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About this run

Gradius 3 completed in Arcade Mode. This is 11 second improvement than published run.

General info

Emulator used: SNES9x 1.43+ re-recording v9
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses no warps
  • Play at hardest level
  • Genre: Shooter

About this game

Playing at arcade have to press A rapidly for a short moment. Unlike in Adelikat's Gradius run, Gradius 3 doesn't use many speed upgrade. You can choose your Type of weapons, or your custom weapon. I don't use missile in this run, it causes lag. I don't use reduce in this run, it makes the game too easy. I used standard options to create the pattern like in Adelikat's Gradius run to turn this game into art form, and fast boss fight with E-Laser. There are 10 stages in this game. I used E-Laser to quickly take out the boss than other lasers. I skipped the bonus stage, its boring. If I have 3 or more options, option eater will appear in Stage 2, 4, 5, and 6. If the option eater touches your options, it get taken away, so avoid it at all cost. If I have 2 or less options, option eater will not appear.


Better boss fight in Stage 2-3, 5-9.1

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I'm canceling my run, because many people think my entertainment value is not good. Adelikat is working on Gradius 3 run, that is 100% kill.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1826: KRocketneo's SNES Gradius 3 in 29:09.47
Experienced player (838)
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Wow Neo! You got it! This was pretty damn good! Loved the style. Reminded me of nes gradius by Adelikat. Following the music was well done and i am pretty sure there was some strange subliminal messages in there. Good improvement nice run YES vote :D But the submission text is not very informative. I dont really care since i never read the damn thing "JokinG"
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I thought that we weren't accepting obsoletions for Gradius 3 based on time alone.
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Experienced player (612)
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Pretty good run, but I thought some things could have been more diverse. I mean, you did quite a bit of the same thing when dodging which is okay since it's crazy enough but it does get boring after a while. The game did actually help you out a bit in diversity by things becoming more hectic or the screen scrolled faster so you may want to consider thanking the game. Nah, I'm just kidding. I give this a meh vote. Keep at it though, man, it was a nice surprise.
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My opinion on this is a bit complex. For one, this run doesn't use all the opportunities for entertainment, and fails to aim for speed, either. On the other hand, the published run is no better (since it's of course severely outdated, and was made back when tools were quite poor and/or players didn't know how to use them to their full potential). But. What I'm suggesting is, to do whatever you like with this run (it's subpar, imo), but make a new one in the near future: 1) on the arcade version when we get FBA accepted (see below), 2) and on higher loop (see below). Version differences are quite noticeable. Arcade version has: 1) less lag (SNES version lags everywhere) yet better image quality; 2) much better sound (unlike this cow barf on SNES version) with more voice samples ("destroy the core!"); 3) higher difficulty (yes, even harder); 4) more and better stages (this will increase the overall length by some ~10 minutes, but the stages themselves are so worth it); 5) more and better bosses; 6) likely something else I forgot. As for higher loops, they have more (and somewhat faster) bullets, killed enemies release suicide bullets, all that kind of stuff that makes the game even harder (and makes TASing it more worthwhile). For example, this footage by BGR-44 demonstrates parts of loop 3 gameplay, and there are likely to be more loops meaning more bullets. As such, my vote for this movie is meh. I'll be waiting for an arcade version.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I'm also undecided on this. Yes it's an improvement, and it does have a lot of fancy acrobatics, however I agree that a lot of the same things were done over and over again. If this had been a 10 minute movie it would have been an easy yes, but after 30 minutes the repetitiveness begins to wear on the viewer. Also, it may have just been the rapid moving left and right playing tricks on my eyes, but there seemed to be a loooot of lag in some spots. If this is the case, I think those places would be an ideal time to switch from passive mode (don't kill anything) to berserk mode (kill anything that moves). Even if that doesn't reduce the lag, it might add some diversity to the gameplay. Maybe even switching from passive to berserk every 30 seconds to a minute throughout the whole movie (excluding bosses). Just a few ideas. In any case, I give it a strong meh, leaning towards yes. The yes lean comes from the improvement and the acrobatics, the meh part comes from the lack of diversity from those acrobatics.
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Gonna vote meh on this. Falls into the done that, seen that, category
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I never really liked Gradius. If somebody's gonna do a space shooter for the SNES, Phalanx on Funny difficulty should be done instead, because it's absolutely insane to play at the level normally. Yes, it's mostly autoscroll, but anybody who's played it would probably enjoy somebody beating the game at that level.
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IMO in this type of game aiming for 100% kills is much more interesting than simply having a half hour of repeating acrobatics. With tool-assistance passing this game and doing acrobatics is extremely easy (I have experience). However, aiming for 100% kills is quite laborious (again, experience). Also, trying to kill everything results in a movie with a lot more action and, IMO, consequently more entertaining. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed it, but in my 100% kills run of this game I miss one enemy which I shouldn't have missed (I noticed it only after it was published!). I wouldn't mind if someone obsoleted it with a run which kills more (at least 1 more, it's definitely possible) and is faster (I probably didn't kill all bosses as fast as possible, and I didn't even try to avoid lag, which in some cases may be avoidable).
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So I guess we need one arcade Gradius III run that kills all enemies on a very high loop then, to obsolete both published movies?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 7/2/2007
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If we're just going to go volunteering different shooters that could be interesting, Super Aleste (SNES) has a difficulty with death bullets from the enemies, and moreover has a ton of different weapons, each with at least two different modes (and the standard "vulcan cannon" weapon has something like eight different firing modes at its highest level).
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Well, we have 2 published movies of this game. This one certainly doesn't qualify to beat the 100% kills movie. The other movie I am not sure about. Is it just a any% movie? Does it just try to be entertaining? I will have to review that movie before making a verdict here. As far as this movie goes, I didn't particularly enjoy it. I also don't see consistent goals. The use of options to make words is nice (but no longer novel) but I had a hard time see what you were writing. The other patterns were rather chaotic. Also, LAG. Lots of it. This is both bad if aiming for time (which you indicate that you did) and aesthetically. All in all, I say it fails to exploit the full potential of this game and I have to vote no. I do think a movie which aims for 100% kills, aims for fastest time when possible, and uses options to create "art" is possible. This type of movie could obsolete both published movies.
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This run is uncreating art.
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Well i guess the next one will be better! Looking foward to this.
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adelikat wrote:
I do think a movie which aims for 100% kills, aims for fastest time when possible, and uses options to create "art" is possible. This type of movie could obsolete both published movies.
I'm looking forward for such a movie. :)