Perfect is usually taken to mean "without flaws". One doesn't have to be omnipotent to be without flaws. You are also assuming that there is only one God who created everything else. But a perfect God could have created humans, and then someone else (which He didn't create, but arose nevertheless due to an error) could have droven Him away and started to destroy us.
And it always bring the question of who created God?
My guess? My parents did, 21 years ago.
I can insult you as much as I want without repercussions. You are powerless. However, it's impossible to insult my Gods and not face the consequences. One well known person who has done this lost almost all his money today and is in extreme physical pain. This proves that you aren't a God.
I already posted a derivation of E = mc^2. We all knew you were being ignorant before but now you just blatantly stated it.
nfq wrote:
just because clocks are affected by different physical circumstances doesn't mean that time is affected. clocks are not time.
So...a mystical energy appears and identifies all objects humans would consider clocks or otherwise be able to use to identify the time with and interferes with them, leaving all other objects unaffected, thus affecting clocks without affecting time?
nfq wrote:
to understand the universe, all you need is a brain. to understand the universe, all you need is a brain. the ancient greeks understood the universe better than scientists do today, and they didn't use expensive experimentation.
The earth is the center of the universe? The stars are all fixed to a celestial dome? An object in motion tends to stop? The four atoms are earth, fire, air, and water? A brain is indeed a requirement to understand the universe. I suggest you look in to that...
nfq wrote:
science gives us technology, but not much understanding. we can observe that things fall on the ground every time, but it doesn't mean that we understand it.
Science, by definition, is understanding. If you think that science could be as wrong as you think it is and still be able to produce the technology that is in the world right now, I suggest you open your eyes.
Rising Tempest wrote:
Silly post aside, my point is that humans evolve differently than every other species on the planet in that rather than evolving our bodies we evolve our tools. That is why we're the dominant species.
I agree that humans are no longer evolving in the same sense as the rest of life on earth. I don't see how this has any relevance to human evolution before we had large brains and used tools.
Rising Tempest wrote:
"time" is a man made concept to catalogue and schedule our history. An illusion, albeit an extremely useful one.
Time is in fact just an illusion, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all. Because of special relativity, it is possible for one observer to think that event A happened before event B and for another observer to think event B happened before event A. Time still has a meaning outside of human experience, it simply isn't the common notion everyone has about what time actually is. If time did not exist at all, nothing would move!
And for anyone that responds to PaToby, saying "God exists outside of time" and "God does not need to be created" is just a way to avoid the question. You still have to explain why god X exists instead of god Y.
Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon...
HHS wrote:
And it always bring the question of who created God?
My guess? My parents did, 21 years ago.
I can insult you as much as I want without repercussions. You are powerless. However, it's impossible to insult my Gods and not face the consequences. One well known person who has done this lost almost all his money today and is in extreme physical pain. This proves that you aren't a God.
Besides the fact that you are insulted because someone's opinion doesn't agree with yours, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Who claimed they were a god and how did you disprove it by referencing a coincidence regarding an unknown person?
I could have written a similar lengthy response but it is no use. nfq starts with the premise that we are all wrong and goes from there.
Yeah, I figured as much. I only partially write such things to convince people; I find the revelations into others' psychology more consistently rewarding. And I would argue that talking past him in the interest of hammering home his wrongness is even less useful... :(
nfq wrote:
how did he figure out that energy is exactly mc2? wild guess?
If you actually want to know, then let me know and I will be happy to explain. If you're just being sardonic and rhetorical, then I won't bother.
nfq wrote:
just because the math is correct in a theory doesn't mean that the theory is correct. in other words, just because clocks are affected by different physical circumstances doesn't mean that time is affected. clocks are not time.
Well, what is "time" to you? To me, time is the progression of events which constitute interaction and change, and when clocks run faster or slower, it is because physical processes are running faster or slower, which seems to me to be the only useful definition of time. If you have another which does not correlate to clock mechanics, feel free to expound upon it.
nfq wrote:
to understand the universe, all you need is a brain. the ancient greeks understood the universe better than scientists do today, and they didn't use expensive experimentation.
Do explain this statement. In which way did they understand the universe that present scientists do not?
Besides the fact that you are insulted because someone's opinion doesn't agree with yours, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Who claimed they were a god and how did you disprove it by referencing a coincidence regarding an unknown person?
Then you have difficulties with reading. I was using the fact that I could insult him all I want without consequences to prove that he isn't a God, which he claimed that he was. This isn't opinion but fact. The real Gods can easily punish anyone. Furthermore, I wasn't referring to an unknown person, I specifically said that it was a well known person. It's not a coincidence, as that person has also been exposed as a swindler today and his political career is finished.
To address the question of why God X exists instead of God Y: I assume that you are talking about the problem of a God having spontaneously emerged out of nowhere. But, it didn't have to happen this way. It's possible that a conscious, powerful being can have been the result of the natural time evolution of a system. Then, the reason for a particular God's existence is simply that the initial chaotic processes led to it by chance.
