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It's an awesome WIP kriole. In fact it looks almost identical to the old preview movies saturn had made for his run. I am however saddened and surprised that you opted to use a considerably slower route. Especially because it was a discovery that you made which made the other route possible. A more streamlined route would have saved easily 2 in-game minutes. Your awesome ridley battle only served to prove that you had collected too much stuff. Samus was TOO strong at this point. I would have preferred if you used the other route and had 1 less e-tank at your disposal, which would have made the battle more intense.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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hero of the day wrote:
It's an awesome WIP kriole. In fact it looks almost identical to the old preview movies saturn had made for his run.
Thank you. The fact that it looks identical to Saturn's is that his methods are simply the fastest ;]. Except the etecoon shaft morph thingy I did, was 2 frames faster.
hero of the day wrote:
I am however saddened and surprised that you opted to use a considerably slower route.
Never planned to even attempt to publish it (nor do I think it would be accepted). I just create it to for entertainment, the route changing had to be done. It's just that I value quality over in-game time. As for the overpowered amount of ammo at Ridley; ...I have less than Saturn? And 1 less e-tank I recall saying that it was beyond me. In my test I managed to get caught by Ridley with 81 energy left; not enough to survive.
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This WIP has a lot of nice strats, like norfair bubble room upward CWJ was awesome, speed booster exit (samus moves funky). I really really hope this über-optimization and creativeness will be in the rest of the run too. I love it how you didn't do all the rooms like other guys, but some rooms were surprising. It must be a kick in the balls for Saturn, if you keep this level up his outdated RBO will be just useless. It in many places looks EXACTLY like his previews.
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Awesome WIP Kriole, I spot many small improvements but the entertainment value is crazy. Though I would probably have skipped the 2 missiles at the R-tank, and maybe the one in blue brinstar at the E-tank and the other one in the early supers room. I never thought about it before but wavebeam is awesome, it makes everything more entertaining, also it is purple. Purple is awesome. Also that speedbooster glitch is awesome (or a pain in the ass when it happens at the wrong time) The key word in this post is awesome.
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Cpadolf wrote:
Awesome WIP Kriole, I spot many small improvements but the entertainment value is crazy. Though I would probably have skipped the 2 missiles at the R-tank, and maybe the one in blue brinstar at the E-tank and the other one in the early supers room.
If I skip that many missile tanks, it would leave me with 10 missiles at Ridley ;p. Thanks for the comments though.
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Well 10 compared to 30 will make ridley maybe 4-6 seconds slower at most, taking all those tanks takes more than that (I am quite sure) and you have enough health to survive the heat for more than that.
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awsome job Kriole. this looks like Saturn's run for the most part. I hope you finish this soon.
Current TAS Project: SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
Player (207)
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Great and very entertaining WIP, Kriole! I'm surprised you decided to use my route, and agree that at least 1 Tank could be skipped. It would make LN pretty hard, but still possible to survive. The good thing is that we can at least compare our runs pretty well that way. You also showed a few nice improvements over my run, like grabbing the Missile Pack after Speed Booster, or shooting the green Brinstar gate after PBs much sooner to pass it with more momentum. You did a few route mistakes though: - You could skip Charge Beam and the Missile near it until you return back to get it on the way to the E-Tank in one turn, saving you some detour time. - Although I got the Red Brinstar PBs after Norfair as well, I think it would be a bit faster to get them before Norfair (when using the hero-shot tech at least). You lose some time in the hopper room and generally from lack of HJ-Boots, but probably can gain even more back in the green bubble room when exiting it through the PB shortcut instead of the morphball maze. - Getting the Wave gate E-Tank before Spores Supers like I did is a bit faster, costs one more PB though. Maybe you had no choice... - Getting the Missile right below the Ice Beam would only cost around 20-30 frames, making it definitely worth the take. Your ammo management could also be a bit improved, especially the 2 lacking Super Missiles at Ridley that delayed the fight by around 3 sec. Much respect to manipulate all 12 Supers of the Elites though, this is surely not easy to do. I compared our ingame time when we enter the door to Ridleys E-Tank after the fight, and even though I catched up some lost time of the Torizo fight and the additional Missile packs, you still managed to be 201 frames ahead of my run at that point, which I think is pretty good considering how tightly I optimized it. I also strongly recommend you to redo Ridley's refill drops to get more PBs and Supers, otherwise you will have serious ammo problems and will definitely lose your 201-frame lead due to more forced refills later. Anyway, I'm really glad you progress that quickly and look forward to see how you manage the LN escape and Maridia. Good luck!
