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I think somebody else might as well take this as a project.
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the guy who did it goes by Saturn. you can get it at Me and saturn used to do rpg walkthroughs. He of course is alot better than i am at doing them. I am not sure if he is still working on any games. Maybe if i told him about the rerecord function, maybe he will start making runs for the snes. I know he is a very busy person though. although very late, there is my 2 cents
When scores are drawn, who will you die for?
Joined: 9/29/2004
Posts: 39
Here's my attempt at a fastest route, without constraints:
     Goal 01: [ ] Yoshi's Island 1
     Goal 05: [ ] Yellow Switch Place
     Goal 02: [ ] Yoshi's Island 2
     Goal 03: [ ] Yoshi's Island 3     
     Goal 04: [ ] Yoshi's Island 4
     Goal 06: [ ] Castle #1: Iggy's Place
     Goal 07: [ ] Donut Plains 1 
     Goal 10: [ ] Donut Plains 2 Secret Goal
     Goal 11: [ ] Green Switch Place
1    Goal 09: [ ] Donut Plains 2
     Goal 13: [ ] Donut Ghost House Secret Goal
3    Goal 08: [ ] Donut Plains 1 Secret Goal
     Goal 17: [ ] Donut Secret 1 Secret Goal
     Goal 19: [ ] Donut Secret House Secret Goal
2    Goal 80: [ ] Star Road 1 Secret Goal
1    Goal 82: [ ] Star Road 2 Secret Goal
1    Goal 84: [ ] Star Road 3 Secret Goal
1    Goal 86: [ ] Star Road 4 Secret Goal
1    Goal 87: [ ] Star Road 5 
2    Goal 18: [ ] Donut Secret House
2    Goal 20: [ ] Donut Secret 2
2    Goal 14: [ ] Donut Plains 3
     Goal 15: [ ] Donut Plains 4
     Goal 21: [ ] Castle #2: Morton's Place
     Goal 22: [ ] Vanilla Dome 1
     Goal 25: [ ] Vanilla Dome 2 Secret Goal
     Goal 26: [ ] Red Switch Place
1    Goal 24: [ ] Vanilla Dome 2
     Goal 27: [ ] Vanilla Ghost House
     Goal 28: [ ] Vanilla Dome 3
     Goal 29: [ ] Vanilla Dome 4
     Goal 35: [ ] Castle #3: Lemmy's Place
1    Goal 36: [ ] Cheese Bridge
     Goal 39: [ ] Cookie Mountain
2    Goal 37: [ ] Cheese Bridge Secret Goal
     Goal 38: [ ] Soda Lake
4    Goal 85: [ ] Star Road 4
1    Goal 83: [ ] Star Road 3
1    Goal 81: [ ] Star Road 2
1    Goal 79: [ ] Star Road 1
3    Goal 16: [ ] Donut Secret 1
     Goal 12: [ ] Donut Ghost House
3    Goal 23: [ ] Vanilla Dome 1 Secret Goal
     Goal 31: [ ] Vanilla Secret 1 Secret Goal
1    Goal 30: [ ] Vanilla Secret 1
     Goal 32: [ ] Vanilla Secret 2
     Goal 33: [ ] Vanilla Secret 3
     Goal 34: [ ] Vanilla Fortress
     Goal 40: [ ] Butter Bridge 1
     Goal 41: [ ] Butter Bridge 2
     Goal 42: [ ] Castle #4: Ludwig's Castle
     Goal 43: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 1
     Goal 46: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 2 Secret Goal
     Goal 51: [ ] Blue Switch Place
1    Goal 45: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 2
     Goal 47: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 3
     Goal 53: [ ] Forest Ghost House Secret Goal
     Goal 44: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 1 Secret Goal
     Goal 52: [ ] Forest Ghost House
     Goal 50: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 4 Secret Goal
     Goal 54: [ ] Forest Secret Area
     Goal 55: [ ] Forest Fortress
3    Goal 49: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 4
1    Goal 48: [ ] Forest Of Illusions 3 Secret Goal
     Goal 56: [ ] Castle #5: Roy's Castle
     Goal 57: [ ] Chocolate Island 1
     Goal 58: [ ] Chocolate Ghost House
     Goal 60: [ ] Chocolate Island 2 Secret Goal
2    Goal 66: [ ] Chocolate Secret Area
4    Goal 59: [ ] Chocolate Island 2
     Goal 61: [ ] Chocolate Island 3
     Goal 62: [ ] Chocolate Island 3 Secret Goal
     Goal 63: [ ] Chocolate Fortress
     Goal 64: [ ] Chocolate Island 4
     Goal 65: [ ] Chocolate Island 5
     Goal 67: [ ] Castle #6: Wendy's Castle
     Goal 68: [ ] Sunken Ghost Ship
     Goal 69: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 1
     Goal 71: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 2 Secret Goal
     Goal 77: [ ] Valley Fortress
2    Goal 70: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 2
     Goal 73: [ ] Valley Ghost House Secret Goal
1    Goal 72: [ ] Valley Ghost House
     Goal 74: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 3
     Goal 76: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 4 Secret Goal
1    Goal 75: [ ] Valley Of Bowser 4
     Goal 78: [ ] Castle #7: Larry's Place
3    Goal 88: [ ] Star Road 5 Secret Goal
2    Goal 89: [ ] Gnarly
     Goal 90: [ ] Tubular
     Goal 91: [ ] Way Cool
     Goal 92: [ ] Awesome
     Goal 93: [ ] Mondo
     Goal 94: [ ] Groovy
     Goal 95: [ ] Outrageous
     Goal 96: [ ] Funky

Total=53, including 4 pipes (3 required) and 6 stars (2 required, but mutually exclusive of only using 3 pipes)