HHS, is this God you're speaking of, your own personal god or the same god Christians worship?
EDIT: It seems it your own god.
Well then, if this god of yours will punish everyone who insults him and so forth, but the Christian god will save everyone who believes in him, how will they determine which one gets this insulting Christian individual? Will they fight over each of those individuals or what?
But no so fast asshole! The tree over time sprouts thorns (OF PAIN) on it's leaves, mangling the giraffes mouth in hopes of dealing sweet retribution as well as discouraging the creature from eating it.
you speak great wisdom. why does a cactus have thorns? because it wants to live and doesn't want animals to eat it. but the thing that is important to know is that the cactus decided to have thorns before it became physical. if something has become physical already, it can't change much. according to scientists' theory of evolution, physical bodies changed into many different creatures, but it is not possible.
Silly post aside, my point is that humans evolve differently than every other species on the planet in that rather than evolving our bodies we evolve our tools.
we evolve mentally. animals can't do that because they can't think consciously. however, our body evolves a bit too. mostly just our brain and skin color will change. but it takes time.
Kuwaga wrote:
How would you explain that atoms in a plane traveling around the earth move slower, if it doesn't mean time is moving slower inside that plane?
no physical devices that we use for tracking time are perfect and naturally they are subject to error when put into different circumstances (gravity, acceleration, etc.)
Is the brain a part of the universe? Can a brain fully understand itself?
the brain is (lol, obviously) a part of the universe, but consciousness/god isn't. when we die and become brainless, we will understand things much more clearly, because we no longer have a brain that limits us.
To me it seems as foolish to believe in this as it was foolish to believe that the earth is the center of the universe.
there is no proof that the earth is not the center of the universe. and it has to be the center, because in infinity, the center is everywhere because it's nowhere.
I think it's possible that every small atom is as big as a universe and that our universe is as small as an atom to others.
An object in motion tends to stop? The four atoms are earth, fire, air, and water?
If time did not exist at all, nothing would move!
in reality, it's the opposite: if nothing would move, time would not exist.
And for anyone that responds to PaToby, saying "God exists outside of time" and "God does not need to be created" is just a way to avoid the question.
nothing exists in time because everything exists in the present moment which has no duration. things can't move more than movies can move. they can only appear to move because of continuous creation.
Science, by definition, is understanding.
science is observation and experimentation.
Rolken wrote:
Well, what is "time" to you?
Do explain this statement. In which way did they understand the universe that present scientists do not?
for example, the ancient egyptians knew the cause of the universe and they knew when it was created. scientists don't know. the ancient people knew many other things too, which you would laugh at, like antigravity ark of the covenant, telepathy (that's why they never invented phones, lol) etc.
HHS wrote:
Then, the reason for a particular God's existence is simply that the initial chaotic processes led to it by chance.
chance is the god or magic of scientists. it's used to explain anything they don't understand.
Joined: 11/27/2004
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nfq wrote:
telepathy (that's why they never invented phones, lol)
Any one who has watched Star Trek TNG knows that telepathy is just another excuse to insert another female into the cast.
<Romulan> If you do not cooperate, we will kill you.
<Troi> Captain, I sense hostility.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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nfq wrote:
why does a cactus have thorns? because it wants to live and doesn't want animals to eat it.
Sorry, no.
but the thing that is important to know is that the cactus decided to have thorns before it became physical.
The cactus never "decided" anything. Its ancestors, who happened to be more thorny than its siblings, were more more likely to survive, so more thorn-making genes survived. Please please read something about evolution before you ever speak of it again.
if something has become physical already, it can't change much. according to scientists' theory of evolution, physical bodies changed into many different creatures, but it is not possible.
I don't even know what you're saying here, but whatever it is, it's probably wrong.
we evolve mentally. animals can't do that because they can't think consciously.
No species ever "thinks about" how they are going to evolve. It happens without anyone thinking about it.
no physical devices that we use for tracking time are perfect and naturally they are subject to error when put into different circumstances (gravity, acceleration, etc.)
One question. Do you think scientists are stupid? These experiments have been repeated over and over again, and the results are way beyond error.
An object in motion tends to stop? The four atoms are earth, fire, air, and water?
the ancient egyptians knew the cause of the universe and they knew when it was created.
Err, no.
antigravity ark of the covenant, telepathy (that's why they never invented phones, lol) etc.
Ah, so that's how they built the pyramids! Anti-gravity!!!111 :P :P :PPPPPP
To my great dismay (*sarcasm*), nfq is no longer allowed to post. No use responding to him. (Not that there ever was, it seems...)
Anyway, nfq's beliefs are very new age-ish. How anyone can live in the modern world and still hold such beliefs is what remains a mystery to me.