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Dear Fabian: Which political party will you vote for in the next election?
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Cpadolf wrote:
Dear Fabian: Which political party will you vote for in the next election?
When asked what I voted for in the last election, I answered this: "Anyway I didn't vote, I don't have any strong political convictions and in general I don't think there's much value in voting for one individual. If I voted it would be for vänsterpartiet or miljöpartiet I guess, I dunno. That's based more on ideological reasons than specific stuff they stand for right now, since I have almost no idea what specifically they're trying to push etc." I doubt anything will change for the upcoming election.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Could I have the honor of carrying the "Fabian sucks lol" sign?
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Fabian wrote:
JXQ wrote:
Dear Fabian, Why doesn't Comicalflop like me? T-T-Totally Dude, -Jixie
I'm probably forgetting a lot of the reasons. I think it probably has to do with him being a fan of N64 TASing and you being, well, not. I'm also guessing he feels you complain a whole lot about random shit. I can't recall any specific arguments you two have had at the moment.
I think it has more to do with this never being a part of JXQ's childhood. No, seriously, I hope I can clear a few things up.... (sorry to have taken so long with this, I had meant to earlier) I don't hate JXQ, I just disagree sometimes on his opinions. I like some of his TASes, I don't like some others (I loved the Harmony of Dissonance run, but not the SM 100%. SDW 120 star from you was also good, as is your work with sonic.) I like a lot of JXQ's opinions, and some I don't. I'm not a JXQ groupie, but I don't hate him like a certain Phil does. The reason why it seems I'd dislike you- which I don't- are thus: -Our views on N64 TASing differ. However, we tended to both present it in the wrong ways- me with too much overzealousness, and you with too much anti-bias, to which I reacted negatively to . At this point, I try not to overdo it, but I still try to help in various ways to get more N64 TASes made, and to not get angry with people who strive for the opposite. JXQ, if you don't like N64 TASes, that's fine, I respect that. -Our methods of argumentation differ. You have a zany style of humor which can go awry when you either use too much sarcasm to the point of arrogance, or use verbal abuse or an offensive comment made to be funny. I try to stay as clear headed as possible (*see below for an example of when I don't) and to spend as little as I can in insulting people and their intelligence. I probably wouldn't like to get into an argument with you, since we'd do it in different ways and I wouldn't like the outcome. I see too much of the 'JXQ vs. Phil battles' and I'd hate to be on the opposing side of JXQ. -When a MK64 TAS was submitted a while ago, I got incredibly upset for my reasons, you thoroughly listened to my words and my arguments with full reasoning, analyzed it, and heavily critiqued it. You were spot on the money, as much as I didn't want you to be. Of course, your wording was none too friendly, but you hit the nail on the head. So you were completely right int hat instance, but I didn't like you for it (at the time.) -I think one of the big things I definitely mis-read was mrz's sdw submission, and you wrote "well, this is submitted, I'd better get to work on improving it" which I misinterpreted as "I'd better re-claim my run." (which, by the way, you did. Awesome job.) I probably accused you of being too much of a 'pride TASer' when there was only that one instance which I mis-interpreted (and you showed me that I was more so at the time. So again, another instance of where I was wrong, and JXQ is right. Which at the time would seem like it'd be reason for me to hate you, but I don't, I try to learn from my mistakes. You're a good man JXQ. You're a very productive TASer, and have made some fine TASes to this site. I think that besides the OoT TAS there was one of your 11 exit runs that got me into TASing. So yeah, I disagree with you sometimes, when our opinions are opposite and when you prove me to be in the wrong. But I don't dislike you. Stay cool, keep TASing. Oh huh, this is a Fabian thread, isn't it? Hey Fabs. Um, gosh there's been a ton of questions I had wanted to ask that are already answered. Ok, here's some: I don't know if you read science fiction novels, but which novel do you find most likely that our future in this world will mimic? Would you find cats more useful if they were frozen and used for bowling? If there was one system besides SNES that'd you'd like to TAS with, what would it be? Which newest member that has submitted a recent TAS or is making a WIP do you think has the most potential? Will Nitsuja ever come back? :'-( Would you host/attend a worldwide TAS party, if there would be one? Is 'The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer' really then end of black and white film as one critic put it? Do you like Lego my Ego waffles? Have you ever seen a White furry lobster?
