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Bisqwit wrote:
Gunsmoke: I don't think it's interesting.
Bubble Bobble: Could be a little too long... Maybe two player movie would be interesting... but not long. 15 minutes of Bubble Bobble is the maximum one can be expected to watch. If it takes longer, it's too long.
Lolo series: Unsuitable. These games need brains, not reflexes. Watching someone else do the brainwork cancels all fun.
Turtles: Maybe someone will do that
Bigfoot: I've been thinking of that. It could be fun. I'm not sure. It's much more fun to _play_ though, than to watch.
So those japanese games that almost no one has ever heard about are more "interesting" than Gunsmoke? First of all, Gunsmoke _is_ a "classic" game here in Europe, that is something that you should know as well, since you live in my neighbour country and are into this NES video stuff. Besides, it's more interesting to watch a Gunsmoke timeattack than i.e. Atlantis timeattack video, it's fast and you've got to be quick there. So I fail to see why it's uninteresting. An addition to this, I am not critisizing the work people to for those timeattack videos, just critisizing your comment to my suggestion.
When it comes to Bubble Bobble, I've got to agree with you to a level... 2P mode would've been interesting, yes, especially if they kill the monsters very quickly and got some great effectivity... Oh well, doesn't matter to me really, I'm just suggesting after all.
Lolo... Yes, when I think again, it is not interesting to see such thing, but for some it might be a bit fun...
Turtles... Yes, that's going to be very itneresting to watch, even if it's 1P mode. I hope _someone_ can and will do it sometime...
Big Foot... Oh? Why not just do it? That would've been interesting to watch, the way you drive and the way you defeat your enemy.
Here's another suggestion;
- Snake Rattlle'n'Roll
That needs timing and flexibility. Especially for 2P mode.
Gun Smoke isn't a very long game and Gradius too is auto-scrolling.So I think it should be accepted only if it was play the most aesthetic as possible.
Or maybe an Adventures of Bayou Billy runtime played as fast as possible!?
That's just my opinion.
Joined: 4/16/2004
Posts: 1276
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
I checked your site Lezard and saw that you had a movie of Blaster Master. Haven´t watched it yet but can´t it be made to .avi format? That´s one of the coolest games I know. And there´s another trick. Dunno if you know about but normally when you fall from high places you die. But if u pause the game just before, or from a distance not deadly from the ground, the guy will survive.
I can't convert my movies to .avi because the lack of space my site has. Didn't know that trick you mention, wouldn't use either, if you pause the game (no matter if 1 second) would take away all the fun.
Joined: 5/1/2004
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what about a gauntlet one using the password? i think that just beating the game is pretty interesting enough for many people to watch, since i think that this game being beatable is nothing but a lie haha joking. :) it would be cool to watch tho
Joined: 4/16/2004
Posts: 1276
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Torn: Did u manage to finish that Bucky run? I started it but my ROM crashed at level 3 so I can just sit back in anger and wait for someone like you to do it ;P
About Turtles. I tried it with 4 different ROMS and everyone of these crashed when I entered the Technodrome room. Still, if u manage to find a working ROM or that you know something that I don´t that will let you finish the game I have a few trix to share.