
In contrary to the "Warped" Arkanoid run, this run does attempt to be an improvement to Genisto's full Arkanoid movie. The goals are not exactly the same though. The warped Arkanoid run's only aim is to complete the game as fast as possible. Genisto's movie aims mainly for entertainment. If you look at his run, you'd say the goals of his run are using no warps, and losing no balls (and of course doing this as fast as possible). It is however clear that many of his levels can be improved by using the Laser powerup. The Laser powerup was however only used in three levels, since clearing levels when juggling aroud three balls looks a lot cooler. When using the Laser powerup in a TAS, it doesn't look very different than using it when you play at 100% speed. It would be easy to 'improve' Genisto's movie by just using the Laser powerup in a lot of levels. This would however take away nearly everything that made the previous movie cool (in fact, I even doubt whether such a movie would be accepted to obsolete Genisto's movie). Luke, who had a wip which completed about 13 levels also realized this, and only used the Laser in the levels where Genisto had also used the Laser. This is however a completely arbitrary restriction. A better restiction is not using the Laser at all, and only using the 3-ball powerup. This is a clear, logical goal, which will keep the aspect that made Genisto's movie entertaining. When I proposed this at the [/Forum/Topics/153&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=33|forum], only DrJones disagreed with this (although I have to admit, there was not a lot of response). The goal of not losing any balls was also preferred... so the goal of this movie is to complete Arkanoid as fast as possible, only using the 3-ball powerup, and not losing any balls (and obviously not using the level-skip code).
This goal is a more stricter goal than Genisto's, since he using Laser three times. In two of the three levels where he used laser, he is faster than me... on one I am faster with using 3 balls (although this doesn't mean that using laser couldn't have been faster here). In every other level however, I saved time, and sometimes quite a lot. In the end, this movie turned out 14620 frames faster, or nearly 4 minutes and 4 seconds faster than Genisto's movie.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses the 3-ball powerup only
  • Uses no warps
  • Manipulates luck
  • Genre: Action

TASing Arkanoid

TASing Arkanoid is quite different from TASing any other game. There are several things that would make it seem like it's an easy game to TAS. There is no lag. You only have to use the left and right buttons, and the A button once when shooting the ball at the start of the level. Sometimes you don't have to do anything for quite some time, if all balls are at the top of the screen. Then there are also the parts in between levels where no input whatsoever is needed (and since there are 36 levels, there are 35 of these 'cutscenes'. Even with all of this, the game is extremely difficult to TAS.
The main reason for its difficulty is the amount of options you have. You have over 100 different positions at the start where the ball can be fired from. You obviously want to get the 3-ball powerup somewhat quickly, which decreases the options by a huge amount... but there are always still quite a few good options left from where to fire the ball, and firing it one frame more the to right or left will create a completely different game.
If there are enemies at the level (nearly all levels have enemies), the moment at which you fire from this position will also affect the game, since the enemy will have a different location if you wait a little to fire.
Each time a ball hits the paddle (and this happens quite a lot, considering there are 3 balls in the game), you have 6 basic angles in which you can shoot the ball (depending on what position of the paddle it lands). If you 'run into' the ball from the side though, it will have one of the six angles, but will be shot from a slightly different location, which also produces something different. This means that there are over 6 options each time you shoot the ball.
Then the spot where the enemies appear can be influenced. If you are at the left of the screen, they will appear at the left, if you are at the right of the screen, they will appear at the right.
You can look at this as if there are many possibly roads, that all lead to a certain completion time, and you have to find the fastest. When you shoot the ball, you will be at a large intersection with many possible routes. Each time you bounce off a ball, you will come at an intersection with over 6 routes to choose from. Each time an enemy appears, there is another intersection with 2 options. In the end, you will end up with an extreme amount of options, which makes it pretty hard.
Since you can obviously not test all options, some of them must be discarted. You can often see that bouncing it off at a certain angle will make you unable to keep all three balls in the game. If it's impossible to save a ball, this option can be ignored right away. Then there are also angles which will just send the ball in a pointless direction. Mostly these angles can be ignored also for that bounce, but you must be careful with this. Making a useless bounce might enable you to shoot from a really good position the second time it comes back, so that must always be taken into account. You must notice that each ball you bounce will affect all other balls. A ball literally changes the level, and if one ball makes a good sequence, you must avoid another ball messing that up. Just like messing it up for another ball, a ball can also improve the route for the other ball. Each new choice that is made will affect all previous choices that were made.
It is obviously good to clear a lot of blocks very fast (:P), and this can be done most of the time by getting a ball 'trapped'. It is convenient if a level has a small opening somewhere, and if a level doesn't, then it's good to focus on one particular spot, in order to form a cavity in the level, where a ball can be trapped in.
This obviously hard to do, since, even though there are an extreme amount of possibilities, you can still 'only' bounce the ball in 6 directions. While this creates lots of possibilities it also limits you a lot to certain angles. You can't shoot a ball exactly where you want. At the start, you can decide the position where you shoot from, but later on, and aspecially at the end it becomes quite appearant. At the start, shooting in any direction might clear something, but at the end, there aren't that much targets left. With only a few angles to choose from, it can easily happen that you are just unable to hit the last block, even though you cleared the rest of the level very fast. This is sometimes where Genisto's movie suffered. In this movie, I tried to plan as much ahead as possible, and make sure to in the end clear ALL blocks as fast as possible. This might result in a few strange shots at the end, but I think that in most of the levels, the ending comes pretty fluently.
I want to add that there are a total of 36 levels, which is a LOT. I don't know if I would have started the run (about 2 years ago) if I knew how tedious it was. I often took very long breaks from it, but I'm really glad it's finished now.