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Nice PM you got going there. Pretty sure you misclicked somewhere though because it accidentally ended up in my thread.
comicalflop wrote:
Hey Fabs. Um, gosh there's been a ton of questions I had wanted to ask that are already answered. Ok, here's some: I don't know if you read science fiction novels, but which novel do you find most likely that our future in this world will mimic? Would you find cats more useful if they were frozen and used for bowling? If there was one system besides SNES that'd you'd like to TAS with, what would it be? Which newest member that has submitted a recent TAS or is making a WIP do you think has the most potential? Will Nitsuja ever come back? :'-( Would you host/attend a worldwide TAS party, if there would be one? Is 'The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer' really then end of black and white film as one critic put it? Do you like Lego my Ego waffles? Have you ever seen a White furry lobster?
I've never read any science fiction novel as far as I can recall. I like some Genesis games so if I made a non-SMW TAS I'd probably go with something on that console. No idea at all about the new member thing. The newest member I can recall watching a TAS from would probably be jimsfriend, who's been here like 18 months? nitsuja will come back. I would stay the hell away from a TAS party. There's a few people with a standing invitation to party at my house though, should they ever visit Sweden. Chose to skip some of the particularly stupid questions.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
If I had magical powers, I would use those powers to make very hot women have sex with me, a lot.
Are women sex objects which would be best with no free choice or free will? What about respecting other people (regardless of gender and external appearance) as equals, with their own opinions, emotions and right to choose? Are women just tools to be used with the first opportunity to do so, without any regard of how they, as persons, feel or want?
I'd also try to change around the distribution of wealth in society, so people in third world countries would no longer starve to death etc
Do you think wealth is some kind of natural resource which just happens to be located inside the richest countries and which these countries exploit without sharing? Or is it so that wealth is something these countries work for? While it sounds "fair" that "wealth is distributed more evenly", how is it fair that some countries have to work hard to earn their wealth while others get the wealth for free? Wouldn't it be fairer if those poorer countries are given the knowledge and opportunity to earn their own wealth instead of leeching it from the richer, hard-working countries? And if a significant amount of wealth is removed from the richer countries, how can they support that wealth in the future? Wealth is not something which pours from a magical fountain. Wealth is something which is built through hard work, and this hard work requires a certain infrastructure to function, and this infrastructure is not free. It requires a certain amount of existing capital. If you remove a significant portion of this capital, you are at the same time removing a significant portion of this infrastructure which is necessary to maintain the wealth in the first place. In the worst case scenario it will cause a global economical crash, and everybody loses (the rich countries get into depression and the poor countries loose their source of wealth to leech from). It's easy to think in a "wouldn't it be nice if" way, but the world is not that simple.
and I'd erase religion from people's minds
Again you would go against people's free will and free choice? If someone wants to believe in God, who gives you the right to stop that? It's one thing to say "erase religious intolerance and bigotry" and a completely different thing to say "erase religion from people's minds".
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comicalflop wrote:
JXQ, if you don't like N64 TASes, that's fine,
why wouldn't someone like n64 TASes? is it because they never owned the system and never played the games? i only like TASes of games that i have played.
