Post subject: StarCraft: Brood Wars
Joined: 5/3/2004
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What sort of goals would make interesting videos in StarCraft: Brood Wars? Here are my thoughts on two goals: - Fastest defeat of a single computer on a small map like Blood Bath. I have little doubt either the classic 6 'ling rush or a perfectly micromanaged worker rush (with 0 lost units) would reign supreme here. The 'ling video would be rather pedestrian. It might be impressive to see a perfect worker rush, if it is indeed faster. - Fastest defeat of 7 computers on a map like The Hunters. This is a slightly more interesting idea, though it would be very hard to perfect because of the amount of micromanagement that would be involved. Even at "slowest" game speed this might be a challenge to do perfectly. I think it could reasonably done in 15-18 minutes according to the in-game timer, which is synchronous with real time on either "normal" or "fast" game speed, I forget which. Some things to note about time attacking StarCraft: - You can only record replays of games played on Battle.Net (or bnetd, etc.), so you can't use cheats. - You can save and reload, though this would be very tedious.
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StarCraft is one of the best games in the world! I played that pretty much for some years ago. However I don´t think your idea is that great unfortunately. Ok, it would be pretty cool to see a perfect game. But I think there really are like... 1000 of these kinda replays out there already.
/Walker Boh
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Yes there are 1000 replays, but are any of them optimal?
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Sheeis! How many times do I need to tell people, there is no S in "Brood War"! Don't confuse it with Star Wars, there is only ONE Brood War and that is the one the expansion is about. Please get it right. Sorry about being anal but I find it annoying when people add an S to the title for no reason whatsoever.
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I find it annoying when someone can't write English properly. They are just writing incorrect English for no reason whatsoever. edit: I am talking about blublu's writing, not the extra 's' on Brood War.
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Maybe people misspell because they can't spell English correctly? I may have studied english for nine years and I'm not a star at it. Don't go complaining at peoples spelling, I'm sure they do the best they can. Atleast, they aren't spelling wrong just to bug you.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
I find it annoying when someone can't write English properly. They are just writing incorrect English for no reason whatsoever.
Agreed. Please do complain. I find it most irritating when people cant spell in swedish even though the language is their own. The only argument most of those persons can came up with is "Who cares? Are you my teacher?". No Im not their teacher but if they can´t spell properly they seem to me like retards. And that´s it. Now, since Im no master of english at all you may see me as a retard. Sort of anyway. This is because english is not my native language and therefore I misspell stuffs every now and then. Mostly grammatic stuffs and it disturbs me. Ah well. Point is that IT IS! important to spell properly and if you can´t even master your own language then you should have no opinion on other languages whatsoever. Back to topic.. There are still thousands of replays out there with those maps played more or less perfectly. I don´t know but I have hard to see what´s the point of perfecting one of those. I still love StarCraft/BroodWar more then most games but I don´t think it will fit into this category.
/Walker Boh
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I don't understand what's the point of complaining about a SIMPLE S at the end of the word WAR. I ask a question, what's the point?? The game is STARcraft Brood WAR"S". :P
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I guess the point is that it´s not that hard to try to spell more correct. And I agree to that even though I can´t correct anyone since I don´t master english. I try to be good at swedish though and it annoys me when adults (30+) can´t spell. Even one big newspaper here in Sweden can´t spell properly. Well. I think this should be in another topic. Spelling is important anyways.
/Walker Boh
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Since people understand, I don't understand what's wrong anyway. The majority of people aren't aiming to write a novel you know.
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And there's only one Adventure of Link! Except he's been in lots of adventures, so I don't get why they call it "The Adventure of Link". Maybe "An Adventure of Link".
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Phil wrote:
Since people understand, I don't understand what's wrong anyway. The majority of people aren't aiming to write a novell you know.
Gotta say that I don't like that way of thinking. I may spell wrong now and then but I try my best. That is the most I can do and if I get it wrong sometimes, sorry. But I don't think you should say "Who cares? They understand, right?" Then you might aswell keep quiet.
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I agree with Mazzic! It´s not good to spell wrong but it happens. And it´s even more common and perhaps understandable if it´s not your native language. And why not care even if you don´t write a novel?
/Walker Boh
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Look, I don't really care about his grammer, because you know what he is saying. Similarly, you know what someone means when they say Brood Wars. I don't mind if you corrected on us, but you don't have to flip out about it. Edit: Hmm... I'm not sure if I was clear enough on my first post. I was critizising blublu's English, not the addition of an 's' to Brood War.
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Maybe we should stop this discussion. It’s kind of off topic anyway.
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Blublu, no one gives a shit. Try growing some hair on your crotch. Back to the Brood Wars discussion: Walker Boh, since when was "more or less perfect" sufficient? What was the point of Michael Fried making another SMB1 video? His previous one was more or less perfect. What's 1.5 seconds anyways? I have seen no replays that even remotely qualify as perfect, hence this topic.
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What I meant was that StarCraft is a.. not "time attacking/aesthic movie"-material. All replays out there are more or less entertaining because you can see different strategies, build orders etc. I want to see those strategies played differently and with "disturbance" from opponents. I think those factors would be left out if you make this perfect match. I don´t know if I can explain it better but this idea feels so wrong. Sorry man but that´s my opinion. If you make the "perfect movie" I'll sure watch it but until then I will enjoy those top players replayers instead.
/Walker Boh
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I gotta say, any RTS wouldn't make a great timeattack.
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I think that a TBS would be better if done perfectly. I would LOVE to see advanced wars beaten as fast as possible
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Rome: Total War would be neat if a battle was fought once in a while rather than having automatic every time.
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(I'm sorry--I saw this discussion over semantics and...I just couldn't resist.) ----------------------------------STAR ---------------------------------CRAFT ------------------------------EPISODE II --------------------------THE BROOD WARS (Curses! This board doesn't have centering capabilities, thus ruining my master plan!)
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Heh, sorry about derailing the tread like that. It seems like my posts are always taken more seriously than I mean them to be. It was supposed to be a quick comment which I expected to be ignored by everyone. To the one who critizised my English, please point out what was wrong with it (just PM me, no need to go even more off topic). I've read the post over and over and can't figure out where the error is. If there even is one. Getting a bit closer to the topic, someone might find it interesting that people have made some "speedruns" through Warcraft III and The Frozen Throne. It's not Starcraft or Brood War but it is at least semi-related. The threads about it can be found here: Warcraft III Done Quick: The Frozen Throne Done Quick:
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Walker Boh wrote:
I agree with Mazzic! It´s not good to spell wrong but it happens. And it´s even more common and perhaps understandable if it´s not your native language. And why not care even if you don´t write a novel?
It's only a discussion forum. So it's not normal(mental problem) that some people are complaining just because of this kind of error. S or no S hmmm. lol
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How many times do I need to tell people, there is no S in "Brood War"!
I'm just glad nobody responded by saying, "hey, let's make StarCraft=Banned!"
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Phil wrote:
It's only a discussion forum. So it's not normal(mental problem) that some people are complaining just because of this kind of error. S or no S hmmm. lol
Of course it´s normal. But it´s not normal to agree that words should be accepted even if they are misspelled. I don´t recall complaining at anyone special. Maybe myself but if anyone else got insulted I apologize. However, I don´t care if you can´t spell wether you write something in a forum, in a game (for example CS where almost no one can spell) or if you write for a HUGE world leading news paper. Spelling is important! And finally!!! This is my opinion, you don´t have to agree with me.
/Walker Boh