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As I said before, I don't want to start a debate so I'll ignore most of your post, but this I have to respond to:
Fabian wrote:
I'm getting the sense you're a guy who strongly believes in nationalism and take great pride in your Nordic heritage? Am I close?
You are not even remotely close. I have absolutely nothing against people who are of different colour than me or who come from a different culture than me. I would have no trouble marrying such a person and having her kids. I am not worried about the Scandinavian genepool getting contaminated, if that is what you think. I am not a nationalist, either. I don't care under which flag I live under. What I care about is my own safety, and the safety of those close to me. For example, I do not want Finland to stop taking in people from poor African countries. What I do want is for people who we take into our country, out of human decency and mercy, to not abuse our good will and spirit and start destroying what we here have built. Also, I do not think that it's a good idea to take in every poor person from Africa just because they want to come here (i.e. I have nothing against taking in refugees who are being persecuted and are in danger). A great percentage of immigrants do not carry their own weight (understandibly), and a society (at least a Scandinavian one) cannot work when there are more people simply enjoying the benefits of a welfare society but not working to preserve it than there are people who actually contribute to the society. It is not in the best intrest of the 3rd world, either: as long as we take everyone who wants to come here, why would they want to stay there and make their own country better? I can go on if you wish, but I hope there is no need. I just wanted to make it clear that I am not a skinheaded neo-nazi, simply a realist who is conserned about the current state of affairs.
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Cool sounds good.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Bisqwit wrote:
Wow. I am actually surprised.* Your analysis is very good.
Dear Bisqwit, I often wondered: is that a character trait of yours or just a mask you put on when being administrator? Since you agree with the analysis it seems to be the former.. Were you always like that or is it learned behaviour from administrator and/or work experience? Yours sincerely, User #1316
Fabian wrote:
I'm not sure if you're 0% serious or 5% serious but if you are slightly serious, thank you very much.
Dear Fabian, sorry to disappoint you, my question was mostly aimed to keep the thread going, because I knew you'd manage to get an interesting answer out of it. It was also an ironic stab at your question suggestions in your first post. My opinion about you is mostly positive (except when you're engaging the futile act of trying to bring a point across with one line posts), but the word "awesome" isn't in there. I currently lack any interesting questions so I'll spare you the boring ones. Yours sincerely, Tub
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Yeah I didn't realize I had put it in the original post until after I had tried to fall asleep for 20 minutes heh.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Tub wrote:
Dear Bisqwit, I often wondered: is that a character trait of yours or just a mask you put on when being administrator? Since you agree with the analysis it seems to be the former.. Were you always like that or is it learned behaviour from administrator and/or work experience?
I am not even sure. I do that at work too. It especially upsets my boss, when he doesn't get a definite answer from me. "Maybe" is very common vocabulary of mine. Example exchange: "Shall we go for lunch?" ― "Perhaps." (My inner rationale: "It's an ok option for me, but if something such as a phone call interrupts you, we can reschedule".) When I fill in "rate this question on scale 1..5 on agree…disagree" type polls, I end up getting completely bogus results because I rarely hit the 1 or 5. I hit the 2 or 4, unless I literally & completely agree / disagree in all applicable situations. I blame it on the questions being ambiguous. Often, when I talk with people, and I answer some question, I end up appending "… but I didn't answer your question did I" because I notice it myself. Often in those cases, I'm not even sure if they noticed it or not until I mentioned it. I think it may stem from my dislike of being pointed out being wrong. I know nobody likes being wrong, but I do conscious effort in avoiding it. I try to cover my bases. It may also stem from the fact, that I'm really slow in many aspects, because I think things thoroughly. If I'm forced to give a response before I'm completely satisfied with what I think, I put exactly the same amount of ambiguity in the response as is in my thoughts.
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Dear Fabian What do you think about paranormal activity (ghosts, poltergeist and such)?
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Guybrush wrote:
Dear Fabian What do you think about paranormal activity (ghosts, poltergeist and such)?