The "goal numbers" represent the order they were written (taken from StarFighters76's FAQ on GameFAQs). The Numbers on the left roughly represent the number of "movements" it takes to get to the given level, from the point where the last level puts you. So for instance, to beat Donut Plains 2 the normal way, you need to move once from the Green Switch Palace. Note that most levels require no movement, since beating the previous level will place you right on the next level. I count using a Pipe (such as the one to get to Donut Secret 2) as one move, then moving off the pipe as one other move. This is (I think) the shortest route in terms of movements, however it may not be if you count other factors, such as: 1. This route assumes you have no intention of beating Bowser, as it ends on Funky, which leaves a bit of a trek to Bowser. If beating Bowser is a requirement, that may change the route. 2. Is hitting or not hitting some of the Switch Palaces a requirement for faster completion of certain levels? If so, that would affect when the switch palaces are obtained. The order above assumes that hitting the switch palaces bears no effect. Even if it makes a level take slightly longer however, it may still be worthwhile to use this order if it still saves overworld movement time. 3. Availability of powerups - i.e., are there certain levels where it would be faster to complete as Fire mario, but no flowers are available in the level? I don't think this is the case. I assume that the optimal use of powerups is to get a cape ASAP and keep it for the rest of the game, except where it may be to your advantage to take damage to save time. 4. The last assumtion is that all "movements" on the overworld, including pipe and star movement, take the same amount of time, which is clearly not the case. However, I've minimized movements which I think take the most time, such as from Soda Lake to Star Road 3 and such.
Player (177)
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Would it be a good idea to have a Fire Flower in reserve?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I think it would take too long to slow down to wait for an item in reserve to fall to you, unless you happened to already be near the top of the screen at the time you planned to get hit and the reserve item would immediately hit you. Even that's a strech as to how it would be useful, but I can't say for sure. With regard to beating Bowser, I *think* the best way of adapting the order I gave above is right after entering the Donut Plains, head straight for the Star Road, (beating Donut Secret 1 the normal way first), beat Star Roads 1 through 4 the keyhole way, beat 5 the normal way, move back and beat it the keyhole way, go through Special Zone and beat it, end up at Yoshi's House and move back to the Donut Plains and go left (the Green Switch Palace route) through the Haunted House, and use regular exits. Then when you go back through the Star Roads backwards after beating Soda Lake to get the normal exit in each Star Road, come out through the Donut Plains and beat the Donut Secret house the normal way, go through the Pipe, and then move to the Vanilla Dome as in the route above again. Not only does that take longer, but I also like the non-Bowser route since that way you go through all the levels with the normal color and enemies, which I prefer.
Joined: 5/3/2004
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I believe getting your reserve item without wasting time is not a problem, in general. You can drop the item with a button press instead of getting hit. (I think it's select, but it's been so many years I'm not sure.) If you use the cape to fly up to a point just under the reserve box, then hit select, that should result in instant flower power without loss of velocity.
Post subject: Super Mario World
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Hello all! I found this site a few days ago and I really like it! I watched the speedruns for Super Mario World and thought I'd start a speedrun for all 96 levels+bowser. Doing quite well so far, but now I'm facing a little problem in castle #2 So I ask you to please have a look at this 11 seconds video and tell me if there's any way to be faster. The problem is, I'm just ~ 1 second (or even less) too slow to get to the trampoline before the moving brick above closes the hole. And this forces me to wait ~ 16 seconds till I can move on, and that's really annoying. I guess the key to success is that I need to fly higher from the start point, but I don't know how... If you know a solution, please tell me soon! And if you also think there is no solution, also tell me, so I can continue playing without worries :) Thanx a lot in advance!
Post subject: Re: need help with Super Mario World
Editor, Active player (297)
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You bump into the ceiling once, causing lots of delay. Also your jumps are too long. In other words, not all your movement assist in your goal. It looks difficult and I don't know if it's really possible to optimize them, but that's what I'd try...
Post subject: Re: need help with Super Mario World
Editor, Active player (297)
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Location: Arzareth Piece of cake. :) Disclaimer: I haven't really played SMW much, so this could be probably done faster. I didn't even know which buttons trigger which jumps.
