Ladies and gentlemen, we present you with Tasvideos' first Quadruple run! A fcm file stores what buttons are pressed on every frame. A specific sequence of input can complete a game. It is however also possible to complete two games with a single movie file... or three games, or four. The goal of this movie is to complete Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5 and Mega Man 6 as fast as possible. It can be compared to playing four games with one controller; all games respond to the input of that single controller. Input is stopped after all four games are beaten, which happened after 140815 frames, or 39 minutes and 7 seconds. The longest currently published movie of those games is Mega Man 4, completed in 34 minutes and 34 seconds, so completing the other three games also only took 4 minutes and 33 seconds longer. Even more remarkable might be comparing this movie with the first Mega Man 4 run which completes the game in 39 minutes and 45 seconds, or the first Mega Man 5 run which completes the game in 40 minutes and 28 seconds.
Our goal wasn't just to produce a movie file which completes all four game, we gave our total commitment, heart and soul to make all games "fast as possible". Sometimes we had to deal with desyncs (when for instance the movie only played back three games correctly) and had to redo a segment. We played segments of 4000 frames each time, and then it was the others turn to play. After each segment we checked for desyncs, and luckily we seldom ran into desync issues. There were also sometimes difficult situations in the games, but these were all dealt with in their own ways (check the 'Techniques' section for how we avoided some of these difficulties). Even though we made this TAS ourselves, we often seem to notice new things when watching it again. This is probably because when making the movie, we had to do everything frame by frame. You will probably also see stuff you didn't notice the first time, when watching it a second time.
  • FCEU 0.98.16
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Four games in one movie
  • Manipulates luck
  • Uses no passwords
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Genre: Action
  • Genre: Platform

Movie playback

To play back the movie on the emulator, you must do the following:
  • Download FCEU 0.98.16
  • Open the emulator four times, and align them
  • Load the four Mega Man games and pause them
  • Enable Background Input (at config), if it was already enabled when FCEU started, disable it first, and enable it again (it
will automatically enable Run In Background
  • Load the movie file at all FCEU's (note that it will only give a correct ROM checksum for one of the games)
  • Unpause (with a hotkey... background input will make all games unpause at the same time)

Why this?

We have thought about what game we were going to do for quite some time. There was this idea floating around at the time of a single movie which completed all six Mega Man games. It was probably more like a joke than a serious idea. We wanted to do a big project, since we can both be very productive when we put our minds to it, so completing all six Mega Man games in one movie was one of the ideas we considered. At first it was also as a joke, but then we thought it would be pretty cool if it actually happened. There are however several reasons why we didn't include Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 2 in this TAS.
First of all, a single movie which completes multiple games is only meaningful if the games actually look like each other. If a single movie plays Pinball and Adventures of Lolo it will not be visible that it is the same input which completes the games. Watching them at the same time would be pointless, because the movements don't correlate. You might as well watch them separately, and then you would just be watching two runs that are less optimal as they could have been. Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 2 are different from the other four NES Mega Man games for several reasons. For instance, the currently published Mega Man 1 run takes about 15 minutes to finish, and the currently published Mega Man 2 run about 25 minutes. This is a lot less than the other four, which all take over 30 minutes.
Another big difference is the fact that Mega Man 3 through 6 are able to slide, which makes the gameplay quite different. The gameplay is quite different anyway, since Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 2 TASes are based on glitches. Then there is the option of pressing select in Mega Man 1. Select doesn't have a function at other Mega Man games, so the select button would be used all the time, resulting in something that won't be pretty to watch. We must admit that even in this movie, with four games it is sometimes difficult to spot that it's all from a single sequence of input... but this would even be worse if the other two Mega Man games were added.
Then there is a practical reason for not doing six games; it would be even harder to watch than four games. Four games can form a grid of two by two. With six games, the grid would have to be three by two, which would make it absolutely improssible to pay attention to the rightmost and leftmost games at the same time. When watching on full screen, the bottom and top of the screen wouldn't contain anything, so then it would be a lot smaller too.
Another good reason for not doing all six Mega Man games is the fact that the more games you add, the crappier the gameplay will become. The more games you add, the less perfect the movie will turn out. The movies will be less accurate and longer. Lastly, we must admit, it would also be more difficult to TAS six games at the same time. It would require concentrating on six runs at the same time. We also had more knowledge of the Mega Man 3, 4, 5 and 6 glitches and tricks than we did for Mega Man 1 and Mega man 2. This is however not the reason why we didn't do all six, those reasons are listed above ;)


