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Its strongly claimed Today (September 19, 1982) was when the birth of the smiley took place. It was signified by 3 keystrokes i.e. :-) although its more commonly abreaviated to :) It aparently came in a discussion about how to denote humour, it was only realised when people were told to look at it sideways. Since the birth of the internet its now been greatly spread and there are many more variations. :-) = smiling :-( = sad ;-) = winking :'-( = crying :-V = shouting >:-< =angry <:-| = dunce 8-0 = OMG! :-D = laughing :-x - my lips are sealed (:| = egghead :*) Clowning around \_/ = My glass is empty b(-_-)d = Thumbs up As stated many of them have been shortened by generally not including the dashes inbetween. There probally more, but thats about all I can think of. Also I propose that smileys should be enabled on the board from now on :) [Edit by Bisqwit: Edited the topic title making it greatly more informative.]
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AKA wrote:
Also I propose that smileys should be enabled on the board from now on :)
If you mean graphical smileys, I am now cancelling your vote with mine. They look like ass squared, and some people will create some truly frighening posts with the plethora of garbage smileys that are typically available. September 19th is also International Talk-Like-a-Pirate day. Pirate jargon goes here.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Yarr. Shiver me timbers, take me plunder and ye walk off the plank! :*) I also vote no for graphical smileys, because they're just horrible.
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We should manipulate other pictures to look like pirates, then use them as emoticons.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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WOOOOOO! stupid... P-D
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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The thing about smileys is that there are about 5, at most 10 smileys that people recognize and use regularly. All those lists of hundreds of different smileys may be funny to look at, but they are mostly useless because people don't use them and in most cases don't understand them. I don't really understand why some people even bother creating a list of hundreds of smileys.
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Warp wrote:
I don't really understand why some people even bother creating a list of hundreds of smileys.
Perhaps for similar reasons why people bother writing pages on this website explaining tricks and glitches in video games. The maker thinks it's useful or fun (or whatever other reason) to make it.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
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No east-asian emotes? :(
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meepers wrote:
No east-asian emotes? :(
You mean any two repeated characters seperated by an underscore? x_x @_@ ;_; &_& T_T c_c >_> '_' +_+ #_#
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Almost. Sometimes they don't have to be separated with an underscore (^^). And the face needs to make sense, if it's just k_k or something, it doesn't represent any emotion. Also, why you gotta hate on asians and their faces ;-;
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You people aren't talking like pirates, and that makes me feel very ಠ_ಠ.
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JXQ wrote:
They look like ass squared
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jimsfriend wrote:
Warp wrote:
I don't really understand why some people even bother creating a list of hundreds of smileys.
Perhaps for similar reasons why people bother writing pages on this website explaining tricks and glitches in video games. The maker thinks it's useful or fun (or whatever other reason) to make it.
Tricks and glitches of games could actually be useful for someone.
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Warp wrote:
jimsfriend wrote:
Warp wrote:
I don't really understand why some people even bother creating a list of hundreds of smileys.
Perhaps for similar reasons why people bother writing pages on this website explaining tricks and glitches in video games. The maker thinks it's useful or fun (or whatever other reason) to make it.
Tricks and glitches of games could actually be useful for someone.
Smileys couldn't? Perhaps not useful for you, but they are useful for someone.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
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Next week: we celebrate the anniverseries of LOL, OMG, and w00t. I plan to go double fisted all night, WHOS WITH ME?
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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(>")> <("<) <( '.' )> @("@) @=("@) @=( ) t("t)
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                       _.-^^                     ^^-._
                     ./'                             `\.
                   _/'                                 `\_
                  /'                                     `\
                 /                                         \
                |'                                         `|
              __'                                           `__
     ____.---^^^^-.                                       .-^^^^---.____
\_  (   __,--^^-._ ^.                                   .^ _.-^^--.__   )  _/
 `\_ `-^      |  `\  \                                 /  /'  |      ^-' _/'
 |\`\_        |    \  \                               /  /    |        _/'/|
|`|`\`\_     .|     \  \              .              /  /     |.     _/'/'|'|
| |  `\`\_   |'     |   \             |             /   |     `|   _/'/'  | |
`|    /`\`\ ||                        |                        || /'/'\    |'
 |  :'   \,|'                  .._         _..                  `|.'   `:  |
 `| |     /                       ^=._ _.=^                       \     | |'
  |      d^^^xxx.__                  `|'        ^^^b      |
  `|    d#.  9XX^^\\^^--..__          |          __..--^^//^^XX    #b    |'
   |   |##x__  |    \       ^^Xx..__  |  __..xX^^       /    |  __x#|    |
    \     ^^   |     \_            _/^ ^\_            _/     |   ^^     /
     `-._      |       ^^-----...-^       ^-...-----^^      |'      _.-'
         ^-._  `|   ^^-------^^^^    |      ^^^^-------^^   |   _.-^
             ^- ||                  .|                     || -^
               |^||                 l|                    ||^|
               |  |                .d|xx.                 |  |
              |'  `|                                     |'  `|
              |   |;               ..----.               ;|   |
              |   |X\._            ^ __               _./X|   |
             |'    |  ^-._         .X""^^^         _.-^  |    `|
             |     |     \^-._                 _.-^/     |     |
         ___|,     `|      `\\^-._         _.-^//'      |'     `|___
..---^^^^   |       |         `\\\^-.___.-^///'         |       |   ^^^^---..
            |       `|            `\\XXX//'            |'       |
            |      | `|              ^^^              |' |      |
            `|     `| `|                             |' |'     |'
                     \  \                           /  /
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^_^ ^^'
<Neclea>Gavin Ward <Sprint>WHAT? WHERE? <oldskoolgamer101>What a stupid name! oldskoolgamer101 was kicked from # soniccenter by Sprint [ says you , kimpy ]
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:) @ Phil My favourite smiley that uses one line is the rose --->---->---@
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Phil wrote:
          _-^             ^-_
         /                   \
   _____|                     |_____
\ (_____.`.                 .'._____) /
|\\    | \ \               / / |    //|
|| \\  '  | \      |      / |  `  // ||
  :  ,'         --___--         `.  :
 |   ^^x._____     |     _____.x^^   |
 |  #x_   \   ^X._ | _.X^   /   _x|  |
  ^-._      ^--..^   ^..--^   |  _.-^
      ^-|         .l          |-^
         |        dT.        |
       | |        .--        | |
       '   ^.     X"^     .^   `
     _|   |   \^.     .^/   |   |_
 --^^ |   `      `\X/'      '   | ^^--
      `   |`               '|   '
Cool smiley. Just don't use it often. Yes it suffered a bit in the rescaling.
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Does this count as a smiley?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Cool smiley. Just don't use it often.
That wasn't a smiley, it was ascii art. (Let's see who's the first one to throw a fallacy of undistributed middle)
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mr_roberts_z: no, it's not a smiley Chamale: no, roses are not smilies -_- Phil: as said above by Warp, that's ASCII art and not a smiley. :/
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I think you should argue alone what is a smiley or not. Read that: and but IT IS A SMILEY. Edit: On IRC,
meepers wrote:
<meepers> I didn't catch your post about the smiley thread
Obviously, if you didn't read those wikipedia articles, you can't understand what I mean. The point is that :) is also an ASCII art. And nowadays, often, pictures are used as smiley instead of text and even more, there are animated gif and flash animation for smileys. So the face I did posted earlier can be used as a smiley.
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Do smileys have to be ASCII only? If so, what's the difference between smileys and ASCII art? More features? ☹