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Finally managed to watch this today, and I should say, this looks and feels like it's Saturn's RBO run being reborn in your hands, Kriole, to which some small mistakes pointed out above contribute in some nostalgic manner. The run I was waiting for about 1.5 years. Just great! Looking forward for further progress, Maridia especially. Are you going to make a second version afterwards?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
Are you going to make a second version afterwards?
Yes, I'm already working on Ceres ;p.
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Kriole wrote:
Yes, I'm already working on Ceres ;p.
Oh, you cheeky devil.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I've made big progress on my any% run today and yesterday, phantoon is down and checking the frame the refills appear I am 183 frames ahead of my old run which is a lot more than I though I would have gained at this point. Most things now to me seem very optimized. WIP Oh and hero, did I miss any trick or faster strategy you found?
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Looks great, Cpadolf. 183 frames is surprisingly much, and there are chances that even hero didn't come up with such a high improvement at this point. Keep it up! Btw, do you remember how much faster the new shot strategy to pass the blocks near the Supers before Phantoon is compared to your 1st runs one? It's actually the exact same one I used in my any% TAS, but I never bothered to compare yet. I bet the difference is very minimal, right? And Kriole is indeed a devil for starting over again. Don't forget to copy Taco's new 49'20 time if you're at it. ;-)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Between my two runs this new strategy was 8 frames faster.
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Saturn wrote:
And Kriole is indeed a devil for starting over again. Don't forget to copy Taco's new 49'20 time if you're at it. ;-)
I'm not starting over, just commencing my v4, this time with Hero's route. And I don't copy, I analyze and recreate. BTW Cpadolf, your new run was incredible! The only thing I noticed was that you didn't upwards cwj after the charge beam; other than that it looked incredibly polished.
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Yes so it seems, cost me 2 frames.
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there is no other way to archive the '20(now?) and you call it copying? lame its the same as if i would write "lol jxq you copied how to fly in smw!!" Oo
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I dunno but all of you guys are just turning into JXQ-typish TAS machines, incredible GODLIKE optimization and working fast as demons. Your TAS looks very promising CPadolf, you'll get a 23 this time no doubt. Keep at it.. ...while I'm fighting against Maridia in SM:I. :P EDIT: Agree with evilchen, copy isn't a good word here.
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yeah. it might just be me, but it seems like improvements are comeing out of nowhere. so now I wait for hero's run.
Current TAS Project: SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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Wait I just noted something in Saturns new viedo, he took 4 missile tanks before WS in his old any%... Why?
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You can't compare SMW flying with a critical situation (like a Ceres door) where every single frame needs to be duplicated in order to get the needed result. "Recreate" is a fitting term as well, I guess.
Cpadolf wrote:
Between my two runs this new strategy was 8 frames faster.
Thanks. It's actually much more than it looks to be for some reason. Strange effect.
Cpadolf wrote:
Wait I just noted something in Saturns new viedo, he took 4 missile tanks before WS in his old any%... Why?
It was a route mistake. At that time I didn't thought a 3 pack 1-round on Phantoon would be possible without serious refill delays after the first shot, and I was a bit lazy to test that at first, so I just took the safe way. It's obviously not worth to take one more pack there. :-)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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so how far did you get in your any%?
Current TAS Project: SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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Till Draygon. I cancelled it since then due to the missed Red Brinstar Shaft shot (aka hero shot) we could see when hero submitted his currently published any% here. That run is still frame perfect in at least 90% of the rooms I passed, but that was not good enough for me to continue, even though I could still have a chance to get a extremely close 0:23 in it (even without the Torizo skip). Now Cpadolf took it over, and he will easily get 0:23 in his 2nd version with all the new tricks that got public anyway.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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hey Cpadolf, you rock man :D The run is looking real tight now. I see you implemented all of the suggestions I put on your submission thread. I am still unsure if it is wise to collect the pink brinstar missile pack, as it saves very little time in the end (or may be slower?). I also think that when you unmorph right before the charge beam, it is faster to land on the very bottom floor instead of the second step. The only trick I have to offer at this point can be seen here. Since you did opt to collect the pink brinstar missile pack, it seems like it would be a good strategic choice.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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Ah, nice trick I think that with this trick it must be faster to take that missile tank than to not, it alone should save 20-30 frames and taking it is a 35 frame delay. I'll try and implement it though it all depends on how phantoon turn out, if I'm going to skip those pipebug refills in norfair and crab refills in maridia I'll need good drops from him. Anyway how am I doing compared to you from green brinstar and forward? And most of all when the hell will you be done, I'm going crazy waiting :D
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