This section discusses techniques that are specifically for multiple Mega Man TASing. How certain specific game tricks and glitches work won't be discussed here.
Lag is a key factor that made it possible to do certain actions without interfering with other games. Lag is created when too much is happening on the screen. The game will freeze sometimes for a frame, and during this frame, no input will be accepted for that game. During this frame, we are able to stuff like stopping a jump, shooting, or pressing start to go to the menu, without affecting the game where the lag occured. Lag can be experienced in normal playing by the game slowing down. We sometimes deliberately created lag, by shooting, or moving a lot, in order to perform certain actions like switching to the start menu.
Another great help were the cutscenes. In between the levels, or when a room is scrolling, the game is obviously not affected by any input given. These were especially useful to move left or right in some games when needed. Also for switching to the item menu obviously. It is nearly impossible to create lag for 3 games, and not for the fourth game, in order to go to the item menu in that game. Often, a combination of lag and cutscenes was used to go to the start screen. Sometimes our strategy allowed multiple games to go to the menu, which also made it easier. Mega Man 4 provides another option, since this game won't be affected by pressing start when Mega Man is sliding.
Of course, completing an entire 'left-room' takes longer than it takes for a screen to scroll. Often, we tried to make the game that has to move left face left, while the others face right. This can for instance be done in a frame of lag at other games. When dropping down into a 'left-room', it is good to face left for a frame, right before the screen starts scrolling.
When the screen is scrolling down, the other games are able to progress to the right. After the screen is done scrolling, it is possible to move left in the left-room, and still move right in the other games, with sliding by pressing down+A. This doesn't change the direction of megaman, which makes it possible to move in different directions in different games. A nice example of this comes early in the run, when Mega Man 5 drops down in the second room of starman (the first level). It doesn't always work however. When Mega Man needs to jump in such a room, left will have to be pushed, which is why sometimes the other Mega Mans are affected. Mega Man 6 can avoid this a little, since megaman6 will move left when you press left and right at the same time. The other Mega Man games won't move, so it is easier to movie left with Mega Man 6 than with other Mega Man games. If you stop walking, Mega Man will take a few frames to get in his final standing position. During these frames, it's also sometimes possible to press left without changing megamans direction.
This short time it takes for Mega Man to position himself after running was also used in other occasions. For example when one of the games has to jump to the left, and it was possible to keep another Mega Man which didn't need to move to the left on the ground. If pressing left is skipped for a frame, the Mega Man on the ground will position himself for like ten frames, so he won't move to the left. The Mega Man who is moving to the left will only stop moving for one frame since he is on the air. It was also used at instances where Mega Man had to move on a rushjet to the left, and a lot when multiple boss battles where going on at the same time.
There are also several ways to make differences in jumping. If two games have to make a big jump, we tried to do them both at the same time, since you can't start a new jump when the other is still pressing the A button. Often though, when only one game has to make a big jump, it is better not to jump with the other games. The game that has to make a big jump will reach a ladder or a platform, and can move on. The other games will be high in the air at that point. If they avoid the jump, they can make a slide right after that one game is done jumping, since they are on the ground then, instead of in the air. Avoiding a jump can be done for instance if there is a frame of lag at the game that has to do the jump. Not pressing A at this frame will stop the jump for the other games, while the jump continues for the game that has to jump, if A is pressed right away after the frame of lag. If the others are already on the ground, such a frame of lag in the game that jumps will allow the other games to make a slide. Differences in the height of a jump can also avoid jumping in certain games. Mega Man 3 will generally land sooner for instance. Jumping from a slide will also sometimes allow not jumping in certain games. Mega Man 6 will not jump right away from a slide. If Mega Man 6 has to jump, and the others not, you can press A for 1 frame, then release, so the others will stop jumping. They are still in the air, but megaman6 will be on the ground, since pressing A only stopped the slide. If you now wait a frame, you will be able to make a big jump with megaman6. Similarly, megaman6 can avoid a jump when it's sliding. Megaman3 also has a differences in sliding than the other games. Mega Man 3 will not make a jump right after the sliding has started. The only way to stop the slide is to walk in the opposite direction. This also is an easy way to avoid a jump in megaman3. After Mega Man 3 is over this first half of the slide where you can't jump, there is a second part of the slide where everything will make megaman jump, even pressing down+A. This is why megaman3 sometimes accidently jumps when the other megamans start a new slide (good thing that megaman3's one frame jump is very short though). This however also creates a great chance to make a jump with megaman3, and not with the others. Pressing down+A will make megaman3 jump if it's in the second part of its slide, while all other Mega Man games will never start a jump when down+A is pressed. As you can notice from this, Mega Man 4 and 5 move pretty much the same.

