General Information

This is my TAS of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the Nintendo 64, completed in 36:37.42. This game has been a gargantuan task for me to complete, and I am incredibly thankful that it is done with. It has been a work in progress for approximately 14 months, although the bulk has been completed in the last 3 months.
  • Genre: First person shooter
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Manipulates luck
  • Plays at hardest level
  • Colors a dinosaur red.... with it's own blood
-Fuzzy Goal-
  • Only takes damage when it saves time or serves a purpose
It's hard to make Turok desync. Just use the plugins that are loaded with the movie file (video plugin is Jabo's Direct 3D8 1.6), along with version 1.2 of the ROM, and you'll be fine. For those of you who never use Mupen 0.5 v8 and need to find the TAS input plugin, it can be found here. It should be noted that the video plugin causes you to be able to see through many more walls than was originally possible with the actual cartridge, however I haven't found a suitable replacement. Rices plugin works fairly well, except it has some flickering problems with the fog and sky, and since fog is everywhere in this game, it gets annoying fast.
The backstory for Turok has something to do with a guy named the Campaigner trying to take over an alternate dimension called the Lost Lands. Turok is a Native American from our dimension transported to the Lost Lands to stop the Campaigner. He must fight through 8 levels of soldiers, raptors, grizzly-bear dinosaur dudes, evil priests, demons, robots, smurfs, teletubbies, and 4 bosses in order to vanquish the Campaigner. Keys need to be collected to open up each subsequent level, and there’s plenty of blood, guts, and dinosaur gore throughout to spice things up.

Techniques used for this run

This run has spanned my career here at TASvideos, so my techniques have improved and grown with the making of this. The first two levels, up until the Longhunter boss, were done within my first 4 months of TASing, so a lot of trial and error was used. They aren’t necessarily worse than the rest of the levels, but I think I was able to add a bit more entertainment in the subsequent levels since I wasn’t so concerned about figuring out how to TAS correctly.
As for the actual tricks used, there’s plenty. I won’t go into details (many of which can be found in the Turok discussion thread), but examples include wall jumping, wall cannons, jumping/walking on water, 20 hertz pulse rifle firing, wall zipping (only seen in the early part of level 1), wall clipping, and luck manipulation for ammo drops and enemy fire. RAM viewing was used to achieve optimal height for wall jumps and wall cannons, along with general jumping scenarios. In addition, it was used for HP watching to both conserve ammo and provide as short as possible boss fights.

Likely questions to be asked

Why do you have to run sideways the whole game? It’s annoying and gives me a headache!

Sorry, but blame the programmers for that. If, in their infinite wisdom, they had decided to make Turok behave like a normal person, and not give him a 30% speed boost when he runs diagonally, I would have been happy to present you with a front-facing run. Trust me, if that were the case, this would have been done ages ago. Instead, I was forced to consider the aesthetics of running forward, versus the 15+ minutes the run would have been extended. Speed won. However I have tried to provide interesting and entertaining views when it does not affect time, such as watching character death animations, killing random enemies as I fly by, toying with death, etc.

I noticed a small part in level X where you could probably save a few frames, why didn’t you?

Firstly, let me start off by saying it is my official opinion that first person shooters suck to TAS. Add in the aforementioned diagonal running, and it gets even worse. This spent 14 months sitting on my computer, a third of the way done, because it was such a pain to work with. So I will not lie and say this run is perfect, because it isn’t. I’m sure there are places where frames can be shaved, but at the same time I did put a lot of work into making this the best I could. I tried to produce a run that will hit at least a technical score of at least 8/10 with most people, and if I ever attempt a version 2 (in a looooong time), I will certainly try to perfect it.

This isn’t very entertaining, it’s just running from place to place.

That’s not a question. Please submit all queries in the form of a question.

Ok, why should I find this entertaining, since it’s just running from place to place?

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, but judging from the response to nfq’s previous run, a lot of people find it entertaining to see this game destroyed. And to offset the 30 some odd miles Turok runs in his very busy day, I have killed some things along the way. So if you watch it and aren’t entertained, I apologize for wasting 35 minutes of your life:)

Are there any improvements you know about?