This table will list at what time the screen turned black after each level. It are rough estimates, and the real number can be a second higher of lower. It should still give a good image of at what levels the time was saved.
LevelGenisto's timeMy timeLevel differenceTotal difference
* At these levels, Genisto used the laser ** You might notice that the difference between 16:30 and 12:27 isn't 04:04 but 04:03, but Genisto's time was rounded down, and my time rounded up, so the difference is closest to 04:04.
Some comments on individual levels:
Level 01: I saved the more time on this particular level. The main reason for it being faster is that I focussed on getting to the top of the level at the start, and I focussed on getting all blocks at the end, without having to do bounces that weren't needed. I saved time at lots of other levels by doing these things.
Level 03: I am extremely pleased with how this level turned out. Every ball has its own purpose the entire time, and it just seems like this level was made to be cleared like this.
Level 05: Genisto used the laser on this level. I ended up only being 3 second slower, but the cool thing about not using laser here is that at the end (since the level is pretty long), the balls move pretty fast :). It was not really possible to create a big cavity in the level.
Level 07: It was possible to create a cavity in this level pretty good. That's why everything is cleared as fast all of a sudden.
Level 09: A very hard level, both because of the blocks at the top, which can't be cleared fast, and the blocks in the middle, where no cavity can be formed.
Level 11: This is an interesting level, since there is no non-grey block. This means no powerups can be collected, so the level needs to be cleared with one ball. I think this level turned out VERY well.
Level 14: This level is cool, since the enemies were used at the end.
Level 15: Genisto used laser, but in the end, this version turned out 3 seconds faster. The level is cool, siunce because of its length, the balls travel really fast at the end.
Level 23: Again a very long level. At the end, the score counter keeps counting a little. This happened since a few grey blocks were cleared at the end, which give many points.
Level 26: This level is the prime example of using enemies. I wait a little till the right frame to shoot the ball. After shooting it, I never touch it anymore. The enemies keep the ball at the top of the screen the entire time!
Level 27: This level was perfect for trapping balls in the center. The blocks are cleared so extremely fast, (not that the grey blocks in this level need to be hit 5 times), it's hard to even understand. The level changes all of a sudden, and during the course of the entire level the score counter is running like crazy. Evem after all blocks are cleared, it keeps running for some time.
Level 29: Genisto used laser at this level and gained 9 second on me. This is due to the fact that the level is perfect for using laser. There is nearly no spot to create a cavity, and the blocks at the top are annoying too. Even if a ball clears a lot at the top, or even everything, you want your ball back if it's done, but sometime it remains at the top, leaving you with 2 balls. I tried to avoid these things obviously, and dealt with the level as good as I could.
Level 33: It's somehow a hard level, since the grey blocks need to be hit a lot, and they always remain at the end. It's hard to clear a room if only a few blocks, that need to be hit often, remain.
Level 36: To be different than the warped version, I went for input time. This meant a similar strategy as Genisto. When you can stop the input is determened by when the boss fires its last shot. After you avoid being hit by that shot, input is ended.


I ended the movie at the first frame ending input was possible while still completing the movie. This is different from my warped movie of this game, which aims for the fastest AVI time. I chose going for input time now for three reasons. Genisto also did this, it looks cooler, and it shows something different than the warped version. It also suits this kind of run better probably.
I'd like to thank Genisto for his previous run, and also everybody who showed interest in the run, it really helped me get motivation to continue working on it.

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

Truncated: Accepting. I think the goals of this movie are well thought-out and that this should accept our current all-level famtasia movie.

Bisqwit: Processiŋ...

