Well, what I have set up is partially what you're describing, and another part of what you postulate is actually made moot with such a plugin.
For my N64 TASing, I use this USB dual analog controller:
I have the left analog stick to control the N64 analog stick, and the right stick to control most of the yellow c buttons.
I have the input plugin set up to receive direct input from my controller. I can either use the mouse to drag the blue dot and have the plugin hold the tilt/angle there, or make the controller control the game. Each of the buttons are configurable, and I have them mapped out for the A, B, start, R, L, Z. one button is pause/unpause, another is frame advance (which I use another program to enable, will go into detail later.)
So I have the input plugin, which when in frame advance I can use it for high precision maneuvers, have it hold down buttons for me (like A for driving in Mario Kart 64.) I have the controller, which is binded to the input so the game accepts input no matter if I do it on the plugin or the controller, and I also have my keyboard, which I use for pausing and frame advancing (I have my controller set up so whenever I press the FA/pause button, it makes the computer press F or D on the keyboard. I switch between the controller and the plugin at a consistent rate, and use F or D on my keyboard if I need to hold down frame advance or make many frame advances very fast.
Now, how does it help with 2 player TASing? By completely freeing your hands. Having the two windows helps in not playing "Twister with your fingers" to get all the key presses right.
So, um, I guess in closing, having the buttons pressed for you on the screen on a control panel window will save time and energy, and prevent finger achiness for multi-controller runs.
As to why some oif your suggestions aren't needed, the controller can be binded to register on the plugin if you press the button on the controller, and the whole point is to free up the fingers to use only the mouse for checking the boxes to be registered as held down... your suggestions are, initerestingly what the plugin can already do.
if you left click on the box, it becomes held down.
if you right click on the box, it turbos.