Clear Time 00:30. (Collecting Items 27%)
Emulator : ( probably , you can't play this movie in "Super Metroid(E)".
I am,I'm not good at English.
If you have any questions , please write in easy English , you can... (or Japanese language is better.)
I refered to various play(or player) of this game.
Example, "Smokey" , Time Attack 00:36 Player.
"Frenom" , a great player of SuperMetroid,I think so.
"Sippu"(Japanese Player) give me many advises.
(Techniques , Route , etc..)
Very sorry , If I make violation of some of rules...

Bisqwit: Thanks, let's see what it's made of.
Bisqwit: This movie is entertaining, therefore it will be published. I'm going to ignore the starts-from-save question in this case.
Bisqwit: Publishing.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #434: Terimakasih's SNES Super Metroid "any%" in 47:50.93
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There is one serious issue here. The movie starts from a save, avoiding the opening demo (Frenom's version goes through it). I believe this is a violation of the rules. However, I still think this should be published. The in-game time is clearly shorter than in Frenom's movie, and even though this is still full of small mistakes (needless mockballing, inaccurate jumps, slow menus, ending the game late) it's better than the existing movie. I voted yes.
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I'm gonna be a real pain here but: No. Too many inaccurate jumps and the menues are far too slow. But I love the mockballing, finaly someone realized the ful potential of the mockball ;) This is a realy impresive movie but there is some places to improve. I know I'm cynical but since I love Super Metroid I want the movie too be almost perfect, your movie is faster then Frenom but his is more presice. And I can almost promise that a sub 30 min is possible
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こんにちは、テリマカシ(?)。 はい、このムービーはルールを従わない。ムービーは、リセットからッ始めなければならない。あなたのムービーはセーブから始めて、イントロを飛ばす。 こちらルールを読める: セーブから始めるムービーは比べにくいから、だめだ。 次のムービーの改善の助言: * メニューをもっと早くして * ムービーをもっと早く終って * ブロックを壊れる時に(例えばスーパー爆弾で)、下のスピードがあれるように、前もってジャンプをして 頑張って! (日本語が下手だけど、大体分かると思う。) ---- Hello Terimakasih. Yes, your movie does break the rules. The movie must begin from reset. Your movie starts from a save and skips the intro. You can read the rules here: Since movies which start from a save are difficult to compare, they are not allowed. Suggestions for improvement in the next video: * Do the menues faster * Stop the movie earlier * When you break blocks (for example with the Super Bomb), jump in advance so that you have downward speed Try your best! (My Japanese is not good, but I think you will understand the main outline of it.)
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Indeed - this movie could otherwise be accepted as a successor for Frenom's movie, but if someone beats Teriyakama's video and the difference is less than a minute, it's would be too difficult to tell which one is faster.
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Truncated wrote:
Since movies which start from a save are difficult to compare, they are not allowed.
But this is not the case here. The save is immediately at the beginning and other movies could easily do the same thing. The starting moment is specific and every single save like this starts from the same point. I can't see anything wrong with the use of a save like this.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
I can't see anything wrong with the use of a save like this.
The problem is that then everyone should use the same save. If someone submits a version with that save not used, the times become hard to compare.
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Why would anyone not use it if it was allowed?
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thanks to all for playing my movie data. >to Kyrsimys >The movie starts from a save, avoiding the opening demo. Yes,You right. Because, I set "Game Language" is "Japanese Texts". I thought , "If I Start my movie,after Language Option,perhaps,this movie can play in "Super Metoroid (E)" Version? now, I Understood it is wrong... This is just a explanation,it is not a pretext. So , I will be obedient to rules (Published or not published). --- >Mazzic I wonder , "mockballing" means "Morphing-ball"? or means "dush-morphing-balling"? >inaccurate jumps Oh,Realy? I think , this play's jumping is close to my limit... Thanks to your point out. >the menues are far too slow. "menues" means "Opening Menu"?or "Equip Status Menu"? If it means Opening Menu , it is intentionally. (to show start status data, is my policy ,sorry.) (and , I don't know rule of "Game must start riset"...) Means "Equip Status Menu" , Now I was shocked , again. >I can almost promise that a sub 30 min is possible. Yes, I think so , too. If I try a sub 30min movie, I'll my movie start in Opening Demo... (and will be fast the menu.) >Truncated Thanks to japanese language responses. > Yes, Now I Understood this rule , and Very sorry... >three points Suggestions >Stop the movie earlier OK. I will. >When you break blocks Oh , I see. I think you are smart. >Bisqwit , Kyrsimys or anyone Although it is having not known, very sorry about "start riset game". but , I think, the rules must be should be protected... thanks to supporting my mistake(not started riset game or other mistakes) , I am glad to some supporting reply. I satisfied , if someone enjoyed my movie.
