg was just to show the others what you concluded. In the full run (if you make one again) I suppose you would do it more precice and accurate.
'I could't understand all of your paragraph.' I said. This paragraph means 'I can't understand how to use my P-bombs.' 'Why I need to use P-bomb?', I thought or 'How I use P-bomb?', I thought. (So, I used P-bobm,in my hesitation) (I think that in this case, 'beam' is best way, isn't it?)
Well.. P-bomb should be used because the blast will take out the block on the ground about the same time as you get there. There for you should place the p-bomb as soon as the door shuts behind you so that you won't have to wait for the block to go away.
Yes, you are right. and I already understood.>faster down. This movie is not my new movie. In a hurry ,I took this movie , just for you.(or others) I wanted to tell you only this. 'I(or you) can use Mockball this plice.' Sorry, If I make you in irritation...
I did not complain about your skills. And you don't make me irritated. :)
And now, I want to tell you another thing; In Japan, most of people can't see SMV-movie. (A few people have Emulator & Roms.) So, always I prepared MPG file;
Thats nice. I do prefer an MPG file as well. Much easier to just click and watch. :) Oh.. Speaking of dictionaries and such. I found it very good to look the word up in it's original language. Since converting a language ain't that good all the times. I try to understand in the native way. For example you can search for words on www.dictionary.com to see what they mean. Better than google most of the time. :)
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Highness wrote:
I was meaning that your skills are great and that mpg was just to show the others what you concluded. In the full run (if you make one again) I suppose you would do it more precice and accurate. I did not complain about your skills. And you don't make me irritated. :)
Oh,, I got into trouble,again; I just say, very sorry... I think that my dictionary or my ability of understanding is bad;
Well.. P-bomb should be used because the blast will take out the block on the ground about the same time as you get there.There for you should place the p-bomb as soon as the door shuts behind you so that you won't have to wait for the block to go away.
OK, I'll try this.(Sorry my vaguely idea;)
Thats nice. I do prefer an MPG file as well. Much easier to just click and watch. :)
I feel relieved,now; Now, I tried to use Dictionary.com. I searched for 'showoff' , with 'Dictionary-Option'. This website said two meaning. 1:The act of showing off. 2:One who shows off. I think, No.1 means good-meaning.(like admire.) No.2 means bad-meaning.(like abuse.) Umm,after all, I can't choice; I wonder whether the word is best, "No.1" or "No2"; And, sorry, to use English-English-Dictionary, is too difficult for me; >To all I am thankful for all. But my act of translation needs a lot of times. (and, I'm tired;) So, I can't take a movie,sorry. I have more things which I must do... Now, Can I suggest it? Do anyone take a new movie?
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Terimakasih wrote:
I searched for 'showoff' , with 'Dictionary-Option'.
I suggest a synonym: "demonstrate".
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Terimakasih wrote:
Mr.Mazzic , Can you take a new movie?^^;
Hehe, I take that as a compliment ;) but I probably won't make a Super Metroid movie, not for now anyway. And also, please not call me Mr.Mazzic, we're on the same level so just Mazzic is fine.
Terimakasih wrote:
Oh,this movie has only 2 seconds; Is this file broken? Or is My computer bad?;
No, it is simply a very short movie of how I meen that the Higher jump should be performed.
Terimakasih wrote:
So, I can't take a movie,sorry.
I am very sorry to hear that. I think you have great potential and you have great knowledge of what you do. Please, try. I can't force you, I know that but I think that if you do a new full movie it sure will be published and others whould be able to enjoy your skills. So again, think about it a little more...
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
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Bisqwit wrote:
Terimakasih wrote:
I searched for 'showoff' , with 'Dictionary-Option'.
I suggest a synonym: "demonstrate".
"I demonstrated 'showoff' with 'Dictionary-Option'." Did you say, "This sentence is more better." ? If I demonstrate 'demonstrate' with 'Dictionary-Option'.", The Dictionary.com said like this. (I think , maybe it is good example.)
dictionary.com wrote:
To show clearly and deliberately; manifest: demonstrated her skill as a gymnast; demonstrate affection by hugging. To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove: demonstrate a proposition. To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; explain and illustrate: demonstrated the laws of physics with laboratory equipment. To show the use of (an article) to a prospective buyer: The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.
How time I need to translate these paragraphs?; I need a lot of time, to translate this paragraphs' ; Very sorry, but I'm very tired about translation... So, I hope that anyone take a new movie...
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Ok let's forget about those words. It becomes too complicated when we need to explain the explaining of explaining. :) 説き明かしての説き明かしての説き明かすことが ずいぶん ややこしいになります。 Back to the topic.
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>Ok, I'll try to jump or walk-down.(case by case,isn't it?) Yes. Probably it depends on what is below. So you will have to test which is faster case by case. My guess is that jumping is faster in most cases though. I really hope you will make a new video.
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Mazzic wrote:
Hehe, I take that as a compliment ;)
I think that this compliment is friendly compliment, isn't it?; (If yes,thank you.) And all right, I'll call you Mazzic. Can I ask you about this? Why do you say, 'I probably won't make a Super Metroid movie,' ?; I think that you can take a fastest movie;
Mazzic wrote:
No, it is simply a very short movie of how I meen that the Higher jump should be performed.
Umm, I think so, But, If I try to play this movie, then, this movie stop in First-Title-Screen; So, I said 'Is this file broken?',etc...
