Post subject: Problem when try to make .avi file wiht FCEU
Joined: 12/25/2007
Posts: 86
Location: Muhos, Finland
When I play movie and then I reg. avi using xvid, and when I try to watch what I reg , I only see black? I tryed to isntall ffdshow etc, nothing worked, same happens on VLC player and winamp... This happened after I reinstalled windows xp, and before reinstall (when I maked those incredible Crash Dummies movies) it worked :\ .
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Joined: 12/10/2007
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If you paused the movie and then started avi recording you have to unpause it yourself, its not like mupen where it automatily starts the movie. Try that first and see if it works.
Experienced player (619)
Joined: 4/24/2005
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I believe it's a bug in FCEU 0.98.16 which I assume you're using. Try FCEU 0.98.15 which can be found here.
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It maybe happen because the wong config of ffdshow. You can unstall ffdshow and restatr your computer.
work hard
Joined: 12/25/2007
Posts: 86
Location: Muhos, Finland
dartht33bagger wrote:
If you paused the movie and then started avi recording you have to unpause it yourself, its not like mupen where it automatily starts the movie. Try that first and see if it works.
...But I can still hear miusic of that game what I try to reg.....
Xipo wrote:
It maybe happen because the wong config of ffdshow. You can unstall ffdshow and restatr your computer.
It happended too bwfore I istalled ffshow... :\
VANDAL wrote:
I believe it's a bug in FCEU 0.98.16 which I assume you're using. Try FCEU 0.98.15 which can be found here.
hhmm I can try if it helps...
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I been using AVIZlib codec when pulling an AVI off an FCM, like the instructions said at the main site. In config, I select "Hi Compress" and check Null Frame.