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If the author is willing to do so, agreeing with the rules, I think we should wait until another version which not only uses start from reset, but also the improvements listed above. Use frame advancement for menus: pause the game, and use \ to advance the movie a single frame.
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Hajimemashite! Didn't thought this was possible! Im impressed even though I haven't seen the run. Keep up the good work man!
/Walker Boh
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Very nice.
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Terimakasih: Mockball - Yes, it is the "morphball dash" Inaccurate jumps - In some plases you sumped a bit to high or far, nothing that is extremly bad but keep it in mind. Slow menus - I mean equiping and moving. As Blechy wrote, use advance frame feature. As I watched your movie again I realised some more things. (I won't drag them all up here) I think the creation of this movie should be discussed in the Super Metroid thread because I'm quite sure that many here can provide you with some more information on how to improve this movie. I can't wait till the new version is done ;)
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Good morning.(In Japan Time Zone;) >Blechy >If the author is willing to do so, (omit) This paragraph means , "Someone wait for my new movie which keep rules and new-record" ? (If it is not , sorry my poor English.) >(Next paragraph) >use \ to advance What is "\" mean? is it Control-Key...? (or Snes9x's peculiar Function?) >Walker Boh Thank you for your Japanese greeting! Hajimemashite , Mr(?) Walker Boh. Thank you for your comments,I'm very , very glad to it! >TNSe Thanks to playing my movie. Your comment is simple , but , I am happy no more than that. >Mazzic Thanks for your explanation. I understand , now. >Inaccurate jumps Umm... "Sumped" is not exist on my dictionary... (I think , "jumped" is right-word...?) If is means "Jumped", I can understand. (If not , I can't understand that explanation, sorry..) >Slow menus Oh,, sorry about my poor English.(I can't understand meaning of "\") >As I watched (omit) Very thank you your friendliness. But , you may know , My English is very Bad. My work of these reply takes time very much. (Because , I use English-Japanese Dicrionary, many times.) So, If I go to the SuperMetroid-thread, perhaps , I will trouble you or someone... (now, I said "what?" many times;;) So , I just thanks about your invitation , sorry... >I can't wait till the new version is done ;) This paragraph means "you wait for my new movie" ? Oh, I have bad news... For taking this movie, my finger(left-thumb) have some pain; so , for a while , I can't take new movies, sorry;
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In all of it's mspainted glory.
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Omnipotent: Japanese keyboard is different.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Letsee my Japanese is a bit rusty, and this computer doesn't have the language packs installed. The "\" key is the first key to the left of the right shift. "\"-ha migi-na Shift-no ichiban hidari-no key desu. (I know, the horrible horrible pain of romajii) And I told you I was rusty... Some of those nos should be na's and vica versa probably. I'm more embarressed about this than you can be.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Japanese keyboards do not have "\" on them. They have "¥" instead.
* Quietust, QMT Productions P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
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Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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Oh my god, this video was just amazing. I thought I had seen it all in Frenom's versions but this just blew me away all over again. Ok, so maybe it should be brought in line with everything else as far as starting from reset and all, but shoot, you can't deny the pwnage here!
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I voted yes because I think this is worthy enough to be produced. How ever. It can be improved in a couple of places. Hey Zoizite! Time for you to make this, don you think? =)
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Terimakasih wrote:
Umm... "Sumped" is not exist on my dictionary...
Ops... sorry. Jumped is the word.
Terimakasih wrote:
So, If I go to the SuperMetroid-thread, perhaps , I will trouble you or someone...
Hey, for a Super Metroid run I'd help you with anything! It might not be easy to get your point all the time, I admit that but if you decide to make a new movie just post prewievs so we can give you recomandations on what to do during the process. And we (or atleast I) will NOT be troubled.
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I just watched it. Very impressive. Good job! I like that you used the mockball so much to keep your momentum when landing from jumps. That was something I would use if I were to make a run. Highness, I want to make a run, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. I was thinking about doing the 100% run, anyways.
If for honesty, you want apologies, I don't sympathize.
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Zoizite if you do choose to do a supermetroid 100%run and be able to beat "Samur Arans" timeattack of 100% run then I would be most delighted. In other words, you would be God Among All Gods of Timeattack movies!! Because that sick maniac did some pretty crazy shit.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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It would not be hard at all to beat Jecy's (Samus Aran's) run because he fooled around with the beams as well as the ethecoons and the dachora(sp?).