(Baxter) Thanks

  • I'd like to thanks everyone who showed interest in this run. The people on the irc channel, the ones who posted in the forum topic, and even those who just followed the topic. Every new reply caused hundreds of views to the topic, which showed many people were interested. This was a great motivation.
  • DeHackEd, for encoding the wips we released at the start of this run.
  • Most of all, I'd like to thank AngerFist. I can say without a doubt he is the most enthusiastic member of this community. He was constantly motivating, and I couldn't have made/finished this movie without him. He is a great TASing partner, and a very good friend.

(AngerFist) Thanks

The long journey is finally over. I have literally no words to express how greatful I am that this huge project is finally over. Of course I will first thank and bow down to my very special friend and partner, Baxter. I wholeheartedly cannot imagine how I would have done this without you. Folks, Baxter did not only contribute to the run, he also helped me go through that very dark and depressing week when we initially began working on this run. Would also thank the people who showed true support during that week. You know who you are: moozooh, Fabian, Vatchern, Vandal, Asteron, Truncated, Cardboard etc. Secondly, I would love to take this opportunity and dedicate our run to the 3 communities who have inspired me incredibly a lot in so many positive ways. They have always kept and still keep producing fine and entertaning runs during these years. I salute TASVideos, Speeddemosarchive and Much love and respect for these communities. Stay strong!
More elaborate, the people I look up to, respect and enjoy watching their respective runs are: Baxter, Mike Uyama, Paul 'Bartendorsparky' Evans, James 'Psychochild' Conway, Patrik 'Cremator' Salonen, Silent Echo, kip, Megatherium, Marshmallow, Shin, JXQ, Fabian, Shinryuu, Phil, adelikat, Genisto, Bisqwit, FODA, Spezzafer, Stanski, DjGrenola, Kazooie, Atma, SprintGod, flagitious,hero of the day, Arc, Arne the Great, Walker Boh, DeHackEd!, Sleepz, NITSUJA :) Finalfighter, I can go on and on...

adelikat: The votes have been numerous and heavily on the yes side of things. It is a run that is unique and required immense effort to make. I am accepting this movie for publication.

DeHackEd: This movie will be published pending a way for me to break the site's publication rules without angering Bisqwit too much.

