(This doesn't quite fit the codec criteria but still, it's meant for use on YouTube).
Okay, here's a bit of a workaround that'll give off the illusion of 60 fps.
Here at TASVideos, we all know what wobbling in a TAS is, right? Well, I thought this would be a pretty good example since when you cut the frame rate in half, you lose the wobbling effect (for the most part).
So, here's how it'll work. We'll take every 2 frames and combine them into 1 frame but still keep the wobbling effect.
Here's an example:
We've got our two frames,
This one:

And this one:

And so, we want to combine them. What tool better to do so than
AVISynth. Well, if we're going to use AVISynth, then you're going to need to know some of AVISynth's script (it's not difficult to learn). You can find information for it
We'll also need an encoder that can handle AVISynth like
VirtualDub or
MediaCoder hell, even
MeGUI. I used VirtualDub in this example as it's quick and painless. To get the effects of AVISynth, you want to open up a blank .txt file, type up your script and save it with the extension of .avs. When you have the .avs file, you want to act as though that is the video file at hand and open that up in your encoder. Okay, on with the tutorial.
With this script:
We can combine the 2 frames into 1 which makes it look like this:

Notice Trevor is all scanlined up as well as the image's height being twice the size. That's from weaving the 2 frames together. This works great for making DVDs because when the images are processed on a TV, they're deinterlaced and look to be 60 fps. But I digress. We're not quite done yet.
In order for this to be complete, we need to deinterlace the image so that it's without the scanline look.
So, we'll add to the previous script:
This allows us to get this result:

Trevor is now facing forward and backward in the same frame. But how does it look in video, you might ask?
Well, for starters here's the
unaltered video file (encoded with X264) I went ahead and used (sorry, if I upload it to YouTube, it'll lose half the frames.)
here's what usually happens when you upload a 60 fps video to YouTube. Not very pretty without the rest of the frames.
And now,
here's the interlaced/deinterlaced video (there's really no need to see the video where it's only interlaced as the concept has already been shown off, at the top of this page. Also, if I uploaded it to YouTube, it'd get resized and wouldn't show off the concept).
That's it. This is just a concept that tries to bypass YouTube's encoder that decimates frames. What codec you use to encode it is entirely up to you. I'm sure there are probably better deinterlacers out there but this one is built-in AVISynth, it was fast and much less confusing than if I were to use an external one. I urge those who post their TASes on YouTube, to use this method because the end result is much nicer looking.
If you do in fact consider using this method and for some reason need help, I'm usually around in IRC on
Freenode under the nick of Samhain-Grim.