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very nice, thanx a lot!! Now I just gotta redo that in my video :P
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I recommend you watch your entire video from start and look closely if some of your jumps have a too long curve. Eliminate all excess movement that doesn't help your goal, if it causes delay. Good luck :)
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Damn, I already found out that I could have been 30 frames faster in the very first level... :S So now I got something to spend my sunday evening with :P Anyway, here is my way up to castle #2. I tried to follow your guidelines making it entertaining to watch (e.g. castle #1 or donot plains 2), although I know it's not yet perfect (I could collect a few more points and stomp on a few more enemies without losing time). Please tell me how you like it so far, so I know what to do better in the retry :)
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Hi. Yay, wiedermal ein Deutscher in unseren Kreisen :] Dann kann ich ja eh ruhig auf Deutsch schreiben ^^: Schaut eigentlich sehr gut aus ^^ Eine Sache hätt' ich da zu bemängeln: Wechsel das Item bitte nur wenn du's wirklich brauchst, wenn man Feuerblume/Pilz/Feder berührt stoppt ja alles kurz wenn du dich verwandelst. Ich glaub ich hab da gesehen dass du schon 2x unnötig gewechselt hast in den Donut Plains 2, oder wie das eine Level heißt wo es automatisch scrollt. Also bitte das auf jedenfall verbessern :] (außer du hast es wirklich gebraucht und ich hab da bloß was übersehen ^^') --------------------------- --------------------------- Looks very nice ^^ Just one thing: Please do only change items when it's really necesary, when you touch Flower/Feather/Mushroom the game stops for a short moment as you morph into another Mario. I think I saw that you did this 2 times in Donut Plains 2 where it wasn't really necesary (I have problems writing this word ^^'). So please improve that :] (expect you really needed to change it there and I just overlooked something ^^')
Emulator Coder, Former player
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In English, please?
* Quietust, QMT Productions P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
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I changed to flower so I could collect coins from the enemies I killed, and because of the auto-scrolling I didn't lose time anyway (game time). But you're right, it probably does cost a bit of time if you're thinking in frames (play time), so I guess I'll have to change that (although then it'll be less entertaining to watch :() just found out throwing the P-block on the big switch block before jumping on both also cost a little bit of time... too bad, that looked cool :( ... hab keine Lust das ganze jetzt nochmal in deutsch zu schreiben, sorry ;)
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Quietust wrote:
In English, please?
If you look at the entire post before going crazy over seeing a foreign word you would see that he posted both a german version and one english version. ;)
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Highness wrote:
Quietust wrote:
In English, please?
If you look at the entire post before going crazy over seeing a foreign word you would see that he posted both a german version and one english version. ;)
Uhm... I edited the post afterwards and posted the english stuff AFTER his post ^^'
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Ah. Woulden't know since edits doesn't show in a diffrent color or something like that. :D Sorry about my post then.
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I redid the first 9 levels and so far I'm already ~ 300 frames faster, got 7 more coins and did some more "spectacular" moves. Damn this is addictive, too bad I gotta go to bed now :P
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I think that a 96-exit Mario World movie should be like the Super Mario Bros. 3 warpless, i.e. all levels begin and end with small mario. I don't know if there are any levels that require you to use a power up, but if not, it would be cool to go through the whole game as small mario.
Joined: 9/29/2004
Posts: 39
I disagree ... I don't see the point in doing the begin and end small thing, and frankly I don't like the SMB3 video that begins and ends small that much either. I would rather see a video that takes damage to save time due to planning levels in advance to get a powerup that you won't use on that level, than a video where you get the required powerup only on the required level. Actually... there is the case in SMW of the level in world 6 that requires you to get through the first two sections in under 30 seconds or so, and I don't know if it's possible to do that without a cape, but you can't get a cape in that level. Maybe it is, but for something like that, you could get through the level much quicker with the cape, and as discussed in other SMW threads on here, it is possible to make flying through a level interesting as long as you hit enemies along the way and do tricks, and while I would like to see small mario doing just as many tricks, I would rather see it done more quickly if it can be done with cape mario.
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Avin wrote:
I don't see the point in doing the begin and end small thing, and frankly I don't like the SMB3 video that begins and ends small that much either.
I agree with this opinion.
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...With what? Dan's post, or Avin's disagreement with Dan's post?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Beginning and ending with small Mario is stupid. It's less entertaining and it's slower. As someone else said I'd rather see careful planning. Btw Viper, I don't know if you corrected them yet in your new version, but I watched that smv posted and noticed a lot of mistakes in every level. You should watch the SMW run that's currently on the site and maybe you'll learn some tricks that you can use in your run.
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VIPer7 wrote:
just found out throwing the P-block on the big switch block before jumping on both also cost a little bit of time... too bad, that looked cool :(
I vote for keeping it. I second Michael Fried's hint - please do your best to ensure you are playing as optimally as possible - be observative. I like your playing style, and it would be shame if it would be obsoleted by a significantly faster movie that plays more mechanically.