There’s a couple that may or may not prove to be major (>2 seconds) times savers. A death warp is possible in level 4, just after the second key. This would save roughly 5 seconds, but would cause Turok to lose his backpack (probably dropped it when he fell). Without a backpack, the carrying capacity for grenades is reduced, making for a (seemingly) longer Mantis fight. However, due to the speed and impact of the pulse rifle (1 shot worth 13 HP can be delivered every 3 frames), it may be faster to just manipulate energy refills than to worry about a few extra grenades.
It may be possible in order to access the first key of level 4 using walls jumps/cannons, but whoever figures out how to do that is a better person than me.

Special Thanks:

I would firstly like to thank nfq. Despite his odd views on electricity, God, gravity and magenetism, he put together a damn good run that included a very good route and some techniques I hadn’t seen before. Many of the tricks shown can be credited to him, or the Turok community in general. I would also like to thank everyone who has posted in the game thread, and everyone who has pushed me to finally get this done, including Adelikat, Comicalflop, and JXQ (among others). Finally, I apologize it took so long to get done, but I hope it was worth the wait! Any questions will be happily answered in the discussion thread to the best of my abilities.
Suggested Screenshot: Input frame 16534

adelikat: Accepting + Encoding.

adelikat: Nevermind about the encoding. Mupen wants to continually crash my computer. Someone else will have to take this one.