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1693: Baxter's NES Arkanoid in 12:26.80
Joined: 5/2/2006
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Location: Boulder, CO
Getting desync at the start of level 3... Going to try to figure out why. Edit: got it. Really nice, impressive, and awsome. Big yes vote here.
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Skilled player (1604)
Joined: 6/11/2006
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Location: Arboga, Sweden
All I can say is DOH. Very nice work, especially the levels which ended by the death of 2 blocks at the same time. I vote yes.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Senior Moderator
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It was very entertaining. Congratulations!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
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This is a no-brainer-sweet-upcoming-sincity2 yes vote! This was the first time I ever watched the game and Baxter promised I wouldnt be disappointed and oh boy he sure was right. I was thoroughly impressed, amazed and entertained. I also would like to see this run to get a star, which I honestly think it deserves. But perhaps more importantly (hope Bisqwit sees this and agrees), I think its time Baxter finally recieves his Ninja status. If anyone doubts me just take a look at the mans achievement and discoveries.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Let it be known that Im extremely disappointed that there is no Ninja status. I mean ripping off Genistos, Finalfighters, Nitsujas (etc) Ninja rank really really hurts to see.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Player (246)
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I need to watch this now. 4 minutes faster O_o
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This run is very well done, and I think it should obsolete Genisto's run. However, I don't like that the 3-ball powerup is overused (it's only entertaining after lvl 15, in which the balls bounce often enough to get very fast), and that the rest of powerups are skipped, which makes this run very repetitive. This is sort of a "uses only basic weapon" restriction, which I don't particularly enjoy. Trying to avoid the excesive repetiveness of using the laser on almost every level, the author makes the same mistake using only another powerup (to trade speed for entertainment, which is also good, except in that this run aims for speed and not entertainment). Aiming for entertainment first, and speed when it doesn't go against the first goal would have worked better, and wouldn't have required imposing weird restrictions. Levels 3 and 11 were boring, and I would have prefered if they were done by laser to end them sooner. Other power-ups would make it look more entertaining. Shrinking the pad with multi-ball without losing any of them would have been amazing, but this run missed the opportunity. So, I think the entertainment value of this movie could be improved by a lot, but that it should be published anyway because it's better than having Genisto's movie there.
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DrJones wrote:
and that the rest of powerups are skipped, which makes this run very repetitive.
Essentially, the only powerup that is skipped is the laser, and as you pointed out yourself, if the laser wasn't skipped, then it would be a run featuring the laser very often. I don't know which other powerups you would consider to be possible candidates for entertainment though, there is "slowdown", "bigger paddle" and "sticky ball" (and "1 extra life" and "warp"). Slowdown would obviously only hurt the run. Bigger paddle also isn't of any use, and can't provide entertainment. "sticky ball" also doesn't help at all. A big note that should be made is that if there is more than 1 ball in the game, you won't get any powerups. This means it is not possible to combine 3 balls with a bigger board, or with laser.
DrJones wrote:
Aiming for entertainment first, and speed when it doesn't go against the first goal would have worked better, and wouldn't have required imposing weird restrictions.
How do you plan to do this? How can someone compete with a movie, if it aims for entertainment. It's very subjective. If there was a better non-weird restriction (and only using the 3-ball powerup IS a non-weird restriction), I would have picked that. But this made more sense to me, and to all others who commented in the arkanoid thread. A restriction like "only uses laser on level 29", THAT would be a weird restriction.
DrJones wrote:
Levels 3 and 11 were boring, and I would have prefered if they were done by laser to end them sooner.
Level 3 is a level where nearly all blocks are 'behind' golden blocks, which can't be destroyed. Laser would have been a terrible choice for this level, and it would have been a lot slower. Level 11 is a level with only grey blocks. No powerups at all can be obtained, so neither laser, nor the 3-ball powerup are used. Quite funny by the way that you name level 3 and level 11, these are two of the levels that I think worked out the best in the entire run.
DrJones wrote:
Other power-ups would make it look more entertaining. Shrinking the pad with multi-ball without losing any of them would have been amazing, but this run missed the opportunity.
Well, yeah... I can't use powerups that aren't present in the game. Shrinking the paddle can only be done in Arkanoid 2. (To be honest, I don't know if it would be impressive to watch a TAS be done with a shrinked paddle. In real time, it would be very impressive. At a TAS, you already know the ball won't be lost, and the blocks would only be cleared slower with such a powerup).
Joined: 10/24/2005
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I thought the 3ball powerup got a bit repetitive after a while, and would have liked to seeen the lazer on some of the silver/gold levels. But as a whole, I was entertained. Voting yes.
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I think the problem is that Genisto's movie was made during a different era. It was made on an obselete emulator i.e. Famtasia and it only had very basic functions compared to what FCEU has Today. Also feats like juggling 3 balls at once were a lot more impressive given that fact that it was made using slow down, [URL=http://tasvideos.org/66M.html] just read the current description. [/URL] With frame advance its not quite so impressive to see things like that nowadays, there are much more impressive tool assisted things to see now that the movie base has generally expanded and been improved on Megaman_1 and S3+K come to mind the most. This moves me smoothly onto my next point some of the levels were really hit and miss i.e. some levels I would have preffered to have seen lasers used instead. I'll vote yes for this run to obselete the current one but I would accept a run that trully goes for the fastest completion via using the lasers to obselete this one.
