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Look, it would be way mroe simple then that It would only check all shooting angles for the ball, then wait until it looses, and store the location of the ball right before it lost. Tehn backtrack to get the paddle there in time. Then all it would have to do is try all launch angles again. It would be a many-branched tree, but I bet it would be possable to do the whole game in that manner.
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FODA wrote:
Hard to do with the ball moving horizontally faster than the pad, but with the steering wheel control it is possible, I believe. But it may get stuck on the corner of a stage sometimes.
Hmmm, is it possible to make a movie of Arkanoid in FCEU using the Arkanoid controller's input to move faster?
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Twelvepack, consider this. The number of branches you would have to test for each level is (and I hope my math is correct): (3^number of frames to complete the level) - prunable branches. This means, for every frame there are three options: Move left, move right, don't move. (I'm not taking into account the shooting powerup here...) The prunable branches are those branches to be thrown away when you figure out they lead to an invalid state. Invalid states I can think of right now is the loss of a ball or when the game enters a loop. Figuring out a loop will be very hard since these patterns can run quite long and yet be a loop. So in the end you have to set up manual rules for your bot. Brute forcing it will leave you hitting a 'brick wall' when it comes down to looping. I don't think there's any way around this without an advanced patternrecognizer.
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I think you are right, but thinking about it further, it seems doable, since all that matters is that the ball is sent out in the right direction everytime it gets low enough to hit the paddle. put more simply, it doesnt matter where the paddle was so long as its in just the right place every so often, so tailoring a bot to do this is better then trying to figure out every key for every frame.
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I agree, but you're no longer talking about brute forcing it :) Also, you still have to be carefull about looping. But a simple frame-limiter will easily take care of that :)
Joined: 5/2/2006
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It is still brute force, but it will be far from a per-frame level, making it far mroe managable. I wish my programming skills wernt shit, or that I had some idea how to write a bot for FCEU or I might actually try it.
Has never colored a dinosaur.