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nitsujrehtona wrote:
Heavens, that final boss had a lot of trouble finishing you off after mupen's early input termination bug immobilized you... :)
I was afraid someone would have problems with that. The game finishes for me (and I assume most other people who have watched it so far), but I had a hell of a time getting the file to recognize where I ended input without adding 40 superfluous frames to the end. I apologize if you didn't get to see the end of the game, but I'm afraid you didn't miss much. It's one of the most underwhelming video game ending cinemas of all time :-P
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superjupi wrote:
I don't remember ever being forced into diagonal jumping on the console. I remember inventing lots of new curse words while looking straight down at the ground and using the map to make the ridiculous jumps, but I'm fairly certain I made every one moving straight forward. Had to tie the controller to my hand to prevent it from taking flight like a majestic eagle, though.
actually that is true: you could just time the jump really well and hold the r button hard, but diagonal jumping was easier
Zurreco wrote:
I do believe shooting an alien straight in the face with a heavy weapon (shotgun, explosive shell, alien weapon, rockets) will cause his countdown jet pack explosion.
ive beaten this game more times than i can count and havent realized this interested in this if it is true
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Me vote yes.
"No love for the game gear"
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Whoops, I completely forgot to add my yes vote. :x 'Twas a good excuse to use my desktop for something other than music for a change.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Joined: 9/26/2007
Posts: 9
Hi, I have a problem and is when I run the movie, It shows this: "NO CONTROLLER PAK FOUND. GAME CANNOT BE SAVED" and some credits, but nothing more. I'm using "Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (U) (V1.2) [!].z64" I also downloaded "TAS Input plugins" and I put them on plugins folder. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance, have a nice day, bye.
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sagagemini wrote:
I also downloaded "TAS Input plugins" and I put them on plugins folder.
Did you select the Input Plugin from the Settings menu?
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Hi Yes, I selected in the settings menu, also a window appear "Analog stick - controller 1" with some stuffs so that means that plugin is running and working I think, right? I also try with another rom "(U) (V1.0)" and it says this: "Warning: This rom is a bad dump, do you want to continue?" I press yes and starts but ingame turok just run in circles to nowhere. Thanks in advance, cya! Edited: Nevermind, I fix this problem with another ROM with .v64 extension, I saw it all and vote yes, though you get dizzy very easy :p, anyway nice work, hoping to see turok 2 now ;) bb
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Gonna have to say no here. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing run. But it's been at "new" status for like 2/3rds of the average month now. There's gotta be a very good reason behind this, something the staff knows that we don't. I'll trust them on this one, because the last time I argued against such a point I got banned from 50 different websites (okay, just the one website, but I don't want to take the risk that it could happen).
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LOL You're voting no because it's still labeled "new"? It could be that it's still unjudged because the judges also have lives, or that no one has bothered to judge it yet because N64 runs tend to get judged and encoded at roughly the same time. If you'd been around a little longer, you'd remember when the queue was 2 pages+ long, and runs would still be "new" 3 months after submission. Most ridiculous reason to vote no ever.
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
Emulator Coder, Active player (391)
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Mmbossman, if you'd been around a little longer you'd remember when the queue was 5+ pages long and runs were still new 6 months after submission.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Touche my good sir, touche!
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upthorn wrote:
Mmbossman, if you'd been around a little longer you'd remember when the queue was 5+ pages long and runs were still new 6 months after submission.
The staff clearly knew something back then. It can't be that it was five pages long back then, and less then one now. There must be a good reason behind this.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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mmbossman wrote:
LOL You're voting no because it's still labeled "new"? It could be that it's still unjudged because the judges also have lives, or that no one has bothered to judge it yet because N64 runs tend to get judged and encoded at roughly the same time. If you'd been around a little longer, you'd remember when the queue was 2 pages+ long, and runs would still be "new" 3 months after submission. Most ridiculous reason to vote no ever.
Of course I've seen the queue when it was 2+ pages. I've also seen it when it was 4+ pages. I was browsing the site quite a while before I joined the forums. I just don't post here often. And I also know of the problems that the staff has when they encode N64 runs, which may or may not still be around. I was not aware of the N64 runs being "judged and encoded at roughly the same time" until now, and think it's just silly that they do it that way. And if they have time for something as popular as Megaman, they should have time for something as popular as Turok. I mean, I don't know much about how they do things, but it shouldn't take THAT long to take some time out of their day to set something to encode overnight or while they're out living their lives. Unless the afformentioned problems interrupt and they have to be there to make sure everything goes right. :P Or, to take a cheap shot and maybe cannibalize myself a little, if they live their lives on their computer. >_> (and of course it's a ridiculous reason to vote no, because it's not meant to be taken seriously)
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After reading through your previous posts, I've come to the conclusion that much of what you write could be comprehended more clearly on the first read through with this: As for encoding things, Mupen can be somewhat finicky (or to put it less politely, a pain in the ass). Whether that is the reason for the delay, or whether the judges have simply not gotten around to it, I cannot say.
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Of course, but it's less fun if I outright say it's sarcasm. Absurd, ridiculous reasons to give a reason vote the opposite of what I really think should be reason enough in themselves to understand it's sarcasm. At least it's more creative than a "I liked it/Liked part X/Random minor criticism/Voting yes/Thank you/Good job" post. :P And yeah, I mentioned the Mupen thing in my previous post. And it's only the three posts! The rest were before I started doing this/explanations for people who took it seriously/other stuff.
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64 runs always take forever to publish but itll taste all the sweeter then of course, mario and zelda werent forever but turok isnt a big name
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Aw man. Yeah, hopefully someone can encode soon. N64 stuff's always a pain in the ass to hunt down, so I just wait on the AVIs for 'em. Been waiting ages for this one, it seems. Edit: I'm gonna make a bet. Anyone who wants in, jump in now. Duke Nukem Forever? That'll be released before this gets AVI'd.
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Sub edit wrote:
* Colors a dinosaur red.... with it's own blood
I'd better let Inichi know he has to include that in his CT submission text.
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Dromiceius wrote:
Sub edit wrote:
* Colors a dinosaur red.... with it's own blood
Hahahaha, oh god. *shakes fist at adelikat and Deign*
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1095] N64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by mmbossman in 36:37.42
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magic crossbows? cars are futuristic technology?
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I have to admit that not seeing where the player is going was slightly annoying, and in fact gave me motion sickness (I usually don't get motion sickness with 3D games, but watching this gave me, probably precisely because of the constant diagonal running). Most of the time only a wall flying by was on screen. Of course I understand that diagonal running is the fastest in this game, but...
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I got sick watching the AVI. I'm not going to vote the movie down, or rate it poorly, however I think the video needs a warning about that.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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Warp wrote:
gave me motion sickness
DarkKobold wrote:
I got sick watching the AVI. I'm not going to vote the movie down, or rate it poorly, however I think the video needs a warning about that.
You two need to ride more rollercoasters or something. :) But I did add a disclaimer. Thanks for watching anyway!
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*sigh* I know I will probably be flamed, but I don't agree with the actual publication text
Following the good tradition, mmbossman colors a dinosaur red… with its own blood. :)
This is, IMHO, an inside joke for the forum members only. This text makes me feel like a browser of new movies (or newbie all together) will look at this and think "Wow, that is stupid/unprofessional." I think the text is along the lines of Majora's Mask's old screen shot with the creepy guy saying "What, is this not a hard tas" Sorry for bringing it up, but I find this site to hold professionalism very high, and that doesn't seem very... professional. Flame on.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.