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Former player
Joined: 3/30/2004
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I liked watching it, especially all the craziness with Silver Arrow and refills in 5 while the other games were being played too. It was pretty amazing. I do think that a fami controller with light up buttons should be in the center between all the games to display the input. And I also agree it would be very nice to disable the music in each game. This should be possible by hacking the games and changing the music player code slightly to mute everythign taht's not a sound effect, but I don't know if that would cause desyncs or not.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Baxter wrote:
There are 35 yes votes, and 5 no votes to the question "Did you like watching this movie?" (at this point). I think that should be considered when you say the movie is not worth publishing. Saying it shouldn't be published ignores that over 85% of the people liked watching the movie. Err... All I read here is that you do think it should be published, just like me, since I also agree it should be in the concept demo section... Like I said, I fully understand people voting no, but saying it shouldn't be published is something quite different.
The question may say, Did you like watching this movie? We all really know it means Should this movie be published? I generally try to place my vote inbetween these two questions? Had it not been for the existence of the X1+X2 run then this run would have been much more indecisive. Many other movies have recieved much more votes and been rejected, MK64 and SSB anyone?
Player (246)
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I liked watching this movie as a TAS maker, but not as a NES player. The impressiveness here for me, was the technique, and not the result. But I'm not the biggest megaman fan ever.
Active player (411)
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I think this TAS would be more interesting to a casual viewer if the avi shows the input.
Joined: 3/15/2007
Posts: 131
Michael Fried wrote:
I think this TAS would be more interesting to a casual viewer if the avi shows the input.
That's what I said [= It's more interesting to be able to see how each rockman/megaman is reacting to the controls.
Senior Moderator
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Okay, finally watched it. Like many others, I enjoyed the idea of this run way more than the run itself. It's completely incomprehensible, mostly due to the aforementioned lack of visual synchronization between all games. It's a fantastic accomplishment and I really respect your dedication to this project and the quality of play, but I can't enjoy it at all. And the fact that I don't generally like MM games doesn't help this fact, either. I will abstain from voting, because it's a very high quality run, but it certainly needs its audience that I am not a part of.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Michael Fried wrote:
I think this TAS would be more interesting to a casual viewer if the avi shows the input.
if you watched with FCEU .16 with input turned on, it showed a mini controller with sections fading red when the button was pressed. The problem is that the input was a constant flurry of different key presses at rapid speeds; the red was flickering in seemingly random places all over the controller at all times. Adding this feature of a controller showing input might not be the best, since while it would show what input is being done, it's still too much input happening too fast to see what is going on.
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comicalflop wrote:
Michael Fried wrote:
I think this TAS would be more interesting to a casual viewer if the avi shows the input.
if you watched with FCEU .16 with input turned on, it showed a mini controller with sections fading red when the button was pressed. The problem is that the input was a constant flurry of different key presses at rapid speeds; the red was flickering in seemingly random places all over the controller at all times. Adding this feature of a controller showing input might not be the best, since while it would show what input is being done, it's still too much input happening too fast to see what is going on.
You don't need to have 4 controllers. Just put 1 controller in the middle that shows the input. I know you can view input in FCEU, but we're talking about casual viewers, and most casual viewers watch the avi, so the input should be shown in the avi.
Joined: 6/4/2004
Posts: 284
Personally, I found the "preview AVI" too noisy and distracting to enjoy. On the other hand, I am impressed that you were able to create a no-death four-game run. Meh.
Joined: 12/2/2005
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What? Are you kidding me? Yes vote.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
Active player (436)
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Gracias for everyone who watched and gave their opinion. Here is my opinion about implementing (assuming it gets published) input display in the .avi. If you have difficulty following the progress of 4 movies, will input display make things easier? As then you have 5 things to be concerned about; 4 movies and input display. I have always said to people to watch it several times. Dont rush it to understand what went on because apparently, not a lot of users did the first time they watched it which is completely understandable. I like KennyMan's idea:
KennyMan666 wrote:
I found that if I concentrated on any two games, I could more often than not see that it was the same input. I think I'm going to have to watch this five more times, though - four times concentrating on one game each with the other in peripheral vision, and the fifth trying to watch the thing as a whole again.