90% of those incidents are people who are deceived by their mind, the other 10% are lying. Something like that. The more outlandish the claim is, the more likely it is the person is lying. Our brain is programmed to try making sense of things it sees, noticing patterns that aren't there, seeing shapes where there are none, stuff like that. It is not unreasonable for people laying in bed half asleep/half dreaming with vivid imagination to believe the dark human-like shape he sees is something more than just the shadow cast from a pile of clothes on the floor. Another big reason for people seeing things that aren't there is they've been raised to believe these things exist. Whether it's a set of parents telling more ghost stories than normal to their child or someone being raised in a catholic home seeing angels or the virgin Mary, it's the same thing. Actually the effects of this can be especially strong in a religious environment (for example a church), as the pressure is a lot stronger than in the ghost example. You're kinda "expected" to see angels (again these are just examples), and you don't want to disappoint your family and so on a subconscious level there's added incentive to experience something paranormal.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, How does Teller do the 'shadow flower' trick?
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Blublu wrote:
Dear Fabian, How does Teller do the 'shadow flower' trick?
I like pancakes I like pancakes they make me a happy Peter.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, My friend is totally whipped. Should I do anything about it and if so, what?
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
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flagitious wrote:
Dear Fabian, My friend is totally whipped. Should I do anything about it and if so, what?
Whipped meaning his girl controls him? Eh not really. You should encourage him to be a little more independent I guess and maybe make an extra effort to get him out of the claws of his woman occasionally on weekends and such. There's no need for an intervention though.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, Lately, I've been thinking of going batshit insane. Should I become like Diogenes, Gene Ray, or some other lunatic?
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Dear Fabian, Why did the makers of phpBB decide that it was a good idea that the 'View newest post' button take you to the newest post since you last visited the forums, regardless of whether you've read that post already? It's so annoying to click on it and be taken to page 3 of 5 every single time. Signed, An avid reader
<Zurreco> if so called professional players cant adapt to every playing field, theyre obviously not that great
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Dear kwinse, the forum can impossibly remember each and every page visit from every user. Please think about the poor, overworked database servers. The behaviour you describe is the closest approximation to the desired functionality that can be implemented with reasonable resources. If you're really that fed up about it, then it's probably a good idea to click "mark all posts as read" each time you leave the forums. sincerely, an impostor.
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kwinse wrote:
Dear Fabian, Why did the makers of phpBB decide that it was a good idea that the 'View newest post' button take you to the newest post since you last visited the forums, regardless of whether you've read that post already? It's so annoying to click on it and be taken to page 3 of 5 every single time. Signed, An avid reader
Never used that function. Sounds like it could be pretty sweet!
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Ah, I realized that was worded poorly. What I meant was that it goes by the newest post since "You last visited on 2007-09-06 21:56:53" (found at the top of index.php) for where that link goes, never to the first unread post, making it a very annoying feature, especially if you are used to a forum software that does take you to the first unread post. Never mind that viewing any page in the thread marks all posts as read, even if they're 100 pages away.
<Zurreco> if so called professional players cant adapt to every playing field, theyre obviously not that great
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Dear Fabian My friend (fabian) is on drugs, what should I do?
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P.JBoy wrote:
Dear Fabian My friend <strike>(fabian)</strike> is on drugs, what should I do?
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian What's "intervention"?
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P.JBoy wrote:
Dear Fabian What's "intervention"?
An intervention is where you get all his friends together in a room with him and you urge him to stop abusing drugs. I don't think it's very effective. If your question is serious, intervention probably won't be an effective solution. An effective solution might be to call the cops on him I dunno. I have no experience with drug abusing friends and I'm guessing different cases tend to be very different.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
An effective solution might be to call the cops on him I dunno.
That is probably the best way to lose him as a friend. I would say unless he's forced to take drugs, it's his choice. Try to question the rationale behind it and see if you can provide any assistance in eliminating the reason behind taking drugs (which can be everything starting from lack of communication to psychological trauma).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I honestly thought you were going to say "Talk to FRANK"
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P.JBoy wrote:
I honestly thought you were going to say "Talk to FRANK"
No idea what you're talking about.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I had a situation where a good friend of mine had started doing drugs, I gave him the ultimatum that he either needed to quit or I wasn't gonna be hanging out with him anymore. He chose the wrong one, but a couple months later he indeed cleaned up.
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