Post subject: Some rhythm/pitch/tone perception tests
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Location: Away There are three comparatively short tests, one expects you to determine if there's a tonal difference in two phrases, other to determine the change in pitch, and third to determine if there's a difference in rhythmic pattern. I must warn, though, tonedeaf and rhythm tests rely on memorization almost as much as on actual perception (I'm very surprised my super short attention span let me pass them). Feel free to brag your results here. Mine: - tonedeaf: 86.1% (73.9% avg); - adaptive pitch: 2.4 Hz (3.98 Hz avg); - rhythm test: 84% (71.2% avg). I expect people with musical training (adelikat?) to perform better. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: Some rhythm/pitch/tone perception tests
Editor, Active player (297)
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Adaptive pitch: 1.5 Hz Tonedeaf: 77.8 % correct Rhythm deaf: 80.0% correct I started well in the pitch test, but after it went to 0.35 Hz level, I started to lose my sense. In the other tests, memorization was indeed a bit difficult.
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Heres my results. Rhythm: 91% Adaptive Pitch: 1.35Hz Tonedeaf: 80.6% The pitch one seemed quite easy for me, I could tell ever so slightly when the second tone was higher. If I couldn't tell if it was higher, I just went for lower. Seemed to work quite well. Tonedeaf I think I may have said too many were different. Some sounded very similar but were too close to call. As for rhythm.. well I spend alot of time around and listening to drummers :D
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Adaptive Pitch: 1.5 Hz Tonedeaf: 72.2% Rhythm: 91% PROTIP: Don't try these tests unless you're actually focusing on them. Answering a phone call during the tonedeaf test ruined it for me.
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Adaptive pitch: 2.4 Hz Rhythm: 92% Tonedeaf: 72.2%
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Tonedeaf: 83.3% Rythm: 88% Adaptive Pitch: 1.8 Hz Agreeing with above posters, it was hard to remember the tones. Limited replays put me in a bad position towards the end at the rythm test. :/ Overall a good result I guess though.
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Adaptive pitch: 1.05 Hz Rythm: 84.0% Tonedeaf: 83.3%
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Adaptive pitch: 3.9 Hz Tonedeaf: 69.4% :( Rhythm: 96% :) I've never played an instrument but I've always been interested in drums. I guess I know why!
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Halamantariel wrote:
Adaptive pitch: 1.05 Hz
Spacecow wrote:
Rhythm: 96% :)
Holy shit. o_0
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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After redoing the test and really concentrating on this, I got an adaptive pitch of 0.675 Hz. It's really hard though... but I guess that when I really concentrate, I can differenciate tones. Note that I used the Replay button a LOT.
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I didn't use the Replay button at all... Should have, I guess.
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I guess I'm only good at my very specific style of music. Anything techno or jazz sounding totally threw off my sense of being able to keep track of it. Rhythm test: 80% Tone deaf test: 66.7% Adaptive pitch: 0.4875 Hz Edit: There's a replay button on the adaptive pitch?! I guess my sound recognition far exceeds my visual recognition. (As if I'm not reminded of that every day I drive somewhere)
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Taking them again. Still getting 1.5 Hz. In Tone test, I don't know what to answer in question 13 because the melody is the same but the rhythm is different... Got 83.3% this time. Not doing rhythm test second time :)
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pitch 1.95 Hz (didn't really concentrate much, I could do better) tone 94.4 % (really a short term memory test, also I accidentally clicked "different" when I meant to click "same" once) rhythm 72.0% However, I will say that I'm exhausted and a little ill at the moment. Those tests are also super boring, I tried to do them quickly. I might repeat the pitch one later since that one is fast.
Bisqwit wrote:
In Tone test, I don't know what to answer in question 13 because the melody is the same but the rhythm is different...
You know you can see all the answers at the end. Just click on the > arrow thing when you get your results, and you can see a list of all the answers and what you answered with.
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I wasn't aware of the replay button on the pitch test either.
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I tried adaptive pitch again with liberal use of the replay button and got 0.3375. Once the sound difference gets down to 0.09375, it's a guessing game for me. This probably explains why I'm the only person I know that notices that Top 40 radio stations are slightly speeding up songs (making the overall pitch very slightly higher) in order to fill in more commercials (I'm assuming).
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Reviewer, Active player (286)
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adaptive pitch, when I really concentrated and abused the replay button: 0.525 I also had to sing a few pitches back just to be sure. I got tonedeaf at 94% rhythm was in the 80's. I forget. Plus on the first few questions, I wasn't sure what to listen for. I am a music major, though. And now my head hurts
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I used no replays and I don't play any instruments. (played piano for 3 months in the past). for the adaptive pitch thing: .75 was exceptional, and then as the Hz number got bigger, I guess I did worse. next interval was very good. then normal. then low-normal. then possible deficit Rhythm: 68% Tone-Deaf: 83.3%
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Morrison wrote:
for the adaptive pitch thing: .75 was exceptional, and then as the Hz number got bigger, I guess I did worse. next interval was very good. then normal. then low-normal. then possible deficit
Sounds like you mis-interpreted the results. You just recited the score scale. You score was above this scale, in a red sentence that reads: "At 500 Hz, you can reliably differenciate two tones XXX Hz apart.", where XXX is your result.
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Rhythm - 64.0% Tonedeaf - 52.8% Adaptive Pitch - 3 Hz I suck.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Tonedeaf 88.9% Rhythmdeaf 96.0% Adaptive Pitch 1.275 I did pretty well. :D I made some stupid mistakes on tonedeaf as my brain is full of holes and there was no replay button. Music is my hobby #1, I've never taken any lessons or anything though. With these results, I wonder why I'm having so much trouble making guitar tabs for my favourite songs. :(