Also, I guess the this Quadruple run gives you a good reason to watch it several times due to its obvious nature :) Regarding the sound, yeah its a bit overkill but we got used to it when we replayed our progress 40-50 times but that doesnt help you guys does it? :) We'll leave that decision for whoever encodes this baby. Ideally, there would be 3 media files: 1 - The one DeHackEd encoded, 2 - one with input display and 3 - an avi or mkv (?) file which gives the users the opportunity to choice of having either 2 audios or 4 audios. Of course, this is something we do not expect to happen as its obviously way too much work for the encoders, too demanding and 3 media files sounds too much ey? I would like to acknowledge this too:
FODA wrote:
The impressiveness here for me, was the technique, and not the result.
This is why it is hard to conclude whether one input actually controlled 4 blue silly bastards. By using several techniques, its almost impossible to determine if we actually controlled them all simultaneously through one input. Also because we took advantage of so many input/frames.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Emulator Coder, Experienced player (727)
Joined: 2/23/2006
Posts: 682
Watched this 5 times and didn't get bored! 5xYes! Such runs keep term Superplay alive - most of other submissions are just Speedruns but nothing more. Unfortunately, the movie WILL desync after changing musics even slightly (I tried it today). So the only way to record sounds without BG music is to modify FCEU to catch sound initialization code and deliberately use previously recorded samples of game sound. But that won't be "real", and I'm not sure it worth it. Huh, and after reading some of the comments I'm SO relieved by my old decision to quit Contra DualTAS. Such thankless tasks should be done only by team. Of ninjas. BTW, I have additional idea for showing controller input. To keep button status more understandable (right now it's just crazy flickering) you may want to place semi-transparent copy of controller image from previous frame - place it right on current controller display. This way viewers would have twice more time to visually catch button events, therefore it would be easier to feel connection between input and all four games.
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Megaman 3 desynced on me, but the other three played fine. There were cool moments, like one time when at least three robot masters were finished at the same time. It's a pity a gap started to form between the games after the first eight stages were completed. Megaman 4 and 5 started to lag behind Megaman 6, then MM4 behind MM5, and the distance became increasingly longer. I was anticipating the games being completed at the same time, alas, that didn't happen. It would have been awesome if Wily was given the last shot at the same frame in all four games, Oh, well. Still, I'm voting Yes for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence ;)
Joined: 8/27/2006
Posts: 883
For me, this deserved a meh, I was not able to watch it completly, I don't think you have took the right games. Before I am used to high quality megaman run, this just seems to be 4 sloppy game. Sorry I just wasn't able to find it entertaining, but I do know that this required an amasing effort to get those videos, but I just think that Megaman was a bad game choice.
Joined: 9/5/2006
Posts: 61
Are people really voting "meh" and "no" on this? This has been my most anticipated TAS pretty much forever; if it's anything like what we've already seen, I can't understand the complaints.
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Jweb Guru wrote:
Are people really voting "meh" and "no" on this? This has been my most anticipated TAS pretty much forever; if it's anything like what we've already seen , I can't understand the complaints.
the "meh" and "no" votes were most likely to be people who anticapated, but were somewhat disapointed or not thrilled with the result, and you also seem to implying that you voted "yes" purley out of anticapation of the run beforehand.
Skilled player (1409)
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AKA: No, there hasn't been a quadrun before. If there was, then AngerFist and I wouldn't have made this.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Former player
Joined: 11/6/2004
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There's been something close to a quad run, but nothing really "authentic". Nothing with this level of committment and effort.
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Baxter wrote:
AKA: No, there hasn't been a quadrun before. If there was, then AngerFist and I wouldn't have made this.
I know this is the first quadrun, I was implying that big game runs are nothing new.
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This movie definitely defines the term superplay. At the moment I couldn't watch this through, it's just too complicated. However it's a great effort, so I'm voting yes on this. As mentioned though, it could use some post-production.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
Joined: 9/5/2006
Posts: 61
I haven't voted yet, of course, as I haven't seen the movie. But the WIPs were amazing.
Active player (285)
Joined: 10/8/2006
Posts: 356
Congratulations on this totally crazy movie. It was neat to sometimes hear the level end songs play in unison :D
Joined: 6/15/2004
Posts: 9
Watched yesterday, it's acctually alot harder to watch 4 screen at the sametime then I had initially thoguht, anyway I did really enjoy the video, I think it's better then most of the TAS here, I find that watch new TAS now dont' give me the wow feel anymore, not like what SMB3 used to give, but this and the MMXI + XII certainly gave me all those. Unfortunally I can't vote, but a definally yes for me
Active player (406)
Joined: 3/22/2006
Posts: 708
I'm sorry. I had to vote no. I'm really impressed that you did this, and it's a very cool idea and it's great that you managed to actually complete it. But I couldn't watch for more than a minute. I can't concentrate on four Megamans moving at the same time, let alone notice how they're all moving identically. That and the music clashes really badly. It hurt my ears. My vote is not based on whether or not you did it well. You did it very well. My vote was based on how entertaining it is, and it doesn't entertain me if I get a headache watching for about 30 seconds.
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