Terimakasih wrote:
I am very sorry to hear that. I think you have great potential and you have great knowledge of what you do. Please, try. I can't force you, I know that but I think that if you do a new full movie it sure will be published and others whould be able to enjoy your skills. So again, think about it a little more...
That indeed you have great potential and knowledge^^; I know, perhaps, many people expect for me... But I have no time.(and I am tired;) I have more works(or bussiness), not only take a movie; A supplement: Oh,I don't want to get 'honor' ^^; If the movie will be published, more people can see it, I thought. (imply, Japanese can see.)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Ok let's forget about those words.
Thanks and excuse me;
Truncated wrote:
Thank you for your explanation. Ok, If I make a movie, I'll try to do so. But, most of cases , my sensibility will be bad. (I will hesitate. 'Which is the best way, walk or jump?';
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jecy wrote:
9080: Instead of big jump, use small jump to the platform. and then run...
OK, I understood this.
9350: There should be have a good route to get it better. Hope there can help you, I only test this two points right now.
If my translation is not wrong, I'll wait for your reply.
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To Mazzic (and others)
Mazzic wrote:
10200 - I am quite sure that it is possible to start slowing down a little earlier so you can enter the elevator earlier.
I want to tell you my new trick. We can down elevator , without stop-action(brake-action). http://type.s31.xrea.com/info/logimg/metroid/sm0002.gif http://type.s31.xrea.com/info/logimg/metroid/newM.zip This is my new movie(until first elevator), But, I think this is not fastest. (I will re-record from ship.) If someone need 'mpg-format-file' about the trick,please tell me so. I can make small-size-movie. (I can't make big-size one,sorry.)
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I watched the new replay by you Terimakasih. It's not perfect, but I like when you say you will remake from ship. From watching the movie here's my comments. I think you should mockball when ever it's possible for longer distances. Note that you slow down when landing after a jump. With mockball you don't right?
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Highness wrote:
I watched the new replay by you Terimakasih. It's not perfect, but I like when you say you will remake from ship.
Thanks. I'll try to do my best, next time. But, most of time, my choice will be maybe wrong. If you notice something, please tell me.
I think you should mockball when ever it's possible for longer distances.
Yes, I think so.
Note that you slow down when landing after a jump.
I understood this sentence.
With mockball you don't right?
Sorry, I can't understand this sentence; I must do my work right now(not making a movie), so , I'll come again this thread,after 13-15 hours;
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>Sorry, I can't understand this sentence; If you are running you slow down when you land. But if you are in ball form you do not slow down when you land, is that correct? That's what he said, at least. I don't know this game good, so I can't tell.
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My works end ealier.(Lucky;) This is my new movie.(Ship - First elevator) http://type.s31.xrea.com/info/logimg/metroid/new001.zip I tried to do about jecy's advises. Is this the best way? And , I ask someone, one question. If someone submit a his's movie,and his Clear-Time is 00:29. And, If my movie's Clear Time is same time(00:29). I wonder , which movie will be Published? I think , 'The movie submitted quickest, will be published.' Is my expectance wrong? I try to ask someone, another words. If someone submits their movie,and his movie is perfect, What becomes my creating movie? I'm very worry about this. In these case, the effort becomes meaningless?; Perhaps,you know that to make a Metroid's movie is very hard. ('Hard' does not mean 'Technique is hard') I think that my English is too hard to understand; If you have any question, please ask to me.
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If two movies are submitted, and they are the exact same times, whichever is submitted first will be published. However, it is very unlikely that two movies of a game such as Super Metroid wlil have the EXACT same times. Additionally, I think you are the only one who is working on Super Metroid. So basically, you do not need to worry. The only time your effort would be meaningless is if your current movie is slower than an existing movie.
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Truncated wrote:
If you are running, you slow down ,when you land. But if you are in ball form ,you do not slow down, when you land, is that correct? If you are running you slow down when you land. But if you are in ball form you do not slow down when you land, is that correct?
If he wanted to tell me, like this paragraphs, My answer is 'not correct.' Because, we have no reason to slow down when Samus land,anytimes. I think.
Truncated wrote:
That's what he said, at least. I don't know this game good, so I can't tell.
I understood this. Thanks your help!
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Terimakasih wrote:
If someone submit a his's movie,and his Clear-Time is 00:29. And, If my movie's Clear Time is same time(00:29). I wonder , which movie will be Published? I think , 'The movie submitted quickest, will be published.' Is my expectance wrong?
We compare the movie length and style. If the lengths are equal, style decides. We hope that if movies are beaten, they are beaten with big changes instead of small changes.
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Blechy wrote:
If two movies are submitted, and they are the exact same times, whichever is submitted first will be published.
Thanks for answer me. This paragraph means equal to my expectance. I think.
Blechy wrote:
However, it is very unlikely that two movies of a game such as Super Metroid wlil have the EXACT same times.
I just ask you , Why do you think so?
Blechy wrote:
Additionally, I think you are the only one who is working on Super Metroid.
Sorry, I can't think so. Because, Mr.Frenom said in this thread. http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1422
Frenom wrote:
In my new improved run I got 46.44 from the Ceres Station and Samus Aran had/has 46.23 ;)
I think, this paragraph means , 'Mr.Frenom is trying to make a new movie.' (Is this wrong?)
Blechy wrote:
So basically, you do not need to worry. The only time your effort would be meaningless is if your current movie is slower than an existing movie.
This case is never exist, I think; (Because my 00:30 Movie has many points to need to improve;)