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AKA wrote:
I think the problem is that Genisto's movie was made during a different era. It was made on an obselete emulator i.e. Famtasia and it only had very basic functions compared to what FCEU has Today. Also feats like juggling 3 balls at once were a lot more impressive given that fact that it was made using slow down. [URL=http://tasvideos.org/66M.html] just read the current description. [/URL] With frame advance its not quite so impressive to see things like that nowadays, there are much more impressive tool assisted things to see now that the movie base has generally expanded and been improved on Megaman_1 and S3+K come to mind the most.
I don't really see a problem that Genisto's movie was made in a different era. He made a truly great movie, that I watched MANY times. Saying it was more difficult to juggle three balls... well, I'm not sure. Of course the tools are a lot more advance these days, but the principle was the same... if you lose a ball on famtasia, you just press the rerecord button. Making sure no balls are lost is not more difficult on famtasia, it's just that using famtasia is more tedious. Besides, this run doesn't just try to be impressive by keeping 3 balls in the game. I could have done that with a lot less rerecords. The thing which I would like to impress people more by, is how fast these levels can be cleared with these three balls... if enough planning and testing is performed. I'm not trying to downgrade Genisto even a bit... but I think it's fair to say that, even though he used famtasia, I spent a lot more time on the movie. So if you say that it'ss not quite so impressive to see things like that nowadays... I'm sorry, but I can't help to feel a little offended. Btw, are you gonna refer to Megaman 1 and S3+K every @#$ing time someone submits a movie now?
AKA wrote:
but I would accept a run that trully goes for the fastest completion via using the lasers to obselete this one.
I truly hope (and to be honest, also think actually) that if someone submitted a movie using laser most of the time that it wouldn't even get a good enough response to obsolete Genisto's movie. It's very obvious that what made Arkanoid so good, and possibly even suitable for TASing is the use of three balls. Like I said to DrJones, if there was a logical goal where is would be used once or twice, then that MIGHT be good (although it's also interesting to see how to take on the levels that aren't normally played with three balls). There is however not such a logical goal, and merely doing a warpless run would destroy the very things that makes it good. I'm not really trying to convince you, or myself with any of this. I already know it, and I know you will never get it. But maybe someone actually thought that what you said made sense.
Joined: 3/15/2007
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An excellent run. I think the restrictions made were reasonable and make the TAS more entertaining.
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Voting yes. It was a big improvement, and even made a very simplistic game fairly fun to watch. I am strongly in favor of your choice of goals. If I had one minor complaint it would be that the paddle/ship/player/thing moves occasionally when no balls are nearby or approaching - it looks as if the game is controlled by a normal player who is unsure of his immediate movements.
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on a different note, I was thinking, in this game, after the ball is launched, only left right ot neiter can accuratly discribe every frame, so would that lower the complexity enough to be beaten using bisq bot? Im not a computer expert, so there may be some problem I dont recognise, but it seems plausable on the surface.
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Player (89)
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oh man, this run rocks. Great set of goals you picked, Baxter. Never losing a ball really made the run look better. Ending the input early was cool too. Star it up!
They're off to find the hero of the day...
Experienced player (613)
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I can see what all the rerecords went into. Great work Baxter. Quite a difficult game to TAS but I think you did it as good as it's going to get, for a long while anyway. Generally, it's entertaining (nothing really stood out to me or at least nothing I can remember. I mean, it's Arkanoid!) and overall, really well done. Yes vote.
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I liked it a lot, and I liked the goals as well.
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Perhaps there could be a run that abuses Laser massively, to be published alongside this and the warp one?
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Joined: 1/29/2007
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Very nice, and definitely good that you did not use the laser.
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baxter, since you didn't answer this yet, why don't you replace the warped run with the title screen glitch?
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I know optimizing this game is tough as nails, so it was fun to see your strategies and approaches to all the levels. Looks great!
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Fantasic movie, I was blown away.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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DrJones wrote:
I don't like that the 3-ball powerup is overused
quoted for truth. In fact, because of this, I actually find Genisto's movie more entertaining -- it uses twice as wide a variety of powerups, it also does a variety of cool things like making sure to kill every alien on certain levels, and beating one level in between missing the ball and losing a life. If this run aims for entertainment, and is meant to obsolete Genisto's, it has failed in its goal, because Genisto's is more fun to watch, even though it is longer. My vote is a resounding no.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.