Okay so I'm doing an improved version of my Link's Awakening glitched run. Problem is only, when I get to the nightmare battle, I get immense lag from each energy ball the Aghanim form shoots - the previous version didn't have this problem.
Previous version was recorded on 19.2, the current one on 19.3. But as you all know, a movie file is just a bunch of input, so it's not a version difference. If it was, 19.3 wouldn't be able to playback the 19.2 file as it expected lag. Bad explanation, but I think you see what I mean.
Only difference in the runs is a small trick I use to reduce unneccesary movement, saving around 20 frames. That's the only difference between the runs, but I don't see how it can cause any lag. :/
Old version:
New version:
Thanks in advance for any help.