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Ugh Warp I had a somewhat lengthy response written up but somehow I deleted it. no idea how. Anyway short version is it seems you don't understand what a miracle/magical power means, as you bring up plenty of stuff (arguably) applicable to a real life scenario, but not so when talking about a hypothetical magical scenario. Also not interested in having a political debate, clearly we seem to have some pretty differing opinions. Again about the religion, agree to disagree. Obviously it's fine you wouldn't do the same things I would do, ditto for the chicks.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I knew you didn't give the first answer to the superpowers thing completely seriously, but I just wanted to see what you would answer to an ethical confrontation. You didn't really answer the questions, either... :P
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Fair enough :) It's probably true my first order of business if I had actual magical powers wouldn't be to line up hot chicks outside my bedroom. In fact, I think there'd be no need to perform any ethically dubious magical acts to get girls interested in me at that point. That's like imagining Superman being unable to pull hot tail, not gonna happen. But sure, actually manipulating someone into wanting to sleep with me would be pretty wrong in that scenario. I'm not totally sure that would matter to me though, unfortunately I'll never have the chance to find out :(
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Comicalflop, thank you for the information. I feel I should also contribute. N64 TASing: I do feel that many later-generation games don't work as well for TASing. I was spoiled by games with no intro, no story, no long pauses in the action, high framerates, and so for N64 games, I miss those qualities, and usually get annoyed when watching them. I did buy an N64 when I was growing up, but SNES was my prime. It's not surprising that N64 holds some of your fondest video game memories since you are a few years younger than me, so your prime playing time (age 10 to 16ish for me) was on N64, where mine was on SNES. Despite this, there are some games that make good TASes for me. I really liked the last 16-star Mario 64, the Turok submission, the F-Zero X videos, for examples. I also feel that the emulator was accepted too early, and that this causes headaches and inconsistency. VBA20 is pushed because it fixed some bug in Super Mario Land, even though it's less useful as a TAS tool. On the other hand, N64 has some emulation problems that, although small, are there, but they are accepted. I'm sure you feel this frustration as well with things like the OoT pause bug. Overall I have taken not liking N64 TASes a bit far lately, and have tried to give N64 TASing a fair chance again. Time will tell. Arguing: I have since realized that my arguing with Phil was overall a negative contribution to the site, and have tried my best to curb it and just ignore him. I actually remember thinking that you probably see me as very similar to Phil: When I got here, Phil was pretty much universally respected despite his attitude, because he is good at TASing. From your perspective of first arriving, I'm guessing this looked like a very similar situation with me. This realization actually helped me to stop arguing, because being compared to Phil is the last thing I want. I also remembered that post I made toward you in Mario Kart 64 thread, after posting the initial question here. I came across very harshly in that post and did not need to, and I apologize for that. Keep it real homey :)
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Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
Don't eat fish.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
Don't eat fish.
Raise too many water Pokemon? Why? :P
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DeeDee wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
Don't eat fish.
Raise too many water Pokemon? Why? :P
Because it tastes like crap.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
DeeDee wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
Don't eat fish.
Raise too many water Pokemon? Why? :P
Because it tastes like crap.
So you have tried fish in all possible forms, including, baked, fried, stewed? Or all the different types which I will never be able to spell correctly, so I will not bother. :P So, any other foods you hate?
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DeeDee wrote:
Fabian wrote:
DeeDee wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Canned tuna: in oil or in water?
Don't eat fish.
Raise too many water Pokemon? Why? :P
Because it tastes like crap.
So you have tried fish in all possible forms, including, baked, fried, stewed? Or all the different types which I will never be able to spell correctly, so I will not bother. :P So, any other foods you hate?
No...? Of course I haven't. Let's see what else don't I eat. I guess the only other big thing is any other type of seafood, shrimp and lobster etc etc etc. Of course there's the occasional random dish I don't care for either, if something sounds really disgusting I probably think it is.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
DeeDee wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Don't eat fish.
Why? :P
Because it tastes like crap.
Fish is good for you! Food that is good for you tends to taste bad to most people. Not me, though.
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Dear Fabian. I would like you to share that chicken with jalapeño and stuff with the world. At least with me. Sincerely, C.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Cardboard wrote:
Dear Fabian. I would like you to share that chicken with jalapeño and stuff with the world. At least with me. Sincerely, C.
The brand is named Coop Gourmet I believe. Afrikansk kyckling, jalapeno, curry, ingefära och kokosris. To be honest, it was no better than a 7, I didn't like the rice very much
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian; Now that it has been roughly 40 days since the beginning of this thread, has your opinion changed at all about the quality of posts recently? Would you say this (or any other thread) improved the quality of the site like you had hoped?
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mmbossman wrote:
Fabian; Now that it has been roughly 40 days since the beginning of this thread, has your opinion changed at all about the quality of posts recently? Would you say this (or any other thread) improved the quality of the site like you had hoped?
Absolutely. The last 30 days (just a guess) have kind of sucked for the most part and I mostly consider this thread a closed chapter at the moment. Unless someone occasionally posts good questions of course, I'm always up for that. I think the thread did its job very well, almost better than I hoped for even, since it's probably the best thread ever on the forum. At least if yo can ignore the last couple pages. Yeah that's how humble I am.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabby, Would you consider traveling the world when you are older? Where would you go? Why?
Renting this space for rent. Trying to fix image on this site. Please cut slack. As of April 6th, 2012: After a long absence, here we go again?
Post subject: The ultimate question.
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Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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I'm bumping this because I'm guessing there's a few interesting questions out there waiting to be asked! So fire away.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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